This repository contains of all of my code from advent of code.
There is a setup file, which will initiate a work-directory with a template, in addition to downloading the input using a cookie found in .env. There are also extra utility files/functions in the utils/ folder, which can be used to download all inputs, update the stars in the README, and sending answers to the aoc website.
[2023] 50*
[2022] 50*
[2021] 50*
[2020] 50*
[2019] 50*
[2018] 50*
[2017] 50*
[2016] 50*
[2015] 50*
Total stars: 450*
Clone the directory, install dependencies, and copy the .env file. Make sure to fill in the advent of code cookie in the .env file.
git clone
cd adventofcode
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cp .env.example .env
Delete directories 2015-2023 if you want to start from scratch.
Create a work-directory for december 1st 2015, download the input file, and open the directory in vs-code.
python3 -y 2015 -d 1 -c
Create a work-directory for today, open the directory in vs-code and wait for the release to download the input file and open the problem in the browser.
python3 -twcb
Force download the input file for today.
python3 -if
Force creation of a work-directory for december 24th 2021. This will overwrite any existing directory and files.
python3 -f -y 2021 -d 24