Things serves as one of the building blocks for an open-source game about space engineering and exploration. This library is in active use and development.
Things aims to be a safe, fast and simple Entity-Component-System library.
safe — Rust's type system and ownership model prevent data race conditions.
fast — Using data-oriented design techniques, the library is focussed on high performance use-cases.
simple — small API surface area, focussing on easy interoperability with other libraries and design patterns, such as event systems.
– An object that one need not, cannot, or does not wish to give a specific name to.
NOTE this is an experimental crate used for the purpose of learning the inner workings of an ECS, and being able to "control" one of the key components of the game I'm working on. If you want to use an ECS library in production, I would advice you to take a look at either Pyro or Specs, which are both faster, more feature rich, better maintained, and more widely used. Both are used by me as inspiration while developing Things.