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An ESP32-based project to scan for and emit BLE beacons for Droids from Galaxy's Edge.


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Droid Toolbox - v0.80

This is an Arduino IDE sketch for ESP32-based devices to interact with Galaxy's Edge droids. It can emit a bluetooth beacon that droids will react to, scan for nearby droids, and connect to droids and command them to play specific audio tracks from their personality chip. A YouTube video of the Droid Toolbox in action is available at

This code was specifically designed for LILYGO T-Display and LILYGO T-Display-S3 devices and may not display correctly on other ESP32 devices without modification.

Use at your own risk.


  • Select between emitting a beacon or scanning for nearby droids.
  • The emitted beacon can be selected/customized.
  • Emitted beacons can automatically change at a pre-defined interval.
  • Connect to droid and make is play a specific track from a specific audio group.
  • Change the volume level of the droid.
  • Select from several different font styles.
  • Auto shut-off.

Setup and Installation

Video Tutorials

  • This YouTube video ( provides instructions on the process of setting up the Arduino environment, installing the Arduino ESP32 core and libraries, downloading the Droid Toolbox code, and programming a T-Display and T-Display-S3 with the Droid Toolbox software.
  • This follow-up video ( provides instructions on this process from a MacOS perspective.


Button Labeling / T-Display Orientation

Image of a T-Display with the Droid Toolbox splash screen. It says "Droid Toolbox. Press any key to continue."

  • Droid toolbox is designed to be operated with the T-Display held horizontally with the USB port on facing the left.
  • The button at top-left (above the USB port) is Button 1.
  • The button at the bottom-left (below the USB port) is Button 2.


Image of a T-Display with the Droid Toolbox splash screen in an Aurebesh font.

  • At startup the droid toolbox displays a splash screen.
  • While at the splash screen you can change the display font used by the droid toolbox.
  • To change the font press and hold the button 1 for at least 1 second then release it.
  • The splash screen will refresh in the new font.
  • Droid Toolbox comes with 4 variations on the Aurebesh font.
  • If you've previously connected to a droid (since your Droid Toolbox was last programmed), you can press and hold button 2 for at least 1 second then release it and it will try to connect to the droid you last connected to.

Image of a T-Display with the menu screen showing SCANNER band BEACON options.

  • Press either button 1 or 2 to enter the main menu.
  • Press button 2 to change options in the main menu.
  • Press button 1 to select the highlighted option from the main menu.

Button Press Types

  • A button press is not registered until the button is released.
  • Droid toolbox detects short and long button presses.
  • A short press is any press in which the button is held down for less than 500ms.
  • A long press is any press that lasts for 500ms or longer.
  • If a button press type is not explicitly stated in the instructions below, either press type applies.

Single Button Mode

  • Devices with a single button can use that single button to generate both button 1 and button 2 presses
  • To enable this feature define SINGLE_BUTTON_MODE in the source code.
  • A single button press will be treated as a button 1 press.
  • A double-click will be treated as a button 2 press.
  • If the second press of the double-click is held down for more than 500ms it will be treated as a long button press.


  • A short button 2 press will scroll through the available beacon options
  • A button 1 press will select that option
  • A long button 2 press will return to the previous menu

Image of a T-Display showing a 'select beacon type' menu on the display.

  • First select a beacon type
    • Location beacons represent different areas of Galaxy's Edge
    • Droid beacons represent individual droids and their current personality chip
    • Random will select a beacon at random
    • Rotating randomly select and activate a location beacon at a preset interval
    • Expert For those who want to experiment

Image of a T-Display showing a 'select a beacon' menu on the display.

  • If you selected location or droid, select the location or droid beacon you would like to emit.

Image of a T-Display showing a 'set beacon interval' option on the display.'

  • If you selected rotating, set the interval between beacon changes. This can be any value from 60 to 1440 seconds. A short button 1 press increases the interval by 10 seconds. A long button 1 press increases the interval by 100 seconds.
  • Once you've set the interval you want, short press button 2 to highlight 'start beacon' then press button 1 to start the rotating beacons.
  • When in rotating beacon mode, a countdown is displayed in the lower-right corner of the display.

Image of a T-Display showing a 'select a beacon' menu on the display.

  • Once your beacon is selected you'll be shown a screen identifying the beacon and whether or not it is active.
  • To activate the beacon, press button 1.
  • To deactivate the beacon, press button 1 again.
  • To exit this beacon, long-press button 2.

Image of a T-Display showing a 'select a beacon' menu on the display.

  • In expert mode you have control over all the key values that are part of a beacon.
    • TYPE The beacon type; either droid or location
    • LCNT for location beacons; the location ID. if the ID is known the name is displayed, otherwise the numerical value is displayed
    • REACT INT for location beacons; how many minutes a droid will wait before reacting to the beacon
    • MIN RSSI for location beacons; the minimum RSSI (received signal strength indicator) the droid must detect of the beacon in order to react to it
    • CHIP for droid beacons; the ID of the personality chip; names of known personality chips will be displayed, otherwise the numerical value is displayed
    • AFFL for droid beacons; the droid's affiliation (scoundrel, resistance, first order), if you don't pick a known affiliation, the numerical value is displayed
    • PAIRED for droid beacons; indicates if the droid is paired with a remote or not
    • STATE whether or not the beacon is active
  • To navigate, short-press button 2 to move through the different settings of the beacon.
  • Short-press button 1 to change the current value of a setting.
  • Long-press button 1 to reset a parameter to it's lowest value
  • Long-press button 2 to exit expert mode
  • Don't get cocky


Image of a T-Display with the text 'SCANNING' across the screen. Image of a T-Display showing a list of nearby droids including their bluetooth address, their affiliation, and personality chip.

  • Upon selecting the scanner option a scan is initiated. After a few seconds the results of the scan are displayed
  • If no droids are detected, a message will be displayed.
  • If more than one droid is detected, a button 1 short press will step to the next droid in the results.
  • A button 1 long press will cause the droid toolbox to attempt to connect to the droid.
  • A button 2 press will return to the main menu.


Image of a T-Display showing SOUNDS and VOLUME menu options with the SOUNDS option highlighted.

  • If the connection attempt fails, be sure your droid's remote is turned off and that the droid is still on.
  • Once connected to a droid a menu is displayed letting you select between playing SOUNDS from the droid's personality chip and managing the droid's VOLUME.
  • A button 1 press will select the highlighted menu item.
  • A button 2 short press will step through the menu items.
  • A button 2 long press will disconnect from the droid and return to the droid scan results.

Playing Sounds

Image of a T-Display showing TRACK and GROUP selections and a PLAY button.

  • The SOUNDS option allows you to play a selected track from a selected group within a droid's personality chip. Droids that don't have a personality chip installed still have an internal personality chip from which tracks are played.
  • A button 1 short press will increment GROUP or TRACK depending on which is highlighted. If PLAY is highlighted, it will command the droid to play the selected track from the selected group.
  • A button 1 long press will either move to the next option (TRACK or PLAY) or play the track when PLAY is highlighted. This behavior will be changed in a future update.
  • A button 2 short press will step through the options to select a group number, a track number, and play.
  • A button 2 long press will exit from SOUNDS screen and return to the previous menu.

Volume Control

Image of a T-Display showing TRACK and GROUP selections and a PLAY button.

  • The VOLUME option allows you to set the volume level of the sounds played through the droid.
  • Volume can be set between 0 and 100 in increments of 10.
  • There is no way to read the current volume level of a droid. Upon first connection to a droid, Droid Toolbox will assume a volume level of 100, but it may not represent the actual volume level of the droid until you set the volume level.
  • A button 1 press will execute the highlighted action: volume increase (VOL+), volume decrease (VOL-), and SET VOLUME. The SET VOLUME option must be used to set the droid's volume to the currently selected value. If you do not SET VOLUME the droid's volume will not be changed.
  • A button 2 short press will step through the options VOL+, VOL-, and SET VOLUME. The currently selected option will appear in green text.
  • A button 2 long press will exit from VOLUME screen and return to the previous menu.

Auto Shut-Off

Droid-toolbox will go to sleep after 5 minutes of inactivity. It will not sleep if a beacon is active. To restart the droid toolbox press the reset button.

T-Display-S3 Supported

Image of a LilyGo T-Display-S3, inside a LilyGo T-Display-S3 case, running Droid Toolbox= The LilyGo T-Display-S3 is like the LilyGo T-Display, but with a larger screen and more program space. The Droid Toolbox code will work with either a T-Display or T-Display-S3 without the need to modify any of the code.

About Audio Tracks

Galaxy's Edge droids have personality chips. Droids come with a built-in personality chip, but can be modified by plugging in an extra personality chip which overrides the internal personality chip. The personality chip is a collection of audio clips which play when a droid reacts to location beacons, nearby droids, or button presses on the droid's remote control. The audio clips are divided into 12 separate groups. The first 7 groups represent 7 areas within Galaxy's Edge and are what plays when a droid reacts to a beacon. Group 8 through 12 contain special audio clips used with droid accessories (for R-units) and special circumstances, such as when a droid is first activated inside Droid Depot.

Droid Toolbox allows you to select between the 12 groups and select an audio track within that group. The number of audio clips for a given group can vary between personality chips. While we know how many clips there are for stock personality chips, custom personality chips could have as many audio clips as you want. As such you'll be able to select up to audio track 99, even though the number of tracks typically doesn't go beyond 6. If you try to play an audio track number that doesn't exist the droid will simply do nothing.

Audio Groups and Their Uses

Group Purpose
1 Location: Market Area
2 Location: Droid Depot
3 Location: Resistance Area
4 Location: Unknown *
5 Location: Alert **
6 Location: Dok-Ondar's Den of Antiquities
7 Location: First Order Area
8 Droid Activation
9 Unused R-unit Accessory
10 Unused and Empty
11 Blaster R-Unit Accessory
12 Thruster R-Unit Accessory

* No location beacon for this value has been seen inside Galaxy's Edge

** Seen at the entrance to Oga's Cantina; possibly the droid detectors? Also seen near Ronto Roasters and the area between Droid Depot and First Order.


Some tips to help troubleshoot issues with uploading this sketch to your T-Display or T-Display-S3

Screen is blank or the orientation is off (rotated 90 degrees)

Only one #include should be uncommented in user_setup_select.h. You probably have either the wrong device uncommented or you have the correct device, but left the top include, #include <User_Setup.h>, uncommented as well. That should be commented out.

Upload gets stuck (at 67% percent)

Remove the battery (if you have one) from the T-Display. Unplug it from your computer. Hold the T-Display so the buttons are on the left side of the screen. While holding the top-left button down, plug the T-Display back in to your computer. Recompile and upload the sketch.

Top-left button doesn't work

This happens if your T-Display is connected via USB to your computer and the serial port to the T-Display is open (via Arduino IDE's serial monitor usually, or maybe something else?) Either change the port in your Arduino IDE or close the IDE completely (and anything else that may be making a serial connection to the t-display) then try again.

Compilation Error: TFT_eSPI, gpio_input_get()

Check user_setup_select.h and make sure only 1 include is uncommented and it is the correct device that you're currently working with.

Compilation Error: Sketch too big; text section exceeds available space in board

Your partition scheme setting needs to be changed to allow for the large application. Go into the tools menu and under partition scheme select "Huge APP".



An ESP32-based project to scan for and emit BLE beacons for Droids from Galaxy's Edge.







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