All you need for a advanced unix bash
apt-get install -y git
apt-get install -y vim
3. Install zsh (Oh My Zsh)
apt-get install -y zsh
chsh -s $(which zsh)
3.2 If you want change to my favorite theme go to ZSH_THEME="robbyrussel" and change to ZSH_THEME="agnoster"
vim ~/.zshrc #
apt-get install -y fonts-powerline
apt-get install -y python python-pip
git clone
cd powerline-shell
python install
4. Install tmux - Tmux is like terminator but without using graphical interface, it divides the screens directly into the terminal
apt-get install -y tmux
vim ~/.tmux.conf
tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf
- - For vim begginers
sudo apt-get install tilda
vim ~/.vimrc.local:
highlight Normal ctermbg=none highlight NonText ctermbg=none