To automate the creation of perforce workspace using spec file stored in the depot path
Spec file could be like
//spec/... //[placeholder]/spec/...
It creates perforce workspace using spec file which is stored in the depot path
python -m pip install P4WorkspaceCreator
Usage example
python -m P4WorkspaceCreator -u User -p Password -port perforce:1666 -c User_MachineName_P4WorkspaceCreator -r C:\users\sachin\perforce-workspace -s //spec/example/p4workspacecreator.txt -l "<ClientName>"
-u USER, --user USER Perforce user name
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Perforce password
-port PORT, --port PORT
Perforce port address
-c CLIENT, --client CLIENT
Client name which will be used to create workspace
-r ROOT, --root ROOT Workspace root path
-s SPEC, --spec SPEC Spec file path in depot
Place holder used in the spec file e.g '<ClientName>'