AWS has large resources and manage usually get long time even for overview. So this code help:
- Get fast summurized resource report in single view
- Manage the change has made to your aws for example add/remote user, ec2
- Scan and report the risk of security group and iam
#Configuration to run the code aws cli and credentials must be installed and configured:
#the REGION must be specified at .en file: AWS_REGION="ap-southeast-1"
#AWS_ID AWS_SECRET in .env file is not used
#To add limit and white list ports modify: src/config.js
#To get the raw data from aws run the command in: src/cmds.js
#This code only use describe commands which get data from aws
#NONE OF ADD/MODIFY COMMANDS ARE USED IN THIS CODE to ensure the AWS resouces is SAFE when run the commands.
#To run the code:
- git clone
- yarn
- yarn run all
#Commands to get report:
- yarn run help: to get help for commands
- yarn run all: to get full report
- yarn run sg: to scan all security group then report the rule that may risk e.g too open, open for the limit access port
- yarn run ec2: report ec2 on the account
- yarn run iam: report iam user, group, policies
#Some output:
- reportName: 'User group report',
- totalUser: 15,
- users: '',
- totalGroup: 7,
- groups: '',
- UserPolicyList: '',
- GroupList: 'test,docker',
- AttachedManagedPolicies: 'test'
- reportName: 'Security group report',
- total: 10,
- groups: 'launch-wizard-2,rke,launch-wizard-1,prod-dev-1,product-01-prod,k3s1,testServer,default,gitlab,MiniWeb',
- hasOpenRule: 4,
- hasOpenLimitPort: 7,
- reportName: 'Ec2 report',
- total: 17,
- instancesByType: [ { 't2.micro': 8 }, { 't2.small': 7 }, { 't2.medium': 2 } ],
- instancesByPlatform: [ { windows: 1 }, { linux: 16 } ],