IMPORTANT! If you clone/download this repo, you will need to follow a few steps to get your MSVS Solution working. Here's the Getting Started Page which describes those steps.
!!Not currently in development!! -> 2d SDL2 based game engine specifically made for Arcade Games and rapid development. AS OF NOW, nova2d will be solely targetting Windows and Web (js and WebAssembly).
Please checkout Luna2D for more recent and cleaner game engine design.
Feature Set as of 4/25/22
- Simple 2D sprites with Animations with Box2D bodies if desired
- Draw Collections which can be used for Screen animations
- Integration with full Dear ImGUI library but nova2d abstractions are not complete
- 4 built in fonts: "font1", "font2", "font3", "font4" for Pixel basced Text
- Debug Draw shapes: Circle and Rectangle
- Debug drawing of Box2D bodies if turned on
- Integration with Tiled for TileMaps (level creation)
- Basic StatBar (main use is Health Bars)
- HitDisplay (pre-made tweened text)
- Basic ArrowKeys/Joysticks controller with built-in movement bounds which uses a Box2D body.
- More controllers to come, such as Mouse controllers
- Ease of use Color Managament, Referencer and Asset(sprite/texutre) Managament
- Most Managers std::map<string, class> structures which allow easy lookups like: n2dGetParticleSystem("myParticleSystem");
- Fully integrated Box2D physics engine and Liquid Fun as the Particle engine - working on abstracting for simpler uses
- Timelines - easily create an array of events to happen on an varying interval or on referenced condition function
- Simple 2D Renderering with 20 layers for PhotoShop like layer rendering
- Tweens : Ability to Tween an object's X, Y, alpha, etc. from startValue to endValue in N amount of milliseconds (all implemented curves shown here: )
- Simple WeakAI with easy to use programmable Patrol Points which move along a functional equation
- Simple Bullet holder for shooting from point A to point B
- Simple Follower holder for target seeking behavior
- More to come, such as A Star path finding
- Simple Director (enabled with one line of code) which displays:
- Drawables
- Updaters
- Deleteables counts
- Graver counts
- Tween counts ..etc.
- Simple Logging system with several LOG_Levels
- Automatic MACROs for simple score keeping
- SQL Integration
- SQL High Score table built-in, if desired simply enable it
- Easy to use MACROs to simplify use of complex functions / lenghtly functions