Sam's free time project to write a simple Android Sudoku solver App.
The idea is that you will be able to take a picture of the puzzle and the App will extract the puzzle from the image and then solve it.
Please bear in mind that I'm: -
- Not an App developer
- Not a graphic designer
so please don't judge me too much :-) I know this looks a bit rough! The point was for me to have a play with some fun technologies rather than to produce a polished commercial App.
This is by far the hardest part. The two best articles I found on this are: -
This involves: -
- Removing colour
- Thresholding the image to make it binary using an adaptive threshold to deal with shadows and variations in light
- Eroding the image (effectivly expanding lines) to fill in small gaps
This involves: -
- Isolating the grid from the rest of the image (I used a simple floodfill agorthm based on the ImageShack article to find the largest connected area in the image)
- Finding edges using a Hough Transform (
- Calculating the corners of the images by : -
- Finding outer edges (i.e. those nearest to the borders of the image)
- Calcuating their intersections to find the corners (see
The two main issues we get are: -
Sometimes the Hough transform detects the edge of the image. Hence the agorthm will discard any lines running within 1 degree of parallel to the edge of the image within 5px of the edge
Sometimes the Hough transform detects the diagnoals of the grid as an edge as these go through the corners they tend to get detected as the lowest point in the image. We therefore disguard any lines more than 7 degrees from either Horizontal or Vertical.
Both of these issues can be seen below: -
This involves : -
- A bit more image clean up (I.e. removing the grid that we found so that if some of it gets into the extracted image it doesn't confuse the OCR algorthm).
- Stretching the image straight using the OpenCV "Warp Perspective" transform.
To do this you need to chop the puzzle up into 9x9 chunks. As the digits probably aren't exactly in the right place I've added a border around each area.
The first row is shown below: -
However, as you can see, there are alot of artefacts from bits of the grid and noise that the thresholding didn't remove. These tend to cause issues with the OCR as it thinks some of the larger ones are numbers.
We can help by again removing all but the biggest blob (interconnected area) as this should be the number. If the largest blob is less than a given threshold (currently 1%) of the square it's probably not a number and just an artefact in a blank square so we delete this as well.
The results are shown below: -
This is done using Tess-Two ( All we do is feed the extracted digits into the parser.
In order to assist recognition we hint Tess-Two and tell it we're only expecting numbers
tessBaseAPI.setVariable("tessedit_char_whitelist", "0123456789");
We have to do a little bit of work to convert the OpenCv Mat into a format that Tess-Two understands.
Mat squareMat = getMatForPosition(x, y);
Bitmap squareBmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(squareMat.cols(), squareMat.rows(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Utils.matToBitmap(squareMat, squareBmp);
String textFound = tessBaseAPI.getUTF8Text();
This is pretty easy. You can use a backtracking algorithm which will effectivly brute force the solution by trying every possible combination of numbers until it finds a solution that satisfies the constraints. See the followng links for more information: -
You will need: -
- Android Studio
- Android SDK 25 (Nougat)
- The Android Emulator
- OpenCV (see below)
- NDK (see below)
- Tess-Two (see below)
As I didn't want to check this in you will need to do the following: -
- You will need to install the android version of OpenCV from -
- Use the instuctions from here
- Open CV should be imported as a module called "openCVLibraryxxx-1" where xxx is the version e.g. openCVLibrary310-1.
- You will need to add a build.gradle file (see below)
- In order to get the tests in the puzzlescanner module to run you will need to import the OpenCV native binaries into the project as the unit tests don't use OpenCV manager. To do this: -
- Copy the contents of OpenCV-android-sdk/sdk/native/libs to Sudoku/puzzlescanner/src/main/jnilibs/
apply plugin: ''
buildscript {
repositories {
android {
compileSdkVersion 25
buildToolsVersion "25.0.1"
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 16
targetSdkVersion 25
versionCode 3100
versionName "3.1.0"
sourceSets {
main {
manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml'
java.srcDirs = ['src']
resources.srcDirs = ['src']
res.srcDirs = ['res']
aidl.srcDirs = ['src']
You don't need to do anything to include the library other than add a Mavern reference to it in the build.gradle of the assembly it's used in i.e. : -
compile 'com.rmtheis:tess-two:6.1.1'
However if you want to use this there's a bit of work in getting everything set up correctly as you need to copy the training data to a local directory. I followed the tutorial here
The training data is from I've only included the english file i.e.
Work out how to create a basic Android AppTake a picture and show a previewGet the image from the SD Card (look at the image to find the Sudoku grid (See below)Extract the Puzzle and read the numbers from the Sudoku gridSolve the puzzleWire it all up into a working App- Redesign the take a picture activity as it's currently ugly
- Make it a bit more robust: -
- Fix the orientation of the Camera
- Validate the puzzle before we try and solve it
Fix the bug where the app crashes when you quit the cameraFix the bug when the PuzzleNotFoundException isn't caught properly when the digits are being extractedWork out why it's crashing when started from the debuggerWork out what's going on with the solver: it works from unit tests but returns bad results from the app
Upload the app onto the play storeFix the namespace (com.sudoku is taken)Generate the required banner and hi-res icons