**It's basically a Chrome extension that detects phishing URLs when they are clicked on.**
- 1. Create a folder called "ThreatSleuth"
- 2. Inside the folder create two more folders "extension and backend"
- 3. Go to the extension directory and save all the files that are present in the "extension" folder
- 4. Create one more folder "backend" in the "ThreatSleuth" directory
- 5. Load all the files that are present in the backend folder on GitHub into the "backend" folder on your desktop
- 6. Direct to the "ThreatDetection/backend" directory and open the "index.js" file (ensure that node.js is installed in your system) in cmd install these
packages: "express, ejs, path, nodemon, cors".
- 7. Also install these python packages: "pandas, numpy, tld, joblib"
- 8. run the "index.js" file go to Chrome click on manage extensions and turn on the developer mode
- 9. Click on "load unpacked" and select the "extension" folder which is on your desktop's ThreatSleuth folder
- 10. Your Chrome extension is ready. Go to any website and click on the extension