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Building a Quiz App using JavaScript

Documenting My Progress

->Created a basic homepage layout using HTML and CSS flexbox. (fileName: index.html and styles.css)


Screenshot 2022-05-21 at 9 34 50 PM

->Created the game page layout with dummy elements. (fileName: game.html and game.css)


Screenshot 2022-05-23 at 3 22 53 PM

->After creating the game page layout, added some functionality and business logic using JavaScript. Now, it's displaying a the questions randomly from the hardcoded question array. (fileName: game.js)


Screenshot 2022-05-23 at 4 05 13 PM

->Added an click event listener and added feedback mechanim for the choice selected. If the choice selected corresponds to the correct answer to the quesion, the background-color of the choice changes to green else it changes to red for incorrect answers. (fileName: game.js)


->Created a HUD (Heads-Up Display) to update the total score and number of questions. Total number of questions as of now is 3 and the bonus points awarded for each correct answer is 10. (fileName: game.html; game.css; game.js)

Demo of the heads-up display

->Created a progress bar that updates according to the number of questions attempted.

Demo of the progress-bar

->Created and style the end page (fileName: end.html and end.js)

Screenshot of the end page

Screenshot 2022-05-24 at 8 09 42 PM

Demo of the end page

->High scores to be saved in the local storage and display it to the user and use fetch API to load questions from Open Trivia DB

Demo of the completed app


This project has been deployed to Netlify which can be accessed by clicking on the following URL:

Getting Started

In order to get started, fork the project and clone it to your local machine. In order to open the project and in oder to run it, you will need to have some code editor like VSCode or Atom and a Web Browser like Chrome. It would be more convinient if you have a live server extension or package installed onto your code editor. If you don't have a live server extension, get the full path of the index.html file and run it on your browser by entering the full path of index.html in the search box.


© 2022 Santosh Shivam