- Install Docker and Docker Compose (https://www.docker.com/community-edition).
- Install php 7.0 and composer (https://getcomposer.org/) to run command-line tools from host machine.
- Now run docker-compose up in your project root folder.
- Now get the ip of MySql database container to configure in Symfony. Run the command in root folder: docker inspect symfony-mysql | grep '"IPAddress"'
- Now inside Symfony project folder (catalog-rest) run: composer install . Keep all the default settings except 'database_host'. Use the ip of mysql container in 'database_host' value
- To create database tables, run inside Symfony project folder (catalog-rest): php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
- To load DataFixures, run inside Symfony project folder (catalog-rest): php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
- To run test (There is a known issue, check known issues section), run inside Symfony project folder (catalog-rest): php bin/console kahlan:run
- Run inside Symfony project folder (catalog-rest): mkdir var/jwt
- Then: openssl genrsa -out var/jwt/private.pem -aes256 4096
- Use key password 1234, you can choose anything, but then you have set the password value to jwt_key_pass_phrase in app/config/parameters.yml
- Then: openssl rsa -pubout -in var/jwt/private.pem -out var/jwt/public.pem
Use any tool like Postman or curl
To access the api documentation, browse http://localhost:8000/doc
Authentication is not required for GET operations.
The following tips are for Postman tool. To authenticate: request type- POST, url- localhost:8000/login, Headers- Content-Type application/json, Body (example)- { "username": "betty", "password": "betty123" }
After SEND the request and you will get response a like: { "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJyb2xlcyI6WyJST0xFX1VTRVIiXSwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJiZXR0eSIsImlhdCI6MTUxOTk1MzY2MiwiZXhwIjoxNTIwMDQwMDYyfQ.Rrg4kr2qvoYmDeLh4HJbMJuwAglFa79L2vzaMOthQJwEGhUcsOZYKg_HsParjRU8SjVXR1IquxbPZmc6oUtW9awUXu-dG7aUyL1_6MPApSgElgJAKQH_Aae9i15yNelVgNQLJ4q-3hOiPweiQn9kdBMtjpfGRym0kglrOx-8guBeotuzZZubKJT6r1NEaM_aICT-SOCK37hRLBHn9Uc1nhaASGGbJiFKGyBBvMh40ltCc5LLAyfo1tFgJbFADxtYrIJWLwqK6os3S_rbDAlLDhwrlLNSv6Xzf-HmXwGnlnnJtTXT4xymgKdTNiPGQ7ls_JNX1YKfo47WT08O-R8Fwz5L92TkqSxcqQHHvfBjw5qMEWVt-BW7R6nsbgNnuyIBSiV2O5kBHqcZQXX4IJrbt054LZddigc72hvwsIPhtZESKmxhBIAlxPiJRhPNVfo3CtkazWOj6wIzZ_Lwa5PY2CAPe3uAnufad_mnV7X6HF9jo37TzfCgxtL7GVmiBab4t0JH65xt0RulV5Br62cSfAshUbHnK55ErTQUiASfEPnLg4n6hEDByqO63ejGY0-WRBcpPT8gwv3QR1BMYiaPMctk7J6_2XW2SMaBR-4R_6H9jDh2kIEKd_Lamlov5Kt4G52h2NOpo8S4npKyUl5AS-b-4BsWOgAjevnIoI6MHVY" }
Now use the value of token to request for POST, PATCH, DELETE operation. For example in Postman to create product: request type- POST, url- localhost:8000/product/create, Headers- Content-Type application/json, Authorization Bearer use_token_value, Body (example)- { "name": "test12", "category": "2", "sku": "A000adc", "price": "10.55", "quantity": "17" }
To update product: request type- PATCH, url- localhost:8000/product/update/{product_id}, Headers- Content-Type application/json, Authorization Bearer use_token_value, Body (example)- { "name": "test12", "category": "2", "sku": "A000adc", "price": "10.55", "quantity": "17" }
To delete product: request type- DELETE, url- localhost:8000/product/delete/{product_id}, Headers- Content-Type application/json, Authorization Bearer use_token_value, Body (example)- Nothing
To get a product: request type- GET, url- localhost:8000/products/{product_id}
To get list of products: request type- GET, url- localhost:8000/products
To get list of categories: request type- GET, url- localhost:8000/categories
Running the test after first time shows "Compile Error: Cannot declare class Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation\Target" or similar Doctrine issues. It's happening due to invalid cache or some bug in PHP opcache. Deleting all files from "var/cache/dev" directory solves it. You have to delete every time you run kahlan test.
Sometimes doctrine cache throws 500 error. Run the command : php bin/console cache:clear --env=prod , If that does not solve the problem delete all files from "var/cache/prod" directory.
- If you need to login in Docker container, use the following command: docker exec -it symfony-webserver /bin/sh