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Releases: scoverage/sbt-scoverage


01 Nov 09:51
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v2.0.0-M1 Pre-release

This is the first Milestone release supporting the 2.x series of scoverage. For existing 2.12 and 2.13 users nothing should have really changed for you from a users standpoint. You can find more context to what this release means here in the main repo. Keep in mind that this tag is attached to the V2 branch, not main.

NOTE: that once the pr into lampepfl/dotty is created for coverage support in Scala 3 this version will already be able to be used with a self-published 3.1.2-RC1-bin-SNAPSHOT version of Scala, which needs to be published locally, until it's merged in and released.

Towards coverage support in Scala 3!


11 Oct 09:38
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What’s Changed


16 Sep 12:03
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What’s Changed

sbt-scoverage v1.8.2

28 May 20:42
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What’s Changed

sbt-scoverage v1.8.1

19 May 20:39
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What’s Changed

sbt-scoverage v1.8.0

10 May 18:51
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The v1.8.0 release is the first release in a while to bring some new

One thing you may have noticed in the past was some confusion around how
coverageMinimum was calculated. For example you would often see something like
the following:

// build.sbt
coverageMinimum := 80

Then you'd run your tests, and the output would be as follows:

[info] Statement coverage.: 81.00%
[info] Branch coverage....: 70.00%

[info] Coverage reports completed
[info] All done. Coverage was [81.00%]

You may be wondering how does that equate to 81%? There has been quite a few
issues reported in the past that referred to the average not being correct.
However, the coverageMinimum is not an actual average, but simply the
statement coverage. So while branch coverage is shown, it has no effect on the
actual percentage used to fail your build or to show you your end coverage
percentage. This is part of the reason why we've decided to deprecate
coverageMinimum in favor of coverageMinimumStmtTotal to make this clearer.

Another reason is due to the newly added more fine-grained controls you have for
coverage totals thanks to the great work by @kitbellew. Now we are able to
have much finer control over the various totals with the introduction of some
new setting keys that can all be used to fail your build:

coverageMinimumStmtTotal := 90
coverageMinimumBranchTotal := 90
coverageMinimumStmtPerPackage := 90
coverageMinimumBranchPerPackage := 85
coverageMinimumStmtPerFile := 85
coverageMinimumBranchPerFile := 80

New Features

Bug Fixes


Big thanks to everyone that made this release possible!


04 May 13:07
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What’s Changed

  • Make sure buildInfo is in it's own package. (#342) @ckipp01

While we normally wouldn't publish a release just for this, but this could potentially cause issues with clashing classpaths if the BuildInfo wasn't namespaced.


03 May 06:32
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What’s Changed

sbt-scoverage v1.7.1

02 May 09:26
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Small release adding support for the latest scoverage 1.4.4

sbt-scoverage v1.7.0

28 Apr 12:22
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  • coverageCleanSubprojectFiles key has been removed
  • No longer cross sbt published. sbt 1.2.8 is now required
  • Only support for Scala 2.12+ versions.