Analysis of Titanic passenger data - Final data analysis project for the Udacity Intro to Programming Nanodegree
The purpose of this project was to gain introductory exposure to programmatic data analysis concepts, by analysing the factors that determined whether a passenger survived the Titanic disaster or did not. The project makes heavy use of NumPy and Pandas. This project was completed as the Capstone project for Udacity's Intro to Programming Nanodegree.
Fox_Titanic_Data_Analysis.ipynb: Jupyter notebook file containing the code and analyses for this project. In order to run, type:
jupyter notebook Fox_Titanic_Data_Analysis.ipynb
Fox_Titanic_Data_Analysis.html: Static HTML version of the Jupyter notebook analysis. In order to view, open the file using any browser (via 'File' - 'Open File' and selecting the Fox_Titanic_Data_Analysis.html file)