rhc app create -a jobfinder -t jbossews-1.0 -l <openshift_login_email> -d
rhc cartridge add -a jobfinder -c mongodb-2.0 -l <openshift_login_email>
rhc cartridge add -a jobfinder -c rockmongo-1.1 -l <openshift_login_email>
rhc cartridge add -a jobfinder -c postgresql-8.4 -l <openshift_login_email>
After you have created the application using rhc create app command and added MongoDB,PostgreSQL,and RockMongoDB client cartridge using rhc cartridge add command you have to checkout the code from my github. To do that follow the steps mentioned below.
git remote add jobfinder -m master git@github.com:shekhargulati/jobfinder.git
git pull -s recursive -X theirs jobfinder master
rhc app show -a jobfinder -l <openshift_login_email>
scp jobs-data.json <instance_ssh_access>:app-root/data
ssh <instance_ssh_access>
login to database using mongo client and create a 2d index
> db.jobs.ensureIndex({"location":"2d"})
While you are in mongo shell lets execute some commands
Count of all the Java jobs near to my location
db.jobs.find({"location":{$near : [48.1530699,11.5992338]},"skills":"java"}).limit(2)
Give me Address of all the Java jobs near to my location
db.jobs.find({"location":{$near : [48.1530699,11.5992338]},"skills":"java"},{"formattedAddress":1}).limit(2)
git push
The application will be up and running on OpenShift and you can see results on following urls https://jobfinder-.rhcloud.com/