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Ruby on Rails Development on Windows using Docker (tested with Windows 10)

The brief description:

Docker engine version: 18.09.2 (Docker Desktop for Windows)

1. Set build parameters in the .env file

2. Build containers

> docker-compose build

run containers in the background and leave them running

> docker-compose up -d

3. Install bower

> docker-compose exec app bash

$ sudo npm install bower -g

4. Prepare directories

$ sudo mkdir -p $BUNDLE_PATH


$ chmod 700 $BUNDLE_PATH

$ sudo chmod 777 /opt/app

5. Initial copy of source files into app directory

$ cp -R /opt/src/. /opt/app

6. Install bundler

$ gem install bundler -v 1.17.0

7. Install bundles (try bundle update if install doesn't work)

$ bundle install

8. Build assets

$ rake bower:install['--allow-root']

Restore databases through rake aws:restore_db or other manual database restore scripts

> docker-compose exec app bash

$ rake aws:restore_db

Start rails

> docker-compose exec app bash

$ rails s -b

Open host's browser at http://localhost:3000

Starting RSpec tests

> docker-compose exec app bash

$ bundle exec rspec

Capistrano: Authentication & Authorisation configuratiom

Make sure that you have correct id_rsa settings in .env file

Copy your id_rsa key file to the SSH_PRIVATE_KEY location

Give to the id_rsa file required user ownership and permissions

Exit and re-enter to the app container

> docker-compose exec app bash


$ chmod 600 $SSH_PRIVATE_KEY

$ exit

Capistrano: deploy

> docker-compose exec app bash

$ cd /opt/src

$ cap staging deploy

Capistrano: test github access

$ ssh -vT

Source / App files synchronization

File Watchers configuration for JetBrains IDEs:

File type: Any

Scope: Project files

Program: C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin\docker

Arguments: cp $FilePath$ app:/opt/app/$FilePathRelativeToProjectRoot$

Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$

Docker Engine configuration

In the General section of your Docker settings, turn on the Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS option.

RubyMin IDE configuration

Solution to fix the error messages below - restart Docker after each reboot :)

ERROR: for app Cannot start service app: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint (...) Error starting userland proxy: (...)

Quick reference of docker commands:

run inside the 'app' service

> docker-compose run --rm app <command>

> docker-compose run --rm app mc

> docker-compose run --rm app irb

> docker-compose run --rm app bundle install

Open a bash console inside the 'app' container

> docker run -it app bash

> docker run -it app mc

> docker run -it app irb

Show docker stats (analog of linux's top)

> docker stats

List containers

> docker-compose ps

List all containers

> docker ps -a

List services

> docker-compose ps --services

Delete all containers

> docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Show all images

> docker image ls -a

Delete all images

> docker rmi -f $(docker images -q)

Run services

> docker-compose up -d

Stop services

> docker-compose stop

Stop services and remove containers and networks

> docker-compose down

Stop services and remove ALL related containers, networks, images, and volumes

> docker-compose down --rmi all -v --remove-orphans

List docker volumes

> docker volume ls

Remove all unused volumes

> docker volume prune -f

Clean up everything - remove all images, containers, and networks

> docker system prune --volumes -af

Inspect running container

> docker inspect <container ID>