I set up a local FreeBSD VirtualBox VM to test something, and it seems to work very well. Due to the novelty factor, I decided to get my software projects to build and pass the tests there.
https://github.com/shlomif/shlomif-computer-settings/ (my dotfiles).
Written using a mix of C, Perl 5, Python, Ruby, GNU Bash, XML, CMake, XSLT, XHTML5, XHTML1.1, Website META Language, JavaScript, and more.
Work fine on several Linux distributions and have https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travis_CI using Ubuntu 14.04 hosts
Some pass builds and tests on AppVeyor/Win64
Survived a host power interruption - https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1048852791987527680 .
I recall that some years back, rebooting with X running (because input was not enabled) has FUBARed the
directory prompting a reinstall, so FreeBSD on VirtualBox has come a long way.
On Linux they are almost always in /usr/bin/
is your friend. -
man hier(7) explains the difference.
One can call
on some older versions of Debian/Ubuntu/etc. -
Solution for Debian:
mkdir -p "$HOME/bin" ln -sf /usr/bin/make "$HOME/bin/gmake" export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"
alias under/usr/bin/
is present again in recent versions of Debian.
Fixed in this commit by first checking for
and then falling back on plainm4
No idea why.
cpanm -n
(“no test”) helps. -
pkg install -y p5-Foo-Bar
as root for other times.
Fixed using a symlink on the FreeBSD system.
Unhappy with this solution.
On the “Hacker News” discussion, it was recommended to use
xsltproc --nonet http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/manpages/docbook.xsl foobar.xml
( Reference ) -
What about
ruby …/dbtoepub
The “-P” flag is not in the POSIX’s grep specification
- ) | grep -vP '^<\?xml ver' \ + ) | perl -p -0777 -e 's%\A<\?xml ver[^>]*>%%' \
Does not exactly do the same operation, but even more correct.
Perl is portable shell
— Guy Keren
nproc(1) is available in FreeBSD as of 13.2-RELEASE. ( Reference. )
Added a small shell executable under
It is easier to port a shell than a shell script.
I ran into some cases where my scriptology was lacking and suboptimal, even for my own personal use, and fixed them.
On the /r/freebsd subreddit - with some discussion.
Hacker News comments - with a lot of discussion, including some with technical insights.