Useful vim things for the BBC
- Completion functions for issues, users, projects, emojis
- GitHub :GBrowse handler for fugitive
Vim provides many different completion tool.
See :help ins-completion
This plugin provides a completion function that can be used to complete:
- Jira projects
- Jira issues (matching
) - GitHub users (matching
) - GitHub issues (matching
) - Emojis (requires junegunn/emoji to be installed)
Completion of Jira issues is limited by Jira search functionality.
Completion of GitHub issues and users is limited to 100 results. Typically search requires 2 or more characters typed.
vim-fugitive provides a :GBrowse
command which opens the current section of code in your browser,
or provides a link for your clipboard.
This plugin acts as a handler for GitHub based URLs.
Inspired by vim-rhubarb
Requires vim8 or higher.
Depends on vim-fugitive Install fugitive.vim then install this plugin the same way.
Depends on Curl
Your curl
needs to be preconfigured to talk to Jira.
This plugin does not do any authentication with Jira itself.
Add the Jira URL to your ~/.vimrc
let g:jira_domain = 'https://my.jira.domain'
GitHub completion requires the creation of a GitHub Personal Access Token.
Generate a personal access token
with repo permissions and add it to your .netrc
echo 'machine login <user> password <token>' >> ~/.netrc
Emoji completion requires junegunn/emoji
To enable the completion function, add something like this to your vimrc:
augroup bbc
au FileType gitcommit,markdown setlocal completefunc=bbc#complete
augroup END
Completion can now be triggered by doing <ctrl-x> <ctrl-u>
See :help ins-completion
for more details.
Add the following configuration to your ~/.vimrc or equivalent file:
Specify Jira domain, this is required:
let g:jira_domain = 'https://my.jira.domain'
Automatically set completion function for git commit messages:
augroup bbc
au FileType gitcommit setlocal completefunc=bbc#complete
augroup END
See help :completeopt
for ways to configure the completion menu.
" Remove preview panel
set completeopt-=preview
" Make info pane a popup
set completeopt+=popup