A simple web wrapper around Robyn Speer's FTFY Python library. Paste in some broken unicode text and it will tell you how to fix it!
Try it out at https://ftfy.now.sh/
The tool outputs Python code to fix the input text, for example:
s = "He's Justinâ\x9d¤"
s = s.encode('latin-1')
s = s.decode('utf-8')
In some cases it will output additional imports from the ftfy package, for example:
import ftfy.bad_codecs # enables sloppy- codecs
from ftfy.fixes import restore_byte_a0
s = 'It was named „scars´ stones“ after the rock-climbers who got hurt while climbing on it.'
s = s.encode('sloppy-windows-1250')
s = restore_byte_a0(s)
s = s.decode('utf-8')