#Omae v2
Omae is a character generator for Shadowrun 5th Edition.
- NodeJS - https://nodejs.org
- React - https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/getting-started.html
- Redux - http://rackt.org/redux/index.html
- Bootstrap 4 - http://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/layout/overview/
- Yeoman - http://yeoman.io/
- generator-react-webpack-redux - https://github.com/stylesuxx/generator-react-webpack-redux
##Getting Started
- Install NodeJS from nodejs.org. I'm currently using Node 5.5.0, but in theory a few older versions should still work too.
- Clone the repo (you may need to install git if you're running Windows, https://git-scm.com/download/win)
git clone git@github.com:HeyOmae/Omae2.1.git
- Navigate to the directory you cloned the repo to. This is usually done with the command
CD /path/to/directory/
- Install dependencies with
npm install
- Run dev server with
npm start
Which should open a browser and run the app
##Dev Tools
Install Yeoman and the React-Webpack-Redux generator. You can skip this if you don't plan on contributing to the project.
npm install -g yo generator-react-webpack-redux
//TODO: Write more stuff here