Github URL:
This project:
- Divides the application into smaller services
- Containerizes the application, create the Kubernetes resource, and deploy it to a Kubernetes cluster.
- Implements automatic continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) using Travis CI.
- Extends the application with deployments and be able to do rolling-updates and rollbacks
- Create aws-secret.yaml, env-secret.yaml and store the appropriate secrets.
- Change the config variables in env-configmap.yaml
- Install eksctl by following instructions from
- Follow instructions from the udacity course to deployt to eks using kubectl commands
- Below screenshot shows that the Kubernetes cluster has been successfully created:
- Below is the screenshot obtained by running
% kubectl get all
- Follow the instructions in the udacity course to add a .travis.yaml file in the root of your project
- Below is the screenshot that shows a successful build with Travis CI on push to Github:
- The following snippet from .travis.yaml shows the steps and configuration parameters to be additionally set for doing CD using kubectl:
# .......redacted docker setup commands for brevity.............
- curl -LO$(curl -s
- chmod +x ./kubectl
- sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
- mkdir ${HOME}/.kube
- cp udacity-c3-deployment/k8s/config ${HOME}/.kube/config
- kubectl config set clusters.development.certificate-authority-data "$KUBE_CLUSTER_CERTIFICATE"
- kubectl config set users.developer.client-certificate-data "$KUBE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE"
- kubectl config set users.developer.client-key-data "$KUBE_CLIENT_KEY"
# .....redacted docker compose commands for brevity..........
- kubectl apply -f udacity-c3-deployment/k8s/backend-feed-service.yaml
- kubectl apply -f udacity-c3-deployment/k8s/backend-user-service.yaml
- kubectl apply -f udacity-c3-deployment/k8s/frontend-service.yaml
- kubectl apply -f udacity-c3-deployment/k8s/reverseproxy-service.yaml
- kubectl apply -f udacity-c3-deployment/k8s/aws-secret.yaml
- kubectl apply -f udacity-c3-deployment/k8s/env-configmap.yaml
- kubectl apply -f udacity-c3-deployment/k8s/env-secret.yaml
- kubectl apply -f udacity-c3-deployment/k8s/backend-feed-deployment.yaml
- kubectl apply -f udacity-c3-deployment/k8s/backend-user-deployment.yaml
- kubectl apply -f udacity-c3-deployment/k8s/frontend-deployment.yaml
- kubectl apply -f udacity-c3-deployment/k8s/reverseproxy-deployment.yaml
In the before install steps we need to move our kubeconfig file to $HOME path so that kubectl can read our cluster's configuration information from there.
We apply the yaml files corresponding to our microservices to deploy.
kubectl set image
command can be used to initiate a rolling update as follows:
% kubectl set image deployments/udacity-restapi-feed udacity-restapi-feed=sakethpericherla/udacity-restapi-feed:v2
- Similarly the changes can be rolled back using the undo command as follows:
kubectl rollout undo deployments/udacity-restapi-feed