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An advanced REST and GraphQL client for the GitHub API.


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GitHub Workflow Status coverage complexity vulnerabilities PyPI version python

An advanced REST client for the GitHub API. It is a subclass of rest3client tailored for the GitHub API with special optional directives for GET requests that can return all pages from an endpoint or return a generator that can be iterated over (for paged requests). By default all requests will be retried if ratelimit request limit is reached.

Support for executing Graphql queries including paging; Graphql queries are also retried if Graphql rate limiting occurs.


pip install github3api

Example Usage

>>> from github3api import GitHubAPI

GitHubAPI instantiation

# instantiate using no-auth
>>> client = GitHubAPI()

# instantiate using a token
>>> client = GitHubAPI(bearer_token='****************')

GET request

# GET request - return JSON response
>>> client.get('/rate_limit')['resources']['core']
{'limit': 60, 'remaining': 37, 'reset': 1588898701}

# GET request - return raw resonse
>>> client.get('/rate_limit', raw_response=True)
<Response [200]>

POST request

>>>'/user/repos', json={'name': 'test-repo1'})['full_name']

>>>'/repos/soda480/test-repo1/labels', json={'name': 'label1'})['url']

PATCH request

>>> client.patch('/repos/soda480/test-repo1/labels/label1', json={'description': 'my label'})['url']

DELETE request

>>> client.delete('/repos/soda480/test-repo1')

GET all directive - Get all pages from an endpoint and return list containing only matching attributes

for repo in client.get('/orgs/edgexfoundry/repos', _get='all', _attributes=['full_name']):

GET page directive - Yield a page from endpoint

for page in client.get('/user/repos', _get='page'):
    for repo in page:

total - Get total number of resources at given endpoint


graphql - execute graphql query

query = """
  query($query:String!, $page_size:Int!) {
    search(query: $query, type: REPOSITORY, first: $page_size) {
      edges {
        node {
          ... on Repository {
variables = {"query": "org:edgexfoundry", "page_size":100}
client.graphql(query, variables)

graphql paging - execute paged graphql query

query = """
  query ($query: String!, $page_size: Int!, $cursor: String!) {
    search(query: $query, type: REPOSITORY, first: $page_size, after: $cursor) {
      pageInfo {
      edges {
        node {
          ... on Repository {
variables = {"query": "org:edgexfoundry", "page_size":100}
for page in client.graphql(query, variables, page=True, keys=''):
    for repo in page:

For Graphql paged queries:

  • the query should include the necessary pageInfo and cursor attributes
  • the keys method argument is a dot annotated string that is used to access the resulting dictionary response object
  • the query is retried every 60 seconds (for up to an hour) if a ratelimit occur

Projects using github3api


Ensure the latest version of Docker is installed on your development server. Fork and clone the repository.

Build the Docker image:

docker image build \
--target build-image \
--build-arg http_proxy \
--build-arg https_proxy \
-t \
github3api:latest .

Run the Docker container:

docker container run \
--rm \
-it \
-e http_proxy \
-e https_proxy \
-v $PWD:/code \
github3api:latest \

Execute the build:

pyb -X

NOTE: commands above assume working behind a proxy, if not then the proxy arguments to both the docker build and run commands can be removed.