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Testing and development bits for tree-sitter-clojure, including:

  • Fetching and testing of real-world code sample sets
  • Intentional generation of src/parser.c and friends
  • Related instructions

See here for some background.


The prerequisites are what you typically need to work with tree-sitter, with the exception of Babashka which is used for task automation:

If you want to test against ClojureDart samples, the git cli program is needed for fetching the samples. Perhaps it is likely it's already available for other reasons :)

See here for more details.

Tweak settings

ts-clojure's scripts can be configured a bit via the file conf/conf.clj.

Some included settings are:

  • abi - ABI number to use when generating parser.c from grammar.js
  • grammar-dir - path to cloned tree-sitter-clojure directory
  • repos - which set of source samples to test against
  • ts-bin-path - path to or name of tree-sitter cli binary

See here for more details.

Checking the Setup

Note that once Babashka is available, you can repeatedly use:

bb check-setup

as you follow the setup instructions to get some help regarding whether settings are appropriate.

One-time (Mostly) Setup

A Brief Warning

Consider working in a new user account. This is not required, but you might want to read near the end of the document for potential consequences of not doing so.

A Fork in the Road...Sort Of

It is possible to use ts-clojure in a variety of ways:

  1. ts-clojure is a subdirectory of tree-sitter-clojure
  2. tree-sitter-clojure is a subdirectory of ts-clojure
  3. no particular parent-child relationship

The currently favored approach is option 1 - i.e. ts-clojure being a subdirectory of tree-sitter-clojure.

For the other approaches, there is some documentation here.

Verify tree-sitter setup

Verify what version of tree-sitter you have installed and confirm that you know where it looks to find parser repositories.

See here for more details.

Prepare source samples

The source code samples do not come bundled. To get meaningful testing over real-world code, it's necessary to arrange for some samples.

To fetch some source code samples:

  • For clojars:

    • Change working directory to the clojars-samples subdirectory
    • Fetch 11 jars by: bb fetch-jars 11
    • Extract the jars by: bb extract-jars
  • For clojuredart samples:

    • Change working directory to the clojuredart-samples subdirectory
    • Fetch some clojuredart code by: bb fetch-samples
  • For core_regression samples:

    • Change working directory to the core-regression-samples subdirectory
    • Fetch samples by: bb fetch-samples
  • For test.regression samples:

    • Change working directory to the test-regression-samples subdirectory
    • Fetch samples by: bb fetch-samples

Change the value of repos in conf/conf.clj to specify which set of samples to test against.

Note that in the case of clojars, if you are serious about testing, please consider getting more jars.

See here for more details.

Final Steps

Consider using the bb check-setup task to get a sense of whether your setup has any obvious issues.

Things You Can Do

Generate parser.c

To generate tree-sitter-clojure's src/parser.c file:

bb generate-parser

This will invoke tree-sitter's generate subcommand:

  • using the ABI number specified in conf/conf.clj via abi and
  • using the --no-bindings argument to avoid generating binding code

Build and Install Shared Library

To build and install a shared library based on the generated parser.c:

bb corpus-test

This will run tree-sitter-clojure's corpus tests via tree-sitter test, which has a side-effect that achieves the desired aim.

See here for more details.

Run Real-World Code Tests

To test the parser on real-world code:

bb parse-samples

This will invoke tree-sitter's parse command across a set of source code samples.

Which set of samples is tested against can be specified by:

  • adjusting the repos value in conf/conf.clj, or
  • passing an extra argument to the task, e.g. bb parse-samples clojars

Assuming the samples have been obtained, the value can be one of:

  • clojars
  • clojuredart
  • core-regression
  • test-regression

See here for more details.

Misc Notes

About Being Future-Proof

At this time, tree-sitter cli subcommand backward compatibility does not appear to be a high priority, so it may be good to expect to have to adjust some tree-sitter invocations in the various Babashka (.clj) scripts.

As a specific example of a potential backward incompatibility, at the time of this writing, there are plans to phase out the build-wasm subcommand.

Windows Support

Have not tested yet but might work via mingw-w64 / msys2 or similar. No idea about WSL, not a fan and haven't tested.


I had trouble at various points with tree-sitter behavior being influenced by things that I was unaware of. I believe this was the result of a combination of:

  • testing with different versions of tree-sitter (various configuration and operation file paths changed between versions),
  • having multiple versions of grammars under my home directory,
  • not understanding the workings of tree-sitter's automatic compilation

One way to avoid some of this kind of thing is to use some kind of isolation / simplification mechanism such as a fresh user account.


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