- Required Libraries
- Introduction
- Files
- ETL Pipeline
- ML Pipeline
- Flask Web App
- Plot Demos
- Classification Demo
- Licensing, Authors, and Acknowledgements
Besides the libraries included in the Anaconda distribution for Python 3.6 the following libraries have been included in this project:
Figure 8 helps companies transform they data by providing human annotators and machine learning to annotate data at all scales. Disaster response is one of events that greatly benefits from data and machine learning modeling. In this project I propose an approach to social media messages annotation. NLP allows the extraction of great significance in text, understanding how a model classifies and predicts needed responses in disaster cases provides good understanding of the power of words in functional responses.
In this project I will be using a data set containing messages that were sent during disaster events and build a classifier to identify messages or events in need of attention or relief. The data cleaning and model building will be using pipelines, automating repetitive steps, and preventing data leakage.
The best performing machine learning model will be deployed as a web app where the user can test their own tentative messages to see how they would be classified with the models I selected and trained. Through the web app the user can also consult visualizations of the clean and transformed data.
Data was downloaded from Figure 8.
File data/process_data.py contains data cleaning pipeline that:
- Loads the
dataset - Merges the two datasets
- Cleans the data
- Stores it in a SQLite database
File models/train_classifier.py contains machine learning pipeline that:
- Loads data from the SQLite database
- Splits the data into training and testing sets
- Builds a text processing and machine learning pipeline
- Trains and tunes a model using GridSearchCV
- Outputs result on the test set
- Exports the final model as a pickle file
Run the following commands in the project's root directory to set up your database and model.
To run ETL pipeline that cleans data and stores in database python: data/process_data.py data/disaster_messages.csv data/disaster_categories.csv data/DisasterResponse.db
To run ML pipeline that trains classifier and saves python models/train_classifier.py data/DisasterResponse.db models/classifier.pkl
Run the following command in the app's directory to run your web app python run.py
Go to
Notebooks ETL Pipeline Prep.ipynb - jupyter notebook for data exploration and cleaning ML Pipeline Preparation - jupyter notebook for model selection and evaluation
I am greatly thankful for the incredible challenge provided by Udacity.