This is a tool which take an SPDX document and pointer to the original source files, and determine a "grade" score to quantify how complete the licensing information is at the file level for the code represented by the SPDX document.
Ideal OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Ideal python version: 2.7
create a folder named "license-grader-env"(you can call this folder anything you want, but this is cleaner), and navigate to it.
mkdir license-grader-env && cd license-grader-env
virtualenv .
git clone
cd license-coverage-grader/
source ../../bin/activate
pip install --editable .
This will give you access to a whole new lot of non fab
commands, as described below.
Requirement: Inorder to run the commands listed below,
If in license-grader-env/license-coverage-grader/license_grader$
Run source ../../bin/activate
For instance:
spdx-coverage-grade --help
Usage: grade [OPTIONS]
Grades a source package
--verbose Will print verbose messages.
--spdx TEXT The spdx document.
--package TEXT The source package.
--lines INTEGER The min number of code lines allowed.
--percent INTEGER The min matching percentage.
--help Show this message and exit.
if you have install the project with pip;
spdx-coverage-scan --spdx ~/path/doc.spdx
Scans the spdx document, and outputs the results in an xml format as a string, on the terminal. These results are not printed to a file.
An example output is shown below:
<file val="src/lib/Makefile" />
<license_info val="LINFO-1 LINFO-2" />
<license_concluded val="LICO-1 LICO-2" />
<file val="src/pkgagent/agent_tests/testdata/fossology-1.2.0-1.el5.i386.rpm/etc/init.d/fossology" />
<license_info val="NOASSERTION" />
<license_concluded val="NOASSERTION" />
<file val="src/testing/dataFiles/TestData/archives/fossI16L518.7z/fossology/agents/foss_license_agent/licinspect/Makefile" />
<license_info val="NOASSERTION" />
<license_concluded val="NOASSERTION" />
if you have install the project with pip;
spdx-coverage-analyse --package ~/path_to_source_package
Analyses the package it receives, and outputs the analysis results in an xml format as a string, on the terminal.
An example output is shown below:
<?xml version="1.0"?><results>
<file name="cadasta-platform/functional_tests/pages/" blank="18" comment="2" code="64" language="Python" />
<file name="cadasta-platform/cadasta/templates/allauth/account/email.html" blank="21" comment="0" code="64" language="HTML" />
<file name="cadasta-platform/cadasta/questionnaires/views/" blank="16" comment="0" code="64" language="Python" />
<file name="cadasta-platform/cadasta/party/urls/" blank="6" comment="0" code="64" language="Python" />
Analysing the source package: 3.90155696869 seconds
if you have install the project with pip;
spdx-coverage-check --spdx ~/path_to_spdx_document --package ~/path_to_source_package --lines 0 --percent 0
This Scans the pdx document and analyses the source package to determine how compatible they are.
if you have install the project with pip;
spdx-coverage-grade --spdx ~/path_to_spdx_document --package ~/path_to_source_package --lines 0 --percent 0
This runs the package analysis and the spdx file scan commands described above, but does not output any other result appart from the license coverage grade attributed to the package; as show below:
The package matches the spdx file by 0.0, the lowest permitted value is: 0
Preliminary scan as established a match between the spdx document and the source files. Proceeding ...
GRADE: F with 0.0 % pass for files_with_license_concluded
GRADE: F with 0.0 % pass for files_with_any_kind_of_license_infos