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18.Time series03.Forecast

Ricardo Pietrobon edited this page Dec 27, 2020 · 7 revisions

1. Use cases: in which situations should I use this method?

  1. When the goal is to make a causal prediction from a time series dataset

2. Input: what kind of data does the method require?

  1. Time series dataset

3. Algorithm: how does the method work?

Model mechanics

Reporting guidelines

Data science packages

  • Forecast: Forecasting Functions for Time Series and Linear Models [1].

Suggested companion methods

Learning materials

  1. Books *
  2. Articles

4. Output: how do I interpret this method's results?

Mock conclusions or most frequent format for conclusions reached at the end of a typical analysis.

Tables, plots, and their interpretation

5. SporeData-specific


Data science functions


[1] Hyndman RJ, Athanasopoulos G, Bergmeir C, Caceres G, Chhay L, O'Hara-Wild M, et al. forecast: Forecasting functions for time series and linear models. 2018.

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