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Spring Boot 2.0.0 M7 Release Notes

Phillip Webb edited this page Jun 8, 2020 · 1 revision

For changes in earlier milestones, please refer to:

Upgrading from Spring Boot 2.0.0 M6

See instructions in the 2.0.0.M6 release notes for upgrading from v2.0.0.M5 and earlier.

Actuator configuration changes

After some feedback from the community, the default management.endpoints.web.base-path has been changed from "/application" to "/actuator" to avoid collision with user-defined mappings (see #10970).

The endpoints. keys have moved to management.endpoints.

Health vs. Status

The status endpoint been removed in favour of a unique health endpoint that can either show the status or the full details. The health endpoint is now exposed by default (and only shows the status). This can be changed using the property:

Actuator endpoint exposures

Endpoint exposure has been simplified. Rather than an enabled flag per endpoint and per technology, each technology provides a expose and exclude attributes. For instance to expose all web endpoints but the env endpoint:


Check the updated documentation in the updated section in the reference guide and the new Actuator API documentation.

Auto-configuration report

As the "Auto-configuration report" defines more than than the outcome of auto-configurations, it has been renamed to "Conditions evaluation report". The /actuator/auto-config is now available at /actuator/conditions.

Jackson serialization

The default value for spring.jackson.serialization.write-dates-as-timestamps is now set to false, meaning all JSR310 date types will be serialized as ISO-8601 strings instead of array-like types.

Using Jackson with Kotlin

Due to an unanticipated and unwanted side-effect, jackson-module-kotlin has been removed from spring-boot-starter-json. If you are using Jackson in a Kotlin project, you will now have to declare the com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-kotlin dependency manually. (#11133)

Spring Data repositories enablement

Spring Data repositories that support both imperative and reactive use case can be configured using a<store>.type property. The default value is auto, i.e. configure what is available.

Commons Digester dependency management

commons-digester is no longer managed. If you are using this library, you’ll have to define a version for it.

Job command line runner order

The CommandLineRunner that executes batch jobs on startup has an order of 0.

Spring Social

Auto-configuration and dependency management for Spring Social has been removed.

Configuring bootRun in Gradle

Based on user feedback, the BootRun task is once again a subclass of Gradle’s JavaExec task. It can be configured in the same way as any other JavaExec task.

New and Noteworthy

Check the configuration changelog for a complete overview of the changes in configuration.

Conditions evaluation delta on restart

When an application using devtools restart due to a change, a delta of the conditions evaluation report is logged. This delta defines exactly which conditions have changed and the impact on your application. For the instance, the following would be logged if you add your own ObjectMapper to an application that used the auto-configured version so far:

2017-11-24 14:45:57.723  INFO 63896 --- [  restartedMain] .ConditionEvaluationDeltaLoggingListener : Condition evaluation delta:


Positive matches:


Negative matches:

      Did not match:
         - @ConditionalOnMissingBean (types: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; SearchStrategy: all) found beans of type 'com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper' objectMapper (OnBeanCondition)



Unconditional classes:


Scheduled tasks actuator endpoint

A new endpoint to display scheduled tasks (i.e. @EnableScheduling) is available at /actuator/scheduledtasks. It provides an entry for the cron, fixed delay and fixed rate tasks.

Duration in configuration properties

Many configuration properties, like server.session.cookie.max-age expect as values the number of seconds (or milliseconds, depending on the property) to configure a duration. Those properties have been converted to Java Duration types, so you can configure server.session.cookie.max-age=2d (two days!). Note that existing, non-suffixed, values will keep on working as expected.

Auto-configured templated welcome page

Spring Boot support both static and templated welcome pages. It first looks for an index.html file in the configured static content locations. If one is not found, it then looks for an index template. If either is found it is automatically used as the welcome page of the application.

Better cache auto-configuration for Redis

Cache defaults can now be configured using spring.cache.redis.* properties.

Support for custom Hibernate naming strategies

For advanced scenario, you can now define the ImplicitNamingStrategy or PhysicalNamingStrategy to use as regular beans in the context.

Reactive Couchbase support

Support for Spring Data reactive repositories is available for Couchbase and a spring-boot-starter-data-couchbase-reactive is available to easily get started.

Kotlin extensions for TestRestTemplate

The Kotlin RestTemplate extensions are also available for TestRestTemplate to make the developer experience consistent.

Context path log on startup

When using an embedded container, the context path is logged alongside the HTTP port. Something like;

Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http) with context path '/foo'

Testing improvements

Converter and GenericConverter beans are automatically scanned with @WebMvcTest and @WebFluxTest.

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