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Spring Boot Security 2.0

Andy Wilkinson edited this page Dec 9, 2021 · 8 revisions

Spring Boot Security 2.0

The purpose of this page is to describe in detail changes to the security auto-configuration for user-defined mappings and actuator endpoints. This page will also provide a migration path for users moving from 1.x to 2.0.

Security Auto-configuration

Spring Boot 2.0 does not provide separate auto-configuration for user-defined endpoints and actuator endpoints. When Spring Security is on the classpath, the auto-configuration secures all endpoints by default. It adds the @EnableWebSecurity annotation and relies on Spring Security’s content-negotiation strategy to determine whether to use httpBasic or formLogin. A user with a a default username and generated password is added, which can be used to login.

Most web actuator endpoints are disabled by default to prevent accidental exposure of sensitive endpoints. To enable all web endpoints you can set management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=*.

Custom Security

If you want to configure custom security for your application, you will need to add a WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter that adds all the bits that you want to configure. In order to avoid ordering issues with the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter, Spring Boot auto-configuration will back off completely. As the auto-configuration backs of completely, there is no longer a need to order your own WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter correctly relative to Spring Boot’s. As a result the ACCESS_OVERRIDE_ORDER constant is no longer required and has been removed.

In addition to the examples below, Spring Security provides its own catalog of samples to help you get started.

Custom security example

  • Open env endpoint

  • Other endpoints should require ACTUATOR role

  • Open static resources

  • All other user-defined endpoints require USER role

In order to satisfy the above behavior, you need to add a bean of type WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter to your configuration:

We are using httpBasic as an example. You can use an authentication mechanism of your choice. Also, since the auto-configuration backs-off completely, remember to explicitly add in all the pieces that you need.

Migrating from 1.x to 2.0

Again, we use httpBasic so that the example is complete. You can replace that with any other authentication mechanism, such as formLogin for instance.

Restoring role-based access to actuators

Previously, actuators endpoints were secured using the roles from To restore that behavior, you can add a bean of type WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter to your configuration:


Restoring role-based access to user-defined endpoints

Previously, user-defined endpoints were secured using the roles from security.user.roles. To restore that behavior you can add a bean of type WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter to your configuration:


Disabling actuator security but not user-defined endpoints


Disabling user defined endpoint security but not actuator endpoints


Restoring sensitive/insensitive actuator endpoints

In 1.x, you could mark endpoints as sensitive using the endpoints.*.sensitive flag. To restore this behavior, add a requestMatcher that matches all the endpoints you want to open as follows:


Changing the username and password

Spring Boot provides a default user with a generated password. If you want to configure that single user, note that the configuration keys have moved to

Alternatively, you can configure a UserDetailsService programmatically:

public UserDetailsService userDetailsService() throws Exception {
    InMemoryUserDetailsManager manager = new InMemoryUserDetailsManager();
    return manager;

Another alternative is to provide your own AuthenticationManager bean or AuthenticationProvider bean, which will then be used instead.

Restoring separation of basic auth for actuator endpoints but something else for user-defined endpoints

In 1.x, you could write custom security for your application but leave the actuator endpoints with basic authentication. You can restore this behavior by adding two WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter beans as follows:

public static class ActuatorWebSecurityConfigurationAdapter extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
                .anyRequest().hasRole("ACTUATOR") // Any other endpoint

public static class FormLoginWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
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