I'm Stefan and I just discovered this nice trick to show a a full markdown readme on top of my profile page. If you want to have the same checkout this.
iOS Developer a.d. 2009 • iOS / OSX Enthusiast • WWDC19 • Passionate Mountainbiker
- 🔭 I’m the first mobile developer of ioki - the best company I've worked for so far. We develop, run and maintain a very powerful Demand-Responsive-Transport system in the name of Deutsche Bahn AG
- 🌱 I’m currently learning different things, like SwiftUI, all the niceties of the newest iOS and Xcode, always improve myself in Shell scripting since this was there before the dinosaurs 🦖 and will be there when aliens make friendships with humans 🔮.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on different kinds of open source software
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with my own frameworks
- 💬 Ask me about just anything on X