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CS Cognisance - Learn coding by doing.

Computer Science - To learn and understand the science behind computers is of utmost importance before you choose to serve society through the means of any software or IT product. Computer science knowledge and experience before you think of starting an IT project will make sure you are on much surer footing and you won't slip.

How computer program interacts with memory and hardware is all science, and beginner need to understand this before jumping onto big complex code which could trigger nightmares. When you start to visualize that its just data(binary) moving from one service to another based on the instructions given through code, it will be fun! The only thing then left is to understand instructions which could differ among different programming languages. And when you are done with those instructions, you need to think complexity - is your solution for a given problem optimal in terms of time and space? How could you do it better. And that's it! when your mind is wired in that way, to think, understand and find better solution for any complex problem, you can call yourself a computer engineer!