A simple Rust task organizer for the terminal.
_ _ _ _
_ __ _ _ ___| |_ _ _ | |_ __ _ ___| | __ ___ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ (_)_______ _ __
| '__| | | / __| __| | | |_____| __/ _` / __| |/ /____ / _ \| '__/ _` |/ _` | '_ \| |_ / _ \ '__|
| | | |_| \__ \ |_| |_| |_____| || (_| \__ \ <_____| (_) | | | (_| | (_| | | | | |/ / __/ |
|_| \__,_|___/\__|\__, | \__\__,_|___/_|\_\ \___/|_| \__, |\__,_|_| |_|_/___\___|_|
|___/ |___/
There is a certain satisfaction in seeing your completed tasks displayed in the terminal. In order to achieve this, first create a text file with your todo list with a new task on each new line. Then, add the following letters to the beginning of each task signifying their status, followed by a space:
Letter signifying task status | Meaning |
"s" | Started task |
"d" | Done |
"p" | Planned = next, i.e. next available time |
"n" | Not started = later, i.e. later in the day |
To run: cargo run
p workout today
p call office about plates
n go out and get some coffee
d eat breakfast
d eat lunch
n go out for dinner
p sleep early
There are 3 planned tasks.
All planned tasks are:
- [ ] workout today
- [ ] call office about plates
- [ ] sleep early
There are 2 done tasks.
All done tasks are:
- [x] eat breakfast
- [x] eat lunch
There are 0 started tasks.
All started tasks are:
There are 2 not started tasks.
All not started tasks are:
- [ ] go out and get some coffee
- [ ] go out for dinner
- Read in tasks file as a csv in Polars
- Unit tests
- Some graphics why not