sqlalchemy + flask + leaflet api/web app with realtime mbta data
requires python 3.10+ and node 20+
git clone https://github.com/johan-cho/mbtamapper.git
cd mbtamapper
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
# pip3 install --trusted-host=pypi.org --trusted-host=files.pythonhosted.org --upgrade -r requirements.txt
cd static && npm install && cd ..
python3 app.py
python3 -m waitress --listen=*:80 --threads=50 --call main:create_main_app &
calling app.py
with no arguments triggers a build process if there's no geojson data and the database doesn't exist. the -i
(--import-data) flag forces a rebuild.
every night at 3am est, the database rebuilds. at 3:30am est, map layers are updated (this is the process that takes a while).
check out /.github/workflows
: black, pylint, isortjavascript
: prettierhtml/css
: prettier, webhint
- python:
- javascript:
you could query the database (please don't abuse it)
- query the orm name with parameters
: comma separated list of relational fields to includegeojson={Any}
: return data in geojson format (default: false); to switch to true, set to any value (e.g. geojson=1)kwargs
: columns/on-load-attrs to filter by; supported:=
- api used by each route (geojson format only)
this data is already filtered out based on route_type
; see /route_keys.json
: realtime vehicle datainclude
: optional comma separated list of relational fields to include
; doesn't take params and redirects to a static.geojson
"at_street": null,
"child_stops": [{...}, {...}, {...}],
"level_id": null,
"location_type": "1",
"municipality": "Sharon",
"on_street": null,
"parent_station": null,
"platform_code": null,
"platform_name": null,
"routes": [{...}],
"stop_address": "1 Upland Rd, Sharon, MA 02067",
"stop_code": null,
"stop_desc": null,
"stop_id": "place-NEC-2108",
"stop_lat": 42.124553,
"stop_lon": -71.184468,
"stop_name": "Sharon",
"stop_url": "https://www.mbta.com/stops/place-NEC-2108",
"timestamp": 1714269647.1744452,
"vehicle_type": null,
"wheelchair_boarding": "1",
"zone_id": "CR-zone-4"
this is more for me than anything else
docker build --tag mbta_mapper .
docker tag mbta_mapper tandyy/mbta_mapper:latest
docker push tandyy/mbta_mapper:latest
# docker run -d -p 80:80 mbta_mapper