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Would you like to know how many lines from the past still persists on your repository? This gem can help with that.

It will create a CSV file with year, month and the line count from the specified period.

Also, with some CLI graphic processor installed, it can create an image with a graph showing the CSV data as a bar graph.


$ gem install git-age


Go to your repository and run:

Usage: git-age [options]
    -b, --branch=BRANCH              Git branch
    -m, --map                        Create a file with processed files and dates
    -o, --output=FILE                Output file
    -i, --image=FILE                 Image file
    -g, --graph=PROCESSOR            Graphic processor
    -t, --title=TITLE                Graphic title
    -x, --xtitle=TITLE               X axis title
    -y, --ytitle=TITLE               Y axis title
    -c, --code=PATTERN               Code dir pattern
    -e, --test=PATTERN               Test dir pattern
    -p, --type=TYPE                  Graph type, default to bar
    -a, --authors [FILE]             Create statistics by author
    -v, --version                    Show version


$ git-age -o /tmp/data.csv -t 'Test project' -x 'Dates here' -y 'Lines here' -i /tmp/data.png

Sending a dir pattern as your test dir, creating a test column to compare:

$ git-age -o /tmp/data.csv -t 'Test project' -x 'Dates here' -y 'Lines here' -i /tmp/data.png -e test

If you're sending a test dir, it can be unfair if you don't also send a dir pattern to your code dir, because all other files (configurations, temporary files) will count as code and your code to test ratio will implode. So, sending a code dir pattern:

$ git-age -o /tmp/data.csv -t 'Test project' -x 'Dates here' -y 'Lines here' -i /tmp/data.png -e test -c app

Supported image processors:

  • graph-cli Supports bar graphs (-p bar, default) and line graphs (-p line).

Example image:

graph-cli graph

Default options are:

  • branch: master
  • output: git-age.csv
  • image: git-age.png
  • graph: graph-cli
  • title: Git age statistics
  • xtitle: Dates
  • ytitle: Lines


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


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