The Layout is a repository for a personal development environment setup. This contains configuration files for Bash, Vim and Ruby along with various theme installations. This script is designed to take a fresh system and bring it to a minimum customization standard.
Currently The Layout will configure the following:
- RVM & Ruby installation with OS detection
- Git installation with OS detection
- Homebrew installation with OS detection
- Vim installation with OS detection
- Customized .vimrc with Pathogen & Vim-Ruby integration
- Vim theme installation
- Customized .bashrc for RVM
- Customized .bash_profile with colors and Git integration
- OhMyZsh installation
- OhMyZsh theme and custom alias configuration
This set of scripts and configuration items can be easily tweaked to suit your individual environment.
- More information on Git shell integration available at:
- Git shell integration source files available in original Git repository
- Cobalt Vim theme available at:
- Pathogen Vim integration available at:
- Vim-Ruby integration available at: