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Web application to search, track and summarize CAE simulation jobs


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CAE Job Diary

Search, track and summarise simulation jobs.

CAE Job Diary is a web application to help staying organized when a lot of jobs need to be handled. See which jobs are running, pending or finished. Which jobs still require an analysis? And what was the outcome of that job again?

CAE Job Diary can help answering these questions.

CAE Job Diary consists of two main packages. First is diary this is the Django web application that defines the models and how the user can interact with the application. The second package is utils which defines the backend tools to gather information from the relevant sources and adds them to the database.

The web application diary will work fine as long as relevant data is available in the connected database. It should be noted, that there is currently no way for the user to create new jobs through the web application. The web application is designed to reduce the documentation workload by providing information about submitted jobs automatically. Thus, the web application expects backend processes to add this information to the database without user interaction.

This is where the utils package (the name should probably be changed) comes into play. The utils package defines the backend functionality to poll and update information about submitted jobs automatically. So far, the development has been very specific to the environment in the company I used to work for and is not transferable to other environments without major code changes.

Installation and Deployment


  • MySQL Server version: 5.1.73 Source distribution
  • Python 3.7.3

Prepare the Environment

Logon to the Production Server

$ ssh <username>@production-server
<username>@production-server's password:

Go to a location where you would like the app to be installed. The recommended directory is /opt/.

$ cd /opt/

Create a directory for the application.

$ mkdir caejd
$ cd ./caejd

MySQL Setup

Install MySQL if necessary. It should come pre-installed with certain linux distributions like CentOS 6.6. Here is an installation tutorial. For security reasons it is recommended that to run the /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation.

To enable proper timezone handling, add the timezone tables to mysql (see this article).

$ mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root -p mysql

Create a new user and grant rights.

$ mysql -u root -p
mysql> CREATE USER 'caejd'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'caejd'@'localhost';
mysql> EXIT;

When creating the user, make sure to use a more secure password then password!

Login to MySQL with the new user and create a new database.

$ mysql -u caejd -p
mysql> EXIT;

After the installation, the MySQL service should automatically run on start up. In case you change the MySQL config you need to be able to stop/start or restart the service. It might also be helpful to check the status of the service. These are the commands (to be run as root):

$ /etc/init.d/mysqld start
$ /etc/init.d/mysqld stop
$ /etc/init.d/mysqld restart
$ /etc/init.d/mysqld status

For reference, here is the example MySQL config (/etc/my.cnf). The important settings are the timeouts. Both need to be larger than the CONN_MAX_AGE in the Django setting for the DB connection. If the MySQL timeouts are smaller than the Django value, the connection might go stale. In these cases Django tries to reuse an old connection and can not reach the DB anymore. This will throw error like: (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away').

# Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks


Setup the Virtual Environment

Assuming that Python 3.7 is installed on the server, you can set up a virtual environment to run the app. This will help in case the server needs to run other applications later on.

Create and activate a virtual environment:

$ python3.7 -m venv env


For Django to know which settings file (or more accurate which Python module) it is supposed to use, you need to define an environment variable that contains that information. There are other ways to pass that information to Django, but using the environment variables for this is the most stable and only needs to be done once.

Since there is already a virtual environment that will contain the Python modules for CAE Job Diary, this environment can also be used to set the required environment variables. Thereby, every time the virtual environment is activated, the correct environment variables are also defined.

To do this, add the following to the end of the env/bin/activate script.


Also, at the beginning of that activate script you will find the function definition for the deactivate command. At the end of the function definition just add the following to unset the environment variable when the virtual environment is deactivated.

deactivate () {

This way, every time the environment to run the application is started, the correct setting module is declared via the environment variable. When the environment is deactivated, the variable is unset too.

This becomes especially handy when using different settings in production and development (as this project does and basically all Django projects do). See this StackOverflow thread for a discussion of different ways to handle multiple settings files in Django.

Start the Virtual Environment

To activate the previously created virtual environment, activate it like so:

$ source env/bin/activate

Get the Repo

Production Server is not Connected to the Internet

This step is only necessary if the production server is only configured for the internal network and not connected to the internet. If the server is connected to the internet, than the local machine is not needed as an intermediate step.

Get the Repo to Your Local Machine

To get the repository to the local machine for the first time, clone the repository to a directory of your choice.

$ cd /some/local/directory
$ git clone

If you have the repository already on your machine somewhere, then just fetch the latest changes.

$ git fetch origin
$ git pull
Get the Repo from Local Machine to the Production Server

Connect to the production server and change into the installation directory.

$ ssh <username>@production-server
<username>@production-server's password:
$ cd /opt/caejd

To get the repository from you local machine to the production server you have two options:

  • If the directory where you cloned the repository to is a machine local directory then you can use ssh to clone it from there to the production server:
    $ git clone ssh://<username>@<host>/some/local/directory/CAEJobDiary/ --branch production --single-branch
  • Or, if the directory you cloned the repository to is a network directory that is also mounted on the production server, then you can just clone it directly from there:
    $ git clone /some/network/directory/CAEJobDiary/ --branch production --single-branch
    Cloning into 'CAEJobDiary'...

In either case, fetch the latest changes from you local machine and check out the production branch to the server:

$ git fetch
$ git pull --ff-only origin production

Production Server is Connected to the Internet

In case that the production sever is connected to the internet, you can skip the cloning of the repository onto the local machine. So, the only necessary commands to run on the production server are:

$ git clone --branch production --single-branc
$ git fetch
$ git pull --ff-only origin production

Install the Requirements

To allow production servers that are not connected to the internet, the requirements are delivered with the repo and can be installed locally. To do so, switch into the create repositiory directory and install the requirements with pip.

$ cd CAEJobDiary
$ pip install -r requirements.txt --no-index --find-links wheelhouse

Define a Secret Key

For its encryption functionality, Django needs a secret key, which is uses in the generation of certain encryption patterns. This secret key is not supposed to be made public and therefore has to be kept out of version control. This also means you need to define one on the production server itself.

To store the secret key, I have decided to use the "secrets files pattern" (as defined in "Two Scoops of Django 1.11", Section 5.4). It would also be possible to use environment variables for this, but I will apply the solution that is more robust, because it will work in any environment -- even PaaS ones or Apache Servers where the environment variable may not be editable without generating conflicts.

Enough about the philosophy, let's get to it.

To create a dummy secrets file, there is a little commandline tool provided. Execute the tools like so (from the top level directory):

python bin/ /opt/caejd/config/

This will create a dummy secrets.json file in the directory passed as the argument -- in this case /opt/caejd/config/.

There are two possible locations in which the secrets.json may be stored. One is /opt/caejd/config/, which is suggested for production. The other is a config/ directory under the repo top level directory (which is useful for development setups). Both directory are checked for a secrets.json and the files are loaded. In case the secrets.json file exists in both locations, the latter configuration is used.

When the dummy file creation script is used, be sure to replace the SECRET_KEY value with something secure and secret!

Migrate the Database

For the app to store persistent information, it is necessary to create the correct schema in the database. To be able to connect Django to the database, you need to define the password for the created user caejd in the secrets.json:

    "DB_PASSWORD": "password"

Now Django can connect to the database using the caejd user and the given password and the database schema can be migrated.

$ python migrate

Start the CAE Job Diary Backend Process in a Screen

Currently it is not yet possible to run CAE Job Diary as a service. That means, to start and stop the main process is needs to be in the foreground.

Since the production server is probably running on a remote server and not on a local machine, you are probably connected to it via ssh. To be able to send a process into the background, exit the ssh session and bring the process back to the foreground in a new ssh session, the processes needs to be started in a screen.
For more information about screen, see this StackOverflow thread.

To create a screen run:

$ screen

In that screen you want to activate the virtual environment in which the requirements are installed and the environment variable for the settings module is defined.

$ source env/bin/activate

All processes that are needed to run on the server for CAE Job Diary to work can be started with one single script:

$ python bin/
[2019-01-02 21:11:01,012 - __main__ - INFO]:  CAEJobDiary started...
[2019-01-02 21:11:01,013 - __main__ - INFO]:  Starting polling process.
[2019-01-02 21:11:01,014 - __main__ - INFO]:  Starting update process.
[2019-01-02 21:11:01,016 - __main__ - INFO]:  Starting Django server.
[2019-01-02 21:11:01,018 - utils.graceful_killer.Polling - DEBUG]:  Creating kill singal listeners.
[2019-01-02 21:11:01,019 - utils.graceful_killer.Update - DEBUG]:  Creating kill singal listeners.
[2019-01-02 21:11:01,020 - utils.graceful_killer.Django - DEBUG]:  Creating kill singal listeners.
Performing system checks...

System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
January 02, 2019 - 21:11:01
Django version 2.0.9, using settings 'caejobdiary.settings.local'
Starting development server at http://0:8000/
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

You will see some diagnostics output and then the process should be in the foreground. To terminate the main process and all of it's child processes just hit [ctrl+c].

The main process should be kept running for CAE Job Diary to work. To detach the screen [ctrl+-a] then [ctrl+d].


Now you can leave the ssh session with exit without terminating the main CAE Job Diary process.

Dealing with the Screen

To get the server process back, log on to the production server per ssh. To retrieve the last screen, use

screen -r 

You can get a list of active screens with screen -ls. If there are more than one, you can select which one to retrieve by adding the name to the command, e.g.: screen -r 2477.pts-0.server1.

To switch between screens, [ctrl+a] then [ctrl+p] goes to the previous one. [ctrl+a] then [ctrl+n] goes to the next screen.

Here is some more info on how to deal with screens.

Database Backup

This is crucial for the production environment: make database backups!

The backups should be done regularly and possibly automatically. For the MySQL database backend there is a tool called automysqlbackup that can be installed and configured very easily -- even on CentOS and without being able pull package from the outside.

The official project website is here:

The initial project is not maintained by the original developer anymore, but the last version is newer than CentOS 6.6 and works fine. For further updates there are probably newer and maintained forks out there, but for now the latest version (v3.0 rc6) is fine and works.

The following website is a good reference on how to install and configure automysqlbackup on CentOS:


To update CAE Job Diary, make sure you can reach the repository form the production server. If the production server is connected to the internet, than no steps are needed. If the production server only works in the local network, you need to update a local version of the repository before you can update the version on the server.

In either cases to update the version of CAE Job Diary on the production server, logon to it per ssh. Retrieve the screen with screen -r in which the CAE Job Diary main process is running. Stop the CAE Job Diary main process from running [ctrl+c].

Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
^C[2019-01-02 21:20:55,356 - utils.graceful_killer.Update - INFO]:  Received termination signal.
[2019-01-02 21:20:55,356 - utils.graceful_killer.Django - INFO]:  Received termination signal.
[2019-01-02 21:20:55,356 - __main__ - INFO]:  Keyboard interruption detected. Stopping processes.
[2019-01-02 21:20:55,358 - __main__ - INFO]:  Stopping process: (pid 2345) Polling
[2019-01-02 21:20:55,358 - utils.graceful_killer.Polling - INFO]:  Received termination signal.
[2019-01-02 21:20:55,363 - __main__ - INFO]:  Process 2345 ended successfully.
[2019-01-02 21:20:55,363 - __main__ - INFO]:  Stopping process: (pid 2346) Update
[2019-01-02 21:20:55,420 - __main__ - INFO]:  Process 2346 ended successfully.
[2019-01-02 21:20:55,421 - __main__ - INFO]:  Stopping process: (pid 2347) Django Server
[2019-01-02 21:20:55,421 - __main__ - INFO]:  Process 2347 ended successfully.
[2019-01-02 21:20:55,421 - __main__ - INFO]:  All CAEJobDiary processes stopped.
[2019-01-02 21:20:55,421 - __main__ - INFO]:  Goodbye...

Get the latest production version.

$ git fetch
$ git pull --ff-only origin production

Install new requirements.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt --no-index --find-links wheelhouse

Migrate the DB changes.

$ python migrate

Start the backend process again.

$ python bin/

Development Setup

Target version for the application (the environment where the app is supposed to be run) is Python 3.7.3 on CentOS 6.6. Therefore, development should also be done in an environment as close as possible to that.


To be able to develop in an environment that is as close as possible to the production environment I have created a Vagrantfile. Vagrant is a management system for virtual machines by HashiCorp. The Vagrantfile defines the configuration of a virtual machine that is managed by Vagrant. The actual virtualisation is done by VirtualBox or VMware. To learn more about Vagrant visit the official website. Their Getting Started give a good introduction into how Vagrant can be installed and used.

Once Vagrant is installed and you have the vagrant command available on the command line you can get the local development environment set up.

Get Source Code

Clone the source code form GitLab (or download and unpack the zip) in a directory of your choosing.

$ cd ~/projects
$ git clone

Create the Virtual Machine with vagrant

Navigate into the repository.

$ cd CAEJobDiary

Start the virtual machine.

$ vagrant up

You don not need to define anything else since vagrant up expects a Vagrantfile to be present in the working directory. Since there is a Vagrantfile in the repo it will start up the defined machine. The first time this can take a while, since the required images have to be downloaded.

Once the command finishes, you can run the following to connect to the new virtual machine:

$ vagrant ssh
Last login: Tue Jan 01 05:30:18 2019 from
[13:18:04 vagrant@localhost:~] $ 

You are now connected to the virtual machine via ssh. This machine has Python 3.7.3 and MySQL installed and is ready for development.

The virtual machine is configured to forward port 8080 of the host (your machine) to port 8000 of the guest (the VM). That means, to connect to a HTTP server listening on the VM on port 8000 you have to request the URL http://localhost:8080.

Also, the files from the project directory (the repo) are synced to the VMs directory /vagrant. Change into that directory to have access to the files of the repository.

[13:18:04 vagrant@localhost:~] $ cd /vagrant

Create a Virtual Environment on the VM

Because of Python had to be installed from source on the VM is is not readily available on the PATH. You can find the executables in /usr/local/bin. To make it easier to call the correct Python version during development it is recommended to create a virtual environment.

[13:18:04 vagrant@localhost:~] $ cd /vagrant
[13:18:04 vagrant@localhost:~] $ /usr/local/bin/python3.7 -m venv env

Set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE for Development

To see how to the define the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE, see the installation and deployment section. But, instead of caejobdiary.settings.production use caejobdiary.settings.local.

Do NOT adjust the settings to your own needs. You can derive your own though, e.g. In you personal settings files add from local import *. Then override what ever needs to be changed for you.

And don't forget to update the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable to your own settings module.

Install or Create New Requirements

To not require the production server to have an internet connection, the requirements are be packed with the repo.

If new requirements are created, the packages should be downloaded from PyPI as wheels or tarballs and added to the wheelhouse directory.

See the install requirements section for information on how to install the requirements from the wheelhouse.

Define a Secret Key for Development

See the corresponding section in the deployment instruction to define the secret key properly.

Setup Development Database

Run database migrations.

python migrate

To create some sample entries in the development database, just run:


Run Web Server

To run the web server(without the backend polling and update processes):

python runserver

Since the development machine is probably not embedded in the production environment and thus does not have access to the polled and checked directories, it does not make sense to run these processes on the development machine.


The tests are defined in the tests/ directory. Within the testing directory, define the same structure as in the actual package. Create separate test modules/packages for separate modules/packages.

To run all tests:

python test tests

Or specify which package or module should be tested.

python test tests/test_diary
python test tests/test_utils

Since it is not possible to use the actual info sources for the poll and update processes, it is even more important for dem to be developed with a test driven development approach. That means the first task before creating any features is to define a test in which the situation in the production environment is recreated. After that, the feature can be developed to implement the desired functionality.


This section is only preliminary and has currently no explicit use

To build the latest distribution, make sure the changes for are added in the CHANGES.txt. Pay close attention to the version number used there. This version number has to be matched in the

To create a distribution of the lastest version, just run the following in the top level directory:

python sdist

This will create a tar.gz in the dist/ directory. It will also create the directory if it does not exist.

As of now, I am not sure how to make use of the distributions. If I can manage to pack all dependencies with the app, then it might make sense to install it that way. But then I also need to create an install script or something, because I using pip to install the tarball has totally different assumptions. Doing that, the scripts end up as executable in the python installation directory (or the virtual environment's). That is not really meant for this kind of application. It seems to be more for libraries and some utilities that work with them.

It should be possible though. The created tarball only needs to be extracted and the application run from that directory. In that case, the configuration would need to be reset after starting to use a new version (update). Therefore, if probably makes sense to have a install or update script. That would move the files from the tarball into a definable directory. That would allow to just extract the tarball somewhere on the system and then define the install target:

$ ./CAEJobDiary-x.y.z/install /opt/caejd

If there was a previous version that would be overridden. How to remove deleted files though? Deleting everything does not make sense, because then the config files are also gone... Should the config files be saved somewhere else?

Release History

See release history in

Bug Reporting

Please report bugs at


Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for more information.



  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Web application to search, track and summarize CAE simulation jobs








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