This is the CLI library of the Axolotl series in Golang. Command is designed to fit daily operational usage and the sub-command is added for better experience. You may configure axolgo through configuration file or command line parameters.
Go package:
To add as dependency for your package or upgrade to the latest version:
go get
To upgrade or downgrade to a specific version:
go get
To remove dependency on your module and downgrade modules:
go get
See 'go help get' or for details.
Download the source and run:
go build -o axolgo
See 'go help build' or for details.
To install latest version:
go install
To build and install version in module-aware mode:
go install
See 'go help install' or for details.
To run test:
go test ./...
To run test with coverage result:
go test -coverpkg=./... ./...
To update database cluster parameter group:
axolgo aws rds modifyDBClusterParameterGroup --name <parameter_group_name> --parameter-file <yaml_file_containing_parameters>
To describe EC2 instances with given Instance IDs:
axolgo aws ec2 describeInstances --instance-id <instance_id> --instance-id <instance_id>
To describe EC2 instances with given Private IP Addresses:
axolgo aws ec2 describeInstances --private-ip-address --private-ip-address
To list all compute engine instances in a zone:
axolgo gcp compute listInstances --project proj1 --zone asia-east1-a
To list compute engine instances with the given ID:
axolgo gcp compute listInstances --project proj1 --zone asia-east1-a --id 7452065390813417482
To encrypt a message:
axolgo cryptography encrypt --key-file secret.key --message "Galaxy is a big space where there are many planets and stars."
You will be prompted to enter the passphrase and message if you don't provide them as parameters:
axolgo cryptography encrypt
Enter passphrase:
Enter message to be encrypted. Enter a new line and press Ctrl+D to finish:
<message here>
To decrypt a message:
axolgo cryptography decrypt --key-file secret.key --message 5602259f17f41c7a1289d26c4cc540bdfe939a93d4f01f4f6830739f2488c04e7875890280d966a3509217b73e290c2bcdbbf2b8676395bd87ae000dcac8343ac3cf3e389968e185f96810302947ea6809d62dfee404e318d2
You will be prompted to enter the passphrase and message if you don't provide them as parameters:
axolgo cryptography decrypt
Enter passphrase:
Enter message to be decrypted. Enter a new line and press Ctrl+D to finish:
<message here>
- axolgo-lib for the base library
- axolgo-cloud for using cloud library (AWS SDK and GCP API)