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Tekton Pipelines release v0.3.0 "Chartreux C-3PO"

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@vdemeester vdemeester released this 26 Apr 15:14

🎉 Tekton Pipelines with containerTemplate and better resources limit handling 🎉

This is the second dogfood released version of Tekton Pipelines, where the images were built, pushed and tagged using a Task!



  • Add additionalPrinterColumns to taskrun CRD (#694)
    kubectl get taskruns now gives more information like Type, Status, StartTime,CompletionTime
  • Add additionalPrinterColumns to pipelinerun CRD (#695, #730)
    kubectl get pipelineruns now gives more information like Type, Status, StartTime,CompletionTime
  • Define a minimal PodSecurityPolicy for Tekton components (#703, #718)
  • Make generated pods only request the maximum necessary resources (#723)
    Set CPU, memory, and ephemeral storage resource requests for each
    step in a Task to zero if the step does not have the largest resource
    request out of all steps in the Task. This ensures that the Pod that
    executes the Task will only request the resources necessary to
    execute any single step in the Task, rather than requesting the sum
    of all of the step's resource requests, and is safe because Tekton
    executes steps sequentially rather than all at once.
  • Adds shortname for taskrun and pipelinerun (#743)
    Add short names to taskrun and pipelinerun resources.
    User can use kubectl <action> tr ... to deal with taskruns
    and kubectl <action> pr ... to deal with pipelineruns.
  • Support Pod tolerations in PipelineRun and TaskRun (#707)
  • Adds containerTemplate to TaskSpec, allowing for configuration of a Container to be used as the basis for all steps within the Task. (#767)
  • Add a command line option to the controller for specifying a single namespace to watch, rather than watching all namespaces. (#784)


  • Bind webhook controller to a non priviliged port (#720)
  • Fixes bug where sometimes TaskRun timeouts are dropped and the TaskRun may continue executing indefinitely (#780)
  • TaskRun startTime is now determined by the start of reconciliation and is not tied to the creation time of the underlying Pod(s) (#780)
  • Use gsutil rsync instead of cp for updating storage resource, handling the case where the bucket is empy and dir type is used. (#737)
  • Fix CompletionTime missing in TaskRun status (#740)
  • Wrap nop final step with entrypoint, Build success only happens if the task really succeeded (#748)
  • git-init don't assume the image is running as root (#747)
  • Fix propagation of concurrent TaskRun status to failed PipelineRuns (#757)
  • Recreate TaskRun pods on deletion. (#758)


  • Add a section for installing Tekton Pipelines on OpenShift (#699)
  • Remove some mentions of "knative" and "build-pipeline" (#722)
  • Skip some tests if KO_DOCKER_REPO is missing… (#710)
  • Updating some tests to not require the docker socket (#716)
  • Update some dependencies (#739)
  • Move to the v1beta1 Conditions implementation. (#744)
  • Add the step name in taskrun status (#657)


Thanks to these contributors who contributed to v0.3.0!

Extra shout-out for awesome release notes: