[WIP] Cross-platform NES Emulator written in Swift
- Swift 5.0.1 later
- SDL2
- GD Graphics Library
- libsoundio
- Registers
- Memory map
- Addressing modes
- Official operations
- Unofficial operations
- Interrupt handlers
- Disassembler + nestest logging
- Registers
- Memory map
- Background rendering
- hardware accurate emulation
- Sprite rendering
- hardware accurate emulation
- Sprite zero hit
- Other flags
- Rendering by line buffer
- Pulse wave channels
- Triangle wave channel
- Noise channel
- Sampling by DMC
The implementation has been completed but sounds are strange...
- Standard Controller
- Keyboard
- Joypad
- Parse iNES file
- Support mapper 0
- Debugger
Run and play games in cartridges I bought in childhood.