is an application for automatic music generation, building on models provided by the Magenta project.
- Master Version
- Latest Release (0.4.3)
Please note that this project has been dormant for quite a while. There also appear t be package inconsistencies due to this fact. As such, running this project is difficult.
Over the past few years many new approaches have been developed that work better than this one, so it would be easiest to switcch to one of those. For example the Tensorflow Magenta team has made large strides using Transformer-based architectures and OpenAI also has a Jukebox project which looks promising.
composer can be installed by cloning the repository:
$ git clone
$ cd composer/
Please note that composer requires Python 3 and will not provide backwards compatibility for Python 2.
It is recommended to use virtualenv with this project:
$ virtualenv venv -p python3
$ source venv/bin/activate
This project supports direnv to automatically load the virtual environment when entering the project directory.
Once activated, install the required dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
After this, the application can be started:
$ python
- TensorFlow Machine Learning Framework
- Magenta Machine Learning Models for Music and Painting
- Urwid Console user interface library for Python
- Mingus Music Theory package for Python
- see LICENSE file
- Version 0.4.3