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simple http server to upload files to Fysetc SD WiFi card.

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simple http server to upload files to FYSETC SD WiFi Pro card


The main use case for this project is my research on custom boot code for Fujifilm cameras. I needed an easy way to wirelessly transfer experimental firmware files to and from an SD card inserted in the camera. Without this setup, I would have to physically remove and transfer the SD card every time I needed to update or collect files.

While my use case is pretty specific, this server could still be useful in other simple scenarios—provided you can reasonably ensure the SD card isn't actively being used by the host (like a camera, printer, etc.) while the server is accessing it. Alternatively, it could work if the host can handle occasional SD card access errors gracefully.

The code is based on standard Arduino/ESP32 sketches and the orginal FYSETC firmware and tested on FYSETC SD Wifi Pro card rev 1.1


build instructions

  • clone the repository

  • compile and upload with arduino-cli (assuming the port is /dev/ttyUSB)

    cd sdwifi/
    ./sketch build 
    ./sketch upload
  • run monitor

    ./sketch monitor
  • if successful you should see "HTTP server started" message:

    [   118][I][sdwifi.ino:167] setupAP(): Soft AP created: sdwifi
    [   131][I][sdwifi.ino:140] setup(): HTTP server started


By default, the server starts as an unprotected WiFi Access Point with the default name "sdwifi" and IP address Once connected to the access point, the WiFi mode ("access point" or "station"), SSID, password, and IP settings can be changed using the "config" command, for e.g.:

curl ""

(see more example in the usage section).

Alternatively, sdwifi_config.ini file can eb prepared on a PC and placed in the root folder of the SD card.

Sample sdwifi_config.ini:


Once the SD card is safely unmounted and reinserted, the server will automatically pick up the settings from the .ini file.


The server accepts the following commands:

file operations

 upload   - upload a file to SD card
 download - download a file
 remove   - remove a file
 rename   - rename a file
 sha1     - get sha1 sum of a file
 list     - get file info

directory operations

 mkdir    - create a directory on the SD card
 rmdir    - remove a directory (has to be empty)
 list     - get all file info in a directory

config - change wifi settings or local time


sysinfo - get general info about the server

ping - returns 0200 empty response

exp - experimental commands

sleep=sense|ms (sense puts ESP32 to sleep until there is an activity on D3/CS SD finger, ms -- sleep for N ms)


Change AP name and AP password


Change wifi mode to STA


Reset wifi settings to default (AP mode, no password)

curl http://sdwifi.local/config?reset=all

or reset a parameter selectively

curl http://sdwifi.local/config?reset=sta_ssid

or set time with

curl http://sdwifi.local/config?time=$(date -Iseconds)
curl http://sdwifi.local/config?time="2024-12-14T22:32:12"

Download a file uilog.bin

curl http://sdwifi.local/download?path=uilog.bin -O -J

Upload file xe2-ffboot.bin as ffboot.bin to the root of SD card

 curl -T xe2-ffboot.bin

or when in STA mode

curl -T xe2-ffboot.bin http://sdwifi.local/upload/ffboot.bin

or with POST (from a Form)

curl -F "data=@xe2-ffboot.bin" "http://sdwifi.local/upload?path=ffboot.bin

Remove a file

curl http://sdwifi.local/remove?path=ffboot.bin

Get sha1 sum of a file

curl http://sdwifi.local/sha1?path=ffboot.bin | jq

Rename a file

curl http://sdwifi.local/rename?from=ffboot_new.bin&to=ffboot.bin

Create a directory

curl http://sdwifi.local/mkdir?path=boot

Remove a directory

curl http://sdwifi.local/rmdir?path=boot

Give permanent control over SD to ESP32, blocks access to NAND SD card from the host side

curl http://sdwifi.local/exp?io26=esp32

Relinquish SD control

curl http://sdwifi.local/exp?io26=host

Reboot ESP32

curl http://sdwifi.local/exp?power=reset

Get some info

curl http://sdwifi.local/sysinfo | jq

Get a list of files in / directory

curl http://sdwifi.local/list?path=/ | jq

web application

The server can also be used in a browser with the original firmware web application.

To build the filesystem with the web app:

  • download the SdWifiBroser firmware source code

  • copy SDWifiBrowser/data directory into sdwifi/data

  • execute

    ./fs build upload


simple http server to upload files to Fysetc SD WiFi card.






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