Tools | Terraform | ELB | ALB | EC2 | EC2 User Data | AWS Security Groups | AWS Target Groups | Systemd | Golang
- EC2 instances creation
with the relevant variablesvar.instance_type
+ security groupaws_security_group.rules
with ports 80/22 is initialized. - an application load balancer resource
is created with listener on port 80 - a target group is created
to point the ALB to the relevant ec2 instances - an attachment of the target group between the ALB and the instances occours using
- an additional security group for the loadbalancer resources is also created to allow inbound & outbound traffic
- In this project i utilized ec2 user data capabilities with a custom script in order to deploy the Go Webserver with systemd.
- the custom script clones this repo & compiles the golang application & creates and executes a systemd service which listens on port 80
- all relevant .tf files to deploy the necessary ELB and webserver are included
- Terraform deployment visualization :