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Pyfisheyes is a Python-based performance monitoring platform designed to enhance system performance and stability. It provides actionable recommendations to optimize operations and ensure a reliable environment.


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== 可视化应用层级监控系统v1.0 ==



安装 - window

第一步:确定各程序版本 准备好三个程序,记录请下载windows版的:mod_python mod_python-3.3.1.win32-py2.5-Apache2.2.exe


	python python-2.5.msi

	apache httpd-2.2.19-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi



再安装mod_python,安装过程中会自动寻找python的安装目录,有一个过程是要你选择apache的位置,比如说我的“D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2”。



找到“Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support”行,在这下面插入:

LoadModule python_module modules/ <Directory "D:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/www"> AllowOverride FileInfo AddHandler mod_python .py PythonHandler MyTest PythonDebug On

第一行是将mod_python.so文件加载进来,可以在modules文件夹下查看到这个文件,安装完mod_python后会生成这个文件。 第二行 "D:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/www" 为MyTest.py的目录,也是你的文档根目录,我是在Apache2.2下建了一个名为www文件夹,并且将它设为根目录,apache默认的根目录为htdocs。 要修改为你自已定义的根目录就要将httpd.conf文件夹中:

DocumentRoot "D:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs"

行修改为:DocumentRoot "D:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/www"


找到<Directory "D:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs">行 然后将其修改为你的根目录。

第五行中“MyTest” 是缺省的文件,比如说我建的是,你也可以设置为,但是要将此处改为“PythonHandler”.



from mod_python import apache def handler(req): req.write("Hello World!") return apache.OK

第四步:重新启动Apache服务,在浏览器中输入: http://localhost/ 如果能看到Hello World!说明mod_python工作正常。



每修改httpd.conf重启apache的时候,不要直接重启,要右击“open service”然后从本地服务重启动服务。否则有可能会找不到文件。

第五步 安装pylons

C:\Python25\python.exe "D:\virtualenv-1.1\" C:\env

C:\env\Scripts\easy_install.exe PasteDeploy

C:\env\Scripts\easy_install.exe "Pylons==0.9.7"

C:\env\Scripts\easy_install.exe "SQLAlchemy==0.5"

C:\env\Scripts\paster.exe serve D:\workspace\helloworld\development.ini

C:\env\Scripts\paster.exe --reload D:\workspace\helloworld\development.ini


cd D:\workspace\

(env) D:\workspace>C:\env\Scripts\paster.exe create -t pylons helloworld_mysql Selected and implied templates: pylons#pylons Pylons application template

Variables: egg: helloworld2 package: helloworld2 project: helloworld2 Enter template_engine (mako/genshi/jinja2/etc: Template language) ['mako']: Enter sqlalchemy (True/False: Include SQLAlchemy 0.5 configuration) [False]: Creating template pylons Creating directory .\helloworld2 Recursing into +package+

cd helloworld_mysql cd D:\workspace\helloworld2
C:\env\Scripts\paster.exe serve --reload development.ini

C:\env\Scripts\easy_install.exe "Pylons==0.9.7"


开机后重启activate.bat: 打开cmd C:\env\Scripts\activate.bat

C:\Documents and Settings\hyhe>C:\env\Scripts\activate.bat (env) C:\Documents and Settings\hyhe>D:

(env) D:>cd workspace

(env) D:\workspace>cd new_project

(env) D:\workspace\new_project>C:\env\Scripts\paster.exe serve --reload development.ini

安装 – Linux 源码安装 $ tar -xzvf pyfisheyes-0.1dev-r388.tar.gz $ cd pyfisheyes-0.1dev-r388

$ easy_install . Processing . Running -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /home/tonycai/pyfisheyes-0.1dev-r388/egg-dist-tmp-S_jQ1y Adding pyfisheyes 0.1dev-r388 to easy-install.pth file

Installed /home/tonycai/pylons/mydevenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pyfisheyes-0.1dev_r388-py2.6.egg Processing dependencies for pyfisheyes==0.1dev-r388 Finished processing dependencies for pyfisheyes==0.1dev-r388

二进制文件安装 $ easy_install ./pyfisheyes-0.1dev_r392-py2.6.egg Processing pyfisheyes-0.1dev_r392-py2.6.egg creating /home/tonycai/pylons/mydevenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pyfisheyes-0.1dev_r392-py2.6.egg Extracting pyfisheyes-0.1dev_r392-py2.6.egg to /home/tonycai/pylons/mydevenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages Removing pyfisheyes 0.1dev-r391 from easy-install.pth file Adding pyfisheyes 0.1dev-r392 to easy-install.pth file

Installed /home/tonycai/pylons/mydevenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pyfisheyes-0.1dev_r392-py2.6.egg Processing dependencies for pyfisheyes==0.1dev-r392 Finished processing dependencies for pyfisheyes==0.1dev-r392


$ paster make-config pyfisheyes production.ini


########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/ ##########################################

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/ ########################################## """Simplebar model"""

from pychartdir import *

class Simplebar: def init(self): # The data for the bar chart = [85, 156, 179.5, 211, 123]

    # The labels for the bar chart
    self.labels = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"]
    # Create a XYChart object of size 250 x 250 pixels
    self.c = XYChart(250, 250)
    # Set the plotarea at (30, 20) and of size 200 x 200 pixels
    self.c.setPlotArea(30, 20, 200, 200)
    # Add a bar chart layer using the given data
    # Set the labels on the x axis.

def display(self):
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/ ########################################## """The application's model objects""" from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Session, Base

from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.categories import Categories from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.graphs import Graphs from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.graphshour import GraphsHour from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.graphshost import GraphsHost from import Events from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.users import Users from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.contacts import Contacts from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.realtime import Realtime from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.logstuff import Logstuff from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.alarminfo import Alarminfo from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.dateitems import Dateitems

def init_model(engine): """Call me before using any of the tables or classes in the model""" Session.configure(bind=engine)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/utils/ ##########################################

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/utils/ ##########################################

-- coding: utf-8 --

import logging from pyfisheyes import model from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class ContactHandle():

def __init__(self, request):
    self.r = request
def createContact(self):
    p = model.Contacts()
    p.eid = self.r.params['contact_eid'] = self.r.params['contact_name']
    p.ename = self.r.params['contact_ename']
    p.title = self.r.params['contact_title']
    p.subtel = self.r.params['contact_subtel'] = self.r.params['contact_mobile'] = self.r.params['contact_email']
    p.forsearch = self.r.params['contact_tags'] + ";" + p.eid + ";" + + ";" + p.ename + ";" + p.title \
    + ";" +
    qw = p.eid + ";" +
    qw = qw.encode('utf-8')
    qw = _gh.GlobalHandle(self.r).urlencode(qw)        
    return qw

def saveContact(self,id):
    p = model.meta.Session.query(model.Contacts).filter_by(id=id).first()       
    p.eid = self.r.params['contact_eid'] = self.r.params['contact_name']
    p.ename = self.r.params['contact_ename']
    p.title = self.r.params['contact_title']
    p.subtel = self.r.params['contact_subtel'] = self.r.params['contact_mobile'] = self.r.params['contact_email']
    p.forsearch = self.r.params['contact_tags'] + ";" + p.eid + ";" + + ";" + p.ename + ";" + p.title \
    + ";" +
    qw = p.eid + ";" +
    qw = qw.encode('utf-8')
    qw = _gh.GlobalHandle(self.r).urlencode(qw)
    return qw

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/utils/ ##########################################

-- coding: utf-8 --

import logging from pyfisheyes import model from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh log = logging.getLogger(name)

class EventHandle():

def __init__(self, request=None):
    self.r = request        
def createEvent(self):
    e = model.Events()
    e.evtitle = self.r.params['event_name']
    e.evdate = self.r.params['event_date']
    e.evtags = self.r.params['event_tags']
    e.evtype = self.r.params['event_type']
    e.evstatus = self.r.params['event_status']
    e.evcause = self.r.params['event_cause']
    e.evminutes = self.r.params['event_minutes']
    e.evlosspv = self.r.params['event_losspv']
    e.evdomain = self.r.params['event_domain']
    gh = _gh.GlobalHandle(self.r)
    e.evreporter = gh.getUID()
    e.evcreatedate = gh.getCurrentDateTime()
    e.evreporterip = gh.getUserRealIP()

e.evlastedit = gh.getCurrentDateTime()

e.evlasteditor = 0

    e.evcontent = self.r.params['event_content'] 
    #result = model.meta.Session.commit()
    edict = {'evtitle':e.evtitle,
    columns = "evtitle,evdate,evtags,evtype,evstatus,evcause,evminutes,evlosspv,evdomain,evcontent,evreporter,evcreatedate,evreporterip"
    values = ":evtitle,:evdate,:evtags,:evtype,:evstatus,:evcause,:evminutes,:evlosspv,:evdomain,:evcontent,:evreporter,:evcreatedate,:evreporterip"
    result = model.meta.Session.execute("insert into events("+columns+") values("+values+");"
                                        , edict, mapper=model.Events)
    return result

def modifyEvent(self,id):
    e = model.meta.Session.query(model.Events).filter_by(id=id).first()
    gh = _gh.GlobalHandle(self.r)
    e.evtitle = self.r.params['event_name']
    e.evdate = self.r.params['event_date']
    e.evtags = self.r.params['event_tags']
    e.evtype = self.r.params['event_type']
    e.evstatus = self.r.params['event_status']
    e.evcause = self.r.params['event_cause']
    e.evminutes = self.r.params['event_minutes']
    e.evlosspv = self.r.params['event_losspv']
    e.evdomain = self.r.params['event_domain']
    e.evlasteditor = gh.getUID()
    e.evlastedit = gh.getCurrentDateTime()
    e.evlasteditip = gh.getUserRealIP()
    e.evcontent = self.r.params['event_content']
    return True

def viewEvent(self,id):
    event = model.meta.Session.query(model.Events).filter_by(id=id).first()
    if event:
        gh = _gh.GlobalHandle(self.r)
        event.evreporter = gh.getUserName(event.evreporter)
    return event

def searchEvent(self,ds):
    ev = model.Events
    if ds == "0000-00-00":
        events = model.meta.Session.query(model.Events).order_by(
        events = model.meta.Session.query(model.Events).filter_by(evdate=ds).order_by(
    return events
def isExistEvent(self,ds):
    return  model.meta.Session.query(model.Events).filter_by(evdate=ds).count()

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/utils/ ##########################################

-- coding: utf-8 --

import logging from pyfisheyes import model import datetime import calendar from urllib import quote import pyfisheyes.lib.helpers as h

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class GlobalHandle():

def __init__(self, request=None):
    self.r = request
    self.username = ""
    self.uid = 0
def getUID(self):        
    if self.r.environ.get('REMOTE_USER'):
        self.username = self.r.environ.get('REMOTE_USER')
        return 0
    e = model.meta.Session.query(model.Users).filter_by(username=self.username).first()
    if e:
        self.uid = e.uid
    return self.uid

def getUserName(self, uid=0):
    e = model.meta.Session.query(model.Users).filter_by(uid=uid).first()
    if e:
        self.username = e.username
    return self.username

def getUserRealIP(self):
    return self.r.environ.get("X_FORWARDED_FOR", self.r.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"])

def getCurrentDateTime(self, ft="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"):
    now =
    return now.strftime(ft)

def urlencode(self, s):       
   return quote(s)

def numformat(self, v):
    import re
    pattern = re.compile(r'(?<=\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))')
    return pattern.sub(',', str(v))

def dayname(self, date):
    log.debug("date:" + date)
    d = date.split('-')
        day_name = calendar.day_name[calendar.weekday(int(d[0]), int(d[1]), int(d[2]))]
        day_name = "None"        
    return day_name[0:3]

def tostringlist(self, md, sup=False):        
    from pyfisheyes.model.utils import EventHandle as _eh        
    eh = _eh.EventHandle()
    opts = md.split(',')
    for x, item in enumerate(opts):
        if x == 0:
            if sup:
                num = eh.isExistEvent(opts[0])
                more = ""
                if num > 0:
                    more = " [<a href='/events/list/" + opts[x] + "'>...</a>] "
                opts[x] = h.literal(opts[x] + " [<a href='/events/new/" + opts[x] + "'>+</a>] " + more + self.dayname(opts[x]) + "")
                opts[x] = opts[x]
            opts[x] = self.numformat(item)
    return opts

def exporttoexcel(self, md):
    formatstr = ""
    opts = md.split(',')
    for x, item in enumerate(opts):
        formatstr += "\t" + item
    return formatstr

def getLogstuff(self, tid, datei, logtime):
    logstuff_id = 0
    html_content = ""     
    data = model.meta.Session.query(model.Logstuff).filter_by(tid=tid).filter_by(datei=datei).filter_by(logtime=logtime)
    for i,d in enumerate(data):
        logstuff_id =
    if logstuff_id > 0:
        html_content = h.literal(" <a href='/logstuffshow/index/" + str(logstuff_id) + "' title='详细' target='_blank'>...</a> ")
    return html_content

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/utils/ ##########################################

-- coding: utf-8 --

import logging from pyfisheyes import model from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date, time

import time as my_time

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class ViewHandle():

def __init__(self):
def __getDate__(self, df, interval=1):
    yesterday = - timedelta(days=interval)
    y = yesterday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    if df == "":
        df = y
    return df

def __getDateSub__(self, da, interval=1):
    log.debug("date:" + da)
    ds = da.split("-")
    d = date(
                 ) \
        - timedelta(days=interval)
    df = d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')        
    return df

def getTimeRange(self, m, d=0):
    now =
    interval = int(m) 
    interval2 = (1440 * int(d))
    start_time_point = now - timedelta(minutes=interval * 4) - timedelta(minutes=interval2)
    stop_time_point = now + timedelta(minutes=interval) - timedelta(minutes=interval2)
    return {'start_time_point':start_time_point, 'stop_time_point':stop_time_point}

def getSharpDayMinute(self, date1, interval=0):
    if date1 == "":
        date1 = self.__getDate__("", 0)
    ds = date1.split("-")
    start_time_point = datetime(int(ds[0]), int(ds[1]), int(ds[2]), 0, 0) - timedelta(days=interval)
    stop_time_point = datetime(int(ds[0]), int(ds[1]), int(ds[2]), 23, 59) - timedelta(days=interval)
    return {'start_time_point':start_time_point, 'stop_time_point':stop_time_point}

def makeLabels(self, dt):
    NoValue = 1.7E+308
    labels = {}
    start_time_point = dt['start_time_point']
    stop_time_point = dt['stop_time_point']
    td = stop_time_point - start_time_point
    if td.seconds >= 60:
        minutes = td.seconds / 60
        minutes = 0
        return labels
    for i in range(0, minutes + 1):
        ldate = start_time_point + timedelta(minutes=i)
        datestr = ldate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        hour = "%02d" % ldate.hour
        minute = "%02d" % ldate.minute
        tagn = datestr + ":" + hour + ":" + minute
        labels[tagn] = NoValue
    #log.debug("labels: " + str(sorted(labels.keys())))
    return labels

def hourlyLabels(self):
    NoValue = 1.7E+308
    labels = {'00':NoValue}
    for i in range(0, 24):
        hour = "%02d" % i            
        labels[hour] = NoValue
    log.debug("labels: " + str(sorted(labels.keys())))
    return labels

def __getConfig__(self, id, accessed=1):
    t = model.meta.Session.query(model.Categories).filter_by(typeid=id).first()
    if t and accessed:
        t.accessed += accessed
    return t    

def update_alert_level(self, r, tt):        

    max_value = 0
    alert_level = 0
    for i, row in enumerate(r):
        if row.valuei > max_value:
            max_value = row.valuei
    if max_value > tt.warning and tt.warning > 0:
        alert_level = 1
    if max_value > tt.critical and tt.critical > 0:
        alert_level = 2
    log.debug("tt.warning:" + str(tt.warning))
    log.debug("tt.critical:" + str(tt.critical))
    log.debug("update_alert_level:" + str(alert_level))
    if tt and tt.alertlevel != alert_level:
        tt.alertlevel = alert_level
        log.debug("update_alert_level: update")
    return None 

def exec_alarm_threshold(self, r1, r2, t):
    alert_list = [0, 0]
    if t.r_alert:
        if t.r_mode == 'a':
            alert_list = self.__analysis_a(r1, t.alarm_threshold)
        elif t.r_mode == 'b':
            alert_list = self.__analysis_b(r1, t.alarm_threshold)
        elif t.r_mode == 'c':
            alert_list = self.__analysis_c(r1, r2, t.alarm_threshold)
        elif t.r_mode == 'd':
            alert_list = self.__analysis_d(r1, r2, t.alarm_threshold)
    if t and t.alertlevel != int(alert_list[0]):
        t.alertlevel = int(alert_list[0])
        log.debug("update_alert_level: update")
    return alert_list 

def __analysis_a(self, r1, alarm_threshold):
    max_value = 0
    alert_level = 0      
    for i, row in enumerate(r1):
        if row.valuei > max_value:
            max_value = row.valuei
    atlt = eval(alarm_threshold)
    if max_value > int(atlt[2]) and int(atlt[2]) > 0:
        alert_level = 1
    if max_value > int(atlt[3]) and int(atlt[3]) > 0:
        alert_level = 2
    return [alert_level, max_value]

def __analysis_b(self, r1, alarm_threshold):
    min_value = 1000000
    alert_level = 0      
    for i, row in enumerate(r1):
        if row.valuei < min_value:
            min_value = row.valuei
    atlt = eval(alarm_threshold)
    if min_value < int(atlt[1]) and int(atlt[1]) > 0:
        alert_level = 1
    if min_value < int(atlt[0]) and int(atlt[0]) > 0:
        alert_level = 2
    return [alert_level, min_value]

def __analysis_c(self, r1, r2, alarm_threshold):
    alert_level = 0
    atlt = eval(alarm_threshold)
    v1 = self.avgValue(r1)
    v2 = self.avgValue(r2)
    if v1 <= 0:
        return [2, -100]
    if v2 <= 0:
        return [0, 0]
    ratio = (v1 - v2) * 100 / v2
    if ratio > 0:
        if ratio > atlt[6]:
            alert_level = 1
        if ratio > atlt[7]:
            alert_level = 2
        if abs(ratio) > atlt[5]:
            alert_level = 1
        if abs(ratio) > atlt[4]:
            alert_level = 2
    return [alert_level, ratio]

def __analysis_d(self, r1, r2, alarm_threshold):
    # 09:00 - 23:30        
    min_time = my_time.strptime("09:00", "%H:%M")
    max_time = my_time.strptime("23:30", "%H:%M")
    D_max_time = self.__get_rowdata_max_time(r1)
    if min_time <= D_max_time <= max_time:
        return self.__analysis_c(r1, r2, alarm_threshold)
        return [0, 0]

def __getTopic__(self, id, arrow="pre", type="day"):
    t_obj = model.Categories
    if arrow == "pre":
        t = model.meta.Session.query(t_obj).filter("typeid<" + str(id)).filter_by(graphtype=type).order_by(t_obj.typeid.desc()).first()
        t = model.meta.Session.query(t_obj).filter("typeid>" + str(id)).filter_by(graphtype=type).order_by(t_obj.typeid.asc()).first()                                                                                          
    return t

def __get_rowdata_max_time(self, data):
    n = 0
    now =
    max_time = now.strftime('%H:%M')
    str_time = ""
    for i, d in enumerate(data):
       str_time = str(d.logtime)[11:16]
       if str_time > max_time:
           max_time = str_time
    return my_time.strptime(max_time, "%H:%M") 

def getDataSet(self, cn, tid, order, w1="", sort=1, m="all"):
    t_obj = getattr(model, cn)
    where = tid + " " + w1
    if sort:
        order_by = getattr(t_obj, order).asc()
        order_by = getattr(t_obj, order).desc()
    cgh = model.meta.Session.query(t_obj).filter(where).order_by(order_by)
    return getattr(cgh, m)()

def getRowsData(self, gtype, tid, d1, d2 , s=1):
    if gtype == "day":            
        rows = self.getDataSet("Graphs", "template_id=" + str(tid), "datei", " and datei<='" + d2 + "' and datei>='" + d1 + "' ", s)                                                                              
    elif gtype == "hour":            
        rows = self.getDataSet("GraphsHour", "template_id=" + str(tid), "houri", "and datei='" + d2 + "'", s)
    elif gtype == "host":            
        rows = self.getDataSet("GraphsHost", "template_id=" + str(tid), "id", "and datei='" + d2 + "'", s)        
    elif gtype == "realtime":            
        rows = self.getDataSet("Realtime", "tid=" + str(tid), "id", "and datei='" + d2 + "'", s)
        rows = None
    return rows

def getGraphData(self, gtype, r1, r2, names, titles, opt, d1, d2, d3):
    if gtype == "hour": 
        from pyfisheyes.model.chartobj import DepthAreaChart as _g
        labs = self.hourlyLabels()
        graph = _g.DepthAreaChart(r1, r2, names, titles, d2, d3, labs).display()
    elif gtype == "host":
        from pyfisheyes.model.chartobj import BorderlessBarChart as _g
        graph = _g.BorderlessBarChart(r1, names, titles, opt, d2).display()
    elif gtype == "day":
        from pyfisheyes.model.chartobj import MultiLineChart as _g
        graph = _g.MultiLineChart(r1, names, titles, opt, d1, d2).display()        
        graph = None
    return graph

def getRealtimeRowsData(self, tid, timer):        
    start_time_point = timer['start_time_point']
    stop_time_point = timer['stop_time_point']
    datetime1 = start_time_point.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00')
    datetime2 = stop_time_point.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00')
    date1 = start_time_point.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    date2 = stop_time_point.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    log.debug("date1:" + datetime1)
    log.debug("date2:" + datetime2)
    r = model.Realtime
    from sqlalchemy import and_
    if date1 == date2:
        rows = model.meta.Session.query(r).filter_by(tid=tid).filter_by(datei=date1).filter(and_(r.logtime >= datetime1, r.logtime <= datetime2)).order_by(
        rows = model.meta.Session.query(r).filter_by(tid=tid).filter(and_(r.logtime >= datetime1, r.logtime <= datetime2)).order_by(
    return rows

def getRealtimeGraphData(self, e, gt, ys=""):
    graph = None
    if gt == "small":
        from pyfisheyes.model.chartobj import SimpleLineChart as _g
        graph = _g.SimpleLineChart(e).display()
        if e[10] in ['c','d']:
            from pyfisheyes.model.chartobj import XZoneColoring as _g
            graph = _g.XZoneColoring(e, ys).display()
            from pyfisheyes.model.chartobj import MarksAndZones2 as _g
            graph = _g.MarksAndZones2(e, ys).display()
    return graph

def sumValue(self, data, n_format=True):
    v = 0
    for i, d in enumerate(data):
        v += d.valuei
    if n_format:
        return _gh.GlobalHandle().numformat(v)
        return v
def avgValue(self, data):
    v = 0
    n = 0
    for i, d in enumerate(data):
        v += d.valuei
        n += 1
    if n == 0 or v == 0 :
        return 0
    return int(v/n)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/utils/ ##########################################

-- coding: utf-8 --

import logging from pyfisheyes import model

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class WebAPI():

def __init__(self, template,request):
    self.t = template
    self.r = request = "1999-01-01" = ""
    self.hour = ""
    if "datei" in self.r.POST: = self.r.POST['datei']
    if "houri" in self.r.POST:
        self.hour = self.r.POST['houri']
    if "host" in self.r.POST: = self.r.POST['host']
    self.templateid = template.typeid = None
    self.message = """" +"self.hour=" + self.hour)"self.templateid=" + str(self.templateid))
def __CheckFormat__(self):
    items = self.t.items.split(",")
    for item in items:
        if item not in self.r.POST:
            self.message = "INVALID FORMAT"
            return False
            if self.r.POST[item] == "":
                self.message = "%s : Content Feed Error" % item
                return False
    return True


def __isExistHour__(self):
    n = model.meta.Session.query(model.GraphsHour).filter_by(template_id=self.templateid).filter_by(
    if n > 0:
        return True
        return False

def __setMediaData__(self):
    items = self.t.items.split(",") = ""
    for item in items:
        if not len(
   = self.r.POST[item]
   += "," + self.r.POST[item]
def SaveDataForGraphsHour(self):
    if self.__CheckFormat__():                
    return self.message

def SaveDataForGraphsHourUpdate(self):
    try:      = model.meta.Session.query(model.GraphsHour).filter_by(template_id=self.templateid).filter_by(
        return False
    return True        
def SaveDataForGraphsHourInsert(self):
    if not self.__isExistHour__():
            items = self.t.items.split(",")
   = model.GraphsHour()
   = self.templateid
   = self.r.POST['datei']
   = self.r.POST['houri']
            return False
    return True


def SaveDataForGraphsDay(self):
    if self.__CheckFormat__():                
    return self.message

def SaveDataForGraphsDayUpdate(self):
    try:      = model.meta.Session.query(model.Graphs).filter_by(template_id=self.templateid).filter_by(
        return False
    return True        
def SaveDataForGraphsDayInsert(self):
    if not self.__isExistDay__():
            items = self.t.items.split(",")
   = model.Graphs()
   = self.templateid
   = self.r.POST['datei']     
            return False
    return True

def __isExistDay__(self):
    n = model.meta.Session.query(model.Graphs).filter_by(template_id=self.templateid).filter_by(
    if n > 0:
        return True
        return False


def SaveDataForGraphsHost(self):
    if self.__CheckFormat__():                
    return self.message

def SaveDataForGraphsHostUpdate(self):
    try:      = model.meta.Session.query(model.GraphsHost).filter_by(template_id=self.templateid).filter_by(
        return False
    return True        
def SaveDataForGraphsHostInsert(self):
    if not self.__isExistHost__():
            items = self.t.items.split(",")
   = model.GraphsHost()
   = self.templateid
   = self.r.POST['datei']
   = self.r.POST['host']
            return False
    return True

def __isExistHost__(self):
    n = model.meta.Session.query(model.GraphsHost).filter_by(template_id=self.templateid).filter_by(
    if n > 0:
        return True
        return False


def SaveDataForGraphsRealtime(self):
    if self.__CheckFormat__():                
    return self.message

def SaveDataForGraphsRealtimeUpdate(self):
    try:      = model.meta.Session.query(model.Realtime).filter_by(tid=self.templateid).filter_by( = self.r.POST['value']
        return False
    return True        
def SaveDataForGraphsRealtimeInsert(self):
    if not self.__isExistHost__():
            items = self.t.items.split(",")
   = model.Realtime()
   = self.templateid
   = self.r.POST['datei']
   = self.r.POST['hour']
   = self.r.POST['minute']
   = self.r.POST['value']
            return False
    return True

def __isExistRealtime__(self):
    n = model.meta.Session.query(model.Realtime).filter_by(tid=self.templateid).filter_by(
    if n > 0:
        return True
        return False

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/utils/ ##########################################

-- coding: utf-8 --

import logging import json from datetime import datetime

from pylons import request from pyfisheyes import model from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh from pyfisheyes.model.utils import ViewHandle as _vh from webhelpers import paginate log = logging.getLogger(name)

class DailyReportHandle():

def compare_background_data(self,t,odate, min=4):
    vh = _vh.ViewHandle()
    date1 = vh.__getDate__(odate, 1)
    timerange1 = vh.getSharpDayMinute(date1)

    rows1 = vh.getRealtimeRowsData(t.typeid, timerange1)
    sum1 = self.sumValue(rows1)
    timerange2 = vh.getSharpDayMinute(date1, 7)

    rows2 = vh.getRealtimeRowsData(t.typeid, timerange2)
    sum2 = self.sumValue(rows2)

    dv_ratio = 0
    level = "Norml"
    status = "同比上周同一天上涨:"
    status_n = ""
    time_range = ""

    start_time_point = timerange1['start_time_point']
    stop_time_point = timerange1['stop_time_point']
    datetime1 = start_time_point.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00')
    datetime2 = stop_time_point.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00')

        ssum = sum2 - sum1
        if ssum:
            dv_ratio = (sum2 - sum1)*100 / sum2
            dv_ratio = 0
        if dv_ratio > 0 :
            status = u"同比上周同一天下跌:"
            status = u"同比上周同一天上涨:"
        print "ZeroDivisionError"

    if abs(dv_ratio) > 10:
        level = "Warning"
    if abs(dv_ratio) > 20:
        level = "Critical"
    return (level, t.typename, t.typeid, status, datetime1, datetime2, t.r_weight, abs(dv_ratio) ,sum1)
def my_cmp(self, E1, E2):

    return -cmp(E1[7], E2[7])
def sumValue(self, data):
    v = 0
    for i,d in enumerate(data):
        v += d.valuei
    return v 
def creatitems(self, odate):
    t = model.Categories
    items = []
    categories = model.meta.Session.query(t).filter_by(graphtype="realtime").order_by(t.alertlevel.desc()).order_by(t.rankcode.asc())
    for i,d in enumerate(categories):
    return items 
def saveitems(self, adate):
    odate = adate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    items = self.creatitems(odate)
    j = model.Dateitems()
    j.stuff = json.dumps(items)
    j.datei = adate
    j.create_time =
    return items
def updateitems(self, adate):
    odate = adate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    i = model.Dateitems
    dateitems = model.meta.Session.query(i).filter_by(datei=adate).first()
    items = self.creatitems(odate)
    setattr(dateitems,'stuff' ,json.dumps(items))
    setattr(dateitems,'lastupdate_time' ,
    return items
def showsimitems(self, adate):
    t = model.Categories
    categories = model.meta.Session.query(t).filter_by(graphtype="realtime").filter_by(d_report=1).order_by(t.alertlevel.desc()).order_by(t.rankcode.asc())
    rows = paginate.Page(
        page=int(request.params.get('page', 1)),
        #items_per_page = page_rows,
        items_per_page = 1000,
    return rows

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/ ########################################## """Categories model""" from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Date

from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Base

class Categories(Base): tablename = "categories" #c.categories = ['mysqlg1','apperrorlog','tmc']

typeid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
typename = Column(String(100))
items = Column(String(100))
titles = Column(String(200))
classname = Column(String(100))
labels = Column(Integer(2))
disable = Column(Integer(1))
orderby = Column(String(50))

def __init__(self, datei='', _update=''):
    self.typeid = 0
    self.typename = ""
    self.classname = ""
    self.items = ""
    self.titles = ""
    self.labels = 0
    self.disable = 0
    self.orderby = ""

def __repr__(self):
    return "<Categories('%s')" % self.typename

def tostring(self):
    return "Categories('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')" % (self.typeid,self.typename,self.items,self.titles,self.classname,self.labels,self.disable,self.orderby)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/ ########################################## #coding=utf-8 """Multiline model"""


中文是非常重要的一点。而ChartDirector很好的支持了unicode,你可以使用utf-8编码的程序,在程序前加上:#coding=utf-8,并且保存程序为utf-8编码。有些方法提供对字体的设置,如addTitle(‘中文’, ’simsun.ttc’, 15),第二个参数就是字体文件(simsun.ttc就是宋体字体的文件名),它不使用字体名称。那么如果你想整个字体都为中文字体的话,可以使用:setDefaultFonts(’simsun.ttc’),这样整个图都使用宋体了。 """

from pychartdir import * from datetime import date

class Multiline: def init(self,l,names,titles,opt="0"): # The data for the line chart #names = ['datei','com_update','com_insert','com_delete','com_replace'] #names = ['datei','com_update','com_insert']

    #titles = ['数据库 - 写','queries per day','Jun 12, 2010']

    #for na in range(len(names)):
    #    print na,names[na],"test"
    opts = opt.split(',')
    data = {'0':[],'1':[],'2':[],'3':[],'4':[],'5':[],'6':[],'7':[],'8':[],'9':[]}
    i = 0
        for i,r in enumerate(l):
            mediadata = str(r.mediadata)
            ds =  mediadata.split(',')
            for na in range(len(names)):
        data['0'] = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24"]
        data['1'] = [42, 49, 33, 38, 51, 46, 29, 41, 44, 57, 59, 52, 37, 34, 51, 56, 56, 60, 70, 76, 63, 67, 75, 64, 51]
        i = 24
    # The data for the line chart
    #self.data0 = [42, 49, 33, 38, 51, 46, 29, 41, 44, 57, 59, 52, 37, 34, 51, 56, 56, 60, 70, 76, 63, 67, 75, 64, 51]
    #self.data1 = [50, 55, 47, 34, 42, 49, 63, 62, 73, 59, 56, 50, 64, 60, 67, 67, 58, 59, 73, 77, 84, 82, 80, 84, 98]
    #self.data2 = [36, 28, 25, 33, 38, 20, 22, 30, 25, 33, 30, 24, 28, 15, 21, 26, 46, 42, 48, 45, 43, 52, 64, 60, 70]
    # The labels for the line chart
    self.labels = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24"]
    # Create an XYChart object of size 600 x 300 pixels, with a light blue (EEEEFF)
    # background, black border, 1 pxiel 3D border effect and rounded corners
    if i < 60:
        i = 60
    self.width = 700
    self.height = 250
    self.c = XYChart(self.width, self.height, 0xeeeeff, 0x000000, 1)
    # Set the plotarea at (55, 58) and of size 520 x 195 pixels, with white background.
    # Turn on both horizontal and vertical grid lines with light grey color (0xcccccc)
    self.c.setPlotArea(80, 58, self.width-90, self.height-100, 0xffffff, -1, -1, 0xcccccc, 0xcccccc)
    # Add a legend box at (50, 30) (top of the chart) with horizontal layout. Use 9 pts
    # Arial Bold font. Set the background and border color to Transparent.
    self.c.addLegend(70, 30, 0, "arialbd.ttf", 9).setBackground(Transparent)
    # Add a title box to the chart using 15 pts Times Bold Italic font, on a light blue
    # (CCCCFF) background with glass effect. white (0xffffff) on a dark red (0x800000)
    # background, with a 1 pixel 3D border.
    #self.c.addTitle("Application Server Throughput", "timesbi.ttf", 15).setBackground( 0xccccff, 0x000000, glassEffect())
    self.c.addTitle(titles[0], "timesbi.ttf", 15).setBackground( 0xccccff, 0x000000, glassEffect())
    # Add a title to the y axis
    # Set the labels on the x axis.
    # Display 1 out of 3 labels on the x-axis.
    # Add a title to the x axis
    d =

    self.c.xAxis().setTitle(str(d.strftime("%A %d. %B %Y")))
    # Add a line layer to the chart
    self.layer = self.c.addLineLayer2()
    # Set the default line width to 2 pixels
    # Add the three data sets to the line layer. For demo purpose, we use a dash line
    # color for the last line
    for na in range(len(names)):            
        if na > 0:
            if str(na) not in opts:
                self.layer.addDataSet(data[str(na)], -1, names[na])

def display(self):
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/ ########################################## """Apperrorlog model""" from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Date

from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Base

class Apperrorlog(Base): tablename = "apperrorlog"

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
datei = Column(Date)
error = Column(Integer(10))

def __init__(self, datei='', error=''):
    self.datei = datei
    self.error = error

def __repr__(self):
    return "<Apperrorlog('%s')" % self.datei
def tostring(self):
    return "Apperrorlog('%s','%s','%s')" % (,self.datei,self.error)

""" companies = Table('companies', metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('name', String(50)))

employees_table = Table('employees', metadata, Column('employee_id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('name', String(50)), Column('company_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')) )

managers_table = Table('managers', metadata, Column('employee_id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('name', String(50)), Column('manager_data', String(50)), Column('company_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')) )

engineers_table = Table('engineers', metadata, Column('employee_id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('name', String(50)), Column('engineer_info', String(50)), Column('company_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')) )

mapper(Employee, employees_table, with_polymorphic=('*', pjoin), polymorphic_on=pjoin.c.type, polymorphic_identity='employee') mapper(Manager, managers_table, inherits=employee_mapper, concrete=True, polymorphic_identity='manager') mapper(Engineer, engineers_table, inherits=employee_mapper, concrete=True, polymorphic_identity='engineer') mapper(Company, companies, properties={ 'employees': relation(Employee) })

""" ########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/ ########################################## """Mysqlg1 model""" from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Date

from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Base

class Mysqlg1(Base): tablename = "mysqlg1"

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
datei = Column(Date)
com_update = Column(Integer(10))
com_insert = Column(Integer(10))
com_delete = Column(Integer(10))
com_replace = Column(Integer(10))

def __init__(self, datei='', com_update=''):
    self.datei = datei
    self.com_update = com_update

def __repr__(self):
    return "<Mysqlg1('%s')" % self.datei

def tostring(self):
    return "Mysqlg1('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')" % (,self.datei,self.com_update,self.com_insert,self.com_delete,self.com_replace)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/ ########################################## """Apperrorlog model""" from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Date

from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Base

import calendar

class Graphs(Base): tablename = "graphs"

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
template_id = Column(Integer)
datei = Column(Date)
mediadata = Column(String(200))

def __init__(self, datei='', m=''):
    self.datei = datei
    self.mediadata = m

def __repr__(self):
    return "<Graphs('%s')" % self.datei

def __numformat__(self,v):
    import re
    pattern = re.compile(r'(?<=\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))')
    return pattern.sub(',', str(v))
def __dayname__(self,date):
    d = date.split('-')
        day_name = calendar.day_name[calendar.weekday(int(d[0]),int(d[1]),int(d[2]))]
        day_name = "None"
    return day_name[0:3]

def tostring(self):
    return "Graphs('%s','%s','%s','%s')" % (,self.template_id,self.datei,self.mediadata)

def tostringlist(self):
    #for x,item in enumerate(c.items):
    opts = self.mediadata.split(',')
    for x,item in enumerate(opts):
        if x == 0:
           opts[x] = opts[x] + " #" + self.__dayname__(opts[x])  + ""
            opts[x] = self.__numformat__(item)
    return opts

def exporttoexcel(self):
    formatstr = ""
    opts = self.mediadata.split(',')
    for x,item in enumerate(opts):
        formatstr += "\t" + item
    return formatstr

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/ ########################################## """Simpleline model"""

from pychartdir import *

class Simpleline: def init(self,l): # The data for the line chart data = [] labels = [] for r in l: data.append(r.com_update) labels.append(str(r.datei)) = [30, 28, 40, 55, 75, 68, 54, 60, 50, 62, 75, 65, 75, 91, 60, 55, 53, 35, 50, 66, 56, 48, 52, 65, 62]
    #self.labels = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24"]

    # Create a XYChart object of size 250 x 250 pixels
    self.c = XYChart(950, 450)

    # Set the plotarea at (30, 20) and of size 200 x 200 pixels
    self.c.setPlotArea(80, 20, 800, 250)

    # Add a line chart layer using the given data

    # Set the labels on the x axis.

    # Display 1 out of 3 labels on the x-axis.

def display(self):
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/ ########################################## """SQLAlchemy Metadata and Session object""" from sqlalchemy import MetaData from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker

all = ['Session', 'metadata', 'Base']

SQLAlchemy session manager. Updated by model.init_model()

Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker())

Global metadata. If you have multiple databases with overlapping table

names, you'll need a metadata for each database

metadata = MetaData()

The declarative Base

Base = declarative_base()

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/chartobj/ ########################################## from pychartdir import *

class PieChartWithLegend:

def __init__(self):
    # The data for the pie chart
    data = [25, 18, 15, 12, 8, 30, 35]
    # The labels for the pie chart
    labels = ["Labor", "Licenses", "Taxes", "Legal", "Insurance", "Facilities",
    # Create a PieChart object of size 450 x 240 pixels
    self.c = PieChart(450, 240)
    # Set the center of the pie at (150, 100) and the radius to 80 pixels
    self.c.setPieSize(150, 100, 80)
    # Add a title at the bottom of the chart using Arial Bold Italic font
    self.c.addTitle2(Bottom, "Project Cost Breakdown", "arialbi.ttf")
    # Draw the pie in 3D
    # add a legend box where the top left corner is at (330, 40)
    self.c.addLegend(330, 40)
    # modify the label format for the sectors to $nnnK (pp.pp%)
    self.c.setLabelFormat("{label} ${value}K\n({percent}%)")
    # Set the pie data and the pie labels
    self.c.setData(data, labels)
    # Explode the 1st sector (index = 0)

def display(self):
    # output the chart       
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/chartobj/ ##########################################

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/chartobj/ ########################################## from pychartdir import *

class SimplePieChart:

def __init__(self):
    # The data for the pie chart
    data = [25, 18, 15, 12, 8, 30, 35]
    # The labels for the pie chart
    labels = ["Labor", "Licenses", "Taxes", "Legal", "Insurance", "Facilities",
    # Create a PieChart object of size 360 x 300 pixels
    self.c = PieChart(360, 300)
    # Set the center of the pie at (180, 140) and the radius to 100 pixels
    self.c.setPieSize(180, 140, 100)
    # Set the pie data and the pie labels
    self.c.setData(data, labels)

def display(self):
    # output the chart       
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/chartobj/ ########################################## from pychartdir import *

class StackedAreaChart:

def __init__(self):
    # The data for the area chart
    data0 = [42, 49, 33, 38, 51, 46, 29, 41, 44, 57, 59, 52, 37, 34, 51, 56, 56, 60, 70,
        76, 63, 67, 75, 64, 51]
    data1 = [50, 45, 47, 34, 42, 49, 63, 62, 73, 59, 56, 50, 64, 60, 67, 67, 58, 59, 73,
        77, 84, 82, 80, 84, 89]
    labels = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13",
        "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24"]
    # Create a XYChart object of size 300 x 210 pixels. Set the background to pale yellow
    # (0xffffc0) with a black border (0x0)
    self.width = 700
    self.height = 250
    self.c = XYChart(self.width, self.height, 0xffffc0, 0x000000)
    # Set the plotarea at (50, 30) and of size 240 x 140 pixels. Use white (0xffffff)
    # background.
    self.c.setPlotArea(50, 30, self.width-60, self.height-70).setBackground(0xffffff)
    # Add a legend box at (50, 185) (below of plot area) using horizontal layout. Use 8
    # pts Arial font with Transparent background.
    self.c.addLegend(50, self.height-30, 0, "", 8).setBackground(Transparent)
    # Add a title box to the chart using 8 pts Arial Bold font, with yellow (0xffff40)
    # background and a black border (0x0)
    self.c.addTitle("Sales Volume", "arialbd.ttf", 8).setBackground(0xffff40, 0)
    # Set the y axis label format to US$nnnn
    # Set the labels on the x axis.
    # Display 1 out of 2 labels on the x-axis. Show minor ticks for remaining labels.
    self.c.xAxis().setLabelStep(2, 1)
    # Add an stack area layer with three data sets
    layer = self.c.addAreaLayer2(Stack)
    layer.addDataSet(data0, 0x4040ff, "Store #1")
    layer.addDataSet(data1, 0xff4040, "Store #2")

def display(self):
    # output the chart       
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/chartobj/ ########################################## from pychartdir import * import logging log = logging.getLogger(name)

class XZoneColoring:

def __init__(self, et, ys=""):
    self.l1 = et[0] 
    self.l2 = et[1] 
    self.labs1 = et[2] 
    self.labs2 = et[3] 
    self.titles = et[4] 
    self.critical = et[5] 
    self.warning = et[6] 
    self.marks = et[7]
    self.line1_color = et[8]
    self.line2_color = et[9]
    self.r_mode = et[10]
    self.helth_range = et[11]
    self.f_width = et[12]
    self.f_height = et[13]
    self.ys = ys
    data1 = self.__datafact__(self.l1, self.labs1, True)
    data2 = self.__datafact__(self.l2, self.labs2, True)
    # Create a XYChart object of size 550 x 220 pixels
    self.width = self.f_width #660
    self.height = self.f_height #250
    self.c = XYChart(self.width, self.height)
    # Set the plot area at (50, 10) and of size 480 x 180 pixels. Enabled both vertical
    # and horizontal grids by setting their colors to light grey (cccccc)
    self.c.setPlotArea(60, 25, self.width - 70, self.height - 60).setGridColor(0xcccccc, 0xcccccc, 0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0)
    # Add a legend box (50, 10) (top of plot area) using horizontal layout. Use 8 pts
    # Arial font. Disable bounding box (set border to transparent).
    legendBox = self.c.addLegend(60, 20, 0, "", 8)
    # Add keys to the legend box to explain the color zones
    #legendBox.addKey("today", 0x333399)
    legendBox.addKey("Tolerant", self.line2_color) #tolerant Historical
    #legendBox.addKey("Forecast", 0xff9966)
    # Add a title to the y axis.
    self.c.addTitle(str(self.titles[0]), "timesbi.ttf", 14)
    self.c.xAxis().setTitle(str(self.titles[2]) + " (" + str(self.width) + "x" + str(self.height) + ")")
    # Set the labels on the x axis
    # Set multi-style axis label formatting. Use Arial Bold font for yearly labels and
    # display them as "yyyy". Use default font for monthly labels and display them as
    # "mmm". Replace some labels with minor ticks to ensure the labels are at least 3
    # units apart.
    step = data2['n'] / ((self.width - 70) / 49)
    if step < 2:
        step = 2
    #self.c.xAxis().setMultiFormat(StartOfHourFilter(), "{value|hh:mm}", StartOfHourFilter(), "{value|hh:00}")
    self.c.xAxis().setLabelStep(step, step / 2)
    #self.c.xAxis().setLabelStep(step, step / 2)
    # Add a line layer to the chart
    layer = self.c.addLineLayer2()
    # Create the color to draw the data line. The line is blue (0x333399) to the left of
    # x = 18, and become a red (0xd04040) dash line to the right of x = 18.
    lineColor = layer.xZoneColor(1441, self.line1_color, self.c.dashLineColor(0xd04040, DashLine)) #0x333399
    # Add the data line
    layer.addDataSet(data1['data'], lineColor)
    # Create the color to draw the err zone. The color is semi-transparent blue
    # (0x809999ff) to the left of x = 18, and become semi-transparent red (0x80ff9966) to
    # the right of x = 18.
    errColor = layer.xZoneColor(1441, self.line2_color, 0x80ff9966L) #0x809999ffL
    # Add the upper border of the err zone
    layer.addDataSet(ArrayMath(data2['data']).add(data2['heldata']).result(), errColor)
    # Add the lower border of the err zone
    layer.addDataSet(ArrayMath(data2['data']).sub(data2['heldata']).result(), errColor)
    # Set the default line width to 2 pixels
    # Color the region between the err zone lines
    self.c.addInterLineLayer(layer.getLine(1), layer.getLine(2), errColor)       
    if self.ys:
        ys = int(self.ys)
        self.c.yAxis().setLinearScale(0, ys)

def display(self):
    # output the chart       
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

def __datafact__(self, l1, labs, ulab):
    data = []
    labels = []
    heldata = []
    i = 0
    n = 0
        for i, r in enumerate(l1): 
            hour = "%02d" % r.houri
            minute = "%02d" % r.minutei
            key = str(r.datei) + ":" + hour + ":" + minute
            if key in labs.keys():
                labs[key] = r.valuei
        if ulab:
            data = []
            labels = []
            heldata = []
            for k, v in sorted(labs.iteritems()):
                #labels.append(chartTime(int(k[0:4]), int(k[5:7]), int(k[8:10]), k[11:13], k[14:16], 0))
                heldata.append(v * self.helth_range/100)
                n += 1
            log.debug("n:" + str(n))
        log.error("valuei excetion")
    return {'data':data, 'heldata':heldata, 'labels':labels, 'n':n}

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/chartobj/ ########################################## from pychartdir import * import logging log = logging.getLogger(name)

class MarksAndZones2: def init(self, et, ys=""):

    self.l1 = et[0] 
    self.l2 = et[1] 
    self.labs1 = et[2] 
    self.labs2 = et[3] 
    self.titles = et[4] 
    self.critical = et[5] 
    self.warning = et[6] 
    self.marks = et[7]
    self.line1_color = et[8]
    self.line2_color = et[9]
    self.r_mode = et[10]
    self.helth_range = et[11]
    self.f_width = et[12]
    self.f_height = et[13]
    self.ys = ys
    data1 = self.__datafact__(self.l1, self.labs1, True)
    data2 = self.__datafact__(self.l2, self.labs2, True)
    # Create a XYChart object of size 400 x 270 pixels
    self.width = self.f_width #660
    self.height = self.f_height #250
    self.c = XYChart(self.width, self.height)
    self.critical_color = 0xff0000
    self.warning_color = 0xff9900
    # Set the plotarea at (80, 25) and of size 300 x 200 pixels. Use alternate color
    # background (0xeeeeee) and (0xffffff). Set border and grid colors to grey
    # (0xc0c0c0).
    self.c.setPlotArea(60, 25, self.width - 70, self.height - 60, 0xeeeeee, 0xffffff, 0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0)
    # Add a title to the chart using 14 pts Times Bold Italic font
    self.c.addTitle(str(self.titles[0]) , "timesbi.ttf", 14)
    # Add a title to the y axis
    self.c.xAxis().setTitle(str(self.titles[2]) + " (" + str(self.width) + "x" + str(self.height) + ")")
    # Set the y axis width to 2 pixels
    # Set the labels on the x axis.
    # Add a legend box (50, 10) (top of plot area) using horizontal layout. Use 8 pts
    # Arial font. Disable bounding box (set border to transparent).
    #legendBox = self.c.addLegend(60, 20, 0, "", 8)
    # Display 1 out of 3 labels on the x-axis. Show minor ticks for remaining labels.
    #(660 - 70) / 10
    #(6600 - 70) / 10
    step = data2['n'] / ((self.width - 70) / 49)
    if step < 2:
        step = 2
    self.c.xAxis().setLabelStep(step, step / 2)
    # Set the x axis width to 2 pixels
    if self.critical > 0:
        # Add a horizontal red (0x800080) mark line at y = 50000
        yMark2 = self.c.yAxis().addMark(self.critical, self.critical_color, "Critical Threshold Set Point")
        # Set the mark line width to 2 pixels
        # Put the mark label at the top center of the mark line
    if self.warning > 0:
        # Add a horizontal red (0x800080) mark line at y = 30000
        yMark1 = self.c.yAxis().addMark(self.warning, self.warning_color, "Warning Threshold Set Point")
        # Set the mark line width to 2 pixels
        # Put the mark label at the top center of the mark line
    if self.marks:
        # Add an orange (0xffcc66) zone from x = 18 to x = 20
        self.c.xAxis().addZone(18, 20, 0xffcc66)
        # Add a vertical brown (0x995500) mark line at x = 18
        xMark1 = self.c.xAxis().addMark(18, 0x995500, "Backup Start")
        # Set the mark line width to 2 pixels
        # Put the mark label at the left of the mark line
        # Rotate the mark label by 90 degrees so it draws vertically
        # Add a vertical brown (0x995500) mark line at x = 20
        xMark2 = self.c.xAxis().addMark(20, 0x995500, "Backup End")
        # Set the mark line width to 2 pixels
        # Put the mark label at the right of the mark line
        # Rotate the mark label by 90 degrees so it draws vertically
    # Add a green (0x00cc00) line layer with line width of 2 pixels
    self.c.addLineLayer(data1['data'], self.line1_color, 'today').setLineWidth(1)
    self.c.addLineLayer(data2['data'], self.line2_color, 'x').setLineWidth(1)
    if self.ys:
        ys = int(self.ys)
        self.c.yAxis().setLinearScale(0, ys)

def display(self):
    # output the chart       
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

def __datafact__(self, l1, labs, ulab):
    data = []
    labels = []
    i = 0
    n = 0
        for i, r in enumerate(l1): 
            hour = "%02d" % r.houri
            minute = "%02d" % r.minutei
            key = str(r.datei) + ":" + hour + ":" + minute
            if key in labs.keys():
                labs[key] = r.valuei
        if ulab:
            data = []
            labels = []
            for k, v in sorted(labs.iteritems()):
                n += 1
            log.debug("n:" + str(n))
    return {'data':data, 'labels':labels, 'n':n}

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/chartobj/ ########################################## from pychartdir import *

class OverlappingBarChart:

def __init__(self):
    # The data for the bar chart
    data0 = [100, 125, 156, 147, 87, 124, 178, 109, 140, 106, 192, 122, 100, 100, 100, 100, 110, 111, 123, 123]
    labels = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct","Nov", "Dec", "Dec", "Dec", "Dec", "Dec", "Dec", "Dec", "Dec", "Dec"]
    self.width = 700
    self.height = 250
    # Create a XYChart object of size 580 x 280 pixels
    self.c = XYChart(self.width, self.height)
    # Add a title to the chart using 14 pts Arial Bold Italic font
    self.c.addTitle("DB Server", "arialbi.ttf", 14)
    # Set the plot area at (50, 50) and of size 500 x 200. Use two alternative background
    # colors (f8f8f8 and ffffff)
    self.c.setPlotArea(50, 50, 500, 200, 0xf8f8f8, 0xffffff)
    # Add a legend box at (50, 25) using horizontal layout. Use 8pts Arial as font, with
    # transparent background.
    self.c.addLegend(50, 25, 0, "arial.ttf", 8).setBackground(Transparent)
    # Set the x axis labels
    # Draw the ticks between label positions (instead of at label positions)
    # Add a multi-bar layer with 3 data sets
    layer = self.c.addBarLayer2(Side)
    layer.addDataSet(data0, 0x8080ff, "select")

layer.addDataSet(data1, 0x80ff80, "Year 2004")

layer.addDataSet(data2, 0x8080ff, "Year 2005")

    # Set 50% overlap between bars
    # Add a title to the y-axis
    self.c.yAxis().setTitle("Revenue (USD in millions)")

def display(self):
    # output the chart       
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/chartobj/ ##########################################

-- coding: utf-8 --

from pychartdir import * import logging log = logging.getLogger(name)

class MultiLineChart:

def __init__(self,l,names,titles,opt="0",d="",d2=""):
    # The data for the line chart
    #names = ['datei','com_update','com_insert','com_delete','com_replace']
    #names = ['datei','com_update','com_insert']

    #titles = ['','queries per day','Jun 12, 2010']

    #for na in range(len(names)):
    #    print na,names[na],"test"
    opts = opt.split(',')
    data = {'0':[],'1':[],'2':[],'3':[],'4':[],'5':[],'6':[],'7':[],'8':[],'9':[]}
    i = 0
        for i,r in enumerate(l):
            mediadata = str(r.mediadata)
            ds =  mediadata.split(',')
            for na in range(len(names)):
                it = str(ds[na])
                if it == "":
                    it = "0"
        data['0'] = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24"]
        data['1'] = [42, 49, 33, 38, 51, 46, 29, 41, 44, 57, 59, 52, 37, 34, 51, 56, 56, 60, 70, 76, 63, 67, 75, 64, 51]
        i = 24
    # The data for the line chart
    #self.data0 = [42, 49, 33, 38, 51, 46, 29, 41, 44, 57, 59, 52, 37, 34, 51, 56, 56, 60, 70, 76, 63, 67, 75, 64, 51]
    #self.data1 = [50, 55, 47, 34, 42, 49, 63, 62, 73, 59, 56, 50, 64, 60, 67, 67, 58, 59, 73, 77, 84, 82, 80, 84, 98]
    #self.data2 = [36, 28, 25, 33, 38, 20, 22, 30, 25, 33, 30, 24, 28, 15, 21, 26, 46, 42, 48, 45, 43, 52, 64, 60, 70]
    # The labels for the line chart
    self.labels = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24"]
    # Create an XYChart object of size 600 x 300 pixels, with a light blue (EEEEFF)
    # background, black border, 1 pxiel 3D border effect and rounded corners
    self.width = 700
    self.height = 250
    self.c = XYChart(self.width, self.height, 0xeeeeff, 0x000000, 1)
    # Set the plotarea at (55, 58) and of size 520 x 195 pixels, with white background.
    # Turn on both horizontal and vertical grid lines with light grey color (0xcccccc)
    self.c.setPlotArea(80, 58, self.width-120, self.height-100, 0xffffff, -1, -1, 0xcccccc, 0xcccccc)
    # Add a legend box at (50, 30) (top of the chart) with horizontal layout. Use 9 pts
    # Arial Bold font. Set the background and border color to Transparent.
    self.c.addLegend(70, 30, 0, "arialbd.ttf", 9).setBackground(Transparent)
    # Add a title box to the chart using 15 pts Times Bold Italic font, on a light blue
    # (CCCCFF) background with glass effect. white (0xffffff) on a dark red (0x800000)
    # background, with a 1 pixel 3D border.
    #self.c.addTitle("Application Server Throughput", "timesbi.ttf", 15).setBackground( 0xccccff, 0x000000, glassEffect())
    self.c.addTitle(str(titles[0]), "timesbi.ttf", 15).setBackground( 0xccccff, 0x000000, glassEffect())
    # Add a title to the y axis
    # Set the labels on the x axis.
    # Display 1 out of 3 labels on the x-axis.
    step = int( i / 6 )
    if step < 2:
        step = 2
    self.c.xAxis().setLabelStep(step, 0)
    # Add a title to the x axis

    self.c.xAxis().setTitle("From "+str(d)+" To "+str(d2))
    # Add a line layer to the chart
    self.layer = self.c.addLineLayer2()
    # Set the default line width to 2 pixels
    # Add the three data sets to the line layer. For demo purpose, we use a dash line
    # color for the last line
    for na in range(len(names)):            
        if na > 0:
            if str(na) not in opts:
                    self.layer.addDataSet(data[str(na)], self.__colorsschema__(na), str(names[na]))
          "data format error")
def display(self):
    # output the chart       
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

def __colorsschema__(self,idx):
    v = "#3366FF"
    colors1 = [0x3366FF,0x6633FF,0xCC33FF,0xFF33CC,0x33CCFF,0x003DF5,0x002EB8,0xFF3366,0x33FFCC,0xB88A00,0xF5B800,0xFF6633]
    colors2 = [0x66CCFF,0xFF0000,0x00FF00,0x0000FF,0xCC00FF,0x6699FF,0x009999,0xCCCC00,0xFFCC33,0xFF9999,0x339900,0xCC0066]
    v = colors2[idx]
    return v

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/chartobj/ ########################################## from pychartdir import *

class SimpleAreaChart:

def __init__(self):
    # The data for the area chart
    data = [30, 28, 40, 55, 75, 68, 54, 60, 50, 62, 75, 65, 75, 89, 60, 55, 53, 35, 50,
        66, 56, 48, 52, 65, 62]
    # The labels for the area chart
    labels = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13",
        "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24"]
    # Create a XYChart object of size 250 x 250 pixels
    self.c = XYChart(250, 250)
    # Set the plotarea at (30, 20) and of size 200 x 200 pixels
    self.c.setPlotArea(30, 20, 200, 200)
    # Add an area chart layer using the given data
    # Set the labels on the x axis.
    # Display 1 out of 3 labels on the x-axis.

def display(self):
    # output the chart       
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/chartobj/ ########################################## from pychartdir import *

class TDPieChart:

def __init__(self):
    # The data for the pie chart
    data = [25, 18, 15, 12, 8, 30, 35]
    # The labels for the pie chart
    labels = ["Labor", "Licenses", "Taxes", "Legal", "Insurance", "Facilities",
    # Create a PieChart object of size 360 x 300 pixels
    self.c = PieChart(360, 300)
    # Set the center of the pie at (180, 140) and the radius to 100 pixels
    self.c.setPieSize(180, 140, 100)
    # Add a title to the pie chart
    self.c.addTitle("Project Cost Breakdown")
    # Draw the pie in 3D
    # Set the pie data and the pie labels
    self.c.setData(data, labels)
    # Explode the 1st sector (index = 0)

def display(self):
    # output the chart       
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/chartobj/ ########################################## from pychartdir import *

class SimpleBarChart:

def __init__(self):
    # The data for the bar chart
    data = [85, 156, 179.5, 211, 123]
    # The labels for the bar chart
    labels = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"]
    # Create a XYChart object of size 250 x 250 pixels
    self.c = XYChart(250, 250)
    # Set the plotarea at (30, 20) and of size 200 x 200 pixels
    self.c.setPlotArea(30, 20, 200, 200)
    # Add a bar chart layer using the given data
    # Set the labels on the x axis.

def display(self):
    # output the chart       
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/chartobj/ ########################################## from pychartdir import * import logging log = logging.getLogger(name)

class SimpleLineChart: def init(self, et): #l1, l2, labs1, labs2, allt

    self.l1 = et[0]
    self.l2 = et[1]
    self.labs1 = et[2]
    self.labs2 = et[3]
    self.line1_color = et[4]
    self.line2_color = et[5]
    self.width = 300
    self.height = 160
    self.max_value = 0
    data1 = self.__datafact__(self.l1, self.labs1, True, True)
    data2 = self.__datafact__(self.l2, self.labs2, True)
    # Create a XYChart object of size 250 x 250 pixels
    self.c = XYChart(self.width, self.height)
    # Set the plotarea at (30, 20) and of size 200 x 200 pixels
    self.c.setPlotArea(50, 20, self.width - 80, self.height - 50)
    # Add a line chart layer using the given data
    self.c.addLineLayer(data1['data'], self.line1_color, 'today')
    self.c.addLineLayer(data2['data'], self.line2_color, 'yestoday')
    #layer.addDataSet(data0, 0xff0000, "Server #1")
    #layer.addDataSet(data1, 0x008800, "Server #2")
    #layer.addDataSet(data2, c.dashLineColor(0x3333ff, DashLine), "Server #3")
    # Set the labels on the x axis.
    step = data2['n'] / 4
    if step < 2:
        step = 2
    # Display 1 out of 3 labels on the x-axis.
    log.debug("step:" + str(step))

def display(self):
    # output the chart       
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

def __datafact__(self, l1, labs, ulab, alert=False):
    data = []
    labels = []
    i = 0
    n = 0
        for i, r in enumerate(l1): 
            hour = "%02d" % r.houri
            minute = "%02d" % r.minutei
            key = str(r.datei) + ":" + hour + ":" + minute
            if key in labs.keys():
                labs[key] = r.valuei
                if r.valuei >= self.max_value and alert:
                    self.max_value = r.valuei
        if ulab:
            data = []
            labels = []
            for k, v in sorted(labs.iteritems()):
                n += 1
            log.debug("n:" + str(n))
    return {'data':data, 'labels':labels, 'n':n}

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/chartobj/ ########################################## from pychartdir import * import logging log = logging.getLogger(name)

class BorderlessBarChart:

def __init__(self,l,names,titles,opt="0",dset=""):
    # The data for the bar chart

data = [3.9, 8.1, 10.9, 14.2, 18.1, 19.0, 21.2, 23.2, 25.7, 36]

    # The labels for the bar chart

labels = ["Bastic Group", "Simpa", "YG Super", "CID", "Giga Tech", "Indo Digital","Supreme", "Electech", "THP Thunder", "Flash Light"]

    labels = []
    data = []
    item_name_len = 0
    item_name_len_tmp = 0
    for i,r in enumerate(l):
        mediadata = str(r.mediadata)
        ds =  mediadata.split(',')
        item_name_len_tmp = len(str(ds[1]))
        if item_name_len_tmp > item_name_len:
            item_name_len = item_name_len_tmp
    self.width = 700
    self.height = 0
    if i > 30:
        self.steplength = 18
        self.steplength = 24
    self.height = self.steplength * ( i + 1 )
    # Create a XYChart object of size 600 x 250 pixels
    self.c = XYChart(self.width, self.height)
    # Add a title to the chart using Arial Bold Italic font
    self.c.addTitle(str(titles[0])+" - "+ str(dset), "arialbi.ttf")
    # Set the plotarea at (100, 30) and of size 400 x 200 pixels. Set the plotarea
    # border, background and grid lines to Transparent
    item_name_len = (item_name_len*9)
    log.debug("item_name_len: "+str(item_name_len))
    self.c.setPlotArea(item_name_len, 30, self.width-(item_name_len+100), self.height-50, Transparent, Transparent, Transparent, Transparent,Transparent)
    # Add a bar chart layer using the given data. Use a gradient color for the bars,
    # where the gradient is from dark green (0x008000) to white (0xffffff)
    layer = self.c.addBarLayer(data, self.c.gradientColor(item_name_len, 0, self.width-100, 0, 0x6666ff, 0xffffff))
    # Swap the axis so that the bars are drawn horizontally
    # Set the bar gap to 10%
    # Use the format "US$ xxx millions" as the bar label
    layer.setAggregateLabelFormat("q: {value}")
    # Set the bar label font to 10 pts Times Bold Italic/dark red (0x663300)
    layer.setAggregateLabelStyle("timesbi.ttf", 10, 0x663300)
    # Set the labels on the x axis
    textbox = self.c.xAxis().setLabels(labels)
    # Set the x axis label font to 10pt Arial Bold Italic
    # Set the x axis to Transparent, with labels in dark red (0x663300)
    self.c.xAxis().setColors(Transparent, 0x663300)
    # Set the y axis and labels to Transparent
    self.c.yAxis().setColors(Transparent, Transparent)

def display(self):
    # output the chart       
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/chartobj/ ########################################## from pychartdir import *

class TDLineChart:

def __init__(self):
    # The data for the line chart
    data = [30, 28, 40, 55, 75, 68, 54, 60, 50, 62, 75, 65, 75, 91, 60, 55, 53, 35, 50,
        66, 56, 48, 52, 65, 62]
    # The labels for the line chart
    labels = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13",
        "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24"]
    # Create a XYChart object of size 300 x 280 pixels
    self.c = XYChart(300, 280)
    # Set the plotarea at (45, 30) and of size 200 x 200 pixels
    self.c.setPlotArea(45, 30, 200, 200)
    # Add a title to the chart using 12 pts Arial Bold Italic font
    self.c.addTitle("Daily Server Utilization", "arialbi.ttf", 12)
    # Add a title to the y axis
    # Add a title to the x axis
    self.c.xAxis().setTitle("June 12, 2001")
    # Add a blue (0x6666ff) 3D line chart layer using the give data
    self.c.addLineLayer(data, 0x6666ff).set3D()
    # Set the labels on the x axis.
    # Display 1 out of 3 labels on the x-axis.
def display(self):
    # output the chart       
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/chartobj/ ########################################## #!/usr/bin/python from pychartdir import *

The data for the area chart

data0 = [42, 49, 33, 38, 51, 46, 29, 41, 44, 57, 59, 52, 37, 34, 51, 56, 56, 60, 70, 76, 63, 67, 75, 64, 51] data1 = [50, 55, 47, 34, 42, 49, 63, 62, 73, 59, 56, 50, 64, 60, 67, 67, 58, 59, 73, 77, 84, 82, 80, 84, 98] data2 = [87, 89, 85, 66, 53, 39, 24, 21, 37, 56, 37, 23, 21, 33, 13, 17, 14, 23, 16, 25, 29, 30, 45, 47, 46]

The timestamps on the x-axis

labels = [chartTime(1996, 1, 1), chartTime(1996, 4, 1), chartTime(1996, 7, 1), chartTime(1996, 10, 1), chartTime(1997, 1, 1), chartTime(1997, 4, 1), chartTime( 1997, 7, 1), chartTime(1997, 10, 1), chartTime(1998, 1, 1), chartTime(1998, 4, 1 ), chartTime(1998, 7, 1), chartTime(1998, 10, 1), chartTime(1999, 1, 1), chartTime(1999, 4, 1), chartTime(1999, 7, 1), chartTime(1999, 10, 1), chartTime( 2000, 1, 1), chartTime(2000, 4, 1), chartTime(2000, 7, 1), chartTime(2000, 10, 1 ), chartTime(2001, 1, 1), chartTime(2001, 4, 1), chartTime(2001, 7, 1), chartTime(2001, 10, 1), chartTime(2002, 1, 1)]

Create a XYChart object of size 500 x 280 pixels, using 0xffffcc as background

color, with a black border, and 1 pixel 3D border effect

c = XYChart(500, 280, 0xffffcc, 0, 1)

Set directory for loading images to current script directory

Need when running under Microsoft IIS


Set the plotarea at (50, 45) and of size 320 x 200 pixels with white background.

Enable horizontal and vertical grid lines using the grey (0xc0c0c0) color.

c.setPlotArea(50, 45, 320, 200, 0xffffff).setGridColor(0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0)

Add a legend box at (370, 45) using vertical layout and 8 points Arial Bold font.

legendBox = c.addLegend(370, 45, 1, "arialbd.ttf", 8)

Set the legend box background and border to transparent

legendBox.setBackground(Transparent, Transparent)

Set the legend box icon size to 16 x 32 pixels to match with custom icon size

legendBox.setKeySize(16, 32)

Add a title to the chart using 14 points Times Bold Itatic font and white font

color, and 0x804020 as the background color

c.addTitle("Quarterly Product Sales", "timesbi.ttf", 14, 0xffffff).setBackground( 0x804020)

Set the labels on the x axis.


Set multi-style axis label formatting. Start of year labels are displayed as yyyy.

For other labels, just show minor tick.

c.xAxis().setMultiFormat(StartOfYearFilter(), "{value|yyyy}", AllPassFilter(), "-")

Add a percentage area layer to the chart

layer = c.addAreaLayer2(Percentage)

Add the three data sets to the area layer, using icons images with labels as data

set names

layer.addDataSet(data0, 0x40ddaa77, "<block,valign=absmiddle><img=service.png> Service</>") layer.addDataSet(data1, 0x40aadd77, "<block,valign=absmiddle><img=software.png> Software</>") layer.addDataSet(data2, 0x40aa77dd, "<block,valign=absmiddle><img=computer.png> Hardware</>")

For a vertical stacked chart with positive data only, the last data set is always

on top. However, in a vertical legend box, the last data set is at the bottom. This

can be reversed by using the setLegend method.


output the chart

print "Content-type: image/png\n" binaryPrint(c.makeChart2(PNG)) ########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/chartobj/ ########################################## from pychartdir import *

class CompactLineChart:

def __init__(self):
    #    We use a random number generator to simulate the data from 9:30am to 4:30pm with
    #    one data point every 4 minutes. The total number of points during that period is
    #    106.  (7 hours x 15 points/hour + 1)
    noOfPoints = 106
    # Assume we have not reached the end of the day yet, and only 85 points are
    # available. Create a random table object of 1 col x 85 rows, using 9 as seed.
    rantable = RanTable(9, 1, 85)
    # Set the 1st column to start with 1800 and with random delta from -5 to 5.
    rantable.setCol(0, 1800, -5, 5)
    # Get the data as the 1st column of the random table
    data = rantable.getCol(0)
    # The x-axis labels for the chart
    labels = ["-", "10am", "-", " ", "-", "12am", "-", " ", "-", "2pm", "-", " ", "-",
        "4pm", "-"]
    #    Now we obtain the data into arrays, we can start to draw the chart using
    #    ChartDirector
    # Create a XYChart object of size 180 x 180 pixels with a blue background (0x9c9cce)
    self.c = XYChart(180, 180, 0x9c9cce)
    # Add titles to the top and bottom of the chart using 7.5pt Arial font. The text is
    # white 0xffffff on a deep blue 0x31319C background.
    self.c.addTitle2(Top, "STAR TECH INDEX  2003-01-28", "arial.ttf", 7.5, 0xffffff, 0x31319c)
    self.c.addTitle2(Bottom, "LATEST  STI:1809.41 (+14.51)", "arial.ttf", 7.5, 0xffffff,
    # Set the plotarea at (31, 21) and of size 145 x 124 pixels, with a pale yellow
    # (0xffffc8) background.
    self.c.setPlotArea(31, 21, 145, 124, 0xffffc8)
    # Add custom text at (176, 21) (top right corner of plotarea) using 11pt Times Bold
    # Italic font/red (0xc09090) color
    self.c.addText(176, 21, "Chart Demo", "timesbi.ttf", 11, 0xc09090).setAlignment(TopRight)
    # Use 7.5 pts Arial as the y axis label font
    self.c.yAxis().setLabelStyle("", 7.5)
    # Set the labels on the x axis by spreading the labels evenly between the first point
    # (index = 0) and the last point (index = noOfPoints - 1)
    self.c.xAxis().setLinearScale(0, noOfPoints - 1, labels)
    # Use 7.5 pts Arial as the x axis label font
    self.c.xAxis().setLabelStyle("", 7.5)
    # Add a deep blue (0x000080) line layer to the chart
    self.c.addLineLayer(data, 0x000080)
def display(self):
    # output the chart        
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/chartobj/ ########################################## from pychartdir import *

class TDAreaChart:

def __init__(self):
    # The data for the area chart
    data = [30, 28, 40, 55, 75, 68, 54, 60, 50, 62, 75, 65, 75, 89, 60, 55, 53, 35, 50,
        66, 56, 48, 52, 65, 62]
    # The labels for the area chart
    labels = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13",
        "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24"]
    # Create a XYChart object of size 300 x 300 pixels
    self.c = XYChart(300, 300)
    # Set the plotarea at (45, 30) and of size 200 x 200 pixels
    self.c.setPlotArea(45, 30, 200, 200)
    # Add a title to the chart using 12 pts Arial Bold Italic font
    self.c.addTitle("Daily Server Utilization", "arialbi.ttf", 12)
    # Add a title to the y axis
    # Add a title to the x axis
    self.c.xAxis().setTitle("June 12, 2001")
    # Add a green (0x00ff00) 3D area chart layer using the give data
    self.c.addAreaLayer(data, 0x00ff00).set3D()
    # Set the labels on the x axis.
    # Display 1 out of 3 labels on the x-axis.

def display(self):
    # output the chart       
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/chartobj/ ##########################################

-- coding: utf-8 --

from pychartdir import *

class DepthAreaChart:

def __init__(self, l1, l2, names, titles, dset1, dset2, labs):
    # The data1 for the area chart
    data1 = self.datafact(l1, names, labs)
    data2 = self.datafact(l2, names, labs)
    self.width = 700
    self.height = 250
    # Create a XYChart object of size 350 x 230 pixels
    self.c = XYChart(self.width, self.height)
    # Set the plotarea at (50, 30) and of size 250 x 150 pixels.
    self.c.setPlotArea(80, 30, self.width - 100, self.height - 80)
    # Add a legend box at (55, 0) (top of the chart) using 8 pts Arial Font. Set
    # background and border to Transparent.
    self.c.addLegend(55, 0, 0, "", 8).setBackground(Transparent)
    # Add a title to the x axis
    self.c.xAxis().setTitle(str(titles[0]) , "timesbi.ttf", 12)
    # Add a title to the y axis
    # Set the labels on the x axis.
    # Display 1 out of 2 labels on the x-axis. Show minor ticks for remaining labels.
    self.c.xAxis().setLabelStep(2, 1)
    # Add three area layers, each representing one data1 set. The areas are drawn in
    # semi-transparent colors.
    self.c.addAreaLayer(data1['data'], 0x808080ffL, str(dset1), 3) #0x808080ffL
    self.c.addAreaLayer(data2['data'], 0x80ff0000L, '上周同一天', 2) #0x80ff0000L

def datafact(self, l, names, labs):
    data = []
    labels = []
    i = 0
    n = 24
        for i, r in enumerate(l):
            key = "%02d" % r.houri
            mediadata = str(r.mediadata)
            ds = mediadata.split(',')                
            if key in labs.keys():
                labs[key] = ds[len(ds)-1]
        for k, v in sorted(labs.iteritems()):
                n +=1
    return {'data':data, 'labels':labels, 'n':n}

def display(self):
    # output the chart       
    return self.c.makeChart2(PNG)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/ ########################################## """TMC model""" from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Date

from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Base

class Tmc(Base): tablename = "tmc"

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
datei = Column(Date)
t = Column(Integer(10))

def __init__(self, datei='', t=''):
    self.datei = datei
    self.t = t

def __repr__(self):
    return "<Tmc('%s')" % self.datei

def tostring(self):
    return "Tmc('%s','%s','%s')" % (,self.datei,self.t)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/fisheyesdb/ ########################################## """Users model""" from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Date,Text,DateTime from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Base

class Users(Base): tablename = "users"

uid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
username = Column(String)
password = Column(String)
group_uid = Column(Integer)    

def __init__(self):
    self.uid = 0
    self.username = ""
    self.password = ""
    self.group_uid = 0

def __repr__(self):
    return "<Events('%s')" % self.username

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/fisheyesdb/ ##########################################

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/fisheyesdb/ ########################################## """DailyReport model""" from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Date,Text, DateTime, UnicodeText

from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Base

class Dateitems(Base): tablename = "log_report_stuff"

datei = Column(Date, primary_key=True)
stuff = Column(UnicodeText)
create_time = Column(DateTime)
lastupdate_time = Column(DateTime)

def __init__(self, datei="00-00-00" ,stuff="" , create_time="00-00-00 00:00:00", lastupdate_time="00-00-00 00:00:00"):
    if not isinstance(datei, unicode):
        datei = unicode(datei, 'utf-8')       
    if not isinstance(stuff, unicode):
        stuff = unicode(stuff, 'utf-8')        
    if not isinstance(create_time, unicode):
        create_time = unicode(create_time, 'utf-8')
    if not isinstance(lastupdate_time, unicode):
        lastupdate_time = unicode(lastupdate_time, 'utf-8')
    self.datei = datei       
    self.stuff = stuff
    self.create_time = create_time
    self.lastupdate_time = lastupdate_time

#def __repr__(self):
    #return u"<Realteam('%s, %s')" % (, self.datei)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/fisheyesdb/ ########################################## """Categories model""" from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Date, DateTime

from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Base import re

class Categories(Base): tablename = "categories" #c.categories = ['mysqlg1','apperrorlog','tmc']

typeid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
typename = Column(String(100))
items = Column(String(100))
titles = Column(String(200))
classname = Column(String(100))
labels = Column(Integer(2))
disable = Column(Integer(1))
orderby = Column(String(50))
graphtype = Column(String(50))
datasupport = Column(String(50))
accessed =  Column(Integer)
warning =  Column(Integer)
critical =  Column(Integer)

alertlevel =  Column(Integer)
typecode =  Column(String(20))
rankcode =  Column(Integer)    
d_report = Column(Integer)
r_alert = Column(Integer)
r_weight = Column(Integer)
r_mode = Column(String(10))
r_snap = Column(DateTime)
l_interval = Column(Integer)
alarm_threshold = Column(String(200))
baseface = Column(Date)
u_baseface = Column(Integer)

def __init__(self, datei='', _update=''):
    self.typeid = 0
    self.typename = ""
    self.classname = ""
    self.items = ""
    self.titles = ""
    self.labels = 0
    self.disable = 0
    self.orderby = ""
    self.graphtype = ""
    self.datasupport = ""
    self.accessed = 0
    self.warning = -1
    self.critical = -1        
    self.alertlevel = 0
    self.typecode = 0
    self.rankcode = 1000000
    self.d_report = 1
    self.r_alert = 0
    self.r_weight = 5
    self.r_mode = 'z'
    self.r_snap = '1970-01-01 00:00:00'
    self.l_interval = 300
    self.alarm_threshold = '[-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]'
    self.baseface = '1970-01-01'
    self.u_baseface = 0

def __repr__(self):
    return "<Categories('%s')" % self.typename

def tostring(self):
    return "Categories('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')" % (self.typeid, self.typename, self.items, self.titles, self.classname, self.labels, self.disable, self.orderby)

def search_highlight(self, sw):
    import pyfisheyes.lib.helpers as h
    p = re.compile(sw,re.IGNORECASE)
    return h.literal(p.sub( '<span class="sword">'+sw+"</span>", self.typename))

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/fisheyesdb/ ########################################## """realtime model""" from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Date, DateTime

from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Base

class Realtime(Base): tablename = "realtime"

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
tid = Column(Integer)
datei = Column(Date)
houri = Column(Integer)
minutei = Column(Integer)
valuei = Column(Integer)
logtime = Column(DateTime)

def __init__(self, id=0, tid=0, datei='0000-00-00', houri=0, minutei=0, valuei=0):
    if not isinstance(id, unicode):
        id = unicode(id, 'utf-8')
    if not isinstance(tid, unicode):
        tid = unicode(tid, 'utf-8')
    if not isinstance(datei, unicode):
        datei = unicode(datei, 'utf-8')
    if not isinstance(houri, unicode):
        houri = unicode(houri, 'utf-8')
    if not isinstance(minutei, unicode):
        minutei = unicode(minutei, 'utf-8')
    if not isinstance(valuei, unicode):
        valuei = unicode(valuei, 'utf-8')
    if not isinstance(logtime, unicode):
        logtime = unicode(logtime, 'utf-8')
    = id
    self.tid = tid
    self.datei = datei
    self.houri = houri
    self.minutei = minutei
    self.valuei = valuei
    self.logtime = logtime

def __repr__(self):
    return u"<Realteam('%s, %s')" % (, self.datei)

def getLogstuff(self):
    from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh
    gh = _gh.GlobalHandle()        
    return gh.getLogstuff(self.tid, self.datei, self.logtime)

def time(self):
    time = ""
    logtime = str(self.logtime).split(' ')
    time = logtime[1]
    return time

def exporttoexcel(self):        
    return u"\t %s \t %s \t %s" % (self.datei, str(self.logtime)[11:16], self.valuei)

def formatValue(self):
    from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh
    gh = _gh.GlobalHandle()        
    return gh.numformat(self.valuei)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/fisheyesdb/ ########################################## """Contacts model""" from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Date

from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Base

class Contacts(Base): tablename = "contacts" #c.categories = ['mysqlg1','apperrorlog','tmc']

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
eid = Column(String(100))
name = Column(String(100))
ename = Column(String(200))
title = Column(String(100))
subtel = Column(Integer(2))
mobile = Column(Integer(1))
email = Column(String(50))
forsearch = Column(String(50))

def __init__(self, datei='', _update=''): = 0
    self.eid = "" = ""
    self.ename = ""
    self.title = ""
    self.subtel = "" = "" = ""
    self.forsearch = ""

def __repr__(self):
    return "<Categories('%s')" %

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/fisheyesdb/ ########################################## """Graph model""" from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Date from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Base

class Graphs(Base): tablename = "graphs"

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
template_id = Column(Integer)
datei = Column(Date)
mediadata = Column(String(200))

def __init__(self, datei='', m=''):
    self.datei = datei
    self.mediadata = m

def __repr__(self):
    return "<Graphs('%s')" % self.datei

def tostring(self):
    return "Graphs('%s','%s','%s','%s')" % (,self.template_id,self.datei,self.mediadata)

def tostringlist(self):
    from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh
    gh = _gh.GlobalHandle()        
    return gh.tostringlist(self.mediadata,True)

def exporttoexcel(self):
    from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh
    gh = _gh.GlobalHandle()   
    return gh.exporttoexcel(self.mediadata)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/fisheyesdb/ ########################################## """pyf_alarminfo model""" from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Date, Time, DateTime

from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Base

class Alarminfo(Base): tablename = "pyf_alarminfo"

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) #0
t_name = Column(String(100))           #1
tid = Column(Integer)                  #2
datei = Column(Date)                   #3
t_status = Column(String(250))         #4
r_weight = Column(Integer)             #5
r_mode = Column(String(20))            #6
start_time = Column(Time)              #7
end_time = Column(Time)                #8
t_threshold = Column(Integer)          #9
a_level = Column(String(50))           #10
logtime = Column(DateTime)             #11

def __init__(self, arr):
    t_name1 = arr[1]
    if not isinstance(arr[1], unicode):
        t_name1 = unicode(arr[1], 'utf-8')
    t_status1 = arr[4]
    if not isinstance(arr[4], unicode):
        t_status1 = unicode(arr[4], 'utf-8')
    r_mode1 = arr[6]
    if not isinstance(arr[6], unicode):
        r_mode1 = unicode(arr[6], 'utf-8')
    a_level1 = arr[10]   
    if not isinstance(arr[10], unicode):
        a_level1 = unicode(arr[10], 'utf-8')    
    = arr[0]
    self.t_name = t_name1
    self.tid = arr[2]
    self.datei = arr[3]
    self.t_status = t_status1
    self.r_weight = arr[5]
    self.r_mode = r_mode1
    self.start_time = arr[7]
    self.end_time = arr[8]
    self.t_threshold = arr[9]
    self.a_level = a_level1
    self.logtime = arr[11]

def __repr__(self):
    return u"<Realteam('%s, %s')" % (, self.t_name)

def t_name_urlencode(self):
    from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh
    gh = _gh.GlobalHandle()   
    return gh.urlencode( self.t_name.encode('utf-8'))

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/fisheyesdb/ ########################################## """realtime model""" from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Date,Text, DateTime

from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Base

class Logstuff(Base): tablename = "logstuff"

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
tid = Column(Integer)
datei = Column(Date)
stuff = Column(Text)
logtime = Column(DateTime)

def __init__(self, id=0, tid=0, datei='0000-00-00', houri=0, minutei=0, valuei=0):
    if not isinstance(id, unicode):
        id = unicode(id, 'utf-8')
    if not isinstance(tid, unicode):
        tid = unicode(tid, 'utf-8') 
    if not isinstance(datei, unicode):
        datei = unicode(datei, 'utf-8')       
    if not isinstance(stuff, unicode):
        stuff = unicode(stuff, 'utf-8')        
    if not isinstance(logtime, unicode):
        logtime = unicode(logtime, 'utf-8') = id
    self.tid = tid
    self.datei = datei       
    self.stuff = stuff
    self.logtime = logtime

def __repr__(self):
    return u"<Realteam('%s, %s')" % (, self.datei)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/fisheyesdb/ ########################################## """graphs model""" from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Date

from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Base

class GraphsHour(Base): tablename = "graphshour"

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
template_id = Column(Integer)
datei = Column(Date)
houri = Column(Integer)
mediadata = Column(String(200))

def __init__(self, id='', template_id='', datei='', houri='', mediadata=''):
    if not isinstance( template_id, unicode ):
        template_id = unicode( template_id, 'utf-8' )
    if not isinstance( datei, unicode ):
        datei = unicode( datei, 'utf-8' )
    if not isinstance( houri, unicode ):
        houri = unicode( houri, 'utf-8' )
    if not isinstance( mediadata, unicode ):
        mediadata = unicode( mediadata, 'utf-8' )
    if not isinstance( id, unicode ):
        id  = unicode( id, 'utf-8' ) = id
    self.template_id = template_id
    self.datei = datei
    self.houri = houri
    self.mediadata = mediadata

def __repr__(self):
    return u"<GraphsHour('%s, %s')" % (, self.datei)

def tostringlist(self):
    from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh
    gh = _gh.GlobalHandle()        
    return gh.tostringlist(self.mediadata,False)

def exporttoexcel(self):
    from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh
    gh = _gh.GlobalHandle()   
    return gh.exporttoexcel(self.mediadata)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/fisheyesdb/ ########################################## """Events model""" from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Date,Text,DateTime

from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Base import pyfisheyes.lib.helpers as h import textile

class Events(Base): tablename = "events"

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
evtitle = Column(String(200))
evdate = Column(Date)
evtags = Column(String(100))
evtype = Column(String(20))
evstatus = Column(String(20))
evcause = Column(String(100))
evminutes = Column(Integer)
evlosspv = Column(Integer)
evdomain = Column(String(50))
evreporter = Column(Integer)
evcreatedate = Column(DateTime)
evreporterip = Column(String(20))
evlastedit = Column(DateTime)
evlasteditor = Column(Integer)
evlasteditip = Column(String(20))
evcontent = Column(Text)
tid = Column(Integer)

def __init__(self): = 0
    self.evtitle = ""
    self.evdate = "0000-00-00"
    self.evtags = ""
    self.evtype = ""
    self.evstatus = ""
    self.evcause = ""
    self.evminutes = 0
    self.evlosspv = 0
    self.evdomain = ""
    self.evreporter = 0
    self.evcreatedate = "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
    self.evlastedit = "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
    self.evlasteditor = 0
    self.evcontent = ""
    self.evreporterip = ""
    self.evlasteditip = ""
    self.tid = 0

def __repr__(self):
    return "<Events('%s')" % self.evtitle

def getEvContent(self):
        content = h.literal(textile.textile(self.evcontent))
        content = ""
    return content

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/model/fisheyesdb/ ########################################## """graphs model""" from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Date

from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Base

class GraphsHost(Base): tablename = "graphshost"

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
template_id = Column(Integer)
datei = Column(Date)
host = Column(String(50))
mediadata = Column(String(200))

def __init__(self, id='', template_id='', datei='', host='', mediadata=''):
    if not isinstance( template_id, unicode ):
        template_id = unicode( template_id, 'utf-8' )
    if not isinstance( datei, unicode ):
        datei = unicode( datei, 'utf-8' )
    if not isinstance( host, unicode ):
        host = unicode( host, 'utf-8' )
    if not isinstance( mediadata, unicode ):
        mediadata = unicode( mediadata, 'utf-8' )
    if not isinstance( id, unicode ):
        id  = unicode( id, 'utf-8' ) = id
    self.template_id = template_id
    self.datei = datei = host
    self.mediadata = mediadata

def __repr__(self):
    return u"<GraphsHost('%s, %s')" % (, self.datei)    

def tostringlist(self):
    from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh
    gh = _gh.GlobalHandle()        
    return gh.tostringlist(self.mediadata,False)

def exporttoexcel(self):
    from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh
    gh = _gh.GlobalHandle()   
    return gh.exporttoexcel(self.mediadata)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/lib/ ########################################## """The base Controller API

Provides the BaseController class for subclassing. """ from pylons.controllers import WSGIController from pylons.templating import render_mako as render from pylons import app_globals, cache, config, request, response, session from pylons import app_globals as g from pylons.controllers.util import redirect from pylons import url

from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Session

class BaseController(WSGIController):

def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
    """Invoke the Controller"""
    # WSGIController.__call__ dispatches to the Controller method
    # the request is routed to. This routing information is
    # available in environ['pylons.routes_dict']
        return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/lib/ ########################################## import os, zipfile, tarfile, shutil

def extractall(archive, dstdir): """ extract zip or tar content to dstdir"""

if zipfile.is_zipfile(archive):
    z = zipfile.ZipFile(archive)
    for name in z.namelist():
        targetname = name
        # directories ends with '/' (on Windows as well)
        if targetname.endswith('/'):
            targetname = targetname[:-1]

        # don't include leading "/" from file name if present
        if targetname.startswith(os.path.sep):
            targetname = os.path.join(dstdir, targetname[1:])
            targetname = os.path.join(dstdir, targetname)
        targetname = os.path.normpath(targetname)

        # Create all upper directories if necessary.    
        upperdirs = os.path.dirname(targetname)
        if upperdirs and not os.path.exists(upperdirs):

        # directories ends with '/' (on Windows as well)
        if not name.endswith('/'):
            # copy file
            file(targetname, 'wb').write(

elif tarfile.is_tarfile(archive):
    tar =

    # seems to be a single file, save it
    shutil.copyfile(archive, os.path.join(dstdir, os.path.basename(archive)))

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/lib/ ##########################################

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/lib/ ########################################## """The application's Globals object""" import atexit from turbomail import interface from turbomail.adapters import tm_pylons

from beaker.cache import CacheManager from beaker.util import parse_cache_config_options

class Globals(object): """Globals acts as a container for objects available throughout the life of the application


def __init__(self, config):
    """One instance of Globals is created during application
    initialization and is available during requests via the
    'app_globals' variable

    self.cache = CacheManager(**parse_cache_config_options(config))

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/lib/ ########################################## from authkit.permissions import ValidAuthKitUser from authkit.permissions import HasAuthKitRole from authkit.authorize.pylons_adaptors import authorized from pylons.templating import render_mako as render from authkit.authorize.pylons_adaptors import authorize

is_valid_user = ValidAuthKitUser() has_delete_role = HasAuthKitRole(['delete'])

def render_signin(): return render('/derived/account/signin.html').encode('utf-8')

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/lib/ ########################################## """Helper functions

Consists of functions to typically be used within templates, but also available to Controllers. This module is available to templates as 'h'. """

Import helpers as desired, or define your own, ie:

#from webhelpers.html.tags import checkbox, password import os import hashlib

from webhelpers.html import escape, HTML, literal, url_escape, literal from webhelpers.html.tags import * from pylons import url from pylons.controllers.util import redirect

from formbuild.helpers import field from formbuild import start_with_layout as form_start, end_with_layout as form_end from formbuild.helpers import checkbox_group

from routes import url_for

from pyfisheyes.lib import auth

from types import StringType, UnicodeType

def md5_for_file(f, block_size=2**20): md5 = hashlib.md5() while True: data = if not data: break md5.update(data) return unicode(md5.hexdigest())

def unchroot_path(path, chroot): if type(path) != StringType and type(path) != UnicodeType: raise Exception('Bad path (type is not string)') while path.startswith(os.sep): path = path[len(os.sep):] if not path.startswith(os.path.basename(chroot)): raise Exception('Bad path (no chroot prefix)')

uri = os.path.normpath(path[len(os.path.basename(chroot)):])
while uri.startswith(os.sep):
    uri = uri[len(os.sep):]
unchrooted = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(chroot, uri))

if not unchrooted.startswith(chroot):
    raise Exception('Bad path (chroot protected)')
if not os.path.exists(unchrooted):
    raise Exception('Bad path (does not exist): %s' %unchrooted)

return (unchrooted, uri)

def remove_empty_dirs(root): # remove empty directories for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(root, topdown=False): for subdirname in dirs: try: os.rmdir(os.path.join(dirpath, subdirname)) except OSError: pass

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/lib/ ##########################################

-- coding: utf-8 --

import os import datetime import shutil import logging import string from random import choice log = logging.getLogger(name)


ORIG = "orig" SCALED = "scaled"

class ImageProcessing:

def __init__(self,
    self.src_dir = src_dir
    self.dest_dir = dest_dir
    self.abs_orig_dest_dir = os.path.join(self.dest_dir, ORIG)
    self.abs_scaled_dest_dir = os.path.join(self.dest_dir, SCALED)
    self.dimension = crop_dimension
    self.quality = crop_quality

def copy_orig(self, uri, dest_uri=None):
    Copy the original image to orig dest directory
    src = os.path.join(self.src_dir, uri)
    dest_uri = uri if dest_uri is None else dest_uri
    dest = os.path.join(self.abs_orig_dest_dir, dest_uri)

    self._check_paths(src, dest)

    # copy original photo
    dirpath = os.path.dirname(dest)
    if not os.path.exists(dirpath):
        os.makedirs(dirpath, 0755)
    shutil.copy2(src, dest)"Copied: %s" % dest)

def unlink(self, uri):
    Remove the original image from disk
    src = os.path.join(self.src_dir, uri)


    # unlink original photo
    os.unlink(src)"Removed: %s" % src)

def process_image(self, uri):
    Standard processing for the given image:
    Built the destination relative path based on image timestamp
    Copy the original image to orig dest directory
    Copy the scaled and rotated image to scaled dest directory
    Remove the original image from disk
    date = self._get_datetime(uri)
    ext = os.path.splitext(uri)[1].lower()
    genstr = self._filenamegenerator()
    filename = genstr + ext
    dest_uri = os.path.join(
        os.path.basename(os.path.join(self.src_dir, filename))
    log.debug("process_image::uri:"+ uri)
    self.copy_orig(uri, dest_uri)
    return (date, dest_uri)

def _get_datetime(self, uri):
    Built the destination relative path based on image timestamp
    date =
    return date

def _check_paths(self, src, dest=None):
    Checks validity of src and/or dest paths
    # abort if src photo does not exist
    if not os.path.exists(src):
        raise Exception("Source image does not exists")        

    # abort if dest photo already exists
    if dest is not None and os.path.exists(dest):
        raise Exception("Destination image already exists")
def _filenamegenerator(self,size=24):
    s = ''.join([choice(string.letters + string.digits) for i in range(size)])
    ss = s.lower()
    return ss

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ########################################## import logging import os

from pylons import config,request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render

from pyfisheyes.lib.imageprocessing import ImageProcessing from pyfisheyes.lib.helpers import md5_for_file, unchroot_path, remove_empty_dirs

from pyfisheyes.model.utils import EventHandle as _eh from pyfisheyes import model from webhelpers import paginate import pyfisheyes.lib.helpers as h

log = logging.getLogger(name) class AlertController(BaseController):

def index(self):
    c.pagename = "alter"
    # Return a rendered template
    #return render('/events.mako')
    # or, return a string        
    return "404"

def list(self):
    c.pagename = "alert"
    c.heading = "Alert::List"
    c.qw = ""
    if "qw" in request.params:
        qw = request.params['qw']
        qw = ""
    c.qw = qw       
    al = model.Alarminfo
    if qw:
        af = model.meta.Session.query(al).filter('%'+qw+'%')).order_by(al.logtime.desc()).order_by(al.r_weight.desc())
        af = model.meta.Session.query(al).order_by(al.logtime.desc()).order_by(al.r_weight.desc())
    c.rows = paginate.Page(
        page=int(request.params.get('page', 1)),
        items_per_page = 20,
    return render("/derived/alert/list.html")

def view(self,id):

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ########################################## import logging

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class SpeedController(BaseController):

def index(self):
    # Return a rendered template
    #return render('/speed.mako')
    # or, return a string
    c.pagename = "speed"
    return render("/derived/speed/index.html")

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ##########################################

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ########################################## import logging

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class SecurityController(BaseController): def index(self): """ Show login form. Submits to login/submit """ return render('/login.mako')

def submit(self):
    Verify username and password
    auth_passed = False
    # Both fields filled?
    username = request.params.get('username')
    password = request.params.get('password')

    #for auth in cfg.auth:
    #    if auth(username=username, password=password, config=cfg):
    if username == "test":
        auth_passed = True
    #        break

    # Mark user as logged in
    if auth_passed:
        session['user'] = username"User %s logged in" % session['user'])

        # Send user back to the page he originally wanted to get to
        if session.get('path_before_login'):
        else: # if previous target is unknown just send the user to a welcome page
        log.error("User %s login failed from host [%s]" % ( username, request.remote_addr))
        return render('/login.mako')

def logout(self):
    Logout the user and display a confirmation message
    if 'user' in session:"User %s logged out" % session['user'])
        del session['user']

def failed(self):
    return render('/auth_failed.mako')

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ########################################## import logging

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class SessionController(BaseController):

def _index(self):
    # Return a rendered template
    #return render('/session.mako')
    # or, return a string
    return 'Hello World'

def index(self):
    name = session.get('name', 'NULL')
    return 'session name=%s' % name

def setsession(self):
    session['name'] = 'tony'
    return "save session ok"

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ########################################## import logging

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class ExampleController(BaseController):

def index(self):
    # Return a rendered template
    #return render('/example.mako')
    # or, return a string
    #return 'Hello World'
    return render('/example.mako')

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ##########################################

-- coding: utf-8 --

import logging

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render

from webhelpers import paginate from pyfisheyes import model

import pyfisheyes.lib.helpers as h

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class CategoriesController(BaseController):

graphtype = ['noset', 'day', 'hour', 'host', 'realtime']
labels = ['noset', 14, 30, 60, 120, 180]
orderby = ['noset', 'datei', 'houri', 'host']
r_mode = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'z']
r_weight = [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
l_interval = [300, 600, 900]
r_snap = [0, 3600, 10800, 28800, 86400]
r_typecode = {u'稳定':'10000', u'功能':'20000', u'速度':'30000'}

def index(self):             
    c.topic = "Templates"
    c.rows = paginate.Page(
    page=int(request.params.get('page', 1)),
    return render('/derived/categories/list.html')

def edit(self, id):
    assert id and isinstance(id, basestring)

return "id="+str(id)

    c.cate = model.meta.Session.query(model.Categories).filter_by(typeid=id).first() = id
    c.action = "submit" = 0
    c.heading = "Edit Template"
    c.graphtype = self.graphtype
    c.labels = self.labels
    c.orderby = self.orderby
    c.r_mode = self.r_mode
    c.r_weight = self.r_weight
    c.l_interval = self.l_interval
    c.r_snap = self.r_snap
    c.list_alarm_threshold = eval(c.cate.alarm_threshold)
    c.r_typecode = self.r_typecode
    return render('/derived/categories/edit.html')

def copy(self, id):
    assert id and isinstance(id, basestring)

return "id="+str(id)

    c.cate = model.meta.Session.query(model.Categories).filter_by(typeid=id).first() = id
    c.action = "submitadd" = 0
    c.heading = "Copy Template"
    c.graphtype = self.graphtype
    c.labels = self.labels
    c.orderby = self.orderby
    c.r_mode = self.r_mode
    c.r_weight = self.r_weight
    c.l_interval = self.l_interval
    c.r_snap = self.r_snap
    c.list_alarm_threshold = eval(c.cate.alarm_threshold)
    c.r_typecode = self.r_typecode
    return render('/derived/categories/edit.html')

def add(self):
    c.action = "submitadd"
    c.cate = model.Categories()
    c.heading = "Add Template"
    c.graphtype = self.graphtype
    c.labels = self.labels
    c.orderby = self.orderby
    return render('/derived/categories/edit.html')

def submitadd(self):
    ca = model.Categories()
    ca.typename = request.params.get('typename', '')
    ca.classname = request.params.get('classname', '')
    ca.items = request.params.get('items', '')
    ca.titles = request.params.get('titles', '')
    ca.labels = request.params.get('labels', '')
    ca.disable = request.params.get('disable', '')
    ca.orderby = request.params.get('orderby', '')
    ca.graphtype = request.params.get('graphtype', '')
    ca.datasupport = request.params.get('datasupport', '')
    ca.typecode = request.params.get('typecode', '')
    ca.rankcode = request.params.get('rankcode', '')
    ca.warning = int(request.params.get('warning', '-1'))
    ca.critical = int(request.params.get('critical', '-1'))
    ca.d_report = int(request.params.get('d_report', '1'))
    ca.r_alert = int(request.params.get('r_alert', '0'))
    ca.r_weight = int(request.params.get('r_weight', '0'))
    ca.r_mode = request.params.get('r_mode', 'z')
    #ca.r_snap = int(request.params.get('r_snap',''))
    ca.l_interval = int(request.params.get('l_interval', '1'))
    ca.alarm_threshold = "[" \
                        + str(int(request.params.get('x_thr_0', '-1'))) + "," \
                         + str(int(request.params.get('x_thr_1', '-1'))) + "," \
                         + str(int(request.params.get('x_thr_2', '-1'))) + "," \
                         + str(int(request.params.get('x_thr_3', '-1'))) + "," \
                         + str(int(request.params.get('x_thr_4', '-1'))) + "," \
                         + str(int(request.params.get('x_thr_5', '-1'))) + "," \
                         + str(int(request.params.get('x_thr_6', '-1'))) + "," \
                         + str(int(request.params.get('x_thr_7', '-1'))) + "," \
                        + "]"       
    ca.baseface = request.params.get('baseface', '1970-01-01')
    ca.u_baseface = request.params.get('usebaseface', '0')
    return ""

def submit(self):
    request.charset = 'utf8'
    typeid = int(request.params.get('typeid', 0))
    ca = model.meta.Session.query(model.Categories).filter_by(typeid=typeid).first()
    ca.typename = request.params.get('typename', '')
    ca.classname = request.params.get('classname', '')
    ca.items = request.params.get('items', '')
    ca.titles = request.params.get('titles', '')
    ca.labels = request.params.get('labels', '')
    ca.disable = request.params.get('disable', '')
    ca.orderby = request.params.get('orderby', '')
    ca.graphtype = request.params.get('graphtype', '')
    ca.datasupport = request.params.get('datasupport', '')
    ca.typecode = request.params.get('typecode', '')
    ca.rankcode = request.params.get('rankcode', '')
    ca.warning = int(request.params.get('warning', '-1'))
    ca.critical = int(request.params.get('critical', '-1'))
    ca.d_report = int(request.params.get('d_report', '1'))
    ca.r_alert = int(request.params.get('r_alert', '0'))
    ca.r_weight = int(request.params.get('r_weight', '1'))
    ca.r_mode = request.params.get('r_mode', 'z')
    #ca.r_snap = int(request.params.get('r_snap',''))
    ca.l_interval = int(request.params.get('l_interval', '0'))
    ca.alarm_threshold = "[" \
                        + str(int(request.params.get('x_thr_0', '-1'))) + "," \
                         + str(int(request.params.get('x_thr_1', '-1'))) + "," \
                         + str(int(request.params.get('x_thr_2', '-1'))) + "," \
                         + str(int(request.params.get('x_thr_3', '-1'))) + "," \
                         + str(int(request.params.get('x_thr_4', '-1'))) + "," \
                         + str(int(request.params.get('x_thr_5', '-1'))) + "," \
                         + str(int(request.params.get('x_thr_6', '-1'))) + "," \
                         + str(int(request.params.get('x_thr_7', '-1'))) + "," \
                        + "]"       
    ca.baseface = request.params.get('baseface', '1970-01-01')
    ca.u_baseface = request.params.get('usebaseface', '0')
    redirect('/view/data/' + str(typeid))

    return ""

def delete(self, id=None):
    if id is None:
    assert id and isinstance(id, basestring)
    ca = model.meta.Session.query(model.Categories).filter_by(typeid=id).first()
    if ca is None:
    return render('/derived/categories/deleted.html')

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ##########################################

-- coding: utf-8 --

import logging import json

from pylons import config, request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date, time from pyfisheyes.model.utils import DailyReportHandle as _drh

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render

log = logging.getLogger(name) from pyfisheyes import model

class DailyReportController(BaseController):

def index(self):
    # Return a rendered template
    #return render('/daily_report.mako')
    # or, return a string
    return 'Hello'

def lookup_system(self):
    drh = _drh.DailyReportHandle() 
    i = model.Dateitems
    today =
    y = today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    odate = request.params.get('odate',y)
    clearcache = request.params.get('clear','')
    disabledlazy = request.params.get('unlazy','')
    c.disabledlazy = disabledlazy
    adate = datetime.strptime(odate,'%Y-%m-%d')
    c.odate = odate
    c.imgpath = config["app_conf"]["img_path"]
    dateitems = model.meta.Session.query(i).filter_by(datei=adate).first()
    if dateitems is None:
        #items = drh.createitems(odate)
        items = drh.showsimitems(adate)
        c.simp = 1
    elif clearcache:
        items = drh.createitems(odate)
        items = drh.updateitems(adate)
        items = json.loads(dateitems.stuff)
        c.items = items
        c.simp = 0
        #return dateitems.stuff
        #return render("/derived/list/daily_report.html")
    return render("/derived/list/daily_report.html")

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ########################################## #coding=utf-8 import logging

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render from webhelpers import paginate from pyfisheyes import model from pyfisheyes.model import multiline as _m

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class ApperrorlogController(BaseController):

def index(self):
    # Return a rendered template
    #return render('/apperrorlog.mako')
    # or, return a string
    return 'Hello World'

def data(self):        
    c.topic = "AppErrorLog"
    try :
        page_set = int(request.params['page'])
        page_set = 1 
    c.rows = paginate.Page(
    page = page_set,
    items_per_page = 10)
    return render('/displaydata.mako')

def graph(self):
    response.headers['Content-type'] = 'image/png'

    names = ['datei','error']
    titles = ['生产环境中的错误日志','errors per day','Jun 12, 2010']

    rows = model.meta.Session.query(model.Apperrorlog).all()

    return _m.Multiline(rows,names,titles).display()

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ##########################################

-- coding: utf-8 --

import logging import time,datetime from pylons import config, request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render

from webhelpers import paginate from pyfisheyes import model

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class ListController(BaseController):

def index(self):
    return ""

def day(self):
    c.pagename = "day"
    categories = model.meta.Session.query(model.Categories).filter_by(graphtype="day").order_by('typeid')
    c.rows = paginate.Page(
        page=int(request.params.get('page', 1)),
        items_per_page = 20,
    return render("/derived/list/list.html")

def hour(self):
    c.pagename = "hour"
    categories = model.meta.Session.query(model.Categories).filter_by(graphtype="hour").order_by('typeid')
    c.rows = paginate.Page(
        page=int(request.params.get('page', 1)),
        items_per_page = 20,
    return render("/derived/list/list.html")

def host(self):
    c.pagename = "host"
    categories = model.meta.Session.query(model.Categories).filter_by(graphtype="host").order_by('typeid')
    c.rows = paginate.Page(
        page=int(request.params.get('page', 1)),
        items_per_page = 20,
    return render("/derived/list/list.html")

def realtime(self):
    c.pagename = "realtime"
    t = model.Categories
    m = model.meta.Session.query(t).filter_by(graphtype="realtime")
    c.r_typecode = {u'稳定':'10000', u'功能':'20000', u'速度':'30000'}
    if 'fullscreen' in request.params :
        page_rows = 1000
        template_name = "/derived/list/realtime.html"            
    elif 'report' in request.params :
        page_rows = 1000
        template_name = "/derived/list/report.html"
        c.refresh = True 
        c.view_mode = "report" 
    elif 'viewmdays' in request.params :
        page_rows = 1
        template_name = "/derived/list/report_7days.html"
        c.refresh = True 
        c.view_mode = "viewmdays"
    elif 'montoring' in request.params :
        page_rows = 1000
        template_name = "/derived/list/realtime.html"
        c.refresh = True 
        c.view_mode = "montoring"
        if request.cookies.has_key('disrf'):
            c.disrf = request.cookies['disrf']
            c.disrf = 'false'
        page_rows = 20
        template_name = "/derived/list/list.html"
    sw = ""
    filter = ""
    t1 = 0
    t2 = ""
    filter_list = []
    if 's' in request.params :
        sw = request.params.get('s', '')
        m = m.filter('%'+sw+'%'))
    if 'odate' in request.params :
        odate = request.params.get('odate', '')
        adate = datetime.datetime.strptime(odate,'%Y-%m-%d')
    else :
        adate =
        odate = adate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    if 'typeid' in request.params :
        t1 = request.params.get('typeid', '')
    if 'typename' in request.params :
        t2 = request.params.get('typename', '')
    if 'filter' in request.params :
        filter = request.params.get('filter', '')
        filter_list = str(filter).split(',')
        m = m.filter(~t.typecode.in_(filter_list))
    c.filter_list = filter_list
    categories = m.order_by(t.alertlevel.desc()).order_by(t.r_weight.desc()).order_by(t.rankcode.asc())
    c.sw = sw
    c.odate = odate
    c.imgpath = config["app_conf"]["img_path"]
    c.t1 = t1
    c.t2 = t2
    x = 0
    dys = 0
    if 'dys' in request.params:
        dys = int(request.params["dys"])
        dys = 7
    ldate = [adate]*dys
    rdate = [str(adate)[0:10]]*dys
    while 0 <= x < dys:
        if x == dys-1:
            ldate[x] = ldate[x-1] - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
            rdate[x] = ldate[x].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            ldate[x+1] = ldate[x] - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
            rdate[x+1] = ldate[x+1].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    c.rdate = rdate
    c.rows = paginate.Page(
        page=int(request.params.get('page', 1)),
        items_per_page = page_rows,
    import random
    c.rnd = random.randint(1,1000000)
    from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh
    gh = _gh.GlobalHandle()
    c.currentdatetime = gh.getCurrentDateTime("%H:%M:%S")
    return render(template_name)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ########################################## import logging

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render import pyfisheyes.lib.helpers as h

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class AccountController(BaseController):

def signin(self):
    if not request.environ.get('REMOTE_USER'):
        # This triggers the AuthKit middleware into displaying the sign-in form
        return render('/derived/account/signedin.html')

def signout(self):
    # The actual removal of the AuthKit cookie occurs when the response passes
    # through the AuthKit middleware, we simply need to display a page
    # confirming the user is signed out
    return render('/derived/account/signedout.html')

def signinagain(self):
    return render('/derived/account/signin.html').replace('%s', h.url_for('signin'))

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ########################################## #coding=utf-8 import logging

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render from webhelpers import paginate from pyfisheyes import model from pyfisheyes.model import multiline as _m

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class Mysqlg1Controller(BaseController):

def data(self):
    try :
        page_set = int(request.params['page'])
        page_set = 1
    c.topic = "MySQLG1"
    #c.rows = model.meta.Session.query(model.Mysqlg1).all()
    c.rows = paginate.Page(
    page = page_set,
    items_per_page = 10)

    return render('/displaydata.mako')

def graph(self):
    response.headers['Content-type'] = 'image/png'

    names = ['datei','com_update','com_insert','com_delete','com_replace']
    titles = ['数据库 - 写','queries per day','Jun 12, 2010']

    rows = model.meta.Session.query(model.Mysqlg1).all()

    return _m.Multiline(rows,names,titles).display()

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ########################################## import logging

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class WsgiappController(BaseController):

def index(self):
    # Return a rendered template
    #return render('/wsgiapp.mako')
    # or, return a string
    return 'Hello World'

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ##########################################

-- coding: utf-8 --

import logging

from pylons import config,request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render from pyfisheyes import model from webhelpers import paginate import pyfisheyes.lib.helpers as h from pyfisheyes.model.utils import ContactHandle as _ch from turbomail import Message

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class ContactsController(BaseController):

def index(self):
    # Return a rendered template
    #return render('/contacts.mako')
    # or, return a string
    return 'Hello World'

def list(self):
    c.pagename = "contacts"
    c.heading = "Contacts::List"
    c.qw = ""   ['app_conf']['my_contacts'])
    my_contacts = config['app_conf']['my_contacts']
    if len(my_contacts)>2:
        c.my_contacts = my_contacts.split(',')
        c.my_contacts = []
    if "qw" in request.params:
        qw = request.params['qw']
        qw = "nothing"
    c.qw = qw
    con = model.Contacts
    contacts = model.meta.Session.query(model.Contacts).filter('%'+qw+'%')).order_by(

    c.contacts = paginate.Page(
        page=int(request.params.get('page', 1)),
        items_per_page = 20,
    return render('/derived/contacts/list.html')

def edit(self,id):
    assert id and isinstance(id, basestring)     
    c.pagename = "contacts"
    c.heading = "Contacts::Edit"
    c.act = 'edit'
    c.contact_id = id = model.meta.Session.query(model.Contacts).filter_by(id=id).first()
    return render('/derived/contacts/new.html')

def editsubmit(self,id):
    assert id and isinstance(id, basestring)
    ch = _ch.ContactHandle(request)
    qw = ""
    qw = ch.saveContact(id)
    return ''

def new(self):        
    c.pagename = "contacts"
    c.heading = "Contacts::New" = model.Contacts()     
    return render('/derived/contacts/new.html')

def newsubmit(self):
    ch = _ch.ContactHandle(request)
    qw = ch.createContact()
    return ''

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ########################################## import logging

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render

from pyfisheyes.model.chartobj import XZoneColoring as _g

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class ChartController(BaseController):

def __before__(self):
    response.headers['Content-type'] = 'image/png'

def index(self):
    return _g.XZoneColoring().display()

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ########################################## import logging

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class CookieController(BaseController):

def _index(self):
    # Return a rendered template
    #return render('/cookie.mako')
    # or, return a string
    return 'Hello World'

def index(self):
    name = 'NULL'
    if request.cookies.has_key('name'):
        name = request.cookies['name']
    return 'cookie name=%s' % name

def setcookie(self):
    response.set_cookie("name", "tony")
    #response.set_cookie(self, key, value='', max_age=None, path='/', domain=None, secure=None,
    #         httponly=False, version=None, comment=None, expires=None, overwrite=False)
    return "write cookie ok"

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ##########################################

-- coding: utf-8 --

import logging import os import Cookie from pylons import config, request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render from webhelpers import paginate from pyfisheyes import model from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh from pyfisheyes.model.utils import ViewHandle as _vh import pyfisheyes.lib.helpers as h from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class ViewController(BaseController):

def index(self):
    # Return a rendered template
    #return render('/view.mako')
    # or, return a string
    return 'Hello World'

def data(self, id, page=1, date2="", date=""):        
    #assert id and isinstance(id, basestring)
    #assert page and isinstance(page, basestring)
    #assert date and isinstance(date, basestring)
    #assert date2 and isinstance(date2, basestring)    
    if 'd2' in request.params:
        date2 = request.params['d2']
    if 'pweekday' in request.params:
        c.pweekday = "1"
        c.pweekday = '0'
    if 'ck' in request.params: = "1"
    else: = "0"
    if id and isinstance(id, basestring):
        id = 0
    if page and isinstance(page, basestring):
        page = 1
    if date and isinstance(date, basestring):
        date = ""
    if date2 and isinstance(date2, basestring):
        date2 = ""
    if 'd' in request.params :
        date2 = request.params['d']
    vh = _vh.ViewHandle()
    t = vh.__getConfig__(id)
    if not t:
    date = vh.__getDate__(date, int(t.labels))
    if t.graphtype == "realtime":            
        date2 = vh.__getDate__(date2, 0)            
        date2 = vh.__getDate__(date2)
    if request.cookies.has_key('set_default_day') and 'd2' not in request.params:
        date2 = request.cookies['set_default_day']
    sw = ""
    if 's' in request.params :
        sw = request.params['s']
    c.sw = sw
    c.t = t
    c.list_alarm_threshold = eval(t.alarm_threshold) = date
    c.date2 = date2
    c.imgpath = config["app_conf"]["img_path"]
    c.opt = "0"
    c.topic = t.typename
    c.template_id = t.typeid
    c.items = str(t.items).split(',')
    c.pagesize = t.labels
    c.yesterday = vh.__getDate__("")
    if request.cookies.has_key('set_default_day'):
        c.set_default_day = "checked='checked'"
        c.set_default_day = ""
    if t.graphtype in ['day', 'realtime']:
        orderby = 0
        orderby = 1
    rows = vh.getRowsData(t.graphtype, t.typeid, date, date2, orderby)
    if rows == None:
    c.pre_topic = vh.__getTopic__(id, "pre", t.graphtype)
    c.next_topic = vh.__getTopic__(id, "next", t.graphtype)
    c.pagename = t.graphtype
    c.datasupport = t.datasupport
    c.accessed = t.accessed
    c.from_date = date
    c.to_date = date2
    if t.graphtype == "realtime":
        c.sumvalue = vh.sumValue(rows)
    c.rows = paginate.Page(
    if 'partial' in request.params:                
        return render('/derived/view/onlydata.html')
        return render('/derived/view/view.html')

def graph(self, id, opt="0", date="", date2="", big=False):       
    assert id and isinstance(id, basestring)
    assert opt and isinstance(opt, basestring)
    assert date and isinstance(date, basestring)
    assert date2 and isinstance(date2, basestring)
    ys = request.params.get('ys','')
    today ='%Y-%m-%d')
    vh = _vh.ViewHandle()
    t = vh.__getConfig__(id, 0)
    if not t:
    if opt == "":
        opt = "0"
    date = vh.__getDate__(date, int(t.labels))      
    if big==False:  
        date2 = vh.__getDate__(date2)
    names = t.items.split(',')
    titles = t.titles.split(',')          
    if t.graphtype == "realtime":
        hidden = False
        if 'pweekday' in request.params :
            hidden = True
        if big==False:  
            gp = self.rtgrap_big(t, vh, "660x250", titles, date2, hidden, ys)
            fsize = date2
            gp = self.rtgrap_big(t, vh, fsize, titles, date, hidden, ys)
        if t.graphtype == "day":
            rows = vh.getRowsData(t.graphtype, t.typeid, date, date2, 1)
            rows = vh.getRowsData(t.graphtype, t.typeid, date, date2, 0)
        if t.graphtype == "hour":
            date3 = vh.__getDateSub__(date2, 7)      
            rows2 = vh.getRowsData(t.graphtype, t.typeid, date, date3)
            date3 = ""
            rows2 = None
        if rows == None:
        gp = vh.getGraphData(t.graphtype,
    #if big==False:  
    response.headers['Content-type'] = 'image/png'
    if date2 == today or date == today:
        exp = timedelta(seconds=300)
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=300'
        response.headers['Expires'] = (now + exp).strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')
    else :
        exp = timedelta(seconds=315360000)
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=315360000'
        response.headers['Expires'] = (now + exp).strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')
    return gp

def graph2(self, id, opt, date, fsize):       
    assert id and isinstance(id, basestring)
    assert opt and isinstance(opt, basestring)
    assert date and isinstance(date, basestring)
    assert fsize and isinstance(fsize, basestring)
    gp = self.graph(id, opt, date, fsize, True)
    #response.headers['Content-type'] = 'image/png'
    #return "%s , %s, %s, %s" % (id, opt, date, fsize)
    return gp

def realtimegraph(self, id):
    assert id and isinstance(id, basestring)
    vh = _vh.ViewHandle()
    t = vh.__getConfig__(id, 0)
    if not t:
    gp = self.rtgrap(t, vh)
    exp = timedelta(seconds=60)
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=60'
    response.headers['Expires'] = (now + exp).strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')
    response.headers['Content-type'] = 'image/png'
    return gp

def rtgrap(self, t , vh, min=4, titles=None):
    gp = None
    line1_color = 0x000080   
    timerange1 = vh.getTimeRange(min, 0)
    rows1 = vh.getRealtimeRowsData(t.typeid, timerange1)
    if t.u_baseface and t.baseface:
        td = vh.__getDate__("", 0).split("-")
        bf = str(t.baseface).split("-")
        days = (date(int(td[0]), int(td[1]), int(td[2])) - date(int(bf[0]), int(bf[1]), int(bf[2]))).days 
        timerange2 = vh.getTimeRange(min, days)
        line2_color = 0x80ff9966L
        timerange2 = vh.getTimeRange(min, 7)
        line2_color = 0x999999
    rows2 = vh.getRealtimeRowsData(t.typeid, timerange2)
    lables1 = vh.makeLabels(timerange1)
    lables2 = vh.makeLabels(timerange2)
    #vh.update_alert_level(rows1, t)
    allt = vh.exec_alarm_threshold(rows1, rows2, t)"ratio:" + str(allt[1]) + "; typeid:" + str(t.typeid))
    #self.critical_color = 0xff0000
    #self.warning_color = 0xff9900
    if int(allt[0]) == 1:
        line1_color = 0xff9900
    if int(allt[0]) == 2:
        line1_color = 0xff0000
    e_tup = (rows1, rows2, lables1, lables2, line1_color, line2_color)
    gp = vh.getRealtimeGraphData(e_tup, 'small')
    return gp

def rtgrap_big(self, t , vh, fsize, titles, date1, hd, ys=''):
    gp = None
    if date1 == vh.__getDate__("", 0):
        c_day = True
        c_day = False
    timerange1 = vh.getSharpDayMinute(date1)
    rows1 = vh.getRealtimeRowsData(t.typeid, timerange1)
    line1_color = 0x000080
    line2_color = 0x999999
    if t.u_baseface and t.baseface and c_day:
        timerange2 = vh.getSharpDayMinute(str(t.baseface))            
        timerange2 = vh.getSharpDayMinute(date1, 7)          
    if t.r_mode in ['c', 'd']:
        if t.u_baseface and t.baseface and c_day:
            line2_color = 0x80ff9966L
            line2_color = 0x809999ffL
    lables2 = vh.makeLabels(timerange2)
    if hd:            
        rows2 = []            
        rows2 = vh.getRealtimeRowsData(t.typeid, timerange2)
    lables1 = vh.makeLabels(timerange1)
    date2 = date1.replace("-", "/")
    titles.append(" From " + date2 + " 00:00:00 To " + date2 + " 23:59:59")   
    list_alarm_threshold = eval(t.alarm_threshold)
    helth_range = int(list_alarm_threshold[5])
    fs = fsize.split('x')
    f_width = int(fs[0])
    f_height = int(fs[1])
    e_tup = (rows1, rows2, lables1, lables2, titles, t.critical, t.warning, False, line1_color, line2_color, t.r_mode, helth_range, f_width, f_height)
    gp = vh.getRealtimeGraphData(e_tup, "big",ys)
    return gp
def exporttoexcel(self, id, page=1, date="", date2=""):
    assert id and isinstance(id, basestring)
    vh = _vh.ViewHandle()  
    t = vh.__getConfig__(id)
    if not t:
    date = vh.__getDate__(date, int(t.labels))
    date2 = vh.__getDate__(date2)
    if t.graphtype == "realtime":
        c.columns = "N \t datei \t minute \t value" 
        c.columns = "N"         
        items = str(t.items).split(',')
        for x, item in enumerate(items):
            c.columns += "\t" + item
    c.pagename = t.graphtype
    c.template_id = t.typeid
    c.typename = t.typename
    rows = vh.getRowsData(t.graphtype, t.typeid, date, date2)
    if rows == None:
    c.rows = rows
    return render('/derived/view/exporttoexcel.html')

def webapi(self, id):        
    assert id and isinstance(id, basestring)
    vh = _vh.ViewHandle()
    t = vh.__getConfig__(id)        
    if not t:
    c.template_id = t.typeid
    c.typename = t.typename
    c.items = t.items.split(",")                                                                            
    c.pagename = t.graphtype     
    return render('/derived/view/webapi.html')

def webapipost(self, id):        
    assert id and isinstance(id, basestring)
    vh = _vh.ViewHandle()
    t = vh.__getConfig__(id)        
    if not t:
    from pyfisheyes.model.utils import WebAPI as _w
    WebAPI = _w.WebAPI(t, request)
    if t.graphtype == "day":
        if WebAPI.SaveDataForGraphsDay():
            return WebAPI.message
    elif t.graphtype == "hour":            
        if WebAPI.SaveDataForGraphsHour():
            return WebAPI.message
    elif t.graphtype == "host":
        if WebAPI.SaveDataForGraphsHost():
            return WebAPI.message
    elif t.graphtype == "realtime":
        if WebAPI.SaveDataForGraphsRealtime():
            return WebAPI.message
        log.debug("post error")
    #redirect('/view/data/' + id)    
    return "success"
def test(self):,119,)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ########################################## import logging

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render

import os import shutil from pylons import config

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class FormController(BaseController):

def index(self):
    # Return a rendered template
    #return render('/form.mako')
    # or, return a string
    #return 'Hello World'
    return render('/form.mako')

def submit(self):
    return "hello, name: %s" % request.params['name']

def upload(self):
    name   = request.POST['name']
    myfile = request.POST['file']
    local_name = os.path.join(config['app_conf']['upload_dir'], myfile.filename)
    local_file = open(local_name, "wb")
    shutil.copyfileobj(myfile.file, local_file)
    return "hello, name: %s, upload: %s" % (name, myfile.filename)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ########################################## import logging

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render

from pyfisheyes import model

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class DatabaseController(BaseController):

def index(self):
    # Return a rendered template
    #return render('/database.mako')
    # or, return a string
    #return 'Hello World'
    c.msgs = model.meta.Session.query(model.Msg).all()
    return render('/database.mako')

def add(self):
    content = request.POST['content']
    msg = model.Msg()
    msg.content = content
    return "add %s ok..." % content

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ########################################## import cgi

from paste.urlparser import PkgResourcesParser from pylons.middleware import error_document_template from webhelpers.html.builder import literal

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController

from pylons import tmpl_context as c from pyfisheyes.lib.base import render

class ErrorController(BaseController): """Generates error documents as and when they are required.

The ErrorDocuments middleware forwards to ErrorController when error
related status codes are returned from the application.

This behaviour can be altered by changing the parameters to the
ErrorDocuments middleware in your config/ file.

def document2(self):
    """Render the error document"""
    request = self._py_object.request
    resp = request.environ.get('pylons.original_response')
    content = literal(resp.body) or cgi.escape(request.GET.get('message', ''))
    page = error_document_template % \
        dict(prefix=request.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', ''),
             code=cgi.escape(request.GET.get('code', str(resp.status_int))),
    return page

def document(self):
    """Render the error document"""
    request = self._py_object.request
    resp = request.environ.get('pylons.original_response')
    code = cgi.escape(request.GET.get('code', ''))
    content = cgi.escape(request.GET.get('message', ''))
    if resp:
        content = literal(resp.status)
        code = code or cgi.escape(str(resp.status_int))
    if not code:
        raise Exception('No status code was found')
    c.code = code
    c.message = content
    return render('/derived/error/document.html')

def img(self, id):
    """Serve Pylons' stock images"""
    return self._serve_file('/'.join(['media/img', id]))

def style(self, id):
    """Serve Pylons' stock stylesheets"""
    return self._serve_file('/'.join(['media/style', id]))

def _serve_file(self, path):
    """Call Paste's FileApp (a WSGI application) to serve the file
    at the specified path
    request = self._py_object.request
    request.environ['PATH_INFO'] = '/%s' % path
    return PkgResourcesParser('pylons', 'pylons')(request.environ, self.start_response)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ##########################################

-- coding: utf-8 --

import logging import re

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render from pyfisheyes import model from pyfisheyes.model.utils import ViewHandle as _vh log = logging.getLogger(name)

class LogstuffshowController(BaseController):

def index(self, tid, datei, timei):
    assert tid and isinstance(tid, basestring)
    assert datei and isinstance(datei, basestring)
    assert timei and isinstance(timei, basestring)
    content = "No Content"
    totalN = 0
    vh = _vh.ViewHandle()
    t = vh.__getConfig__(tid, 0)
    if not t:
    #typename = t.typename + " ("+datei+" "+timei+")\n\n"
    typename = datei + " " + timei[0:5] + "\n\n"
    t = model.Logstuff
    data = model.meta.Session.query(t).filter_by(tid=tid).filter_by(datei=datei).filter_by(logtime=datei + " " + timei)
    for i, d in enumerate(data):
        content = d.stuff
    response.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/plain'
    response.charset = 'utf8'
    p = re.compile('\n')
    res = p.sub('<br />', typename + content)

    return res

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ########################################## #coding=utf-8 import logging

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render from webhelpers import paginate from pyfisheyes import model from pyfisheyes.model import multiline as _m

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class TmcController(BaseController):

def index(self):
    # Return a rendered template
    #return render('/apperrorlog.mako')
    # or, return a string
    return 'Hello World'

def data(self):        
    c.topic = "Too Many Connections"
    try :
        page_set = int(request.params['page'])
        page_set = 1 
    c.rows = paginate.Page(
    page = page_set,
    items_per_page = 10)
    return render('/displaydata.mako')

def graph(self):
    response.headers['Content-type'] = 'image/png'

    names = ['datei','t']
    titles = ['生产环境中的tmc','tmc per day','Jun 12, 2010']

    rows = model.meta.Session.query(model.Tmc).all()

    return _m.Multiline(rows,names,titles).display()

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ########################################## import logging

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render

from webhelpers import paginate from pyfisheyes import model

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class HomeController(BaseController): requires_auth = False

def index(self):
    c.pagename = "homepage"
    return render('/derived/homepage/home.html')

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/controllers/ ########################################## import logging import os

from pylons import config,request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from pyfisheyes.lib.base import BaseController, render

from pyfisheyes.lib.imageprocessing import ImageProcessing from pyfisheyes.lib.helpers import md5_for_file, unchroot_path, remove_empty_dirs

from pyfisheyes.model.utils import EventHandle as _eh from pyfisheyes import model from webhelpers import paginate import pyfisheyes.lib.helpers as h import textile from pyfisheyes.lib.archivefile import extractall

log = logging.getLogger(name)

class EventsController(BaseController):

def index(self):
    c.pagename = "events"
    # Return a rendered template
    #return render('/events.mako')
    # or, return a string        
    return "404"

def list(self,id="0000-00-00"):
    assert id and isinstance(id, basestring)
    c.pagename = "events"
    c.heading = "Events::List"
    eh = _eh.EventHandle(request)
    events = eh.searchEvent(id) = paginate.Page(
        page=int(request.params.get('page', 1)),
        items_per_page = 20,
    return render('/derived/events/list.html')

def new(self,id="0000-00-00"):
    assert id and isinstance(id, basestring)
    c.pagename = "events"
    c.event = model.Events()
    c.event.evdate = id
    c.heading = "Events::New"     
    return render('/derived/events/new.html')

def edit(self,id):
    c.pagename = "events"
    c.heading = "Events::Edit"
    assert id and isinstance(id, basestring)        
    c.event = model.meta.Session.query(model.Events).filter_by(id=id).first() = id
    return render('/derived/events/new.html')

def newsubmit(self):
    eh = _eh.EventHandle(request)
    result = eh.createEvent()
    redirect('/events/detail/' + str(result.lastrowid))            
    return ""

def editsubmit(self,id):
    assert id and isinstance(id, basestring)        
    eh = _eh.EventHandle(request)
    return ""

def detail(self,id):
    c.pagename = "events"
    c.heading = "Events::Detail"
    assert id and isinstance(id, basestring)
    eh = _eh.EventHandle(request)
    c.event = eh.viewEvent(id)
    if not c.event:
    return render('/derived/events/detail.html')

def preview(self):
    return h.literal(textile.textile(request.params['data']))

def __initValue__(self):
    c.event_type = ['noset','Story','Failure']
    c.event_status = ['noset','New','Open','Closed']
    c.event_cause = ['noset','Physical Disaster','Component Failure','Capacity Planning','Operator Error or Malicious Users/Code','Planned Administration & Maintenance','Software Bug or Crash']
    c.event_domain = ['noset','','','','bbs','mobileapi','all','other']
def upload(self):
    """POST /photos/upload: Upload archive of photo"""
    # url(controller='import', action='upload')

    # gp.fileupload stores uploaded filename in fieldstorage
    fieldstorage = request.params.get('file', u'')
    if fieldstorage == u'':
        log.debug("Nothing uploaded")
    filepath = os.path.join(
        config['global_conf']['upload_dir']," \n\r"))
    log.debug("File has been downloaded to %s" %(filepath))
    res = {
        "status": False,
        "msg": '',
        "dest_uri": ''
        # extract archive to "import" directory
        extractall(filepath, config['app_conf']['import_dir'])

        # walk in import directory to delete all files that are not photos
        for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(
            config['app_conf']['import_dir'], topdown=False):
            for filename in files:
                abspath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
                log.debug("walk on file: %s" %abspath)
                if os.path.splitext(abspath)[1].lower() not in ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png']:
                    log.debug("Remove non jpeg file: %s" %abspath)
                    log.debug("json:" + os.path.split(abspath)[1])
                    res = self._createImage('/import/'+os.path.split(abspath)[1])                       
            for subdirname in dirs:
                abspath = os.path.join(dirpath, subdirname)
                log.debug("walk on dir: %s" %abspath)
                except OSError:
                    log.debug('directory is not empty')
        log.debug("Extraction to %s has succeeded" %(config['app_conf']['import_dir']))
    except Exception, e:
        # TODO: log error in session (flash message)

raise e

    # delete the uploaded archive if no exception is raised
    if res['status']:            
        return '/' + config['app_conf']['photos_public_dir'] + '/orig/' + str(res['dest_uri'])
        return str(res['msg'])
def _createImage(self,path=None):
    """POST /photos: Create a new item"""
    # url('photos')
    abspath, uri = unchroot_path(
    ip = ImageProcessing(

    error = False
    msg = None
    dest_uri = None
        # check same image has not already been imported

f = open(abspath)


hash = md5_for_file(f)



photo = Session.query(PyGallPhoto).filter_by(md5sum=hash)

if photo.count() > 0:

raise Exception("Same md5sum already exists in database")

        # process and import photos to public/data/photos dir
        date, dest_uri = ip.process_image(uri)
        # import image in db

photo = PyGallPhoto()

photo.uri = dest_uri

photo.md5sum = hash

photo.time = date




    except Exception, e:
        error = True
        msg = "%s [%s]" %(str(e), path)

    return {
        "status": not error,
        "msg": msg,
        "dest_uri": dest_uri

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/ ########################################## """Pylons application test package

This package assumes the Pylons environment is already loaded, such as when this script is imported from the nosetests --with-pylons=test.ini command.

This module initializes the application via websetup (paster setup-app) and provides the base testing objects. """ from unittest import TestCase import os import sys

import pylons from pylons.i18n.translation import _get_translator from paste.deploy import loadapp from pylons import url from paste.script.appinstall import SetupCommand from routes.util import URLGenerator from webtest import TestApp

from pyfisheyes.config.environment import load_environment

all = ['environ', 'url', 'TestController']

environ = {} here_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(file)) conf_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(here_dir))

sys.path.insert(0, conf_dir)

class TestController(TestCase): def init(self, *args, **kwargs): wsgiapp = loadapp('config:test.ini', relative_to=conf_dir) config = wsgiapp.config pylons.app_globals._push_object(config['pylons.app_globals']) pylons.config._push_object(config)

    # Initialize a translator for tests that utilize i18n
    translator = _get_translator(pylons.config.get('lang'))
    url._push_object(URLGenerator(config[''], environ)) = TestApp(wsgiapp)
    TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/ ##########################################

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestApperrorlogController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='apperrorlog', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ##########################################

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestExampleController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='example', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestAccountController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='account', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestSecurityController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='security', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestEventsController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='events', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestCategoriesController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='categories', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestSessionController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='session', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestDailyReportController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='daily_report', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestViewController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='view', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestHomeController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='home', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestWsgiappController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='wsgiapp', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestTmcController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='tmc', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestLogstuffshowController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='logstuffshow', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestAlertController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='alert', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestSpeedController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='speed', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestChartController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='chart', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestDatabaseController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='database', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestContactsController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='contacts', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestCookieController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='cookie', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestMysqlg1Controller(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='mysqlg1', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestFormController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='form', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/tests/functional/ ########################################## from pyfisheyes.tests import *

class TestListController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
    response ='list', action='index'))
    # Test response...

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/config/ ########################################## """Routes configuration

The more specific and detailed routes should be defined first so they may take precedent over the more generic routes. For more information refer to the routes manual at """ from routes import Mapper

def make_map(config): """Create, configure and return the routes Mapper""" map = Mapper(directory=config['pylons.paths']['controllers'], always_scan=config['debug']) map.minimization = False map.explicit = False

# The ErrorController route (handles 404/500 error pages); it should
# likely stay at the top, ensuring it can always be resolved
map.connect('/error/{action}', controller='error')
map.connect('/error/{action}/{id}', controller='error')

map.connect('home', '/', controller='home', action='index')

map.connect('signout', '/signout', controller='account', action='signout')
map.connect('signin', '/signin', controller='account', action='signin')
map.connect('signinagain', '/signinagain', controller='account', action='signinagain')

map.connect('template', '/template', controller='categories', action='index')
map.connect('events', '/events', controller='events', action='list')
map.connect('alert', '/alert', controller='alert', action='list')
map.connect('contacts', '/contacts', controller='contacts', action='list')
map.connect('logstuffshow', '/logstuffshow', controller='logstuffshow', action='index')
map.connect('speed', '/speed', controller='speed', action='index')



return map

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/config/ ##########################################

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/config/ ########################################## """Pylons middleware initialization""" from beaker.middleware import SessionMiddleware from paste.cascade import Cascade from paste.registry import RegistryManager from paste.urlparser import StaticURLParser from paste.deploy.converters import asbool from pylons.middleware import ErrorHandler, StatusCodeRedirect from pylons.wsgiapp import PylonsApp from routes.middleware import RoutesMiddleware

import authkit.authenticate

from pyfisheyes.config.environment import load_environment

def make_app(global_conf, full_stack=True, static_files=True, **app_conf): """Create a Pylons WSGI application and return it

    The inherited configuration for this application. Normally from
    the [DEFAULT] section of the Paste ini file.

    Whether this application provides a full WSGI stack (by default,
    meaning it handles its own exceptions and errors). Disable
    full_stack when this application is "managed" by another WSGI

    Whether this application serves its own static files; disable
    when another web server is responsible for serving them.

    The application's local configuration. Normally specified in
    the [app:<name>] section of the Paste ini file (where <name>
    defaults to main).

# Configure the Pylons environment
config = load_environment(global_conf, app_conf)

# The Pylons WSGI app
app = PylonsApp(config=config)

# Routing/Session Middleware
# If set singleton=False, proxy-filter failed to work.
#app = RoutesMiddleware(app, config[''], singleton=False)
app = RoutesMiddleware(app, config[''])
app = SessionMiddleware(app, config)

# CUSTOM MIDDLEWARE HERE (filtered by error handling middlewares)

if asbool(full_stack):
    # Handle Python exceptions
    app = ErrorHandler(app, global_conf, **config['pylons.errorware'])
    app = authkit.authenticate.middleware(app, app_conf)

    # Display error documents for 401, 403, 404 status codes (and
    # 500 when debug is disabled)
    if asbool(config['debug']):
        app = StatusCodeRedirect(app)
        app = StatusCodeRedirect(app, [400, 401, 403, 404, 500])

# Establish the Registry for this application
app = RegistryManager(app)

if asbool(static_files):
    # Serve static files
    static_app = StaticURLParser(config['pylons.paths']['static_files'])
    app = Cascade([static_app, app])
app.config = config
return app

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/config/ ########################################## """Pylons environment configuration""" import os

from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup from pylons.configuration import PylonsConfig from pylons.error import handle_mako_error from sqlalchemy import engine_from_config

import pyfisheyes.lib.app_globals as app_globals import pyfisheyes.lib.helpers from pyfisheyes.config.routing import make_map from pyfisheyes.model import init_model

def load_environment(global_conf, app_conf): """Configure the Pylons environment via the pylons.config object """ config = PylonsConfig()

# Pylons paths
root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
paths = dict(root=root,
             controllers=os.path.join(root, 'controllers'),
             static_files=os.path.join(root, 'public'),
             templates=[os.path.join(root, 'templates')])

# Initialize config with the basic options
config.init_app(global_conf, app_conf, package='pyfisheyes', paths=paths)

config[''] = make_map(config)
config['pylons.app_globals'] = app_globals.Globals(config)
config['pylons.h'] = pyfisheyes.lib.helpers

# Setup cache object as early as possible
import pylons

# Create the Mako TemplateLookup, with the default auto-escaping
config['pylons.app_globals'].mako_lookup = TemplateLookup(
    module_directory=os.path.join(app_conf['cache_dir'], 'templates'),
    input_encoding='utf-8', output_encoding='utf-8',
    imports=['from webhelpers.html import escape'],

# Setup the SQLAlchemy database engine
engine = engine_from_config(config, 'sqlalchemy.')

syslogdb_engine = engine_from_config(config, 'syslogdb.')


tmpl_options['mako.default_filters']= ['decode.utf8']

# CONFIGURATION OPTIONS HERE (note: all config options will override
# any Pylons config options)

return config

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/jobs/ ########################################## #!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8

import sys import re import logging import time import httplib,urllib

from paste.deploy import appconfig from pylons import config

from pyfisheyes.config.environment import load_environment

#conf = appconfig('config:' + '/home/tonycai/pyfisheyes/production.ini') conf = appconfig('config:' + '/home/tonycai/pyfisheyes/production_20110128.ini') load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)

from pyfisheyes import model from turbomail import Message from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh from pyfisheyes.model.utils import ViewHandle as _vh

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date

usage =

python ./ --action=lookup


def ProcessCommandFlags(args): """ Parse command line flags per specified usage, pick off key, value pairs All flags of type "--key=value" will be processed as __flags[key] = value, "--option" will be processed as __flags[option] = option """

flags = {} rkeyval = '--(?P\S*)=' # --key=val roption = '--(?P\S*)' # --key r = '(' + rkeyval + ')|(' + roption + ')' rc = re.compile(r) for a in args: try: rcg = if rcg.has_key('key'): flags[rcg['key']] = rcg['value'] if rcg.has_key('option'): flags[rcg['option']] = rcg['option'] except AttributeError: return None return flags #end def ProcessCommandFlags

def lookup_system(): t = model.Categories categories = model.meta.Session.query(t).filter_by(graphtype="realtime").order_by(t.alertlevel.desc()).order_by(t.rankcode.asc()) for i,d in enumerate(categories): #print d.typename compare_background_data(d) return None

def send_mail(level, title, id, status, t1, t2, d2):

    vh = _vh.ViewHandle()
attach_dir = "/home/tonycai/pyfisheyes/jobs/attach_files"

mail_subject = "[" + level + "] " + title + " - " + status
    start_time = u"开始时间: "
    stop_time = u"结束时间: "
    detail = u"详细内容:"
site_url = ""
t_url = site_url + "/view/data/" + str(id) + "/1/" + d2 + "/" + d2

text_part = u" 时间: " + d2 + " (" +  t1 + "  -  " + t2 +  ")"

    html_part = "<html><header/><body><h1>Look,</h1> "
    html_part += "<h1>" + title + "</h1>"
    html_part += "<p>" + status + " (" +  t1 + " - " + t2 + ")</p>"
    html_part += "<p>" + detail + " <a href=" + t_url + " >" + t_url + "</a> </p>"
    html_part += "<p>this mail sent by PyFisheyes</p></body></html> "

    message = Message("","",mail_subject)
    message.encoding = "utf-8"
    message.plain = text_part = html_part    = ""

    timestamp = time.time()

url1 = "/view/realtimegraph/"+str(id)+"/1.png"
    img1 = attach_dir + "/realtimegraph." + str(id) + "." + str(timestamp) + ".png"

if download_file(url1,img1):


def compare_background_data(t , min=4):

    vh = _vh.ViewHandle()
    timerange1 = vh.getTimeRange(min, 0)
    rows1 = vh.getRealtimeRowsData(t.typeid, timerange1)
day_name = u"同比上周同一天"
    timerange2 = vh.getTimeRange(min, 7)
if t.u_baseface and t.baseface:
    day_name = u"相比" + str(t.baseface)
        td = vh.__getDate__("",0).split("-")
        bf =str(t.baseface).split("-")
        days = (date(int(td[0]), int(td[1]), int(td[2])) - date(int(bf[0]), int(bf[1]), int(bf[2]))).days 
        timerange2 = vh.getTimeRange(min, days)
        timerange2 = vh.getTimeRange(min, 7)

    rows2 = vh.getRealtimeRowsData(t.typeid, timerange2)

level = None
    status = ""
    time_range = ""

    start_time_point = timerange1['start_time_point']
    stop_time_point = timerange1['stop_time_point']
    datetime1 = start_time_point.strftime('%H:%M')
    datetime2 = stop_time_point.strftime('%H:%M')
    date2 = start_time_point.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    allt = vh.exec_alarm_threshold(rows1, rows2, t)

    if t.r_mode == 'a':
   	status = u"突然升至: " + str(int(allt[1])) + u"次/分钟"

    if t.r_mode == 'b':
   	status = u"突然降至: " + str(int(allt[1])) + u"次/分钟"

    if t.r_mode in ['c', 'd']:
	if int(allt[1]) < 0 :
   		status = day_name + u"下跌: " + str(abs(int(allt[1]))) + "%"
   		status = day_name  + u"上涨: " + str(int(allt[1])) + "%"

    if int(allt[0]) == 1:
	level = "Warning"
    if int(allt[0]) == 2:
	level = "Critical"

if level == "Critical" and t.r_weight>5:
	send_mail(level, t.typename, t.typeid, status, datetime1, datetime2, date2)

    #return {'level':level,'ratio':dv_ratio,'2':[],'3':[]}
    return level

def sumValue(data): v = 0 for i,d in enumerate(data): v += d.valuei return v

def download_file(url, local_file): isExist = False try: conn=httplib.HTTPConnection("") conn.request("GET",url) response = conn.getresponse() data = f = open(local_file, "w") f.write(data) f.close() isExist = True except: print "except" return isExist

if name == "main": flags = ProcessCommandFlags(sys.argv[1:])

if not flags or not flags.has_key('action') or flags.has_key('help'):
    print __usage__
    if flags['action'] == 'lookup':
    if flags['action'] == 'mail':

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/jobs/ ########################################## #!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8

import sys import re import logging import time import httplib,urllib

from paste.deploy import appconfig from pylons import config

from pyfisheyes.config.environment import load_environment

#conf = appconfig('config:' + '/home/tonycai/pyfisheyes/production.ini') conf = appconfig('config:' + '/home/tonycai/pyfisheyes/production_20110128.ini') load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)

from pyfisheyes import model from turbomail import Message from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh from pyfisheyes.model.utils import ViewHandle as _vh

usage =

python ./ --action=lookup


def ProcessCommandFlags(args): """ Parse command line flags per specified usage, pick off key, value pairs All flags of type "--key=value" will be processed as __flags[key] = value, "--option" will be processed as __flags[option] = option """

flags = {} rkeyval = '--(?P\S*)=' # --key=val roption = '--(?P\S*)' # --key r = '(' + rkeyval + ')|(' + roption + ')' rc = re.compile(r) for a in args: try: rcg = if rcg.has_key('key'): flags[rcg['key']] = rcg['value'] if rcg.has_key('option'): flags[rcg['option']] = rcg['option'] except AttributeError: return None return flags #end def ProcessCommandFlags

def lookup_system(): t = model.Categories items = [] categories = model.meta.Session.query(t).filter_by(graphtype="realtime").filter_by(d_report=1).order_by(t.alertlevel.desc()).order_by(t.rankcode.asc()) for i,d in enumerate(categories): #print d.typename items.append(compare_background_data(d)) #items = items.sort(t_cmp) items.sort(my_cmp) #print items send_reports(items) return None

def send_reports(its): vh = _vh.ViewHandle() date1 = vh.getDate("", 1) attach_dir = "/home/tonycai/pyfisheyes/jobs/attach_files"

mail_subject = "Site System Daily Report " + date1 + " - PyFisheyes"
    start_time = u"开始时间:"
    stop_time = u"结束时间:"
time_range = u"时间范围:"
u1 = (u"芙妹",'EVA')
u2 = (u"秀才",'Wall-E')
site_url = ""
attach_dir = "/home/tonycai/pyfisheyes/jobs/attach_files"
    message = Message("","",mail_subject)
    #message = Message("","",mail_subject)
    message.encoding = "utf-8"

text_part = ""

    html_part = "<html><header/> <body> <h1>Look,</h1> " + u1[1]
    #html_part += "<p>" + u"今天09:30发出的报告数据有误,特此更正!" + "</p>"
html_section = ""
timestamp = time.time()
timestamp1 = str(timestamp)
    for x, E in enumerate(its):
	item = checkItems(E[0], E[1], E[2], E[3], E[4], E[5], E[6], E[7])
	level = item.level
	typename = item.typename
	typeid = item.typeid
	typeid = str(typeid)
	status = item.status
	level = item.level
	d1 = item.d1
	d2 = item.d2
	if level != "Norml":
		url2 = "/view/graph/"+typeid+"/0/"+date1+"/"+date1+"/1.png"
		t_url = site_url + "/view/data/" + typeid + "/1/" + date1 + "/" + date1
		img2 = attach_dir + "/graph." + typeid + "." + timestamp1 + ".png"

		html_section += "<h2>" + str(x+1) + ") " + typename + " <a href=\""+ t_url + "\">#" + typeid +  "</a></h2>" 
		html_section += "<p>" + status + "</p>" 
		html_section += "<p>" + time_range + d1 + " - " + d2 + "</p>" 
		html_section += "<p><img src=\"" + site_url + url2 + "\" alt=\""+typename+"\"></p>"
		#html_section += "<p>" + t_url + "</p>" 
		html_section += "<p>---section end---</p>" 
		#print "%s %s %s" % (typename, typeid, status)
		# add attach
		#if download_file(url2,img2):
            	#	message.attach(img2)

    html_footer = "<p> Sent by " + u2[1] + " </p> </body> </html>"

    message.plain = typename + status = html_part + html_section + html_footer = ""


def compare_background_data(t , min=4):

    vh = _vh.ViewHandle()

    date1 = vh.__getDate__("", 1)
    timerange1 = vh.getSharpDayMinute(date1)

    rows1 = vh.getRealtimeRowsData(t.typeid, timerange1)
sum1 = sumValue(rows1)
    timerange2 = vh.getSharpDayMinute(date1, 7)

    rows2 = vh.getRealtimeRowsData(t.typeid, timerange2)
sum2 = sumValue(rows2)

dv_ratio = 0
level = "Norml"
    status = ""
    time_range = ""

    start_time_point = timerange1['start_time_point']
    stop_time_point = timerange1['stop_time_point']
    datetime1 = start_time_point.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00')
    datetime2 = stop_time_point.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00')

    	dv_ratio = (sum2 - sum1)*100 / sum2
	if dv_ratio > 0 :
	   status = u"同比上周同一天下跌:<strong>" + str(abs(dv_ratio)) + "%</strong>"
	   status = u"同比上周同一天上涨:<strong>" + str(abs(dv_ratio)) + "%</strong>"
	print "ZeroDivisionError"

    if abs(dv_ratio) > 10:
	level = "Warning"
    if abs(dv_ratio) > 20:
	level = "Critical"

    return (level, t.typename, t.typeid, status, datetime1, datetime2, t.r_weight, abs(dv_ratio))

def sumValue(data): v = 0 for i,d in enumerate(data): v += d.valuei return v

def download_file(url, local_file): isExist = False try: conn=httplib.HTTPConnection("") conn.request("GET",url) response = conn.getresponse() data = f = open(local_file, "w") f.write(data) f.close() isExist = True except: print "except" return isExist

def my_cmp(E1, E2): #print 'E1:', E1[7], 'E2:', E2[7] return -cmp(E1[7], E2[7])

class checkItems: def init(self, level, typename, typeid, status, d1, d2, w, m): self.level = level self.typename = typename self.typeid = typeid self.status = status self.d1 = d1 self.d2 = d2 self.weight = w self.margin = m

if name == "main": flags = ProcessCommandFlags(sys.argv[1:])

if not flags or not flags.has_key('action') or flags.has_key('help'):
    print __usage__
    if flags['action'] == 'lookup':
    if flags['action'] == 'mail':

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/jobs/ ########################################## #!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8

import sys import re import logging

from paste.deploy import appconfig from pylons import config

from pyfisheyes.config.environment import load_environment

conf = appconfig('config:' + '/home/tonycai/pyfisheyes/production_20110128.ini') load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)

from pyfisheyes import model

usage =

python ./ --template=tmc --action=delete --values=2010-12-16
python ./ --template=tmc --action=show
python ./ --template=tmc --action=update --values=2010-12-16,4
python ./ --template=tmc --action=add --values=2010-12-16,4

s=1;e=400;for i in `seq $s $e`;do x=$(($e-$i)); d=`date +%F -d "$x days ago"`;echo -n "$d : "; python ./ --template=tmc --action=delete --values=$d; done


def ProcessCommandFlags(args): """ Parse command line flags per specified usage, pick off key, value pairs All flags of type "--key=value" will be processed as __flags[key] = value, "--option" will be processed as __flags[option] = option """

flags = {} rkeyval = '--(?P\S*)=' # --key=val roption = '--(?P\S*)' # --key r = '(' + rkeyval + ')|(' + roption + ')' rc = re.compile(r) for a in args: try: rcg = if rcg.has_key('key'): flags[rcg['key']] = rcg['value'] if rcg.has_key('option'): flags[rcg['option']] = rcg['option'] except AttributeError: return None return flags #end def ProcessCommandFlags

def config(cn): ca = model.meta.Session.query(model.Categories).filter_by(classname=cn).first() return ca

def CheckStringFormat(cn,values): #NULL ca = config(cn) vlist = values.split(',') items = ca.items.split(',') if "NULL" in vlist: return False if len(vlist) == len(items): return True else: return False

def update(cn,values): if not CheckStringFormat(cn,values): return "Fail : CheckStringFormat Error!" ca = config(cn) vlist = values.split(',') n = model.meta.Session.query(model.Graphs).filter_by(datei=vlist[0]).filter_by(template_id=ca.typeid).count()
if n > 0: d = model.meta.Session.query(model.Graphs).filter_by(datei=vlist[0]).filter_by(template_id=ca.typeid).first() d.mediadata = values model.meta.Session.add(d) model.meta.Session.commit() return "UPDATE SUCCESS" else: return "Fail"

def add(cn,values): if not CheckStringFormat(cn,values): return "Fail : CheckStringFormat Error!" ca = config(cn) vlist = values.split(',') #n = model.meta.Session.query(model.Graphs).filter_by(and_(datei=vlist[0], template_id=ca.typeid)).count()
n = model.meta.Session.query(model.Graphs).filter_by(datei=vlist[0]).filter_by(template_id=ca.typeid).count()
if n > 0: return update(cn,values) else:

t = model.Apperrorlog()

    t = model.Graphs()

print t.class

    t.template_id = ca.typeid
    t.datei = vlist[0]
    t.mediadata = values
    return "ADD SUCCESS"

def show(cn): ca = config(cn) return model.meta.Session.query(model.Graphs).filter_by(template_id=ca.typeid).all()

def delete(cn,values): if not CheckStringFormat(cn,values): return "Fail : CheckStringFormat Error!" ca = config(cn) vlist = values.split(',') n = model.meta.Session.query(model.Graphs).filter_by(datei=vlist[0]).filter_by(template_id=ca.typeid).count()
if n > 0: d = model.meta.Session.query(model.Graphs).filter_by(datei=vlist[0]).filter_by(template_id=ca.typeid).first()
model.meta.Session.delete(d) model.meta.Session.commit() return "SUCCESS" else: return "Fail"

if name == "main": flags = ProcessCommandFlags(sys.argv[1:])

if not flags or not flags.has_key('template') or flags.has_key('help'):
    print __usage__
    if flags['action'] == 'add':


            print add(flags['template'],flags['values'])            


print "Fail"

    if flags['action'] == 'show':
        rows = show(flags['template'])
        for row in rows:
            print row.tostring()
    if flags['action'] == 'delete':
            print delete(flags['template'],flags['values'])
            print "Fail"
    if flags['action'] == 'update':
            print update(flags['template'],flags['values'])
            print "Fail"

########################################## ####file_name: ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pyfisheyes/ ########################################## """Setup the pyfisheyes application""" import logging

from pyfisheyes.config.environment import load_environment from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Session, Base

log = logging.getLogger(name)

def setup_app(command, conf, vars): """Place any commands to setup helloworld2 here""" # Don't reload the app if it was loaded under the testing environment load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)

# Create the tables if they don't already exist

########################################## ####file_name: ./jobs/ ########################################## #!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8

import sys import re import logging

from paste.deploy import appconfig from pylons import config

from pyfisheyes.config.environment import load_environment

conf = appconfig('config:' + '/home/tonycai/workspace/pyfisheyes/development.ini') load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)

from pyfisheyes import model

usage =
""" Usage: python ./ --action=delete --date=2010-12-30 python ./ --action=show python ./ --action=update --date=2010-12-16 --tmc=2 python ./ --action=add --date=2010-12-16 --tmc=2

s=1;e=400;for i in `seq $s $e`;do x=$(($e-$i)); d=`date +%F -d "$x days ago"`;echo -n "$d : "; python ./ --action=delete --date=$d; done


def ProcessCommandFlags(args): """ Parse command line flags per specified usage, pick off key, value pairs All flags of type "--key=value" will be processed as __flags[key] = value, "--option" will be processed as __flags[option] = option """

flags = {} rkeyval = '--(?P\S*)=' # --key=val roption = '--(?P\S*)' # --key r = '(' + rkeyval + ')|(' + roption + ')' rc = re.compile(r) for a in args: try: rcg = if rcg.has_key('key'): flags[rcg['key']] = rcg['value'] if rcg.has_key('option'): flags[rcg['option']] = rcg['option'] except AttributeError: return None return flags #end def ProcessCommandFlags

def config(cn): ca = model.meta.Session.query(model.Categories).filter_by(classname=cn).first() return ca

def add(cn,values): ca = config(cn) vlist = values.split(',') vcols = ca.items.split(',')

n = model.meta.Session.query(getattr(model,ca.classname)).filter_by(datei=vlist[0]).count()    
if n > 0:
    return "Fail"

t = model.Apperrorlog()

    t = getattr(model,ca.classname)()

print t.class

    i = 0
    for col in vcols:
        i += 1
    return "SUCCESS"

def show(cn): ca = config(cn) return model.meta.Session.query(getattr(model,ca.classname))

def delete(datei): n = model.meta.Session.query(model.Tmc).filter_by(datei=datei).count() if n > 0: d = model.meta.Session.query(model.Tmc).filter_by(datei=datei).first() model.meta.Session.delete(d) model.meta.Session.commit() return "SUCCESS" else: return "Fail"

def update(datei,t): n = model.meta.Session.query(model.Tmc).filter_by(datei=datei).count() if n > 0: d = model.meta.Session.query(model.Tmc).filter_by(datei=datei).first()
d.t = t
model.meta.Session.add(d) model.meta.Session.commit() return "SUCCESS" else: return "Fail"

if name == "main": flags = ProcessCommandFlags(sys.argv[1:])

if not flags or not flags.has_key('action') or flags.has_key('help'):
    print __usage__
    if flags['action'] == 'add':


            print add(flags['classname'],flags['values'])            


print "Fail"

    if flags['action'] == 'show':
        rows = show(flags['classname'])
        for row in rows:
            print row.tostring()
    if flags['action'] == 'delete':
            print delete(flags['classname'],flags['values'])
            print "Fail"
    if flags['action'] == 'update':
            print update(flags['classname'],flags['values'])
            print "Fail"

########################################## ####file_name: ./jobs/ ########################################## #!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8

import sys import re import logging import time import httplib, urllib

from paste.deploy import appconfig from pylons import config

from pyfisheyes.config.environment import load_environment

conf = appconfig('config:' + '/home/hyhe/workspace/pyfisheyes/jobs/production_20110128.ini') #conf = appconfig('config:' + '/home/hyhe/workspace/pyfisheyes/development_20.ini') load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)

from pyfisheyes import model from turbomail import Message from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh from pyfisheyes.model.utils import ViewHandle as _vh

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date from pyfisheyes.model.utils import DailyReportHandle as _dh from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh def hello(abc): print abc def hello2(): hello("12345")

if name== 'main':


########################################## ####file_name: ./jobs/ ########################################## #!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8

import sys import re import logging import time import httplib, urllib

from paste.deploy import appconfig from pylons import config

from pyfisheyes.config.environment import load_environment

conf = appconfig('config:' + '/home/tonycai/workspace/pyfisheyes/jobs/production_20110128.ini') #conf = appconfig('config:' + '/home/hyhe/workspace/pyfisheyes/development.ini') load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)

from pyfisheyes import model from turbomail import Message from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh from pyfisheyes.model.utils import ViewHandle as _vh

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh from pyfisheyes.model.utils import DailyReportHandle as _drh

def index(self): # Return a rendered template #return render('/daily_report.mako') # or, return a string return 'Hello World'
def lookup_system(d=""): drh = _drh.DailyReportHandle() i = model.Dateitems yesterday = - timedelta(1) y = yesterday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if d: y = d oy = datetime.strptime(y,'%Y-%m-%d') #odate = request.params.get('odate',y) #clearcache = request.params.get('clearcache','') #disabledlazy = request.params.get('disabledlazy','') #c.disabledlazy = disabledlazy #adate = datetime.strptime(odate,'%Y-%m-%d') #c.odate = odate dateitems = model.meta.Session.query(i).filter_by(datei=oy).first() if dateitems is None: #items = drh.createitems(odate) drh.saveitems(oy) #elif clearcache: #items = drh.createitems(odate) #drh.updateitem(adate, items) else: #items = json.loads(dateitems.stuff) #items = drh.createitems(odate) drh.updateitems(oy) #c.items = items #return render("/derived/list/daily_report.html") return None if name== 'main':

flags = ProcessCommandFlags(sys.argv[1:])

if not flags or not flags.has_key('action') or flags.has_key('help'):
    print __usage__
    if flags['date']:

########################################## ####file_name: ./jobs/ ########################################## #!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8

import sys import re import logging import time import httplib, urllib

from paste.deploy import appconfig from pylons import config

from pyfisheyes.config.environment import load_environment

conf = appconfig('config:' + '/home/hyhe/workspace/pyfisheyes/jobs/production.ini') #conf = appconfig('config:' + '/home/hyhe/workspace/pyfisheyes/development.ini') load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)

from pyfisheyes import model from turbomail import Message from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh from pyfisheyes.model.utils import ViewHandle as _vh

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date

usage =

python ./ --action=lookup


def ProcessCommandFlags(args): """ Parse command line flags per specified usage, pick off key, value pairs All flags of type "--key=value" will be processed as __flags[key] = value, "--option" will be processed as __flags[option] = option """

flags = {} rkeyval = '--(?P\S*)=' # --key=val roption = '--(?P\S*)' # --key r = '(' + rkeyval + ')|(' + roption + ')' rc = re.compile(r) for a in args: try: rcg = if rcg.has_key('key'): flags[rcg['key']] = rcg['value'] if rcg.has_key('option'): flags[rcg['option']] = rcg['option'] except AttributeError: return None return flags #end def ProcessCommandFlags

def lookup_system(): t = model.Categories categories = model.meta.Session.query(t).filter_by(graphtype="realtime").order_by(t.alertlevel.desc()).order_by(t.rankcode.asc()) for i, d in enumerate(categories): #print d.typename compare_background_data(d) return None

def send_mail(level, title, id, status, t1, t2, d2):

    vh = _vh.ViewHandle()
    attach_dir = "/home/tonycai/pyfisheyes/jobs/attach_files"

    mail_subject = "[" + level + "] " + title + " - " + status
    start_time = u"开始时间: "
    stop_time = u"结束时间: "
    detail = u"详细内容:"
    site_url = ""
    t_url = site_url + "/view/data/" + str(id) + "/1/" + d2 + "/" + d2

    text_part = u" 时间: " + d2 + " (" + t1 + "  -  " + t2 + ")"
    #mail_subject += text_part

    html_part = "<html><header/><body><h1>Look,</h1> "
    html_part += "<h1>" + title + "</h1>"
    html_part += "<p>" + status + " (" + t1 + " - " + t2 + ")</p>"
    html_part += "<p>" + detail + " <a href=" + t_url + " >" + t_url + "</a> </p>"
    html_part += "<p>this mail sent by PyFisheyes</p></body></html> "

    message = Message("", "", mail_subject)
    message.encoding = "utf-8"
    message.plain = text_part = html_part    = ""

    timestamp = time.time()

    url1 = "/view/realtimegraph/" + str(id) + "/1.png"
    img1 = attach_dir + "/realtimegraph." + str(id) + "." + str(timestamp) + ".png"
    if download_file(url1, img1):


def compare_background_data(t , min=4):

    vh = _vh.ViewHandle()
    timerange1 = vh.getTimeRange(min, 0)
    rows1 = vh.getRealtimeRowsData(t.typeid, timerange1)
    day_name = u"同比上周同一天"
    timerange2 = vh.getTimeRange(min, 7)
    if t.u_baseface and t.baseface:
        day_name = u"相比" + str(t.baseface)
        td = vh.__getDate__("", 0).split("-")
        bf = str(t.baseface).split("-")
        days = (date(int(td[0]), int(td[1]), int(td[2])) - date(int(bf[0]), int(bf[1]), int(bf[2]))).days 
        timerange2 = vh.getTimeRange(min, days)
        timerange2 = vh.getTimeRange(min, 7)

    rows2 = vh.getRealtimeRowsData(t.typeid, timerange2)
    level = None
    status = ""
    time_range = ""

    start_time_point = timerange1['start_time_point']
    stop_time_point = timerange1['stop_time_point']
    datetime1 = start_time_point.strftime('%H:%M')
    datetime2 = stop_time_point.strftime('%H:%M')
    date2 = start_time_point.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    allt = vh.exec_alarm_threshold(rows1, rows2, t)

    if t.r_mode == 'a':
       status = u"突然升至: " + str(int(allt[1])) + u"次/分钟"

    if t.r_mode == 'b':
       status = u"突然降至: " + str(int(allt[1])) + u"次/分钟"

    if t.r_mode in ['c', 'd']:
        if int(allt[1]) < 0 :
           status = day_name + u"下跌: " + str(abs(int(allt[1]))) + "%"
           status = day_name + u"上涨: " + str(int(allt[1])) + "%"

    if int(allt[0]) == 1:
        level = "Warning"
    if int(allt[0]) == 2:
        level = "Critical"

    if not isexist_same_alarm_log(t, int(allt[1]), 18):
        if level == "Critical" and t.r_weight > 5:
            send_mail(level, t.typename, t.typeid, status, datetime1, datetime2, date2)
        if level != None:
            alarm_logger(level, t, status, datetime1, datetime2, int(allt[1]))
        return level

def sumValue(data): v = 0 for i, d in enumerate(data): v += d.valuei return v

def download_file(url, local_file): isExist = False try: conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("") conn.request("GET", url) response = conn.getresponse() data = f = open(local_file, "w") f.write(data) f.close() isExist = True except: print "except" return isExist

def alarm_logger(lev, t, stat, t1, t2, v): op = False try: now = datei = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') logtime = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') et = (0, t.typename, t.typeid, datei, stat, t.r_weight, t.r_mode, t1, t2, v, lev, logtime) al = model.Alarminfo(et) model.meta.Session.add(al) model.meta.Session.commit() op = True except: print "except" return op

def isexist_same_alarm_log(t, v, m): b = False try: now = itime = now - timedelta(minutes=m) logtime = itime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') date_str = itime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') al = model.Alarminfo #af = model.meta.Session.query(al).filter_by(tid=t.typeid).filter_by(datei=date_str).filter_by(t_threshold=v).filter(al.logtime>=logtime).first() af = model.meta.Session.query(al).filter_by(tid=t.typeid).filter(al.logtime > logtime).first() if af : b = True except: print "except" return b

if name == "main": flags = ProcessCommandFlags(sys.argv[1:])

if not flags or not flags.has_key('action') or flags.has_key('help'):
    print __usage__
    if flags['action'] == 'lookup':
    if flags['action'] == 'mail':

########################################## ####file_name: ./jobs/ ########################################## #!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8

import sys import re import logging import time import httplib, urllib

from paste.deploy import appconfig from pylons import config

from pyfisheyes.config.environment import load_environment

conf = appconfig('config:' + '/home/tonycai/workspace/pyfisheyes/jobs/production_20110128.ini') #conf = appconfig('config:' + '/home/hyhe/workspace/pyfisheyes/development.ini') load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)

from pyfisheyes import model from turbomail import Message from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh from pyfisheyes.model.utils import ViewHandle as _vh

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh from pyfisheyes.model.utils import DailyReportHandle as _drh

def index(self): # Return a rendered template #return render('/daily_report.mako') # or, return a string return 'Hello World'
def lookup_system(): drh = _drh.DailyReportHandle() i = model.Dateitems yesterday = - timedelta(1) y = yesterday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') oy = datetime.strptime(y,'%Y-%m-%d') #odate = request.params.get('odate',y) #clearcache = request.params.get('clearcache','') #disabledlazy = request.params.get('disabledlazy','') #c.disabledlazy = disabledlazy #adate = datetime.strptime(odate,'%Y-%m-%d') #c.odate = odate dateitems = model.meta.Session.query(i).filter_by(datei=oy).first() if dateitems is None: #items = drh.createitems(odate) drh.saveitems(oy) #elif clearcache: #items = drh.createitems(odate) #drh.updateitem(adate, items) else: #items = json.loads(dateitems.stuff) #items = drh.createitems(odate) drh.updateitems(oy) #c.items = items #return render("/derived/list/daily_report.html") return None if name== 'main': lookup_system()

########################################## ####file_name: ./jobs/ ########################################## #!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8

import sys import re import logging

from paste.deploy import appconfig from pylons import config

from pyfisheyes.config.environment import load_environment

conf = appconfig('config:' + '/home/tonycai/workspace/pyfisheyes/development.ini') load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)

from pyfisheyes import model

usage =

python ./ --template=tmc --action=delete --values=2010-12-16
python ./ --template=tmc --action=show
python ./ --template=tmc --action=update --values=2010-12-16,4
python ./ --template=tmc --action=add --values=2010-12-16,4

s=1;e=400;for i in `seq $s $e`;do x=$(($e-$i)); d=`date +%F -d "$x days ago"`;echo -n "$d : "; python ./ --template=tmc --action=delete --values=$d; done


def ProcessCommandFlags(args): """ Parse command line flags per specified usage, pick off key, value pairs All flags of type "--key=value" will be processed as __flags[key] = value, "--option" will be processed as __flags[option] = option """

flags = {} rkeyval = '--(?P\S*)=' # --key=val roption = '--(?P\S*)' # --key r = '(' + rkeyval + ')|(' + roption + ')' rc = re.compile(r) for a in args: try: rcg = if rcg.has_key('key'): flags[rcg['key']] = rcg['value'] if rcg.has_key('option'): flags[rcg['option']] = rcg['option'] except AttributeError: return None return flags #end def ProcessCommandFlags

def config(cn): ca = model.meta.Session.query(model.Categories).filter_by(classname=cn).first() return ca

def CheckStringFormat(cn,values): ca = config(cn) vlist = values.split(',') items = ca.items.split(',') if len(vlist) == len(items): return True else: return False

def update(cn,values): if not CheckStringFormat(cn,values): return "Fail : CheckStringFormat Error!" ca = config(cn) vlist = values.split(',') n = model.meta.Session.query(model.Graphs).filter_by(datei=vlist[0]).filter_by(template_id=ca.typeid).count()
if n > 0: d = model.meta.Session.query(model.Graphs).filter_by(datei=vlist[0]).filter_by(template_id=ca.typeid).first() d.mediadata = values model.meta.Session.add(d) model.meta.Session.commit() return "UPDATE SUCCESS" else: return "Fail"

def add(cn,values): if not CheckStringFormat(cn,values): return "Fail : CheckStringFormat Error!" ca = config(cn) vlist = values.split(',') #n = model.meta.Session.query(model.Graphs).filter_by(and_(datei=vlist[0], template_id=ca.typeid)).count()
n = model.meta.Session.query(model.Graphs).filter_by(datei=vlist[0]).filter_by(template_id=ca.typeid).count()
if n > 0: return update(cn,values) else:

t = model.Apperrorlog()

    t = model.Graphs()

print t.class

    t.template_id = ca.typeid
    t.datei = vlist[0]
    t.mediadata = values
    return "ADD SUCCESS"

def show(cn): ca = config(cn) return model.meta.Session.query(model.Graphs).filter_by(template_id=ca.typeid).all()

def delete(cn,values): if not CheckStringFormat(cn,values): return "Fail : CheckStringFormat Error!" ca = config(cn) vlist = values.split(',') n = model.meta.Session.query(model.Graphs).filter_by(datei=vlist[0]).filter_by(template_id=ca.typeid).count()
if n > 0: d = model.meta.Session.query(model.Graphs).filter_by(datei=vlist[0]).filter_by(template_id=ca.typeid).first()
model.meta.Session.delete(d) model.meta.Session.commit() return "SUCCESS" else: return "Fail"

if name == "main": flags = ProcessCommandFlags(sys.argv[1:])

if not flags or not flags.has_key('template') or flags.has_key('help'):
    print __usage__
    if flags['action'] == 'add':


            print add(flags['template'],flags['values'])            


print "Fail"

    if flags['action'] == 'show':
        rows = show(flags['template'])
        for row in rows:
            print row.tostring()
    if flags['action'] == 'delete':
            print delete(flags['template'],flags['values'])
            print "Fail"
    if flags['action'] == 'update':
            print update(flags['template'],flags['values'])
            print "Fail"

########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/base/ ##########################################

-- encoding:utf-8 --

from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1320473803.8443329 _template_filename=u'/home/tonycai/workspace/ops_repos/dev/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/base/index.html' _template_uri=u'/base/index.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = ['profile', 'script', 'title', 'head_tags', 'toolbox', 'heading']

def _mako_get_namespace(context, name): try: return context.namespaces[(name, name)] except KeyError: _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return context.namespaces[(name, name)] def _mako_generate_namespaces(context): # SOURCE LINE 2 ns = runtime.Namespace(u'navigation', context._clean_inheritance_tokens(), templateuri=u'/component/navigation.html', callables=None, calling_uri=_template_uri, module=None) context.namespaces[(name, u'navigation')] = ns

def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'navigation')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) c = _import_ns.get('c', context.get('c', UNDEFINED)) h = _import_ns.get('h', context.get('h', UNDEFINED)) self = _import_ns.get('self', context.get('self', UNDEFINED)) next = _import_ns.get('next', context.get('next', UNDEFINED)) navigation = _mako_get_namespace(context, 'navigation') hasattr = _import_ns.get('hasattr', context.get('hasattr', UNDEFINED)) __M_writer = context.writer() __M_writer(u'\n\n\n\n\n \t\n\t\n \t<title>pyfisheyes - ') # SOURCE LINE 9 __M_writer(escape(self.title())) __M_writer(u'</title>\n\t\n\t\n\t') # SOURCE LINE 12 __M_writer(escape(h.stylesheet_link(h.url_for('/css/report.css')))) __M_writer(u'\n\t') # SOURCE LINE 13 __M_writer(escape(self.head_tags())) __M_writer(u'\n\t') # SOURCE LINE 14 __M_writer(escape(self.script())) __M_writer(u'\n\t\n\n\n\n

\n\t\t\tlogo\n\t\t\t') # SOURCE LINE 24 __M_writer(escape(self.profile())) __M_writer(u'\n\t\t
\n\t\n\t \n') # SOURCE LINE 28 if hasattr(c,'pagename') and c.pagename: # SOURCE LINE 29 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t') __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 30 else: # SOURCE LINE 31 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t') __M_writer(escape(""))) __M_writer(u'\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 33 __M_writer(u'\t \n\t
\n\t\t \t') # SOURCE LINE 38 __M_writer(escape(self.heading())) __M_writer(u'\n\t\t\t\t') # SOURCE LINE 39 __M_writer(escape(next.body())) __M_writer(u'\n\t
\t\n\t\t\t') # SOURCE LINE 42 __M_writer(escape(self.toolbox())) __M_writer(u'\t\n\t\t

Website content copyright © by YourSiteInc-OPSTeam. All rights reserved. tonycai321(&)

\n\n\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 64 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 66 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 68 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 70 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 79 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 81 __M_writer(u'\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_profile(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'navigation')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) request = _import_ns.get('request', context.get('request', UNDEFINED)) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 56 __M_writer(u'\n

\n') # SOURCE LINE 58 if not request.environ.get('REMOTE_USER'): # SOURCE LINE 59 __M_writer(u'\t \t\t\u767b\u5f55\n') # SOURCE LINE 60 else: # SOURCE LINE 61 __M_writer(u'\t \t\t\u4f60\u597d\uff0c') __M_writer(escape(request.environ['REMOTE_USER'])) __M_writer(u' \u9000\u51fa | \u914d\u7f6e \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 63 __M_writer(u'
\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_script(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'navigation')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) __M_writer = context.writer() return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_title(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'navigation')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) __M_writer = context.writer() return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_head_tags(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'navigation')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) __M_writer = context.writer() return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_toolbox(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'navigation')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 72 __M_writer(u'\n\t



\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_heading(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'navigation')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) __M_writer = context.writer() return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/derived/view/ ##########################################

-- encoding:utf-8 --

from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1318557074.136194 _template_filename=u'/home/tonycai/workspace/ops_repos/dev/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/derived/view/onlydata.html' _template_uri=u'/derived/view/onlydata.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = []

def _mako_get_namespace(context, name): try: return context.namespaces[(name, name)] except KeyError: _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return context.namespaces[(name, name)] def _mako_generate_namespaces(context): # SOURCE LINE 1 ns = runtime.Namespace(u'pagination', context._clean_inheritance_tokens(), templateuri=u'/component/pagination.html', callables=None, calling_uri=_template_uri, module=None) context.namespaces[(name, u'pagination')] = ns

def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'pagination')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) pagination = _mako_get_namespace(context, 'pagination') c = _import_ns.get('c', context.get('c', UNDEFINED)) enumerate = _import_ns.get('enumerate', context.get('enumerate', UNDEFINED)) __M_writer = context.writer() __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 3 __M_writer(escape(pagination.pagin(c, True))) __M_writer(u'\n\n

\n\t\n\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 8 if c.pagename == "realtime" : # SOURCE LINE 9 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 14 else: # SOURCE LINE 15 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 16 for y,item in enumerate(c.items): # SOURCE LINE 17 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 20 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 21 for y,row in enumerate(c.rows): # SOURCE LINE 22 if c.pagename == "realtime" : # SOURCE LINE 23 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 30 else: # SOURCE LINE 31 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 33 for x,opt in enumerate(row.tostringlist()): # SOURCE LINE 34 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 36 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 39 __M_writer(u'\t
') __M_writer(escape(u"编号")) __M_writer(u'') # SOURCE LINE 10 __M_writer(escape(u"日期")) __M_writer(u'') # SOURCE LINE 11 __M_writer(escape(u"小时")) __M_writer(u'') # SOURCE LINE 12 __M_writer(escape(u"分钟")) __M_writer(u'') # SOURCE LINE 13 __M_writer(escape(u"键值")) __M_writer(u'N') __M_writer(escape(item)) __M_writer(u'
') # SOURCE LINE 24 __M_writer(escape(y+1)) __M_writer(u'') # SOURCE LINE 25 __M_writer(escape(row.datei)) __M_writer(u'') # SOURCE LINE 26 __M_writer(escape(row.houri)) __M_writer(u'') # SOURCE LINE 27 __M_writer(escape(row.minutei)) __M_writer(u'') __M_writer(escape(row.formatValue())) __M_writer(u'
') # SOURCE LINE 32 __M_writer(escape(y+1)) __M_writer(u'') __M_writer(escape(opt)) __M_writer(u'
\n') # SOURCE LINE 41 __M_writer(escape(pagination.pagin(c, True))) __M_writer(u'\n<script type="text/javascript">\n$(function(){\n\tvar src = $("#img").attr("src");\n\t$("#ysizeok").click(function(){\n\t\t var graphs = $("#img");\n\t\t var img1 = $("#imglink");\n\t\t var img2 = $(".scale");\n\t\t var img3 = $(".zoomWrapperImage");\n\t\t\tvar ysize = parseInt($("#ysize").val());\n\t\t\tif(ysize){\n\t\t\t\tvar src2 = $("#imglink").attr("href");\n\t\t\t\t\tvar index = src.lastIndexOf("?");\n\t\t\t\t\tvar index2 = src.lastIndexOf("?ys=");\n\t\t\t\t\tvar index3 = src.lastIndexOf("&ys=");\n\t\t\t\t\tvar oindex1 = src2.lastIndexOf("?");\n\t\t\t\t\tvar oindex2 = src2.lastIndexOf("?ys=");\n\t\t\t\t\tvar oindex3 = src2.lastIndexOf("&ys=");\n\t\t\t\t\tif (index == -1 ){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar src2 = src2+"?ys="+ysize;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$(graphs).attr("src",src+"?ys="+ysize);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$(img1).attr("href",src2);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$(img2).css("background-img","url("+src2+")");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$(img3).attr("src",src2);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse if(index2 != -1){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstr1 = src.substring(0,index2)+src.substr(index2,4)+ysize;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstr11 = src2.substring(0,index21)+src2.substr(index21,4)+ysize;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$(graphs).attr("src",str1);\n\t\t\t\t\t}else if(index3 != -1){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstr2 = src.substring(0,index3)+src.substr(index3,4)+ysize;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstr22 = src2.substring(0,index31)+src2.substr(index31,4)+ysize;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$(graphs).attr("src",str2);\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t}else{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$(graphs).attr("src",src+"&ys="+ysize);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t});\n\t$("#ysizeclear").click(function(){\n\t\tvar graphs = $("#portfolio_0 a img");\n\t\tvar src = $(graphs).attr("src");\n\t\tvar index2 = src.lastIndexOf("?ys=");\n\t\tvar index3 = src.lastIndexOf("&ys=");\n\t\tvar str4;\n\t\tif(index2 != -1)\n\t\t\tstr4 = src.substring(0,index2)\n\t\telse if(index3 != -1)\n\t\t\tstr4 = src.substring(0,index3)\n\t\t$(graphs).attr("src",str4);\n\t\t\t$("#ysize").val("");\n\t\t});\n});\n</script>\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/derived/view/ ##########################################

-- encoding:utf-8 --

from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1320386372.2915189 _template_filename='/home/tonycai/workspace/ops_repos/dev/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/derived/view/view.html' _template_uri='/derived/view/view.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = ['script', 'toolbox', 'title', 'heading', 'head_tags']

def _mako_get_namespace(context, name): try: return context.namespaces[(name, name)] except KeyError: _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return context.namespaces[(name, name)] def _mako_generate_namespaces(context): pass def _mako_inherit(template, context): _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return runtime._inherit_from(context, u'/base/index.html', _template_uri) def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) enumerate = context.get('enumerate', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 1 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 14 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 15 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 26 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 42 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 43 if c.pagename == "realtime": # SOURCE LINE 44 __M_writer(u'\t

\t\t\t\n\t\t \t \n\t

\n') # SOURCE LINE 53 if c.pweekday == '1': # SOURCE LINE 54 __M_writer(u'\t\t \t\n\t\t \t\n\t\t \t\n') # SOURCE LINE 57 else: # SOURCE LINE 58 __M_writer(u'\t\t \t\n\t\t \t\n\t\t \t\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 62 __M_writer(u'\t\t



    \n\t \t\n\t \t
  • \u65e5\u62a5 \n') # SOURCE LINE 73 if c.t.d_report: # SOURCE LINE 74 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\u5f00\u542f\n') # SOURCE LINE 75 else: # SOURCE LINE 76 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\u5173\u95ed\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 78 __M_writer(u'\t \t
  • \n\t \t
  • \u63d0\u9192 \n') # SOURCE LINE 80 if c.t.r_alert: # SOURCE LINE 81 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\u5f00\u542f\n') # SOURCE LINE 82 else: # SOURCE LINE 83 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\u5173\u95ed\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 85 __M_writer(u'\t \t
  • \n\t \t
  • \u6743\u91cd ') # SOURCE LINE 86 __M_writer(escape(c.t.r_weight)) __M_writer(u'
  • \n\t \t
  • \u53c2\u8003\u7ebf \n') # SOURCE LINE 88 if c.t.u_baseface: # SOURCE LINE 89 __M_writer(u'\t \t\t\u5f00\u542f (') __M_writer(escape(c.t.baseface)) __M_writer(u')\n') # SOURCE LINE 90 else: # SOURCE LINE 91 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\u5173\u95ed\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 93 __M_writer(u'\t \t
  • \n\t \t\n\t \t
  • \u77ed\u4fe1\u901a\u77e5 \n') # SOURCE LINE 96 if c.t.r_weight>5 and c.t.r_alert: # SOURCE LINE 97 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\u5f00\u542f\n') # SOURCE LINE 98 else: # SOURCE LINE 99 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\u5173\u95ed\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 101 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t
  • \n\t \t
  • \u5206\u6790\u6a21\u578b ') # SOURCE LINE 102 __M_writer(escape(c.t.r_mode)) __M_writer(u'\u7c7b
  • \n\t \t
  • \u62a5\u8b66\u9600\u503c \n') # SOURCE LINE 104 if c.t.r_mode == 'a': # SOURCE LINE 105 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\u8b66\u544a ') __M_writer(escape(c.list_alarm_threshold[2])) __M_writer(u' , \u5d29\u6f70 ') __M_writer(escape(c.list_alarm_threshold[3])) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 106 elif c.t.r_mode == 'b': # SOURCE LINE 107 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\u8b66\u544a ') __M_writer(escape(c.list_alarm_threshold[1])) __M_writer(u' , \u5d29\u6f70 ') __M_writer(escape(c.list_alarm_threshold[0])) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 108 elif c.t.r_mode in ['c','d']: # SOURCE LINE 109 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\u5d29\u6f70 -') __M_writer(escape(c.list_alarm_threshold[4])) __M_writer(u'% , \u8b66\u544a -') __M_writer(escape(c.list_alarm_threshold[5])) __M_writer(u'% , \u8b66\u544a ') __M_writer(escape(c.list_alarm_threshold[6])) __M_writer(u'% , \u5d29\u6f70 ') __M_writer(escape(c.list_alarm_threshold[7])) __M_writer(u'%\n') # SOURCE LINE 110 else: # SOURCE LINE 111 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t noset\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 113 __M_writer(u'\t \t
  • \n\t \t\n\t
\t \n\t

\n') # SOURCE LINE 122 else: # SOURCE LINE 123 __M_writer(u'\t

\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 127 __M_writer(u'\n\n

\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 133 if c.pagename == "realtime": # SOURCE LINE 134 __M_writer(u'
\t \n\t

\u5408\u8ba1\uff1a') # SOURCE LINE 135 __M_writer(escape(c.sumvalue)) __M_writer(u'\u3000\u9650\u5236\uff39\u8f74\u6700\u5927\u503c\uff1a<input type="text" id="ysize" style='width:80px;' /> \n\t

\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 139 if c.pagename == "realtime": # SOURCE LINE 140 if # SOURCE LINE 141 __M_writer(u'


\n') # SOURCE LINE 142 for x,t in enumerate( # SOURCE LINE 143 __M_writer(u'\t
') __M_writer(escape(t.evtitle)) __M_writer(u'
') __M_writer(escape(t.evcontent)) __M_writer(u'
\t\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 145 __M_writer(u'
\n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 148 __M_writer(u'
') runtime._include_file(context, u'onlydata.html', _template_uri) __M_writer(u'
\n\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 245 __M_writer(u'\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_script(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 16 __M_writer(u'\n<script>\nvar opt = "') # SOURCE LINE 18 __M_writer(escape(c.opt)) __M_writer(u'";\nvar date = "') # SOURCE LINE 19 __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'";\nvar date2 = "') # SOURCE LINE 20 __M_writer(escape(c.date2)) __M_writer(u'";\nvar tid = "') # SOURCE LINE 21 __M_writer(escape(c.template_id)) __M_writer(u'";\nvar pagename = "') # SOURCE LINE 22 __M_writer(escape(c.pagename)) __M_writer(u'";\nvar imgpath = "') # SOURCE LINE 23 __M_writer(escape(c.imgpath)) __M_writer(u'";\nvar ck = "') # SOURCE LINE 24 __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'"\n</script>\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_toolbox(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: h = context.get('h', UNDEFINED) c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) len = context.get('len', UNDEFINED) enumerate = context.get('enumerate', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 151 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 152 if c.pagename == "realtime": # SOURCE LINE 153 __M_writer(u'


') # SOURCE LINE 154 __M_writer(escape("Search")) __M_writer(u'

\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 163 __M_writer(u'\n
\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 166 if c.pagename == "day": # SOURCE LINE 167 __M_writer(u'\t





\n') # SOURCE LINE 172 else: # SOURCE LINE 173 __M_writer(u'\t

\u9009\u62e9\u65e5\u671f <input type="checkbox" name="onlyshowyester" id="osy" value="') __M_writer(escape(c.yesterday)) __M_writer(u'" ') __M_writer(escape(c.set_default_day)) __M_writer(u' />\u8bb0\u4f4f

\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 177 __M_writer(u'\n
\n\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 181 if len(c.items)>2 and c.pagename == "day": # SOURCE LINE 182 __M_writer(u'


    \n') # SOURCE LINE 185 for x,item in enumerate(c.items): # SOURCE LINE 186 if x > 0: # SOURCE LINE 187 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
  • ') __M_writer(escape(item)) __M_writer(u'
  • \n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 190 __M_writer(u'\t

\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 194 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 195 if len(c.items)>2 and c.pagename == "realtime": # SOURCE LINE 196 __M_writer(u'


  • \u4e0a\u5468\u540c\u4e00\u5929
  • \t\t\n\t
\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 203 __M_writer(u'\n


    \n') # SOURCE LINE 209 if c.pagename == "realtime": # SOURCE LINE 210 __M_writer(u'\t
  • New Event
  • \n\t
  • \n') # SOURCE LINE 212 if c.pweekday == '1': # SOURCE LINE 213 __M_writer(u'\t\t\u67e5\u770b\u5927\u56fe\n') # SOURCE LINE 214 else: # SOURCE LINE 215 __M_writer(u'\t\t\u67e5\u770b\u5927\u56fe\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 217 __M_writer(u'
  • \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 219 __M_writer(u'\t
  • <a href="') __M_writer(escape(h.url(controller="view", action="exporttoexcel",id=c.template_id))) __M_writer(u'" id="ExporttoExcel">\u5bfc\u51faExcel
  • \n\t
  • <a href="') # SOURCE LINE 220 __M_writer(escape(h.url(controller="view", action="webapi",id=c.template_id))) __M_writer(u'">\u5199\u5165\u63a5\u53e3
  • \n') # SOURCE LINE 221 if c.pagename == "realtime": # SOURCE LINE 222 __M_writer(u'\t
  • \u76d1\u63a7\u6a21\u5f0f
  • \n\t
  • \u5168\u5c4f\u6a21\u5f0f
  • \n\t
  • Report
  • \n\t\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 227 __M_writer(u'\t\n


    \n') # SOURCE LINE 237 if c.datasupport != "": # SOURCE LINE 238 __M_writer(u'\t
  • \u6570\u636e\u652f\u6301\uff1a ') __M_writer(escape(c.datasupport)) __M_writer(u'
  • \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 240 __M_writer(u'\t
  • \u8bbf\u95ee\u91cf\uff1a ') __M_writer(escape(c.accessed)) __M_writer(u' \u6b21
  • \n
\n\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_title(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 15 __M_writer(escape(c.topic)) return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_heading(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) request = context.get('request', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 27 __M_writer(u'\n

\n') # SOURCE LINE 29 if c.pre_topic: # SOURCE LINE 30 __M_writer(u'<< ') __M_writer(escape(c.pre_topic.typename)) __M_writer(u'\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 32 if c.next_topic: # SOURCE LINE 33 __M_writer(u'') __M_writer(escape(c.next_topic.typename)) __M_writer(u' >>\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 35 __M_writer(u'


\n') # SOURCE LINE 37 __M_writer(escape(c.topic)) __M_writer(u' #') __M_writer(escape(c.template_id)) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 38 if request.environ.get('REMOTE_USER'): # SOURCE LINE 39 __M_writer(u'\t \u7f16\u8f91\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 41 __M_writer(u'

\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_head_tags(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: h = context.get('h', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 3 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 4 __M_writer(escape(h.javascript_link(h.url_for('/jquery/js/jquery-1.6.2.min.js')))) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 5 __M_writer(escape(h.javascript_link(h.url_for('/jquery/js/jquery-ui-1.8.8.custom.min.js')))) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 6 __M_writer(escape(h.javascript_link(h.url_for('/jquery/development-bundle/ui/i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-zh-CN.js')))) __M_writer(u' \n') # SOURCE LINE 7 __M_writer(escape(h.javascript_link(h.url_for('/jquery/development-bundle/external/jquery.cookie.js ')))) __M_writer(u' \n') # SOURCE LINE 8 __M_writer(escape(h.stylesheet_link(h.url_for('/jquery/development-bundle/themes/pepper-grinder/jquery.ui.all.css')))) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 9 __M_writer(escape(h.stylesheet_link(h.url_for('/css/view.css')))) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 10 __M_writer(escape(h.stylesheet_link(h.url_for('/lib/jqzoom/css/jquery.jqzoom.css')))) __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 12 __M_writer(escape(h.javascript_link(h.url_for('/js/view.js')))) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 13 __M_writer(escape(h.javascript_link(h.url_for('/lib/jqzoom/js/jquery.jqzoom-core.js')))) __M_writer(u' \n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/derived/list/ ##########################################

-- encoding:utf-8 --

from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1320386381.6502471 _template_filename='/home/tonycai/workspace/ops_repos/dev/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/derived/list/report_7days.html' _template_uri='/derived/list/report_7days.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = ['profile']

def _mako_get_namespace(context, name): try: return context.namespaces[(name, name)] except KeyError: _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return context.namespaces[(name, name)] def _mako_generate_namespaces(context): # SOURCE LINE 1 ns = runtime.Namespace(u'navigation', context._clean_inheritance_tokens(), templateuri=u'/component/navigation.html', callables=None, calling_uri=_template_uri, module=None) context.namespaces[(name, u'navigation')] = ns

def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'navigation')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) self = _import_ns.get('self', context.get('self', UNDEFINED)) navigation = _mako_get_namespace(context, 'navigation') c = _import_ns.get('c', context.get('c', UNDEFINED)) hasattr = _import_ns.get('hasattr', context.get('hasattr', UNDEFINED)) __M_writer = context.writer() __M_writer(u'\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<title>report</title>\r\n\r\n\r\n<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/js/jquery-1.6.2.min.js"></script>\r\n<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/js/jquery-ui-1.8.8.custom.min.js"></script>\r\n<script src="/js/CJL.0.1.min.js"></script>\r\n<script src="/js/LazyLoad.js"></script>\r\n<script src="/js/lazyLoadImg.js"></script>\r\n<script type="text/javascript">\r\n$(function(){\r\n\t$("#dvalue").focus(function(){\r\n\t\t\tif($(this).val() == "\u8f93\u5165\u5929\u6570")\r\n\t\t\t\t$(this).val("");\r\n\t\t});\r\n\t$("#dvalue").blur(function(){\r\n\t\tif($(this).val() == ""||$(this).val() == null)\r\n\t\t\t$(this).val("\u8f93\u5165\u5929\u6570");\r\n\t});\r\n});\r\n</script>\r\n\r\n\r\n\t

\r\n\t\t\t\tlogo\r\n\t\t\t\t') # SOURCE LINE 32 __M_writer(escape(self.profile())) __M_writer(u'\r\n\t\t\t
\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t \r\n') # SOURCE LINE 36 if hasattr(c,'pagename') and c.pagename: # SOURCE LINE 37 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t') __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'\r\n') # SOURCE LINE 38 else: # SOURCE LINE 39 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t') __M_writer(escape(""))) __M_writer(u'\r\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 41 __M_writer(u'\t\t \r\n\t\t

\u9996\u9875 >> \u76d1\u63a7 >> Report >> ') # SOURCE LINE 43 __M_writer(escape(c.t2)) __M_writer(u' ( ') __M_writer(escape(c.rdate[6])) __M_writer(u'--') __M_writer(escape(c.rdate[0])) __M_writer(u' )

\r\n') # SOURCE LINE 46 for x in c.rdate: # SOURCE LINE 47 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t
') # SOURCE LINE 48 __M_writer(escape(x)) __M_writer(u'


\r\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 62 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t


\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t
\r\n<script>\r\nfunction lazy(){\r\nvar lazy = new ImagesLazyLoad({\r\n\t\tcontainer: window, mode: "vertical",\r\n\t\tholder: "/img/o_dot.gif"\r\n\t});\r\n}\r\nlazy();\r\n</script>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_profile(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'navigation')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) request = _import_ns.get('request', context.get('request', UNDEFINED)) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 89 __M_writer(u'\r\n

\r\n') # SOURCE LINE 91 if not request.environ.get('REMOTE_USER'): # SOURCE LINE 92 __M_writer(u'\t \t\t\u767b\u5f55\r\n') # SOURCE LINE 93 else: # SOURCE LINE 94 __M_writer(u'\t \t\t\u4f60\u597d\uff0c') __M_writer(escape(request.environ['REMOTE_USER'])) __M_writer(u' \u9000\u51fa | \u914d\u7f6e \r\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 96 __M_writer(u'
\r\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/derived/list/ ##########################################

-- encoding:utf-8 --

from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1320378303.429302 _template_filename='/home/tonycai/workspace/ops_repos/dev/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/derived/list/list.html' _template_uri='/derived/list/list.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = ['toolbox', 'heading', 'title']

def _mako_get_namespace(context, name): try: return context.namespaces[(name, name)] except KeyError: _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return context.namespaces[(name, name)] def _mako_generate_namespaces(context): # SOURCE LINE 2 ns = runtime.Namespace(u'pagination', context._clean_inheritance_tokens(), templateuri=u'/component/pagination.html', callables=None, calling_uri=_template_uri, module=None) context.namespaces[(name, u'pagination')] = ns

def _mako_inherit(template, context): _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return runtime._inherit_from(context, u'/base/index.html', _template_uri) def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'pagination')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) h = _import_ns.get('h', context.get('h', UNDEFINED)) c = _import_ns.get('c', context.get('c', UNDEFINED)) pagination = _mako_get_namespace(context, 'pagination') str = _import_ns.get('str', context.get('str', UNDEFINED)) enumerate = _import_ns.get('enumerate', context.get('enumerate', UNDEFINED)) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 1 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 2 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 4 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 5 __M_writer(u'\n\n

\n') # SOURCE LINE 8 for x,category in enumerate(c.rows): # SOURCE LINE 9 __M_writer(u'\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 15 __M_writer(u'
') # SOURCE LINE 10 __M_writer(escape(x+1)) __M_writer(u' ') __M_writer(escape(category.typename)) __M_writer(u'') __M_writer(escape("view")) __M_writer(u'
\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 17 __M_writer(escape(pagination.pagin(c, False))) __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 66 __M_writer(u'\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_toolbox(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'pagination')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) c = _import_ns.get('c', context.get('c', UNDEFINED)) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 19 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 20 if c.pagename == "realtime": # SOURCE LINE 21 __M_writer(u'


') # SOURCE LINE 22 __M_writer(escape("Search")) __M_writer(u'


') # SOURCE LINE 32 __M_writer(escape("usefully")) __M_writer(u'


\n\t\t\t\tmysql \n\t\t\t\tvpn\n\t\t\t\tct\n\t\t\t\tcnc\n\t\t\t\tcdn \n\t\t\t\tsolr\n\t\t\t\t\u5b9e\u65f6\u8bf7\u6c42 \n\t\t\t\t\u5b9e\u65f6\u6162\u8bf7\u6c42 \n\t\t\t\tconnections\n\t\t\t\tcache\n\t\t\t\trelease\n\t\t\t\tyoursite \n\t\t\t\tyoursite1 \n\t\t\t\tyoursite2 \n\t\t\t\t500 \n\t\t\t

\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 52 __M_writer(u'\n\t


\n\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_heading(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'pagination')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) c = _import_ns.get('c', context.get('c', UNDEFINED)) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 4 __M_writer(u'

') __M_writer(escape(c.pagename)) __M_writer(u'

') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_title(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'pagination')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) c = _import_ns.get('c', context.get('c', UNDEFINED)) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 5 __M_writer(escape(c.pagename)) return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/derived/list/ ##########################################

-- encoding:utf-8 --

from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1320378310.6910701 _template_filename='/home/tonycai/workspace/ops_repos/dev/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/derived/list/realtime.html' _template_uri='/derived/list/realtime.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = []

def _mako_get_namespace(context, name): try: return context.namespaces[(name, name)] except KeyError: _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return context.namespaces[(name, name)] def _mako_generate_namespaces(context): # SOURCE LINE 1 ns = runtime.Namespace(u'search', context._clean_inheritance_tokens(), templateuri=u'/component/search.html', callables=None, calling_uri=_template_uri, module=None) context.namespaces[(name, u'search')] = ns

def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'search')._populate(_import_ns, [u'']) c = _import_ns.get('c', context.get('c', UNDEFINED)) h = _import_ns.get('h', context.get('h', UNDEFINED)) search = _mako_get_namespace(context, 'search') str = _import_ns.get('str', context.get('str', UNDEFINED)) enumerate = _import_ns.get('enumerate', context.get('enumerate', UNDEFINED)) hasattr = _import_ns.get('hasattr', context.get('hasattr', UNDEFINED)) __M_writer = context.writer() __M_writer(u'\n \n \n \n\n<style type="text/css">\n\n</style> \n \t \n\t \n\t\n \t<title>pyfisheyes - Realtime</title> \n\t \n\t \n') # SOURCE LINE 15 if hasattr(c,"refresh") and c.refresh and c.disrf=='false': # SOURCE LINE 16 __M_writer(u'\t\t\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 18 __M_writer(u'<style type="text/css">\nhtml,html body{background-image:url(about:blank);background-attachment:fixed;}\n\nhtml .clickbar{position:absolute;right:auto;left:expression(eval(document.documentElement.scrollLeft+document.documentElement.clientWidth-this.offsetWidth)-(parseInt(this.currentStyle.marginLeft,10)||0)-(parseInt(this.currentStyle.marginRight,10)||0));}\n.alert{\nbackground-color:yellow;\n}\n</style>\n<script src="/jquery/js/jquery-1.4.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>\n<script src="/js/CJL.0.1.min.js"></script>\n<script src="/js/LazyLoad.js"></script>\n<script src="/js/lazyLoadImg.js"></script>\n<script src="/js/jquery.cookie.js"></script>\n \n\n



\n\t\t\t\u66f4\u65b0: ') # SOURCE LINE 49 __M_writer(escape(c.currentdatetime)) __M_writer(u'\u5171\u8ba1: ') __M_writer(escape(c.count)) __M_writer(u'\u6761\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t') # SOURCE LINE 51 __M_writer(escape("/list/realtime", c.view_mode))) __M_writer(u'\n\t\t
\n') # SOURCE LINE 54 for typecode_k, typecode_v in c.r_typecode.iteritems(): # SOURCE LINE 55 if typecode_v in c.filter_list: # SOURCE LINE 56 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t') __M_writer(escape(typecode_k)) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 57 else: # SOURCE LINE 58 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t') __M_writer(escape(typecode_k)) __M_writer(u'\n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 61 __M_writer(u'\t\t
    \n') # SOURCE LINE 65 for x,t in enumerate(c.rows): # SOURCE LINE 66 if t.alertlevel == 2 and t.r_weight > 5: # SOURCE LINE 67 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
  • \n\t\t\t\t

    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t#') # SOURCE LINE 69 __M_writer(escape(t.typeid)) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 70 if c.sw: # SOURCE LINE 71 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\t') __M_writer(escape(t.search_highlight(c.sw))) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 72 else: # SOURCE LINE 73 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\t') __M_writer(escape(t.typename)) __M_writer(u'\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 75 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t

  • \n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 87 for x,t in enumerate(c.rows): # SOURCE LINE 88 if t.alertlevel !=2 or t.r_weight <= 5: # SOURCE LINE 89 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
  • \n\t\t\t\t

    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t#') # SOURCE LINE 91 __M_writer(escape(t.typeid)) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 92 if c.sw: # SOURCE LINE 93 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\t') __M_writer(escape(t.search_highlight(c.sw))) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 94 else: # SOURCE LINE 95 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\t') __M_writer(escape(t.typename)) __M_writer(u'\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 97 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t

  • \n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 109 __M_writer(u'\t\t
\n<script>\nfunction lazy(){\nvar lazy = new ImagesLazyLoad({\n\t\tcontainer: window, mode: "vertical",\n\t\tholder: "/img/o_dot.gif"\n\t});\n}\nlazy();\n</script>\n<script type="text/javascript"> \n\tvar filter = "";\t\n\t$("document").ready(function(){\n\t\tslide();\n\t\tvar disrf = $.cookie("disrf");\n\t\tif(disrf == 'true'){\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById("disreflash").checked=true;\n\t\t}else{\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById("disreflash").checked=false;\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById("disreflash").defaultChecked=false;\n\t\t}\n\t\t/hidden line/\n\t\t $("[name='filter']").bind("click",function(){\n\t\t\t filter="";\n\t\t\t\t $("[name='filter']").each(function(){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif ($(this).attr("checked")==true){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (filter==""){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfilter=$(this).val();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfilter+=","+$(this).val();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t })\n\t\t\t\t if (filter == ""){filter=0}\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t filterSelect(filter);\n\t\t\t });\n\t\t\t/$("#oClick").toggle(function(){\n\t\t\t\t$("#rtimeHeader").slideDown();\n\t\t\t\t$(this).html("\u70b9\u51fb\u9690\u85cf");\n\t\t\t},function(){\n\t\t\t\t$("#rtimeHeader").slideUp();\n\t\t\t\t$(this).html("\u70b9\u51fb\u663e\u793a");\n\t\t\t});/\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t$("#oClick").click(function(){\n\t\t\t\t\tif($("#rtimeHeader").css("display") == "none")\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$("#rtimeHeader").slideDown();\n\t\t\t\t\t $(this).html("\u70b9\u51fb\u9690\u85cf");\n\t\t\t\t\t $.cookie('sk','true');\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$("#rtimeHeader").slideUp();\n\t\t\t\t\t $(this).html("\u70b9\u51fb\u663e\u793a");\n\t\t\t\t\t $.cookie('sk','false');\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t$("#disreflash").click(function(){\n\t\t\t\t\tif (document.getElementById("disreflash").checked==true){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$.cookie("disrf",true);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}else{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$.cookie("disrf",false);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tlocation.reload();\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t});\n\tfunction filterSelect(fi) {\n\t\t \t\n\t\t \t\twindow.location = "?montoring=1&filter="+ fi; \n\t\t \t\n\t}\n\tfunction slide(){\n\t\t\n\t\tif($.cookie('sk') == 'true'){\n\t\t\t\t$("#rtimeHeader").show();\n\t\t\t\t$("#oClick").html("\u70b9\u51fb\u9690\u85cf");\n\t\t}else{\n\t\t\t\t$("#rtimeHeader").hide();\n\t\t\t\t$("#oClick").html("\u70b9\u51fb\u663e\u793a");\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t\n</script> \n\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/derived/list/ ##########################################

-- encoding:utf-8 --

from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1311746666.0695801 _template_filename='/home/hyhe/workspace/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/derived/list/daily_report.html' _template_uri='/derived/list/daily_report.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = []

def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) enumerate = context.get('enumerate', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 1 __M_writer(u'\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<title>report</title>\r\n\r\n\r\n<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/js/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script>\r\n<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/js/jquery-ui-1.8.8.custom.min.js"></script>\r\n<script src="/js/CJL.0.1.min.js"></script>\r\n<script src="/js/LazyLoad.js"></script>\r\n<script src="/js/lazyLoadImg.js"></script>\r\n<script type="text/javascript">\r\n$(function(){\r\n\tvar oDate\r\n\tvar defaultdate = $("#odate").text()\r\n\t$( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({\r\n\t\taltFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',\r\n\t\taltField: '#actualDate',\r\n\t\tonSelect: function(dateText, inst) { \r\n\t\t\t\toDate = $("#actualDate").val();\r\n\t\t\t\tlocation.href = "/daily_report/lookup_system?odate="+oDate;\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\tdateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',\r\n\t\tdefaultDate:defaultdate\r\n\t\t\r\n\t});\r\n\t$("#clearcache").click(function(){\r\n\t\tlocation.href = "/daily_report/lookup_system?odate=') # SOURCE LINE 29 __M_writer(escape(c.odate)) __M_writer(u'&cr=cr";\r\n\t});\r\n\t$("#disabledlazy").click(function(){\r\n\t\tlocation.href = "/daily_report/lookup_system?odate=') # SOURCE LINE 32 __M_writer(escape(c.odate)) __M_writer(u'&unlazy=unlazy";\r\n\t});\r\n\t\r\n});\r\n</script>\r\n\r\n\r\n\t


\u9996\u9875 >> \u76d1\u63a7 >> Report >> ') # SOURCE LINE 54 __M_writer(escape(c.odate)) __M_writer(u'

\r\n') # SOURCE LINE 57 if c.simp == 0: # SOURCE LINE 58 for x,t in enumerate(c.items): # SOURCE LINE 59 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t
') # SOURCE LINE 61 __M_writer(escape(x+1)) __M_writer(u') ') __M_writer(escape(t[1])) __M_writer(u' #') __M_writer(escape(t[2])) __M_writer(u'
') # SOURCE LINE 62 __M_writer(escape(t[3])) __M_writer(u' ') __M_writer(escape(t[7])) __M_writer(u'%  \u603b\u8ba1\uff1a') __M_writer(escape(t[8])) __M_writer(u'
\u65f6\u95f4\u8303\u56f4\uff1a') # SOURCE LINE 63 __M_writer(escape(t[4])) __M_writer(u' - ') __M_writer(escape(t[5])) __M_writer(u'
\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 82 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\r\n') # SOURCE LINE 84 if c.simp == 1 : # SOURCE LINE 85 for x,t in enumerate(c.rows): # SOURCE LINE 86 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t
') # SOURCE LINE 87 __M_writer(escape(x+1)) __M_writer(u') ') __M_writer(escape(t.typename)) __M_writer(u' #') __M_writer(escape(t.typeid)) __M_writer(u'
\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\r\n') # SOURCE LINE 90 if c.disabledlazy: # SOURCE LINE 91 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t')
__M_writer(u'\r\n') # SOURCE LINE 92 else: # SOURCE LINE 93 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t')
__M_writer(u'\r\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 95 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t
\r\n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 100 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
\r\n\r\n') # SOURCE LINE 113 if not c.disabledlazy: # SOURCE LINE 114 __M_writer(u'<script type="text/javascript">\r\nfunction lazy(){\r\nvar lazy = new ImagesLazyLoad({\r\n\t\tcontainer: window, mode: "vertical",\r\n\t\tholder: "/img/o_dot.gif"\r\n\t});\r\n}\r\nlazy();\r\n</script>\r\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 124 __M_writer(u'\r\n\r\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/derived/list/ ##########################################

-- encoding:utf-8 --

from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1311143560.21628 _template_filename='/home/hyhe/workspace/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/derived/list/report.html' _template_uri='/derived/list/report.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = []

def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) enumerate = context.get('enumerate', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 1 __M_writer(u'\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<title>report</title>\r\n\r\n\r\n<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/js/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script>\r\n<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/js/jquery-ui-1.8.8.custom.min.js"></script>\r\n<script src="/js/CJL.0.1.min.js"></script>\r\n<script src="/js/LazyLoad.js"></script>\r\n<script src="/js/lazyLoadImg.js"></script>\r\n<script type="text/javascript">\r\n$(function(){\r\n\t$( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({\r\n\taltFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',\r\n\taltField: '#actualDate',\r\n\tonSelect: function(dateText, inst) { \r\n\tvar oDate = $("#actualDate").val();\r\n\t\t\tlocation.href = "/daily_report/lookup_system?odate="+oDate;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t});\r\n});\r\n</script>\r\n\r\n\r\n\t


\u9996\u9875 >> \u76d1\u63a7 >> Report >> ') # SOURCE LINE 42 __M_writer(escape(c.odate)) __M_writer(u'

\r\n') # SOURCE LINE 45 for x,t in enumerate(c.rows): # SOURCE LINE 46 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t
') # SOURCE LINE 47 __M_writer(escape(x+1)) __M_writer(u') ') __M_writer(escape(t.typename)) __M_writer(u' #') __M_writer(escape(t.typeid)) __M_writer(u'
\r\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 52 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
\r\n<script>\r\nfunction lazy(){\r\nvar lazy = new ImagesLazyLoad({\r\n\t\tcontainer: window, mode: "vertical",\r\n\t\tholder: "/img/o_dot.gif"\r\n\t});\r\n}\r\nlazy();\r\n</script>\r\n\r\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/derived/events/ ##########################################

-- encoding:utf-8 --

from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1318562283.686466 _template_filename='/home/tonycai/workspace/ops_repos/dev/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/derived/events/detail.html' _template_uri='/derived/events/detail.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = ['toolbox', 'script', 'heading', 'head_tags']

def _mako_get_namespace(context, name): try: return context.namespaces[(name, name)] except KeyError: _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return context.namespaces[(name, name)] def _mako_generate_namespaces(context): pass def _mako_inherit(template, context): _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return runtime._inherit_from(context, u'/base/index.html', _template_uri) def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) str = context.get('str', UNDEFINED) enumerate = context.get('enumerate', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 1 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 5 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 32 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 40 __M_writer(u'\n\n\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 51 __M_writer(u'\n\n<table class="detail_event_t" cellspacing='0'>\n\u4e3b\u9898') # SOURCE LINE 54 __M_writer(escape(c.event.evtitle)) __M_writer(u' @') __M_writer(escape(str(c.event.evdate)[0:10])) __M_writer(u' #') __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'\n\u6807\u7b7e') # SOURCE LINE 55 __M_writer(escape(c.event.evtags)) __M_writer(u'\n\u53d1\u751f\u65f6\u95f4') # SOURCE LINE 56 __M_writer(escape(str(c.event.evdate)[0:16])) __M_writer(u'\n\u53d1\u73b0\u65f6\u95f4') # SOURCE LINE 57 __M_writer(escape(str(c.event.dt2)[0:16])) __M_writer(u'\n\u627e\u5230\u65b9\u5411') # SOURCE LINE 58 __M_writer(escape(str(c.event.dt3)[0:16])) __M_writer(u'\n\n\u6700\u540e\u4fee\u6539\u65f6\u95f4') # SOURCE LINE 60 __M_writer(escape(c.event.evlastedit)) __M_writer(u'\n\u5185\u5bb9') # SOURCE LINE 61 __M_writer(escape(c.event.getEvContent())) __M_writer(u'\n\u4e8b\u4ef6\u56fe\u7247\n') # SOURCE LINE 63 for x,g in enumerate(c.graphs): # SOURCE LINE 64 if g.imgid: # SOURCE LINE 65 __M_writer(u'') __M_writer(escape(g.imgid)) __M_writer(u' \n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 68 __M_writer(u'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n

    \n') # SOURCE LINE 147 for x,m in enumerate(c.messages): # SOURCE LINE 148 __M_writer(u' \t
  1. \n \t\t
    \n \t\t\ttony
    \n \t\t
    \n \t\t
    \n \t\n\t\t\t \t

    ') # SOURCE LINE 154 __M_writer(escape(m.msgsubject)) __M_writer(u'

    \n\t\t\t \t

    \u53d1\u8868\u4e8e\uff1a') # SOURCE LINE 155 __M_writer(escape(m.msgdate)) __M_writer(u'

    \n\t\t\t \t

    ') # SOURCE LINE 156 __M_writer(escape(m.msgcontent)) __M_writer(u'

    \n \t\t
    \n \t
  2. \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 160 __M_writer(u'
\u5185\u5bb9\uff1a<textarea class="require" id="addmsgC" name="msgcontent"></textarea>
\n\t\t<input type="hidden" value="') # SOURCE LINE 167 __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'" name='eventid' />\n\t\t (\u5185\u5bb9\u957f\u5ea61~200\u4e2a\u5b57\u7b26)\n\t\n
\n\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_toolbox(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 172 __M_writer(u'\n\t


') # SOURCE LINE 174 __M_writer(escape("Assistant")) __M_writer(u'

\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_script(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 7 __M_writer(u'\n<script type="text/javascript">\nfunction validate(){\n // \u9a8c\u8bc1\u5fc5\u586b\u9879\u662f\u5426\u5b58\u5728\n\t $(".require").each(function(){\n\t\t\t\tif($(this).val() == ''){\n\t\t\t \t\t\t$("#error").html("\u5185\u5bb9\u4e0d\u80fd\u4e3a\u7a7a!").addClass("error");\n\t\t\t \t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse if\t($(this).val().length &gt; 100){\n\t\t \t\t\t$("#error").html("\u5185\u5bb9\u8fc7\u957f!").addClass("error");\n\t\t \t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse{\n\t\t\t\t\t$("#error").html("(\u5185\u5bb9\u957f\u5ea61~100\u4e2a\u5b57\u7b26)").removeClass("error");\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\tif($(".error").length > 0){\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}else{\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\n} \n</script>\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_heading(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 34 __M_writer(u'\n

') # SOURCE LINE 35 __M_writer(escape(c.heading)) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 36 __M_writer(u'\nEdit\n') # SOURCE LINE 38 __M_writer(u'\n

\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_head_tags(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: h = context.get('h', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 3 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 4 __M_writer(escape(h.javascript_link(h.url_for('/jquery/js/jquery-1.4.4.min.js')))) __M_writer(u'\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/derived/events/ ##########################################

-- encoding:utf-8 --

from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1318562374.226258 _template_filename='/home/tonycai/workspace/ops_repos/dev/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/derived/events/list.html' _template_uri='/derived/events/list.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = ['toolbox', 'heading']

def _mako_get_namespace(context, name): try: return context.namespaces[(name, name)] except KeyError: _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return context.namespaces[(name, name)] def _mako_generate_namespaces(context): pass def _mako_inherit(template, context): _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return runtime._inherit_from(context, u'/base/index.html', _template_uri) def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) enumerate = context.get('enumerate', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 1 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 3 __M_writer(u'\n\n

\n\t') # SOURCE LINE 6 __M_writer(escape('total:$item_count Page $page/$page_count: $link_previous 4 $link_next '))) __M_writer(u'\n\t') # SOURCE LINE 9 __M_writer(u'\n
\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 18 for x,e in enumerate( # SOURCE LINE 19 __M_writer(u'\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 26 __M_writer(u'
#') __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'') # SOURCE LINE 21 __M_writer(escape(e.evtitle)) __M_writer(u'') # SOURCE LINE 22 __M_writer(escape(e.evdate)) __M_writer(u'
\n\t') # SOURCE LINE 29 __M_writer(escape('total:$item_count Page $page/$page_count: $link_previous 4 $link_next '))) __M_writer(u'\n
\n\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_toolbox(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 32 __M_writer(u'\n\t


') # SOURCE LINE 34 __M_writer(escape("Assistant")) __M_writer(u'

\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_heading(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 3 __M_writer(u'

') __M_writer(escape(c.heading)) __M_writer(u'

') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/derived/events/ ##########################################

-- encoding:utf-8 --

from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1318562261.3755701 _template_filename='/home/tonycai/workspace/ops_repos/dev/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/derived/events/new.html' _template_uri='/derived/events/new.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = ['script', 'toolbox', 'title', 'heading', 'head_tags']

def _mako_get_namespace(context, name): try: return context.namespaces[(name, name)] except KeyError: _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return context.namespaces[(name, name)] def _mako_generate_namespaces(context): pass def _mako_inherit(template, context): _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return runtime._inherit_from(context, u'/base/index.html', _template_uri) def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) str = context.get('str', UNDEFINED) hasattr = context.get('hasattr', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 1 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 5 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 16 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 18 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 129 __M_writer(u'\n\n\n

\n') # SOURCE LINE 133 if hasattr(c,'id') and # SOURCE LINE 134 __M_writer(u'\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 135 else: # SOURCE LINE 136 __M_writer(u'\t\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 138 __M_writer(u'\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t \n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\uff0a \u4e3b\u9898: #') __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'
\uff0a \u53d1\u751f\u65f6\u95f4:\n') # SOURCE LINE 143 if hasattr(c,'d1'): # SOURCE LINE 144 __M_writer(u'\t\t \n') # SOURCE LINE 145 else: # SOURCE LINE 146 __M_writer(u'\t\t \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 148 __M_writer(u'\t\t <input class="require h datetime" value ="') __M_writer(escape(str(c.event.evdate)[11:13])) __M_writer(u'" name='h1' type="text" style="width:40px;" maxlength="2" /> : <input class="require m datetime" name='m1' type="text" style="width:40px;" maxlength="2" value="') __M_writer(escape(str(c.event.evdate)[14:16])) __M_writer(u'" />
\u53d1\u73b0\u65f6\u95f4: <input type="text" name='h2' style="width:40px;" class="h datetime" maxlength="2" value="') __M_writer(escape(str(c.event.dt2)[11:13])) __M_writer(u'"/> : <input value="') __M_writer(escape(str(c.event.dt2)[14:16])) __M_writer(u'" name='m2' type="text" style="width:40px;" maxlength="2" class="m datetime" />
\u67e5\u660e\u539f\u56e0\u65f6\u95f4: <input type="text" name='h3' style="width:40px;" class="h datetime" maxlength="2" value="') __M_writer(escape(str(c.event.dt3)[11:13])) __M_writer(u'" /> : <input value="') __M_writer(escape(str(c.event.dt3)[14:16])) __M_writer(u'" type="text" name='m3' class="m datetime" style="width:40px;" maxlength="2" />
\u89e3\u51b3\u95ee\u9898\u65f6\u95f4: <input type="text" name='h4' style="width:40px;" class="h datetime" maxlength="2" value="') __M_writer(escape(str(c.event.dt4)[11:13])) __M_writer(u'" /> : <input value="') __M_writer(escape(str(c.event.dt4)[14:16])) __M_writer(u'" type="text" name='m4' class="m datetime" style="width:40px;" maxlength="2" />
\u4e8b\u4ef6\u56fe\u7247:\n') # SOURCE LINE 157 if hasattr(c,'imgid'): # SOURCE LINE 158 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 159 else: # SOURCE LINE 160 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 162 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\u591a\u5f20\u56fe\u7247\u8bf7\u4ee5\u9017\u53f7","\u76f8\u9694
<textarea id="ftextile" cols="80" name="event_content" rows="20">') # SOURCE LINE 163 __M_writer(escape(c.event.evcontent)) __M_writer(u'</textarea>\n\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttags:\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmin:\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlosspv:\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcause:\n') # SOURCE LINE 170 for cause in c.event_cause: # SOURCE LINE 171 if cause == c.event.evcause: # SOURCE LINE 172 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t') __M_writer(escape(cause)) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 173 else: # SOURCE LINE 174 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t') __M_writer(escape(cause)) __M_writer(u'\n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 177 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\ttype:\n') # SOURCE LINE 182 for evtype in c.event_type: # SOURCE LINE 183 if evtype == c.event.evtype: # SOURCE LINE 184 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t \t\t') __M_writer(escape(evtype)) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 185 else: # SOURCE LINE 186 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t \t\t') __M_writer(escape(evtype)) __M_writer(u'\n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 189 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tstatus:\n') # SOURCE LINE 192 for status in c.event_status: # SOURCE LINE 193 if status == c.event.evstatus: # SOURCE LINE 194 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t \t\t') __M_writer(escape(status)) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 195 else: # SOURCE LINE 196 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t \t\t') __M_writer(escape(status)) __M_writer(u'\n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 199 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tdomain:\n') # SOURCE LINE 201 for domain in c.event_domain: # SOURCE LINE 202 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t \n') # SOURCE LINE 203 if domain == c.event.evdomain: # SOURCE LINE 204 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t \t\t') __M_writer(escape(domain)) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 205 else: # SOURCE LINE 206 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t \t\t') __M_writer(escape(domain)) __M_writer(u'\n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 209 __M_writer(u'\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t
\n\n\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 232 __M_writer(u'\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_script(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 20 __M_writer(u'\n \t<script type="text/javascript">\t\t\n\t\t$("document").ready(function(){\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t$(function() {\n\t\t\t\t$( ".date" ).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' });\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\t$('#ftextile').markItUp(myTextileSettings);\n\n\t\t\t/* jQuery('#forms').fileUpload({action:'/', field_name:'file_field',submit_label:'upload',use_iframes:true}) /\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t/ \u9a8c\u8bc1\u56fe\u7247ID\u662f\u5426\u5b58\u5728 /\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t$("input[name='graphs']").blur(function(){\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t if($(this).val() != ''){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$.ajax({\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\turl:"/events/checkImgid",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdata:"graphs="+$(this).val(),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsuccess:function(html){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$("input[name='graphs']").siblings(".error").remove();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(html)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$("input[name='graphs']").after("<span class='error'> \u56fe\u7247ID"+html+"\u4e0d\u5b58\u5728! ");\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t });\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t});\n\n\n\t\t\t/ \u9a8c\u8bc1\u65e5\u671f\u4e0e\u65f6\u95f4\u7684\u683c\u5f0f */\n\n\t\t\t$(".datetime").blur(function(){\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tvar patt1=/\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}/\n\t\t\t\t\tvar patt2=/\d{2}/\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif($(this).hasClass("date")&amp;&amp;$(this).val()){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar resulte = patt1.test($(this).val())\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$(this).siblings(".error").remove();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(!resulte ){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$(this).parent("td").append("<span class='error'> \u65e5\u671f\u683c\u5f0f\u9519\u8bef");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t}else if($(this).hasClass("h")&amp;&amp;$(this).val()){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar resulte = patt2.test($(this).val())\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$(this).siblings(".error").remove();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(!resulte || parseInt($(this).val())&gt;24){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$(this).parent("td").append("<span class='error'> \u65f6\u95f4\u683c\u5f0f\u9519\u8bef");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t}else if($(this).hasClass("m")&amp;&amp;$(this).val()){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar resulte = patt2.test($(this).val())\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$(this).siblings(".error").remove();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(!resulte || parseInt($(this).val())&gt;60){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$(this).parent("td").append("<span class='error'> \u65f6\u95f4\u683c\u5f0f\u9519\u8bef");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t$(".require").blur(function(){\n\t\t\t\t$(this).siblings(".error").remove();\n\t\t\t\tif($(this).val()==""){\n\t\t\t\t\t$(this).parent("td").append("<span class='error'> \u5fc5\u586b\u9879\u4e0d\u80fd\u4e3a\u7a7a");\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t \t });\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t });\n\t\t \n\t\t $("document").ready(App.Upload.init);\t\n\t\t \n\t\t function validate(){\n\t\t\t \t \n\t\t\t // \u9a8c\u8bc1\u5fc5\u586b\u9879\u662f\u5426\u5b58\u5728\n\t\t\t\t $(".require").each(function(){\n\t\t\t\t\t \t\t$(this).siblings(".error").remove();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif($(this).val() == ''){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t$(this).parent("td").append("<span class='error'> \u5fc5\u586b\u9879\u4e0d\u80fd\u4e3a\u7a7a");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\tif($(".error").length > 0){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t}else{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t } \n\t\t \n\t</script>\n\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_toolbox(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 224 __M_writer(u'\n\t


') # SOURCE LINE 226 __M_writer(escape("Assistant")) __M_writer(u'

\t\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_title(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 18 __M_writer(escape(c.heading)) return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_heading(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 3 __M_writer(u'\n

') # SOURCE LINE 4 __M_writer(escape(c.heading)) __M_writer(u'

\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_head_tags(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: url = context.get('url', UNDEFINED) h = context.get('h', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 7 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 8 __M_writer(escape(h.javascript_link(h.url_for('/jquery/js/jquery-1.4.4.min.js')))) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 9 __M_writer(escape(h.javascript_link(h.url_for('/jquery/js/jquery-ui-1.8.8.custom.min.js')))) __M_writer(u' \n') # SOURCE LINE 10 __M_writer(escape(h.stylesheet_link(h.url_for('/jquery/development-bundle/themes/pepper-grinder/jquery.ui.all.css')))) __M_writer(u'\n<script type="text/javascript" src="/markitup/jquery.markitup.js"></script>\n<script type="text/javascript" src="/markitup/sets/textile/set.js"></script>\n\n\n\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/derived/devices/ ##########################################

-- encoding:utf-8 --

from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1320476325.1164241 _template_filename='/home/tonycai/workspace/ops_repos/dev/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/derived/devices/list.html' _template_uri='/derived/devices/list.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = ['toolbox', 'heading', 'script']

def _mako_get_namespace(context, name): try: return context.namespaces[(name, name)] except KeyError: _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return context.namespaces[(name, name)] def _mako_generate_namespaces(context): pass def _mako_inherit(template, context): _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return runtime._inherit_from(context, u'/base/index.html', _template_uri) def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) enumerate = context.get('enumerate', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 1 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 3 __M_writer(u'\n\n

\n\t') # SOURCE LINE 6 __M_writer(escape(c.devices.pager('total:$item_count Page $page/$page_count: $link_previous 4 $link_next '))) __M_writer(u'\n\t') # SOURCE LINE 9 __M_writer(u'\n
\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 22 for x,d in enumerate(c.devices): # SOURCE LINE 23 __M_writer(u'\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 33 __M_writer(u'\n
<a class='link' href="/devices/deviceItems?dsn=') # SOURCE LINE 24 __M_writer(escape(d.serial_no)) __M_writer(u'&dn=') __M_writer(escape(d.hostname)) __M_writer(u'">') __M_writer(escape(d.hostname)) __M_writer(u'') # SOURCE LINE 25 __M_writer(escape(d.cpuinfo)) __M_writer(u'') # SOURCE LINE 26 __M_writer(escape(d.memsize)) __M_writer(u'') # SOURCE LINE 27 __M_writer(escape(d.diskspace)) __M_writer(u'') # SOURCE LINE 28 __M_writer(escape(d.hardware)) __M_writer(u'') # SOURCE LINE 29 __M_writer(escape(d.kernel_info)) __M_writer(u'
\n\t') # SOURCE LINE 37 __M_writer(escape(c.devices.pager('total:$item_count Page $page/$page_count: $link_previous 4 $link_next '))) __M_writer(u'\n
\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 55 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 75 __M_writer(u'\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_toolbox(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 40 __M_writer(u'\n\t






\n\t\t\t\tapp \n\t\t\t

\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_heading(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 3 __M_writer(u'

') __M_writer(escape(c.heading)) __M_writer(u'

') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_script(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 56 __M_writer(u'\n<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/js/jquery-1.6.2.min.js"></script>\n<script type="text/javascript">\n$(function(){\n$("#deviceList tbody tr").hover(function(){\n\t$(this).children('td').css({'background-color':'#778877',cursor:'pointer',color:'#fff'})\n\t\n},function(){\n\t$(this).children('td').css({'background-color':'#fff',cursor:'auto',color:'#000'})\n\t\n});\n$("#deviceList tbody tr").click(function(){\n\th = $(this).find('.link').attr('href')\n\tlocation.href = h;\n\t\n});\n\t\n});\n</script>\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/derived/devices/ ##########################################

-- encoding:utf-8 --

from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1320473820.9946859 _template_filename='/home/tonycai/workspace/ops_repos/dev/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/derived/devices/daily_report.html' _template_uri='/derived/devices/daily_report.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = ['profile']

def _mako_get_namespace(context, name): try: return context.namespaces[(name, name)] except KeyError: _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return context.namespaces[(name, name)] def _mako_generate_namespaces(context): # SOURCE LINE 1 ns = runtime.Namespace(u'navigation', context._clean_inheritance_tokens(), templateuri=u'/component/navigation.html', callables=None, calling_uri=_template_uri, module=None) context.namespaces[(name, u'navigation')] = ns

def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'navigation')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) self = _import_ns.get('self', context.get('self', UNDEFINED)) navigation = _mako_get_namespace(context, 'navigation') c = _import_ns.get('c', context.get('c', UNDEFINED)) hasattr = _import_ns.get('hasattr', context.get('hasattr', UNDEFINED)) enumerate = _import_ns.get('enumerate', context.get('enumerate', UNDEFINED)) __M_writer = context.writer() __M_writer(u'\n\n\n\n\n<title>report</title>\n\n\n<style type="text/css">\n\n#chartwrap dl{\nborder:none;\n}\n\n</style>\n\n\n\t

\n\t\t\t\tlogo\n\t\t\t\t') # SOURCE LINE 22 __M_writer(escape(self.profile())) __M_writer(u'\n\t\t\t
\n\t\t\n\t\t \n') # SOURCE LINE 26 if hasattr(c,'pagename') and c.pagename: # SOURCE LINE 27 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t') __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 28 else: # SOURCE LINE 29 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t') __M_writer(escape(""))) __M_writer(u'\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 31 __M_writer(u'\t\t \n\t\t

\n\t\t\t\u9996\u9875 >> \u4e3b\u673a >> \n\t\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 36 if hasattr(c,'ditem'): # SOURCE LINE 37 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t') __M_writer(escape(c.ditem)) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 38 else: # SOURCE LINE 39 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t') __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 41 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\n\t\t

\n\t\t\t<div class='deviceinfo' style="position:relative">\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t
\u4e3b\u673a\u540d\uff1a') # SOURCE LINE 49 __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'IP\uff1a') __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'
CPU\uff1a') # SOURCE LINE 50 __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'\u5185\u5b58\uff1a') __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'
\u578b\u53f7\uff1a') # SOURCE LINE 51 __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'\u78c1\u76d8\uff1a') __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'
\u5185\u6838\uff1a') # SOURCE LINE 52 __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'\u6240\u6709\u8005\uff1a') __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'
\n\t\t\t <button id="slide" type='button' style="cursor:pointer;position:absolute;top:0;right:0;width:16px;height:16px;padding:0;margin:0;background:url('/img/Arrow up.png') no-repeat 0 0 transparent;border:0;">\n\t\t\t
\n') # SOURCE LINE 56 if c.pagename == 'deviceitems': # SOURCE LINE 57 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 58 for x,t in enumerate(c.rows): # SOURCE LINE 59 if c.rows[x]: # SOURCE LINE 60 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t
') # SOURCE LINE 61 __M_writer(escape(x+1)) __M_writer(u') ') __M_writer(escape(t.ditem)) __M_writer(u'
\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a class='cmp' href="/devices/cmpItem?id=') # SOURCE LINE 64 __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'&d=') __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'&sn=') __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'" title="\u5bf9\u6bd4">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a class='top' href="#" title="\u9876\u90e8">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
\n') pass pass pass # SOURCE LINE 71 if c.pagename == 'cmpitem': # SOURCE LINE 72 for x in # SOURCE LINE 73 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t
') # SOURCE LINE 75 __M_writer(escape(x)) __M_writer(u'
\n\n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 84 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
\n') # SOURCE LINE 87 if c.pagename == 'deviceitems': # SOURCE LINE 88 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t


    \n') # SOURCE LINE 91 for x,t in enumerate(c.rows): # SOURCE LINE 92 if c.rows[x]: # SOURCE LINE 93 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • ') __M_writer(escape(t.ditem)) __M_writer(u'
  • \n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 96 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t
\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 99 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 102 if hasattr(c,'kw'): # SOURCE LINE 103 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 105 if hasattr(c,'info'): # SOURCE LINE 106 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 108 if hasattr(c,'info'): # SOURCE LINE 109 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 111 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t
\n\t\n<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/js/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script>\n<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/js/jquery-ui-1.8.8.custom.min.js"></script>\n<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/CJL.0.1.min.js"></script>\n<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/LazyLoad.js"></script>\n<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/lazyLoadImg.js"></script>\n<script type="text/javascript">\n$(function(){\n\tvar oDate\n\tvar defaultdate = "') # SOURCE LINE 125 __M_writer(escape( __M_writer(u'"\n\tvar kw = ''\n\tvar dns=''\n\tvar dn=''\n\tif (document.getElementById("kw"))\n\t\tkw = $("#kw").val()\n\tif (document.getElementById("dsn"))\n\t\tdsn = $("#dsn").val()\n\tif (document.getElementById("dn"))\n\t\tdn = $("#dn").val()\n\t\n\t$( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({\n\t\taltFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',\n\t\taltField: '#actualDate',\n\t\tonSelect: function(dateText, inst) { \n\t\t\t\toDate = $("#actualDate").val();\n\t\t\t\tif(kw)\n\t\t\t\t\tlocation.href = "/devices/deviceItems?kw="+kw+"&d="+oDate;\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\tlocation.href = "/devices/deviceItems?dsn="+dsn+"&dn="+dn+"&d="+oDate;\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t},\n\t\tdateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',\n\t\tdefaultDate:defaultdate\n\t\t\n\t});\n\t$("#slide").toggle(function(){\n\t\t\t\t$('#deviceinfo').fadeOut('slow')\n\t\t\t\t$(this).css("background-image","url('/img/Arrow down.png')")\n\t\t},function(){\n\t\t\t\t$('#deviceinfo').fadeIn('slow')\n\t\t\t\t$(this).css("background-image","url('/img/Arrow up.png')")\n\t\t});\n});\n</script>\t\n\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 171 __M_writer(u'\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_profile(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'navigation')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) request = _import_ns.get('request', context.get('request', UNDEFINED)) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 163 __M_writer(u'\n

\n') # SOURCE LINE 165 if not request.environ.get('REMOTE_USER'): # SOURCE LINE 166 __M_writer(u'\t \t\t\u767b\u5f55\n') # SOURCE LINE 167 else: # SOURCE LINE 168 __M_writer(u'\t \t\t\u4f60\u597d\uff0c') __M_writer(escape(request.environ['REMOTE_USER'])) __M_writer(u' \u9000\u51fa | \u914d\u7f6e \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 170 __M_writer(u'
\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/derived/speed/ ##########################################

-- encoding:utf-8 --

from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1312871421.282233 _template_filename='/home/tonycai/workspace/ops_repos/dev/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/derived/speed/index.html' _template_uri='/derived/speed/index.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = ['heading', 'title']

def _mako_get_namespace(context, name): try: return context.namespaces[(name, name)] except KeyError: _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return context.namespaces[(name, name)] def _mako_generate_namespaces(context): # SOURCE LINE 2 ns = runtime.Namespace(u'pagination', context._clean_inheritance_tokens(), templateuri=u'/component/pagination.html', callables=None, calling_uri=_template_uri, module=None) context.namespaces[(name, u'pagination')] = ns

def _mako_inherit(template, context): _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return runtime._inherit_from(context, u'/base/index.html', _template_uri) def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'pagination')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 1 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 2 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 4 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 5 __M_writer(u'\n

') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_heading(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'pagination')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) c = _import_ns.get('c', context.get('c', UNDEFINED)) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 4 __M_writer(u'

') __M_writer(escape(c.pagename)) __M_writer(u'

') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_title(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: _import_ns = {} _mako_get_namespace(context, u'pagination')._populate(_import_ns, [u'*']) c = _import_ns.get('c', context.get('c', UNDEFINED)) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 5 __M_writer(escape(c.pagename)) return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/derived/account/ ##########################################

-- encoding:utf-8 --

from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1314759878.2835391 _template_filename='/home/tonycai/workspace/ops_repos/dev/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/derived/account/signedin.html' _template_uri='/derived/account/signedin.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = ['heading', 'title']

def _mako_get_namespace(context, name): try: return context.namespaces[(name, name)] except KeyError: _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return context.namespaces[(name, name)] def _mako_generate_namespaces(context): pass def _mako_inherit(template, context): _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return runtime._inherit_from(context, u'/base/index.html', _template_uri) def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) h = context.get('h', UNDEFINED) request = context.get('request', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 1 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 3 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 4 __M_writer(u'\n\n

You are signed in as ') # SOURCE LINE 6 __M_writer(escape(request.environ['REMOTE_USER'])) __M_writer(u'.\nSign out

\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_heading(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 4 __M_writer(u'

Signed In

') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_title(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 3 __M_writer(u'Signed In') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/derived/account/ ##########################################

-- encoding:utf-8 --

from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1314759794.1874571 _template_filename='/home/tonycai/workspace/ops_repos/dev/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/derived/account/signin.html' _template_uri='/derived/account/signin.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = ['heading', 'title']

def _mako_get_namespace(context, name): try: return context.namespaces[(name, name)] except KeyError: _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return context.namespaces[(name, name)] def _mako_generate_namespaces(context): pass def _mako_inherit(template, context): _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return runtime._inherit_from(context, u'/base/index.html', _template_uri) def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) h = context.get('h', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 1 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 3 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 4 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 18 __M_writer(u'\n\n

\n\n\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_heading(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 4 __M_writer(u'

Sign In

') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

def render_title(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 3 __M_writer(u'Sign In') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/derived/categories/ ##########################################

-- encoding:utf-8 --

from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1315195500.4765401 _template_filename='/home/tonycai/workspace/ops_repos/dev/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/derived/categories/edit.html' _template_uri='/derived/categories/edit.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = ['toolbox', 'heading']

def _mako_get_namespace(context, name): try: return context.namespaces[(name, name)] except KeyError: _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return context.namespaces[(name, name)] def _mako_generate_namespaces(context): pass def _mako_inherit(template, context): _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return runtime._inherit_from(context, u'/base/index.html', _template_uri) def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 1 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 5 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 18 __M_writer(u'\n\n

\n\n\n \n\n\n \n\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\n\n \n\n\n \n\n\n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 100 if c.cate.graphtype == "realtime": # SOURCE LINE 101 __M_writer(u'\n \n\n\n \n\n\n \n\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\n') # SOURCE LINE 187 __M_writer(u'\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\n\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 236 __M_writer(u'\n\n \n\n
') # SOURCE LINE 23 __M_writer(escape(u"基础信息")) __M_writer(u'
') # SOURCE LINE 26 __M_writer(escape(u"名称")) __M_writer(u'<input type="text" name="typename" value='') __M_writer(escape(c.cate.typename)) __M_writer(u'' class="input_text" />
') # SOURCE LINE 29 __M_writer(escape(u"类名")) __M_writer(u'<input type="text" name="classname" value='') __M_writer(escape(c.cate.classname)) __M_writer(u'' class="input_text" />
') # SOURCE LINE 33 __M_writer(escape(u"数据项")) __M_writer(u'<input type="text" name="items" value='') __M_writer(escape(c.cate.items)) __M_writer(u'' class="input_text" />
') # SOURCE LINE 36 __M_writer(escape(u"图标题")) __M_writer(u'<input type="text" name="titles" value='') __M_writer(escape(c.cate.titles)) __M_writer(u'' class="input_text" />
') # SOURCE LINE 39 __M_writer(escape(u"显示天数")) __M_writer(u'\n \n') # SOURCE LINE 41 for labels in c.labels: # SOURCE LINE 42 if labels == c.cate.labels: # SOURCE LINE 43 __M_writer(u' \t\t') __M_writer(escape(labels)) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 44 else: # SOURCE LINE 45 __M_writer(u' \t\t') __M_writer(escape(labels)) __M_writer(u'\n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 48 __M_writer(u'\n
') # SOURCE LINE 52 __M_writer(escape(u"隐藏")) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 53 if c.cate.disable == 0: # SOURCE LINE 54 __M_writer(u'\t No\n\t\t Yes\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 56 else: # SOURCE LINE 57 __M_writer(u' \t No\n\t\t\t Yes\t\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 60 __M_writer(u'
') # SOURCE LINE 63 __M_writer(escape(u"排序字段")) __M_writer(u'\n\t \n') # SOURCE LINE 66 for orderby in c.orderby: # SOURCE LINE 67 if orderby == c.cate.orderby: # SOURCE LINE 68 __M_writer(u' \t\t') __M_writer(escape(orderby)) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 69 else: # SOURCE LINE 70 __M_writer(u' \t\t') __M_writer(escape(orderby)) __M_writer(u'\n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 73 __M_writer(u'\n\t <input type="hidden" name="typeid" value='') # SOURCE LINE 74 __M_writer(escape(c.cate.typeid)) __M_writer(u'' /> \n
') # SOURCE LINE 78 __M_writer(escape(u"图形")) __M_writer(u'\n \n') # SOURCE LINE 80 for graphtype in c.graphtype: # SOURCE LINE 81 if graphtype == c.cate.graphtype: # SOURCE LINE 82 __M_writer(u' \t\t') __M_writer(escape(graphtype)) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 83 else: # SOURCE LINE 84 __M_writer(u' \t\t') __M_writer(escape(graphtype)) __M_writer(u'\n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 87 __M_writer(u'\n \n
') # SOURCE LINE 93 __M_writer(escape(u"排序")) __M_writer(u'<input type="text" name="rankcode" value='') __M_writer(escape(c.cate.rankcode)) __M_writer(u'' class="input_text_short" />
') # SOURCE LINE 97 __M_writer(escape(u"数据支持")) __M_writer(u'<input type="text" name="datasupport" value='') __M_writer(escape(c.cate.datasupport)) __M_writer(u'' class="input_text_short" />
') # SOURCE LINE 102 __M_writer(escape(u"实时监控")) __M_writer(u'
') # SOURCE LINE 105 __M_writer(escape(u"分类")) __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 107 for typecode_k, typecode_v in c.r_typecode.iteritems(): # SOURCE LINE 108 if typecode_v == c.cate.typecode: # SOURCE LINE 109 __M_writer(u' \t\t') __M_writer(escape(typecode_k)) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 110 else: # SOURCE LINE 111 __M_writer(u' \t\t') __M_writer(escape(typecode_k)) __M_writer(u'\n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 114 __M_writer(u'\n
') # SOURCE LINE 118 __M_writer(escape(u"警告")) __M_writer(u'<input type="text" name="warning" value='') __M_writer(escape(c.cate.warning)) __M_writer(u'' class="input_text_short" />
') # SOURCE LINE 121 __M_writer(escape(u"崩潰")) __M_writer(u'<input type="text" name="critical" value='') __M_writer(escape(c.cate.critical)) __M_writer(u'' class="input_text_short" />
') # SOURCE LINE 125 __M_writer(escape(u"日报")) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 126 if c.cate.d_report == 0: # SOURCE LINE 127 __M_writer(u'\t No\n\t\t Yes\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 129 else: # SOURCE LINE 130 __M_writer(u' \t No\n\t\t\t Yes\t\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 133 __M_writer(u'
') # SOURCE LINE 137 __M_writer(escape(u"报警")) __M_writer(u' \n') # SOURCE LINE 138 if c.cate.r_alert == 0: # SOURCE LINE 139 __M_writer(u'\t No\n\t\t Yes\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 141 else: # SOURCE LINE 142 __M_writer(u' \t No\n\t\t\t Yes\t\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 145 __M_writer(u'
') # SOURCE LINE 149 __M_writer(escape(u"权重")) __M_writer(u'\n \n') # SOURCE LINE 151 for r_weight in c.r_weight: # SOURCE LINE 152 if r_weight == c.cate.r_weight: # SOURCE LINE 153 __M_writer(u' \t\t') __M_writer(escape(r_weight)) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 154 else: # SOURCE LINE 155 __M_writer(u' \t\t') __M_writer(escape(r_weight)) __M_writer(u'\n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 158 __M_writer(u'\n
') # SOURCE LINE 163 __M_writer(escape(u"分析模型")) __M_writer(u'\n \n') # SOURCE LINE 165 for r_mode in c.r_mode: # SOURCE LINE 166 if r_mode == c.cate.r_mode: # SOURCE LINE 167 __M_writer(u' \t\t ') __M_writer(escape(r_mode)) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 168 else: # SOURCE LINE 169 __M_writer(u' \t\t ') __M_writer(escape(r_mode)) __M_writer(u'\n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 172 __M_writer(u'\u8bf4\u660e\uff1aa:A, b:V, c:<> d:.<>.\n
') # SOURCE LINE 189 __M_writer(escape(u"报警周期")) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 190 for l_interval in c.l_interval: # SOURCE LINE 191 if l_interval == c.cate.l_interval: # SOURCE LINE 192 __M_writer(u'\t \t\t ') __M_writer(escape(l_interval)) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 193 else: # SOURCE LINE 194 __M_writer(u'\t \t\t ') __M_writer(escape(l_interval)) __M_writer(u'\n') pass pass # SOURCE LINE 197 __M_writer(u'
') # SOURCE LINE 201 __M_writer(escape(u"报警阀值")) __M_writer(u'\n ') # SOURCE LINE 207 __M_writer(u'\n \n\t
  • ') # SOURCE LINE 209 __M_writer(escape(u"最小值")) __M_writer(u' <input type="text" name="x_thr_0" value='') __M_writer(escape(c.list_alarm_threshold[0])) __M_writer(u'' class="input_text_short" />
  • \n\t \t
  • ') # SOURCE LINE 210 __M_writer(escape(u"稍小值")) __M_writer(u' <input type="text" name="x_thr_1" value='') __M_writer(escape(c.list_alarm_threshold[1])) __M_writer(u'' class="input_text_short" />
  • \n\t \t
  • ') # SOURCE LINE 211 __M_writer(escape(u"稍大值")) __M_writer(u' <input type="text" name="x_thr_2" value='') __M_writer(escape(c.list_alarm_threshold[2])) __M_writer(u'' class="input_text_short" />
  • \n\t \t
  • ') # SOURCE LINE 212 __M_writer(escape(u"最大值")) __M_writer(u' <input type="text" name="x_thr_3" value='') __M_writer(escape(c.list_alarm_threshold[3])) __M_writer(u'' class="input_text_short" />
  • \n\t \t
  • ') # SOURCE LINE 213 __M_writer(escape(u"最小百分比")) __M_writer(u' <input type="text" name="x_thr_4" value='') __M_writer(escape(c.list_alarm_threshold[4])) __M_writer(u'' class="input_text_short" />%
  • \n\t \t
  • ') # SOURCE LINE 214 __M_writer(escape(u"稍小最分百")) __M_writer(u' <input type="text" name="x_thr_5" value='') __M_writer(escape(c.list_alarm_threshold[5])) __M_writer(u'' class="input_text_short" />%
  • \n\t \t
  • ') # SOURCE LINE 215 __M_writer(escape(u"稍大百分比")) __M_writer(u' <input type="text" name="x_thr_6" value='') __M_writer(escape(c.list_alarm_threshold[6])) __M_writer(u'' class="input_text_short" />%
  • \n\t \t
  • ') # SOURCE LINE 216 __M_writer(escape(u"最大百分比")) __M_writer(u' <input type="text" name="x_thr_7" value='') __M_writer(escape(c.list_alarm_threshold[7])) __M_writer(u'' class="input_text_short" />%
  • \n \t\n
    ') # SOURCE LINE 222 __M_writer(escape(u"参考线")) __M_writer(u' \n\t \n') # SOURCE LINE 224 if c.cate.u_baseface == 0: # SOURCE LINE 225 __M_writer(u'\t No\n\t\t Yes\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 227 else: # SOURCE LINE 228 __M_writer(u' \t No\n\t\t\t Yes\t\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 231 __M_writer(u'\t \n
    \n <input type="submit" value="') # SOURCE LINE 239 __M_writer(escape(u"保存")) __M_writer(u'" />\n') # SOURCE LINE 240 if c.action == "submit": # SOURCE LINE 241 __M_writer(u' \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 243 __M_writer(u' \n
    \n\n\n\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

    def render_toolbox(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 7 __M_writer(u'\n



    \n\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

    def render_heading(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 3 __M_writer(u'\n

    ') # SOURCE LINE 4 __M_writer(escape(c.heading)) __M_writer(u'

    \n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

    ########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/derived/error/ ##########################################

    -- encoding:utf-8 --

    from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1309775327.1553421 _template_filename='/home/hyhe/workspace/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/derived/error/document.html' _template_uri='/derived/error/document.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = ['heading', 'title']

    def _mako_get_namespace(context, name): try: return context.namespaces[(name, name)] except KeyError: _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return context.namespaces[(name, name)] def _mako_generate_namespaces(context): pass def _mako_inherit(template, context): _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return runtime._inherit_from(context, u'/base/index.html', _template_uri) def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) h = context.get('h', UNDEFINED) c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 1 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 3 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 4 __M_writer(u'\n\n') # SOURCE LINE 6 if c.code == '403': # SOURCE LINE 7 __M_writer(u'

    You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. Please\nsign in as a different user.

    \n') # SOURCE LINE 9 else: # SOURCE LINE 10 __M_writer(u'

    ') __M_writer(escape(c.message)) __M_writer(u'

    \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 12 __M_writer(u'\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

    def render_heading(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 4 __M_writer(u'

    Error ') __M_writer(escape(c.code)) __M_writer(u'

    ') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

    def render_title(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 3 __M_writer(u'Server Error ') __M_writer(escape(c.code)) return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

    ########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/derived/homepage/ ##########################################

    -- encoding:utf-8 --

    from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1320650871.534734 _template_filename='/home/tonycai/workspace/ops_repos/dev/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/derived/homepage/home.html' _template_uri='/derived/homepage/home.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = ['heading', 'title']

    def _mako_get_namespace(context, name): try: return context.namespaces[(name, name)] except KeyError: _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return context.namespaces[(name, name)] def _mako_generate_namespaces(context): pass def _mako_inherit(template, context): _mako_generate_namespaces(context) return runtime._inherit_from(context, u'/base/index.html', _template_uri) def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 1 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 2 __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 5 __M_writer(u'\n

    \n\t \n
    \n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

    def render_heading(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 3 __M_writer(u'\n


    \n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

    def render_title(context): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 2 __M_writer(u'homepage') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

    ########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/component/ ##########################################

    -- encoding:utf-8 --

    from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1309775314.3182449 _template_filename=u'/home/hyhe/workspace/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/component/pagination.html' _template_uri=u'/component/pagination.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = ['pagin']

    def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 9 __M_writer(u'\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

    def render_pagin(context,cp,is_ajax): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 1 __M_writer(u'\n

    \n') # SOURCE LINE 3 if is_ajax: # SOURCE LINE 4 __M_writer(u'\t') __M_writer(escape(cp.rows.pager('$link_previous 4 $link_next ',symbol_first=u'首页', symbol_last=u'末页', symbol_previous=u'上一页', symbol_next=u'下一页',onclick="$('#page-area').load('%s',function(){}); return false;"))) __M_writer(u'\n') # SOURCE LINE 5 else: # SOURCE LINE 6 __M_writer(u'\t') __M_writer(escape(cp.rows.pager('Page $page: $link_previous 4 $link_next', symbol_last=u'末页', symbol_previous=u'上一页', symbol_next=u'下一页'))) __M_writer(u'\n') pass # SOURCE LINE 8 __M_writer(u'
    \n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

    ########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/component/ ##########################################

    -- encoding:utf-8 --

    from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1320230902.121417 _template_filename=u'/home/tonycai/workspace/ops_repos/dev/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/component/navigation.html' _template_uri=u'/component/navigation.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = ['menu']

    def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 62 __M_writer(u'\n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

    def render_menu(context,selected): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 1 __M_writer(u'\n\t

      \n') # SOURCE LINE 3 if selected == "homepage": # SOURCE LINE 4 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u9996\u9875
    • \n') # SOURCE LINE 5 else: # SOURCE LINE 6 __M_writer(u'\t\t
    • \u9996\u9875
    • \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 8 __M_writer(u'\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 9 if selected == "day": # SOURCE LINE 10 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u6bcf\u5929
    • \n') # SOURCE LINE 11 else: # SOURCE LINE 12 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u6bcf\u5929
    • \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 14 __M_writer(u'\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 15 if selected == "hour": # SOURCE LINE 16 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u5c0f\u65f6
    • \n') # SOURCE LINE 17 else: # SOURCE LINE 18 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u5c0f\u65f6
    • \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 20 __M_writer(u'\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 21 if selected == "host": # SOURCE LINE 22 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u5206\u7ec4
    • \n') # SOURCE LINE 23 else: # SOURCE LINE 24 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u5206\u7ec4
    • \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 26 __M_writer(u'\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 27 if selected == "realtime": # SOURCE LINE 28 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u76d1\u63a7
    • \n') # SOURCE LINE 29 else: # SOURCE LINE 30 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u76d1\u63a7
    • \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 32 if selected == "devices": # SOURCE LINE 33 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u4e3b\u673a
    • \n') # SOURCE LINE 34 else: # SOURCE LINE 35 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u4e3b\u673a
    • \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 37 __M_writer(u'\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 38 if selected == "speed": # SOURCE LINE 39 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u901f\u5ea6
    • \n') # SOURCE LINE 40 else: # SOURCE LINE 41 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u901f\u5ea6
    • \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 43 __M_writer(u'\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 44 if selected == "events": # SOURCE LINE 45 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u4e8b\u4ef6
    • \n') # SOURCE LINE 46 else: # SOURCE LINE 47 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u4e8b\u4ef6
    • \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 49 __M_writer(u'\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 50 if selected == "alert": # SOURCE LINE 51 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u62a5\u8b66
    • \n') # SOURCE LINE 52 else: # SOURCE LINE 53 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u62a5\u8b66
    • \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 55 __M_writer(u'\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 56 if selected == "contacts": # SOURCE LINE 57 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u8054\u7cfb\u4eba
    • \n') # SOURCE LINE 58 else: # SOURCE LINE 59 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t
    • \u8054\u7cfb\u4eba
    • \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 61 __M_writer(u'\t
    \n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

    ########################################## ####file_name: ./data/templates/component/ ##########################################

    -- encoding:utf-8 --

    from mako import runtime, filters, cache UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED __M_dict_builtin = dict __M_locals_builtin = locals _magic_number = 5 _modified_time = 1318555661.594269 _template_filename=u'/home/tonycai/workspace/ops_repos/dev/pyfisheyes/pyfisheyes/templates/component/search.html' _template_uri=u'/component/search.html' _template_cache=cache.Cache(name, _modified_time) _source_encoding='utf-8' from webhelpers.html import escape _exports = ['bar']

    def render_body(context,**pageargs): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs) __M_writer = context.writer() return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

    def render_bar(context,url,mode): context.caller_stack._push_frame() try: c = context.get('c', UNDEFINED) __M_writer = context.writer() # SOURCE LINE 1 __M_writer(u'\n



    \n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\n') # SOURCE LINE 8 if c.sw: # SOURCE LINE 9 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t \n') pass # SOURCE LINE 11 __M_writer(u'\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t

    \n\t\t\t\u70ed\u70b9: \n\t\t\tdfs \n\t\t\tmy \n\t\t\tcache \n\t\t\t500\n\t\t\tsolr \n\t\t

    \n') return '' finally: context.caller_stack._pop_frame()

    ########################################## ####file_name: ./ ########################################## #!python """Bootstrap setuptools installation

    If you want to use setuptools in your package's, just include this file in the same directory with it, and add this to the top of your

    from ez_setup import use_setuptools

    If you want to require a specific version of setuptools, set a download mirror, or use an alternate download directory, you can do so by supplying the appropriate options to use_setuptools().

    This file can also be run as a script to install or upgrade setuptools. """ import sys DEFAULT_VERSION = "0.6c9" DEFAULT_URL = "" % sys.version[:3]

    md5_data = { 'setuptools-0.6b1-py2.3.egg': '8822caf901250d848b996b7f25c6e6ca', 'setuptools-0.6b1-py2.4.egg': 'b79a8a403e4502fbb85ee3f1941735cb', 'setuptools-0.6b2-py2.3.egg': '5657759d8a6d8fc44070a9d07272d99b', 'setuptools-0.6b2-py2.4.egg': '4996a8d169d2be661fa32a6e52e4f82a', 'setuptools-0.6b3-py2.3.egg': 'bb31c0fc7399a63579975cad9f5a0618', 'setuptools-0.6b3-py2.4.egg': '38a8c6b3d6ecd22247f179f7da669fac', 'setuptools-0.6b4-py2.3.egg': '62045a24ed4e1ebc77fe039aa4e6f7e5', 'setuptools-0.6b4-py2.4.egg': '4cb2a185d228dacffb2d17f103b3b1c4', 'setuptools-0.6c1-py2.3.egg': 'b3f2b5539d65cb7f74ad79127f1a908c', 'setuptools-0.6c1-py2.4.egg': 'b45adeda0667d2d2ffe14009364f2a4b', 'setuptools-0.6c2-py2.3.egg': 'f0064bf6aa2b7d0f3ba0b43f20817c27', 'setuptools-0.6c2-py2.4.egg': '616192eec35f47e8ea16cd6a122b7277', 'setuptools-0.6c3-py2.3.egg': 'f181fa125dfe85a259c9cd6f1d7b78fa', 'setuptools-0.6c3-py2.4.egg': 'e0ed74682c998bfb73bf803a50e7b71e', 'setuptools-0.6c3-py2.5.egg': 'abef16fdd61955514841c7c6bd98965e', 'setuptools-0.6c4-py2.3.egg': 'b0b9131acab32022bfac7f44c5d7971f', 'setuptools-0.6c4-py2.4.egg': '2a1f9656d4fbf3c97bf946c0a124e6e2', 'setuptools-0.6c4-py2.5.egg': '8f5a052e32cdb9c72bcf4b5526f28afc', 'setuptools-0.6c5-py2.3.egg': 'ee9fd80965da04f2f3e6b3576e9d8167', 'setuptools-0.6c5-py2.4.egg': 'afe2adf1c01701ee841761f5bcd8aa64', 'setuptools-0.6c5-py2.5.egg': 'a8d3f61494ccaa8714dfed37bccd3d5d', 'setuptools-0.6c6-py2.3.egg': '35686b78116a668847237b69d549ec20', 'setuptools-0.6c6-py2.4.egg': '3c56af57be3225019260a644430065ab', 'setuptools-0.6c6-py2.5.egg': 'b2f8a7520709a5b34f80946de5f02f53', 'setuptools-0.6c7-py2.3.egg': '209fdf9adc3a615e5115b725658e13e2', 'setuptools-0.6c7-py2.4.egg': '5a8f954807d46a0fb67cf1f26c55a82e', 'setuptools-0.6c7-py2.5.egg': '45d2ad28f9750e7434111fde831e8372', 'setuptools-0.6c8-py2.3.egg': '50759d29b349db8cfd807ba8303f1902', 'setuptools-0.6c8-py2.4.egg': 'cba38d74f7d483c06e9daa6070cce6de', 'setuptools-0.6c8-py2.5.egg': '1721747ee329dc150590a58b3e1ac95b', 'setuptools-0.6c9-py2.3.egg': 'a83c4020414807b496e4cfbe08507c03', 'setuptools-0.6c9-py2.4.egg': '260a2be2e5388d66bdaee06abec6342a', 'setuptools-0.6c9-py2.5.egg': 'fe67c3e5a17b12c0e7c541b7ea43a8e6', 'setuptools-0.6c9-py2.6.egg': 'ca37b1ff16fa2ede6e19383e7b59245a', }

    import sys, os try: from hashlib import md5 except ImportError: from md5 import md5

    def _validate_md5(egg_name, data): if egg_name in md5_data: digest = md5(data).hexdigest() if digest != md5_data[egg_name]: print >>sys.stderr, ( "md5 validation of %s failed! (Possible download problem?)" % egg_name ) sys.exit(2) return data

    def use_setuptools( version=DEFAULT_VERSION, download_base=DEFAULT_URL, to_dir=os.curdir, download_delay=15 ): """Automatically find/download setuptools and make it available on sys.path

    `version` should be a valid setuptools version number that is available
    as an egg for download under the `download_base` URL (which should end with
    a '/').  `to_dir` is the directory where setuptools will be downloaded, if
    it is not already available.  If `download_delay` is specified, it should
    be the number of seconds that will be paused before initiating a download,
    should one be required.  If an older version of setuptools is installed,
    this routine will print a message to ``sys.stderr`` and raise SystemExit in
    an attempt to abort the calling script.
    was_imported = 'pkg_resources' in sys.modules or 'setuptools' in sys.modules
    def do_download():
        egg = download_setuptools(version, download_base, to_dir, download_delay)
        sys.path.insert(0, egg)
        import setuptools; setuptools.bootstrap_install_from = egg
        import pkg_resources
    except ImportError:
        return do_download()       
        pkg_resources.require("setuptools>="+version); return
    except pkg_resources.VersionConflict, e:
        if was_imported:
            print >>sys.stderr, (
            "The required version of setuptools (>=%s) is not available, and\n"
            "can't be installed while this script is running. Please install\n"
            " a more recent version first, using 'easy_install -U setuptools'."
            "\n\n(Currently using %r)"
            ) % (version, e.args[0])
            del pkg_resources, sys.modules['pkg_resources']    # reload ok
            return do_download()
    except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:
        return do_download()

    def download_setuptools( version=DEFAULT_VERSION, download_base=DEFAULT_URL, to_dir=os.curdir, delay = 15 ): """Download setuptools from a specified location and return its filename

    `version` should be a valid setuptools version number that is available
    as an egg for download under the `download_base` URL (which should end
    with a '/'). `to_dir` is the directory where the egg will be downloaded.
    `delay` is the number of seconds to pause before an actual download attempt.
    import urllib2, shutil
    egg_name = "setuptools-%s-py%s.egg" % (version,sys.version[:3])
    url = download_base + egg_name
    saveto = os.path.join(to_dir, egg_name)
    src = dst = None
    if not os.path.exists(saveto):  # Avoid repeated downloads
            from distutils import log
            if delay:

    This script requires setuptools version %s to run (even to display help). I will attempt to download it for you (from %s), but you may need to enable firewall access for this script first. I will start the download in %d seconds.

    (Note: if this machine does not have network access, please obtain the file


    and place it in this directory before rerunning this script.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------""", version, download_base, delay, url ); from time import sleep; sleep(delay) log.warn("Downloading %s", url) src = urllib2.urlopen(url) # Read/write all in one block, so we don't create a corrupt file # if the download is interrupted. data = _validate_md5(egg_name, dst = open(saveto,"wb"); dst.write(data) finally: if src: src.close() if dst: dst.close() return os.path.realpath(saveto)

    def main(argv, version=DEFAULT_VERSION): """Install or upgrade setuptools and EasyInstall""" try: import setuptools except ImportError: egg = None try: egg = download_setuptools(version, delay=0) sys.path.insert(0,egg) from setuptools.command.easy_install import main return main(list(argv)+[egg]) # we're done here finally: if egg and os.path.exists(egg): os.unlink(egg) else: if setuptools.version == '0.0.1': print >>sys.stderr, ( "You have an obsolete version of setuptools installed. Please\n" "remove it from your system entirely before rerunning this script." ) sys.exit(2)

    req = "setuptools>="+version
    import pkg_resources
    except pkg_resources.VersionConflict:
            from setuptools.command.easy_install import main
        except ImportError:
            from easy_install import main
        sys.exit(0) # try to force an exit
        if argv:
            from setuptools.command.easy_install import main
            print "Setuptools version",version,"or greater has been installed."
            print '(Run " -U setuptools" to reinstall or upgrade.)'

    def update_md5(filenames): """Update our built-in md5 registry"""

    import re
    for name in filenames:
        base = os.path.basename(name)
        f = open(name,'rb')
        md5_data[base] = md5(
    data = ["    %r: %r,\n" % it for it in md5_data.items()]
    repl = "".join(data)
    import inspect
    srcfile = inspect.getsourcefile(sys.modules[__name__])
    f = open(srcfile, 'rb'); src =; f.close()
    match ="\nmd5_data = {\n([^}]+)}", src)
    if not match:
        print >>sys.stderr, "Internal error!"
    src = src[:match.start(1)] + repl + src[match.end(1):]
    f = open(srcfile,'w')

    if name=='main': if len(sys.argv)>2 and sys.argv[1]=='--md5update': update_md5(sys.argv[2:]) else: main(sys.argv[1:])

    ########################################## ####file_name: ./pyfisheyes/ ##########################################

    ########################################## ####file_name: ./pyfisheyes/model/ ########################################## """The application's model objects""" from pyfisheyes.model.meta import Session, Base

    from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.categories import Categories from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.graphs import Graphs from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.graphshour import GraphsHour from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.graphshost import GraphsHost from import Events from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.users import Users from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.contacts import Contacts from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.realtime import Realtime from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.logstuff import Logstuff from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.alarminfo import Alarminfo from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.dateitems import Dateitems from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.img_event import ImgEvent from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.messages import Messages from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.devices import Devices from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.chartstyle import ChartStyle from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.devicebase import DeviceBase from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.deviceitemsets import DeviceItemSets from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.deviceitemgroup import DeviceItemGroup #from pyfisheyes.model.fisheyesdb.devices_realtime import DevicesRealtime def init_model(engine): """Call me before using any of the tables or classes in the model""" Session.configure(bind=engine)

    ########################################## ####file_name: ./pyfisheyes/model/utils/ ##########################################

    ########################################## ####file_name: ./pyfisheyes/model/utils/ ##########################################

    -- coding: utf-8 --

    import logging from pyfisheyes import model from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh

    log = logging.getLogger(name)

    class ContactHandle():

    def __init__(self, request):
        self.r = request
    def createContact(self):
        p = model.Contacts()
        p.eid = self.r.params['contact_eid'] = self.r.params['contact_name']
        p.ename = self.r.params['contact_ename']
        p.title = self.r.params['contact_title']
        p.subtel = self.r.params['contact_subtel'] = self.r.params['contact_mobile'] = self.r.params['contact_email']
        p.forsearch = self.r.params['contact_tags'] + ";" + p.eid + ";" + + ";" + p.ename + ";" + p.title \
        + ";" +
        qw = p.eid + ";" +
        qw = qw.encode('utf-8')
        qw = _gh.GlobalHandle(self.r).urlencode(qw)        
        return qw
    def saveContact(self,id):
        p = model.meta.Session.query(model.Contacts).filter_by(id=id).first()       
        p.eid = self.r.params['contact_eid'] = self.r.params['contact_name']
        p.ename = self.r.params['contact_ename']
        p.title = self.r.params['contact_title']
        p.subtel = self.r.params['contact_subtel'] = self.r.params['contact_mobile'] = self.r.params['contact_email']
        p.forsearch = self.r.params['contact_tags'] + ";" + p.eid + ";" + + ";" + p.ename + ";" + p.title \
        + ";" +
        qw = p.eid + ";" +
        qw = qw.encode('utf-8')
        qw = _gh.GlobalHandle(self.r).urlencode(qw)
        return qw

    ########################################## ####file_name: ./pyfisheyes/model/utils/ ##########################################

    -- coding: utf-8 --

    import logging from pyfisheyes import model from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh log = logging.getLogger(name)

    class EventHandle():

    def __init__(self, request=None):
        self.r = request        
    def createEvent(self):
        e = model.Events()
        e.evtitle = self.r.params['event_name']
        e.evdate = self.r.params['d1']+' '+self.r.params['h1']+':'+self.r.params['m1']
        e.dt2 = self.r.params['d2']+' '+self.r.params['h2']+':'+self.r.params['m2']
        e.dt3 = self.r.params['d3']+' '+self.r.params['h3']+':'+self.r.params['m3']
        e.dt4 = self.r.params['d4']+' '+self.r.params['h4']+':'+self.r.params['m4']
        e.evtags = self.r.params['event_tags']
        e.evtype = self.r.params['event_type']
        e.evstatus = self.r.params['event_status']
        e.evcause = self.r.params['event_cause']
        e.evminutes = self.r.params['event_minutes']
        e.evlosspv = self.r.params['event_losspv']
        e.evdomain = self.r.params['event_domain']
        gh = _gh.GlobalHandle(self.r)
        e.evreporter = gh.getUID()
        e.evcreatedate = gh.getCurrentDateTime()
        e.evreporterip = gh.getUserRealIP()

    e.evlastedit = gh.getCurrentDateTime()

    e.evlasteditor = 0

        e.evcontent = self.r.params['event_content'] 
        #result = model.meta.Session.commit()
        edict = {'evtitle':e.evtitle,
        columns = "evtitle,evdate,dt2,dt3,dt4,evtags,evtype,evstatus,evcause,evminutes,evlosspv,evdomain,evcontent,evreporter,evcreatedate,evreporterip"
        values = ":evtitle,:evdate,:dt2,:dt3,:dt4,:evtags,:evtype,:evstatus,:evcause,:evminutes,:evlosspv,:evdomain,:evcontent,:evreporter,:evcreatedate,:evreporterip"
        result = model.meta.Session.execute("insert into events("+columns+") values("+values+");"
                                            , edict, mapper=model.Events)
        return result
    def createEImg(self, eid):
        eimg = model.ImgEvent()
        eimg.eid = int(eid)
        eimg.e_i_date = self.r.params['d1']
        eimg.imgid =self.r.params['graphs']
        eimgidlist = []
        if eimg.imgid:
            eimgidlist = eimg.imgid.split(',')
        if eimgidlist:  
            for imgid in eimgidlist:
                imgid = int(imgid)
                eimgdict =  {'eid':eimg.eid,
                columns = "eid, e_i_date, imgid"
                values = ":eid, :e_i_date, :imgid"
                model.meta.Session.execute("insert into img_event("+columns+") values("+values+");"
                                                , eimgdict, mapper=model.ImgEvent)
    def modifyEImg(self, eid):
        eimg = model.ImgEvent()
        #e = model.meta.Session.query(model.ImgEvent).filter_by(eid=eid)
        eimg.eid = int(eid)
        eimg.e_i_date = self.r.params['d1']
        eimg.imgid =self.r.params['graphs']
        eimgidlist = []
        if eimg.imgid:
            eimgidlist = eimg.imgid.split(',')
        if eimgidlist:   
            for imgid in eimgidlist:
                imgid = int(imgid)
                e = model.meta.Session.query(model.ImgEvent).filter_by(eid=eid).filter_by(imgid=imgid).first()
                if e:
                    e.eid = eimg.eid
                    e.e_i_date = self.r.params['d1']
                    e.imgid = imgid
                    imgid = int(imgid)
                    eimgdict =  {'eid':eimg.eid,
                    columns = "eid, e_i_date, imgid"
                    values = ":eid, :e_i_date, :imgid"
                    model.meta.Session.execute("insert into img_event("+columns+") values("+values+");"
                                                    , eimgdict, mapper=model.ImgEvent)
    def modifyEvent(self,id):
        e = model.meta.Session.query(model.Events).filter_by(id=id).first()
        gh = _gh.GlobalHandle(self.r)
        e.evtitle = self.r.params['event_name']
        e.evdate = self.r.params['d1']+' '+self.r.params['h1']+':'+self.r.params['m1']
        e.dt2 = self.r.params['d2']+' '+self.r.params['h2']+':'+self.r.params['m2']
        e.dt3 = self.r.params['d3']+' '+self.r.params['h3']+':'+self.r.params['m3']
        e.dt4 = self.r.params['d4']+' '+self.r.params['h4']+':'+self.r.params['m4']
        e.evtags = self.r.params['event_tags']
        e.evtype = self.r.params['event_type']
        e.evstatus = self.r.params['event_status']
        e.evcause = self.r.params['event_cause']
        e.evminutes = self.r.params['event_minutes']
        e.evlosspv = self.r.params['event_losspv']
        e.evdomain = self.r.params['event_domain']
        e.evlasteditor = gh.getUID()
        e.evlastedit = gh.getCurrentDateTime()
        e.evlasteditip = gh.getUserRealIP()
        e.evcontent = self.r.params['event_content']
        return True
    def viewEvent(self,id):
        event = model.meta.Session.query(model.Events).filter_by(id=id).first()
        if event:
            gh = _gh.GlobalHandle(self.r)
            event.evreporter = gh.getUserName(event.evreporter)
        return event
    def viewGraphs(self,id):
        g = model.ImgEvent
        graphs = model.meta.Session.query(g).filter_by(eid=int(id))
        return graphs
    def viewMessages(self,id):
        messages = model.meta.Session.query(model.Messages).filter_by(eid = int(id)) 
        return messages 
    def addmsg(self):
        gh = _gh.GlobalHandle(self.r)
        msg = model.Messages
        #msg.msgsubject = self.r.params['msgsubject']
        msg.msgcontent = self.r.params['msgcontent']
        msg.eid = self.r.params['eventid']
        msg.msgdate = gh.getCurrentDateTime()
        msgdict = {
        columns ="msgcontent,eid,msgdate" 
        values = ":msgcontent, :eid, :msgdate"
        model.meta.Session.execute("insert into messages("+columns+") values("+values+");"
                                                    , msgdict, mapper=model.Messages)
    def searchEvent(self,ds):
        ev = model.Events
        if ds == "0000-00-00":
            events = model.meta.Session.query(model.Events).order_by(
            events = model.meta.Session.query(model.Events).filter_by(evdate=ds).order_by(
        return events
    def isExistEvent(self,ds):
        return  model.meta.Session.query(model.Events).filter_by(evdate=ds).count()

    ########################################## ####file_name: ./pyfisheyes/model/utils/ ##########################################

    -- coding: utf-8 --

    import logging from pyfisheyes import model import datetime import calendar from urllib import quote import pyfisheyes.lib.helpers as h

    log = logging.getLogger(name)

    class GlobalHandle():

    def __init__(self, request=None):
        self.r = request
        self.username = ""
        self.uid = 0
    def getUID(self):        
        if self.r.environ.get('REMOTE_USER'):
            self.username = self.r.environ.get('REMOTE_USER')
            return 0
        e = model.meta.Session.query(model.Users).filter_by(username=self.username).first()
        if e:
            self.uid = e.uid
        return self.uid
    def getUserName(self, uid=0):
        e = model.meta.Session.query(model.Users).filter_by(uid=uid).first()
        if e:
            self.username = e.username
        return self.username
    def getUserRealIP(self):
        return self.r.environ.get("X_FORWARDED_FOR", self.r.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"])
    def getCurrentDateTime(self, ft="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"):
        now =
        return now.strftime(ft)
    def urlencode(self, s):       
       return quote(s)
    def numformat(self, v):
        import re
        pattern = re.compile(r'(?<=\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))')
        return pattern.sub(',', str(v))
    def dayname(self, date):
        log.debug("date:" + date)
        d = date.split('-')
            day_name = calendar.day_name[calendar.weekday(int(d[0]), int(d[1]), int(d[2]))]
            day_name = "None"        
        return day_name[0:3]
    def tostringlist(self, md, sup=False):        
        from pyfisheyes.model.utils import EventHandle as _eh        
        eh = _eh.EventHandle()
        opts = md.split(',')
        for x, item in enumerate(opts):
            if x == 0:
                if sup:
                    num = eh.isExistEvent(opts[0])
                    more = ""
                    if num > 0:
                        more = " [<a href='/events/list/" + opts[x] + "'>...</a>] "
                    opts[x] = h.literal(opts[x] + " [<a href='/events/new/" + opts[x] + "'>+</a>] " + more + self.dayname(opts[x]) + "")
                    opts[x] = opts[x]
                opts[x] = self.numformat(item)
        return opts
    def exporttoexcel(self, md):
        formatstr = ""
        opts = md.split(',')
        for x, item in enumerate(opts):
            formatstr += "\t" + item
        return formatstr
    def getLogstuff(self, tid, datei, logtime):
        logstuff_id = 0
        html_content = ""     
        data = model.meta.Session.query(model.Logstuff).filter_by(tid=tid).filter_by(datei=datei).filter_by(logtime=logtime)
        for i,d in enumerate(data):
            logstuff_id =
        if logstuff_id > 0:
            html_content = h.literal(" <a href='/logstuffshow/index/" + str(logstuff_id) + "' title='详细' target='_blank'>...</a> ")
        return html_content

    ########################################## ####file_name: ./pyfisheyes/model/utils/ ##########################################

    -- coding: utf-8 --

    import logging from pyfisheyes import model from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date, time

    import time as my_time

    log = logging.getLogger(name)

    class ViewHandle():

    def __init__(self):
    def __getDate__(self, df, interval=1):
        yesterday = - timedelta(days=interval)
        y = yesterday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        if df == "":
            df = y
        return df
    def __getDateSub__(self, da, interval=1):
        log.debug("date:" + da)
        ds = da.split("-")
        d = date(
                     ) \
            - timedelta(days=interval)
        df = d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')        
        return df
    def getTimeRange(self, m, d=0):
        now =
        interval = int(m) 
        interval2 = (1440 * int(d))
        start_time_point = now - timedelta(minutes=interval * 4) - timedelta(minutes=interval2)
        stop_time_point = now + timedelta(minutes=interval) - timedelta(minutes=interval2)
        return {'start_time_point':start_time_point, 'stop_time_point':stop_time_point}
    def getSharpDayMinute(self, date1, interval=0):
        if date1 == "":
            date1 = self.__getDate__("", 0)
        ds = date1.split("-")
        start_time_point = datetime(int(ds[0]), int(ds[1]), int(ds[2]), 0, 0) - timedelta(days=interval)
        stop_time_point = datetime(int(ds[0]), int(ds[1]), int(ds[2]), 23, 59) - timedelta(days=interval)
        return {'start_time_point':start_time_point, 'stop_time_point':stop_time_point}
    def makeLabels(self, dt):
        NoValue = 1.7E+308
        labels = {}
        start_time_point = dt['start_time_point']
        stop_time_point = dt['stop_time_point']
        td = stop_time_point - start_time_point
        if td.seconds >= 60:
            minutes = td.seconds / 60
            minutes = 0
            return labels
        for i in range(0, minutes + 1):
            ldate = start_time_point + timedelta(minutes=i)
            datestr = ldate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            hour = "%02d" % ldate.hour
            minute = "%02d" % ldate.minute
            tagn = datestr + ":" + hour + ":" + minute
            labels[tagn] = NoValue
        #log.debug("labels: " + str(sorted(labels.keys())))
        return labels
    def hourlyLabels(self):
        NoValue = 1.7E+308
        labels = {'00':NoValue}
        for i in range(0, 24):
            hour = "%02d" % i            
            labels[hour] = NoValue
        log.debug("labels: " + str(sorted(labels.keys())))
        return labels
    def __getConfig__(self, id, accessed=1):
        t = model.meta.Session.query(model.Categories).filter_by(typeid=id).first()
        if t and accessed:
            t.accessed += accessed
        return t    
    def update_alert_level(self, r, tt):        
        max_value = 0
        alert_level = 0
        for i, row in enumerate(r):
            if row.valuei > max_value:
                max_value = row.valuei
        if max_value > tt.warning and tt.warning > 0:
            alert_level = 1
        if max_value > tt.critical and tt.critical > 0:
            alert_level = 2
        log.debug("tt.warning:" + str(tt.warning))
        log.debug("tt.critical:" + str(tt.critical))
        log.debug("update_alert_level:" + str(alert_level))
        if tt and tt.alertlevel != alert_level:
            tt.alertlevel = alert_level
            log.debug("update_alert_level: update")
        return None 
    def exec_alarm_threshold(self, r1, r2, t):
        alert_list = [0, 0]
        if t.r_alert:
            if t.r_mode == 'a':
                alert_list = self.__analysis_a(r1, t.alarm_threshold)
            elif t.r_mode == 'b':
                alert_list = self.__analysis_b(r1, t.alarm_threshold)
            elif t.r_mode == 'c':
                alert_list = self.__analysis_c(r1, r2, t.alarm_threshold)
            elif t.r_mode == 'd':
                alert_list = self.__analysis_d(r1, r2, t.alarm_threshold)
        if t and t.alertlevel != int(alert_list[0]):
            t.alertlevel = int(alert_list[0])
            log.debug("update_alert_level: update")
        return alert_list 
    def __analysis_a(self, r1, alarm_threshold):
        max_value = 0
        alert_level = 0      
        for i, row in enumerate(r1):
            if row.valuei > max_value:
                max_value = row.valuei
        atlt = eval(alarm_threshold)
        if max_value > int(atlt[2]) and int(atlt[2]) > 0:
            alert_level = 1
        if max_value > int(atlt[3]) and int(atlt[3]) > 0:
            alert_level = 2
        return [alert_level, max_value]
    def __analysis_b(self, r1, alarm_threshold):
        min_value = 1000000
        alert_level = 0      
        for i, row in enumerate(r1):
            if row.valuei < min_value:
                min_value = row.valuei
        atlt = eval(alarm_threshold)
        if min_value < int(atlt[1]) and int(atlt[1]) > 0:
            alert_level = 1
        if min_value < int(atlt[0]) and int(atlt[0]) > 0:
            alert_level = 2
        return [alert_level, min_value]
    def __analysis_c(self, r1, r2, alarm_threshold):
        alert_level = 0
        atlt = eval(alarm_threshold)
        v1 = self.avgValue(r1)
        v2 = self.avgValue(r2)
        if v1 <= 0:
            return [2, -100]
        if v2 <= 0:
            return [0, 0]
        ratio = (v1 - v2) * 100 / v2
        if ratio > 0:
            if ratio > atlt[6]:
                alert_level = 1
            if ratio > atlt[7]:
                alert_level = 2
            if abs(ratio) > atlt[5]:
                alert_level = 1
            if abs(ratio) > atlt[4]:
                alert_level = 2
        return [alert_level, ratio]
    def __analysis_d(self, r1, r2, alarm_threshold):
        # 09:00 - 23:30        
        min_time = my_time.strptime("09:00", "%H:%M")
        max_time = my_time.strptime("23:30", "%H:%M")
        D_max_time = self.__get_rowdata_max_time(r1)
        if min_time <= D_max_time <= max_time:
            return self.__analysis_c(r1, r2, alarm_threshold)
            return [0, 0]
    def __getTopic__(self, id, arrow="pre", type="day"):
        t_obj = model.Categories
        if arrow == "pre":
            t = model.meta.Session.query(t_obj).filter("typeid<" + str(id)).filter_by(graphtype=type).order_by(t_obj.typeid.desc()).first()
            t = model.meta.Session.query(t_obj).filter("typeid>" + str(id)).filter_by(graphtype=type).order_by(t_obj.typeid.asc()).first()                                                                                          
        return t
    def __get_rowdata_max_time(self, data):
        n = 0
        now =
        max_time = now.strftime('%H:%M')
        str_time = ""
        for i, d in enumerate(data):
           str_time = str(d.logtime)[11:16]
           if str_time > max_time:
               max_time = str_time
        return my_time.strptime(max_time, "%H:%M") 
    def getDataSet(self, cn, tid, order, w1="", sort=1, m="all"):
        t_obj = getattr(model, cn)
        where = tid + " " + w1
        if sort:
            order_by = getattr(t_obj, order).asc()
            order_by = getattr(t_obj, order).desc()
        cgh = model.meta.Session.query(t_obj).filter(where).order_by(order_by)
        return getattr(cgh, m)()
    def getRowsData(self, gtype, tid, d1, d2 , s=1):
        if gtype == "day":            
            rows = self.getDataSet("Graphs", "template_id=" + str(tid), "datei", " and datei<='" + d2 + "' and datei>='" + d1 + "' ", s)                                                                              
        elif gtype == "hour":            
            rows = self.getDataSet("GraphsHour", "template_id=" + str(tid), "houri", "and datei='" + d2 + "'", s)
        elif gtype == "host":            
            rows = self.getDataSet("GraphsHost", "template_id=" + str(tid), "id", "and datei='" + d2 + "'", s)        
        elif gtype == "realtime":            
            rows = self.getDataSet("Realtime", "tid=" + str(tid), "id", "and datei='" + d2 + "'", s)
            rows = None
        return rows
    def getGraphData(self, gtype, r1, r2, names, titles, opt, d1, d2, d3):
        if gtype == "hour": 
            from pyfisheyes.model.chartobj import DepthAreaChart as _g
            labs = self.hourlyLabels()
            graph = _g.DepthAreaChart(r1, r2, names, titles, d2, d3, labs).display()
        elif gtype == "host":
            from pyfisheyes.model.chartobj import BorderlessBarChart as _g
            graph = _g.BorderlessBarChart(r1, names, titles, opt, d2).display()
        elif gtype == "day":
            from pyfisheyes.model.chartobj import MultiLineChart as _g
            graph = _g.MultiLineChart(r1, names, titles, opt, d1, d2).display()        
            graph = None
        return graph
    def getRealtimeRowsData(self, tid, timer):        
        start_time_point = timer['start_time_point']
        stop_time_point = timer['stop_time_point']
        datetime1 = start_time_point.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00')
        datetime2 = stop_time_point.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00')
        date1 = start_time_point.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        date2 = stop_time_point.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        log.debug("date1:" + datetime1)
        log.debug("date2:" + datetime2)
        r = model.Realtime
        from sqlalchemy import and_
        if date1 == date2:
            rows = model.meta.Session.query(r).filter_by(tid=tid).filter_by(datei=date1).filter(and_(r.logtime >= datetime1, r.logtime <= datetime2)).order_by(
            rows = model.meta.Session.query(r).filter_by(tid=tid).filter(and_(r.logtime >= datetime1, r.logtime <= datetime2)).order_by(
        return rows
    def getRealtimeGraphData(self, e, gt, ys=""):
        graph = None
        if gt == "small":
            from pyfisheyes.model.chartobj import SimpleLineChart as _g
            graph = _g.SimpleLineChart(e).display()
            if e[10] in ['c','d']:
                from pyfisheyes.model.chartobj import XZoneColoring as _g
                graph = _g.XZoneColoring(e, ys).display()
                from pyfisheyes.model.chartobj import MarksAndZones2 as _g
                graph = _g.MarksAndZones2(e, ys).display()
        return graph
    def sumValue(self, data, n_format=True):
        v = 0
        for i, d in enumerate(data):
            v += d.valuei
        if n_format:
            return _gh.GlobalHandle().numformat(v)
            return v
    def avgValue(self, data):
        v = 0
        n = 0
        for i, d in enumerate(data):
            v += d.valuei
            n += 1
        if n == 0 or v == 0 :
            return 0
        return int(v/n)
    def getEvents(self,id,date):
        e = model.ImgEvent
        EventsId = model.meta.Session.query(e.eid).filter_by(imgid=id).filter_by(e_i_date=date)
        if EventsId:
            events = model.meta.Session.query(model.Events).filter(
        return events

    ########################################## ####file_name: ./pyfisheyes/model/utils/ ##########################################

    -- coding: utf-8 --

    import logging from pyfisheyes import model

    log = logging.getLogger(name)

    class WebAPI():

    def __init__(self, template,request):
        self.t = template
        self.r = request = "1999-01-01" = ""
        self.hour = ""
        if "datei" in self.r.POST:
   = self.r.POST['datei']
        if "houri" in self.r.POST:
            self.hour = self.r.POST['houri']
        if "host" in self.r.POST:
   = self.r.POST['host']
        self.templateid = template.typeid = None
        self.message = """" +"self.hour=" + self.hour)"self.templateid=" + str(self.templateid))
    def __CheckFormat__(self):
        items = self.t.items.split(",")
        for item in items:
            if item not in self.r.POST:
                self.message = "INVALID FORMAT"
                return False
                if self.r.POST[item] == "":
                    self.message = "%s : Content Feed Error" % item
                    return False
        return True


    def __isExistHour__(self):
        n = model.meta.Session.query(model.GraphsHour).filter_by(template_id=self.templateid).filter_by(
        if n > 0:
            return True
            return False
    def __setMediaData__(self):
        items = self.t.items.split(",") = ""
        for item in items:
            if not len(
       = self.r.POST[item]
       += "," + self.r.POST[item]
    def SaveDataForGraphsHour(self):
        if self.__CheckFormat__():                
        return self.message
    def SaveDataForGraphsHourUpdate(self):
   = model.meta.Session.query(model.GraphsHour).filter_by(template_id=self.templateid).filter_by(
            return False
        return True        
    def SaveDataForGraphsHourInsert(self):
        if not self.__isExistHour__():
                items = self.t.items.split(",")
       = model.GraphsHour()
       = self.templateid
       = self.r.POST['datei']
       = self.r.POST['houri']
                return False
        return True


    def SaveDataForGraphsDay(self):
        if self.__CheckFormat__():                
        return self.message
    def SaveDataForGraphsDayUpdate(self):
   = model.meta.Session.query(model.Graphs).filter_by(template_id=self.templateid).filter_by(
            return False
        return True        
    def SaveDataForGraphsDayInsert(self):
        if not self.__isExistDay__():
                items = self.t.items.split(",")
       = model.Graphs()
       = self.templateid
       = self.r.POST['datei']     
                return False
        return True
    def __isExistDay__(self):
        n = model.meta.Session.query(model.Graphs).filter_by(template_id=self.templateid).filter_by(
        if n > 0:
            return True
            return False


    def SaveDataForGraphsHost(self):
        if self.__CheckFormat__():                
        return self.message
    def SaveDataForGraphsHostUpdate(self):
   = model.meta.Session.query(model.GraphsHost).filter_by(template_id=self.templateid).filter_by(
            return False
        return True        
    def SaveDataForGraphsHostInsert(self):
        if not self.__isExistHost__():
                items = self.t.items.split(",")
       = model.GraphsHost()
       = self.templateid
       = self.r.POST['datei']
       = self.r.POST['host']
                return False
        return True
    def __isExistHost__(self):
        n = model.meta.Session.query(model.GraphsHost).filter_by(template_id=self.templateid).filter_by(
        if n > 0:
            return True
            return False


    def SaveDataForGraphsRealtime(self):
        if self.__CheckFormat__():                
        return self.message
    def SaveDataForGraphsRealtimeUpdate(self):
   = model.meta.Session.query(model.Realtime).filter_by(tid=self.templateid).filter_by(
   = self.r.POST['value']
            return False
        return True        
    def SaveDataForGraphsRealtimeInsert(self):
        if not self.__isExistHost__():
                items = self.t.items.split(",")
       = model.Realtime()
       = self.templateid
       = self.r.POST['datei']
       = self.r.POST['hour']
       = self.r.POST['minute']
       = self.r.POST['value']
                return False
        return True
    def __isExistRealtime__(self):
        n = model.meta.Session.query(model.Realtime).filter_by(tid=self.templateid).filter_by(
        if n > 0:
            return True
            return False

    ########################################## ####file_name: ./pyfisheyes/model/utils/ ##########################################

    -- coding: utf-8 --

    import logging import json from datetime import datetime

    from pylons import request from pyfisheyes import model from pyfisheyes.model.utils import GlobalHandle as _gh from pyfisheyes.model.utils import ViewHandle as _vh from webhelpers import paginate log = logging.getLogger(name)

    class DailyReportHandle():

    def compare_background_data(self,t,odate, min=4):
        vh = _vh.ViewHandle()
        date1 = vh.__getDate__(odate, 1)
        timerange1 = vh.getSharpDayMinute(date1)
        rows1 = vh.getRealtimeRowsData(t.typeid, timerange1)
        sum1 = self.sumValue(rows1)
        timerange2 = vh.getSharpDayMinute(date1, 7)
        rows2 = vh.getRealtimeRowsData(t.typeid, timerange2)
        sum2 = self.sumValue(rows2)
        dv_ratio = 0
        level = "Norml"
        status = "同比上周同一天上涨:"
        status_n = ""
        time_range = ""
        start_time_point = timerange1['start_time_point']
        stop_time_point = timerange1['stop_time_point']
        datetime1 = start_time_point.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00')
        datetime2 = stop_time_point.str


    Pyfisheyes is a Python-based performance monitoring platform designed to enhance system performance and stability. It provides actionable recommendations to optimize operations and ensure a reliable environment.








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