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String edited this page Apr 14, 2015 · 3 revisions

What is Artifactory?

Artifactory is a "Binary Repository Manager".

For our purposes, we use it to store jar files, so they can be access during Gradle builds. Artifactory controls access to jar files, and the handling of various versions and snapshots.


Artifactory for v8.4

Creating Artifactory Users for v8.4


This service isn't supposed to shut down, and should reload upon system startup.

Nevertheless if you find it is not running you can investigate why and restart the service by logging on to the ToolTwist server (ask Aravind, D2 or J2 for details) and run this command.

    % ssh artifactory@ -p 2023
    $ ps -ef | grep java               (check it isn't running)
    $ sudo service artifactory status  (look a bit more)
    $ cd /mnt/ebs/artifactory/artifactory-3.2.0/logs
    -- Look for anything strange in the log files --
    $ sudo service artifactory start

After a few minutes Amazon will notice that the artifactory web server is working again and take in online.

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