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How To Setup Selenium Automation(ToolTwist)

jayturla edited this page Apr 11, 2014 · 1 revision
  1. Checkout the TestAutomation CodeBase
  2. In Eclipse Click Help >> Install New Software >> Click ADD >> Enter Name and Location
  3. Enter this Link in the Location,, Then Click OK >> Finish
  4. Under ProjectName >> Create New Package name test-scripts
  5. Under test-scripts >> Create New Package library,test,utilities
  6. Paste the ObjectReference class inside library
  7. Paste the Test Class inside test
  8. Paste the Utility Class inside utilities
  9. Under ProjectName >> config Folder >> create new Folder "selenium"
  10. Under selenium folder >> Create folder "selenium-config" and "test-data"
  11. In selenium-config folder paste testdata.xml
  12. In test-data folder paste the Test data files and
  13. Align with the Project Create Folder "test-automation" then Paste all the Jars
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