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ECS First time setup

Philip Callender edited this page Sep 23, 2016 · 1 revision

These steps need to be performed once for each Amazon AWS account...

Access the ECS Dashboard by selecting EC2 Container Service on the AWS menu.


IMPORTANT NOTE If you see the ECS dashboard then the steps on this page are probably already run, and you can leave this page now.


First time Wizard

The first time you go to the ECS Dashboard it will show you the First Time Wizard. Using this will create a cluster named default and it will also set up the security groups, subnets, and everything else required to run ECS.


A few notes while using this wizard:

  • Create the sample application, but not the registry.
  • Don't set up an ELB 1.

Grant ECS access to S3 buckets

Open the Identity and Access Management (IAM) console at

In the navigation pane, choose Roles.

Choose the IAM role you use for your container instances (this role is likely titled ecsInstanceRole). For more information, see Amazon ECS Container Instance IAM Role.

Under Managed Policies, choose Attach Policy.

On the Attach Policy page, type S3 into the Filter field to narrow the policy results.

Check the box to the left of the AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess or AmazonS3FullAccess policy and click Attach Policy.

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