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Automatically instantiating Server Instances

philcal edited this page Dec 19, 2014 · 2 revisions


If you have an account at DigitalOcean (servers starting at 45/month) you can automatically instantiate a new server in about one minute. In a new project directory, initialize the directory with this command:

    $ tooltwist init digital-ocean

This will:

  • create a new 'droplet' (server), with prerequisite software installed (Nodejs, Java, Ruby, Git, Imagemagick, etc)
  • prepare an account for user tooltwist.
  • Copy you public RSA key to allow password-less login to user tooltwist using SSH.
  • Install new, unique credentials for FIP on the remote server and the local machine.
  • Update tooltwist.js

While you can immediately deployed to this server, it's generally a good idea to first test the configuration by running a Designer on the current machine:

    $ tooltwist designer

Change the web design project and any other details in tooltwist.js as required, then perform a full deployment:

    $ tooltwist deploy


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