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Tools related to documenting REST, JSON and Javascript

Phil Callender edited this page May 28, 2013 · 3 revisions

Tools for defining, editing, and testing JSON

Apiary is a cloud based service that acts as a proxy and monitors calls to your REST services, checking for compliance. It also has some api definition/documentation ability, but looks a bit simple. converts JSON <--> JSONSchema. A wonderful online tool, 100% javascript based.

Orderly is a language that simplifies defining JSON. Good online utility to convert back and forth. Orderly<-->JSONSchema.

IOdocs is a JSON API definition tool with ability to call services. Looks great. Easy to install on Node. May have a problem defining the body sent to POST requests. Not much space to define complicated input or output JSON.

Alpaca generates HTML forms from JSONSchema. Looks a bit simplistic - not sure it would handle complex data. Generates for bootstrap, jQuery, jQueryMobile, and some sort of AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) file.

Onde creates complex forms from JSONSchemas. Looks good, but only saves data to disk.

JSONForm is supposed to create HTML forms from a JSONSchema, but I couldn't get their 'playground' example working (didn't try long).

Carte is a tool used to create intentionally simple REST documentation, in the form of static HTML pages (using Jekyll). Not intended to be used to call the REST services.

Swagger is similar to iodocs and creates great looking REST documentation, with the ability to call the REST services. It appears to take a lot of effort to install, as it requires installing their proprietary Scala-based web server (Scalatra). I saw mention of the ability to install in on Node, but didn't try it out.

Matic produces clean, simple web documentation from an HTML Schema. This might be worth embedding in ToolTwist. It's an early stage project that could be worth watching).

JSON-EDIT creates input forms from JSONSchemas. Very comprehensive, even though the site looks crappy. - various links related to JSONSchema.

An awesome list of JSON editing tools can be found here.

Tools for Documenting Javascript

Doxx shows comments and source code interleaved. Nice output.

Docco also produces great looking comments and code interleaved (similar to Doxx).

JSDOC produces output similar to Javadoc.

YuiDoc is the tool from Yahoo that produces great looking documentation, but is probably overkill for most projects. It seems very well suited to documenting Object-Oriented Javascript modules, but might not work so well with Node modules (not confirmed).

Related Topics

Examples of god JSON documentation

Guidelines for writing JSON documentation

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