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Command line deployment

Phil Callender edited this page Aug 23, 2014 · 1 revision

Edit the config file

The first step is to define the server you wish to deploy to. This is done by updating the deploy section in tooltwist.js.

    "mode" : "deploy",


    "deploy" : {
            installDesigner: true,
            servers: [
                            id: 'server1',
                            description: "Test server",
                            host: '',
                            disable: false,
                            isProductionServer: true,
                            serverHome: '/home/tooltwist/server',
                            webappName: "ttsvr",
                            installCmd: "",
                            installMethod: "fip",
                            username: "",
                            password: "",
                            imagemagickHome: "/usr/local",
                            sshPort: 0,
                            fipPort: 39393,

                            // Hopefully obsolete
                            installTomcat: false,
                            webappsDir: "/home/trackmotion/server/tomcat/webapps",
                            tomcatHome: "/home/trackmotion/server/tomcat",
                            httpPort: 9280,
                            httpsPort: 9281,
                            serverPort: 9282,
                            ajpPort: 9283,
                            webcontentInJars: false

Doing the Deployment

This is rather simple:

    $ tooltwist

Logging in to the remote server

To simplify logging in, and to help ensure you log in to the correct server, this command can be used:

    $ tooltwist login

Changing the deployment rules

A rules file is used to specify which files get deployed to the remote server(s).

The default rules install the application while being careful not to overwrite Tomcat configuration files or logs, or effecting the site-specific configuration files.

This file very rarely needs to be changed, but if necessary can be tweaked by modifying template ZZZZZ.

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