Just another Brainfuck interpreter
May 12, 2019 - JavaScript
An esoteric programming language, or "esolang", is a computer programming language
intended to entertain or confuse, to be a joke or to explore new concepts.
Esolangs may be minimalistic or, conversely, bloated.
Often an esolang has features that made it harder to use on purpose.
Esolangs are mostly not designed for serious use, unlike mainstream languages.
Just another Brainfuck interpreter
🧠 A interpreter generator for your BF-aliases language
A toy BrainF-eqsue language.
An esoteric programming language designed to look like a culinary recipe
A fantasy VM and javascript transpiler for Mmmm()
Interpreter for PIPES 2D image programming language
Javascript/HTML5 grab-bag for esolangs and gewgaws
containing a js interpreter, demo app and example programs
An interpreter for the Deadfish esoteric programming language, and its relatives, implemented in modern JavaScript.
A one instruction Turing Machine - SUBtract and branch if Less-than or EQual to zero
Programming language made up of chess games
MIRROR of https://codeberg.org/catseye/Etcha : A BitChanger-like esolang where the tape head is a turtle
JSFuckr: encode JavaScript using only six chars ([+<])
Semafor 🟢🔴 minimalistic esoteric programming language
Der Spielplatz der Deutschen Programmiersprache
An esoteric language for code-golfing that describes the data-flow then the operations.
(parenthis) is an esoteric programming language
A minimalistic interpreted esolang based around pointers.