CSE 310 - Compiler Sessional
Jul 15, 2021 - Yacc
A grammar describes the syntax of a programming language, and might be defined in Backus-Naur form (BNF). A lexer performs lexical analysis, turning text into tokens. A parser takes tokens and builds a data structure like an abstract syntax tree (AST). The parser is concerned with context: does the sequence of tokens fit the grammar? A compiler is a combined lexer and parser, built for a specific grammar.
CSE 310 - Compiler Sessional
A project enhancing a simple compiler using Flex and Bison, supporting additional features like int and double types, for loops, and input/output statements. The compiler handles variable declarations, assignments, and error reporting for undeclared variables and unsupported types.
Transpiler from CT language to Java
🔧 My studies involving context-free grammar analysis. The analyzers were built using familiar tools such as YACC, Lex and Bison. Topics covered include token filtering, simple variable manipulation, and arrays.
This project is a compiler for a special form of math expressions using Lex and Yacc.
"Formal Languages, Automata and Compilers" course project
A simple parser for a simple grammar using lex and yacc tools.
a simple compiler use flex and bison just for university project
Freedom Lang, my own programming language implemented in the C language infrastructure.
A Lex and Yacc-based compiler for a new language inspired by C. With its powerful parsing and lexical analysis capabilities, this compiler efficiently translates high-level code into executable machine language.
Specifications You will extend calc.l and calc.y to parse and type check programs whose syntax is defined below. Prog ! main() {Stmts} Stmts ! ε | Stmt; Stmts Stmt ! int Id | float Id | Id = E | printvar Id E ! Integer | Float | Id | E + E | E * E Integer ! digit+ Float -> Integer . Integer
Construção do trabalho prático da disciplina de Compiladores (1/2024)
This is a mini C compiler built using lex and yacc. This was part of our innovative assignment.
This repository includes a study that aims to create and operate a new basic programming language. Detailed info in ReadMe
This repository contains all home and lab assignments for the CSE 310 : Compiler Sessional course, part of our Term-1, Level-3 curriculum. It applies theories from CSE 309 to build a C compiler.
Contains the project for the CS315- Programming Languages course
A3E is a simple programming language compiler similar to C++ built using Flex and Bison and a simple GUI for testing.